  • Report:  #44876

Complaint Review: Monterstar Limited - Cookeville Tennessee

Reported By:
- blommington springs, Tennessee,

Monterstar Limited
www.montsr.com Cookeville, 38501 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My credit card account was charged $39.99 on jan. 22nd and two other attempts were made.

I called my credit card company and they told me that the charges were from www.montsr.com. I called monterstar at 800-897-8063. I was on hold at least 15 minutes. When I finally got the operator, he said he would close my account out. I have tried calling back several times and I get a busy signal or put on hold, until I hang up.

I have contacted the local police and the FBI and several other authorities. The local police are having no luck, they can't get through either.

If this happens to you, close your credit card and get a new number issued. My credit card company told me that I was not their only customer getting charged from www.montsr.com and that others were being charged monthly.


cookeville, Tennessee

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