  • Report:  #1259880

Complaint Review: Modern Pest - Manchester New Hampshire

Reported By:
TheTruth - New Hampshire, USA

Modern Pest
1 perimeter rd. Manchester, 03103 New Hampshire, USA
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 I want to state that I rent and had this problem. I had a bed bug issue as soon as I moved in, I went threw the obvious steps. My rental company hired Modern Pest Service to take care of the job. So they come do their inspection, then scedual a heat treatment. I was fine in till the creepy & sketchy Modern Pest Service agent keep coming buy once a month to do "Checks". At least that's what they call them. A few inspection go by and suddenly we have them agian. We get rid of them once agian. Then I started to notice a pattern. There gone then the inspection happen and I get bites once agian. Not to mention weather or not you are renting you have the right to say who can enter your house. So at the first inspection I made it clear to the inspector that we have had for every treatment to NOT enter my home with out me answering the door. I stated this to the inspector when he said that the rental company gave the inspector the keys anyway. At one point I did not get to the door fast enough for inspector's liking so the inspector decided to lunlock my dor and enter. Upon hearing some one enter my home I run out. Aggravated of course I told the inspector to leave I was not ready YET, an even if they have the rental company's permission my permission is still needed. With this said I expect the inspector to return with the fact in mind that he had other apartments to check in the same buiding. This was not the case he left and to my rental company I did not let him do his job at all and I was threatened with a eviction. Very unprofessional conduct, to screw up an some one gets mad at you for unawfully enter your home then you don't tell the rental company the whole story is unprofessional. Now to be sure we didn't get them agian I bought a steamer and threw out almost all fabric furniture I own. I don't have carpets by they way so wasn't to worried about them. I then cleaned EVERYTHING (Almost literally) with hospital grade prorixide cleaner, then bleach, and then 71% alcohol. I was sure I got rid of them. I wasn't getting bit anymore I was happy..... in till the pest inspector came around. See he came and did a very, very, very thorough inspection. I looked everywhere he looked. Pulled the mattress off the frame checked all the nooks, crannys, and slots. Nothing! Zip, zilch, nodda.. so I had to leave my home right after he left. He knew I was leaving, we left at the same time. I walked down the street to meet up with my other half (getting off of work). I'm hanging out for about 20 minutes a block down the street, then I finally see him drive by. Now him and I where talking while he was in my home and I knew he "had" places to go.

Here is where it gets better, later that night my other half and I where lying down. We start talking and I talk about how we inspected everything and we didn't see a thing. So to show that there was nothing I wanted my other half to see. I lift the mattress and show the little slot we checked earlier that day.. to my surprise there was eggs running up and down it with a few bed bugs. My Web research and by what the inspector stated there is no way they can multiply and breed that much in approximately 4-5 hrs. Yes there is no solid proof per-say. Just too add to this I do not buy used furniture or stuff like that, not because I'm to good for that. But because of the fear of getting any type of pest problem. It's a warning watch out. I know I wasn't getting them from anything I was doing. I hope this report helps someone.

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