  • Report:  #159724

Complaint Review: Move4less - Nationwide

Reported By:
- portland, Oregon,

8429 Bay Crest Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following letters were sent by me to the Better Business Bureau and Move4Less.


Don M. Reese

1940 NW Miller Road #I-430

Portland, Oregon 97229

(602) 290-2663

VIA FACSIMILE: (702) 320-4560

September 22, 2005

Better Business Bureau

2301 Palomino Lane

Las Vegas, NV 89107

Re: Move 4 Less Scam Operation

Dear Better Business Bureau,

I recently hired Move-4-Less to move us from Phoenix, Arizona to Portland, Oregon (Job No. 363549). I contacted several different moving companies prior to selecting Move-4-Less. My foremost reason for deciding on Move-4-Less over the others was because of their Better Business Bureau membership. I verified that they are a member by going to your website where I found a link containing Move-4-Less' membership information - http://www.vegasbbb.org/commonreport.html?compid=67156. In addition to my filing this formal complaint with your organization about Move-4-Less you should be aware that you too have been duped. Move-4-Less is a complete 100% scam operation that screws people out of their money while failing to deliver the services for which they represent themselves to provide.

I have sent two letters to Mr. Avraham Cohen, the company's owner, but have received no replies from him. Rather than re-type all that I wrote in those letters I will ask you to please review them; they are attached. Therein you will see that I assert that Move-4-Less did not provide the service we paid for. Additionally, their procedures are designed such that they can take your money and not deliver services. They only accept cash or money order. Once they have your things you cannot get them back without paying them this money. It is extortion!

What I have received is a letter from some company in Arizona that is, as far as I am concerned, unrelated. My relationship by way of contract is with Move-4-Less, not Anthem Claim Management LLC. Incidentally, I have found some information on the internet about Anthem Claim Management which I have attached hereto. They appear to be part of the scam.

I have also attached pages from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's website (FMCSA) that shows that, 1) Move-4-Less does not currently have insurance coverage as they are required to by law, and 2) Move-4-Less' authority to operate as a Household Goods Common Carrier was revoked on September 6, 2005. However, they were apparently first put on notice on August 1, 2005 that this was about to happen. I did not retain Move-4-Less until August 6, 2005. THIS IS FRAUD! This company who is a member of the Better Business Bureau is no longer licensed to operate as an interstate carrier and they have no insurance to which claims can be made.

Adding insult to injury is our learning about what Move-4-Less does behind the scenes. I asked several times for copies of the weigh station receipts because I did not believe the weight that they said our property came to. But, even with those receipts there could be no level of comfort. We have learned that Move-4-Less weighs the truck when the gas tank is empty and all of the moving supplies (i.e. blankets, hand-trucks, etc.) are off the truck. Then after they have loaded your property they fill the 40-gallon tank and throw on all of the moving supplies. This must add 500 to 1000 pounds to the weight that they stick to their customers.

At this point I wonder if we will never see a dime for the claims we have made to Move-4-Less, but which have not been responded to by them. Nonetheless, I am copying both of the insurance carriers listed on the FMCSA's website, as well as the FMCSA. I am asking for your assistance so we can get compensation for our missing and damaged property. I also think that Move-4-Less should be shut down and Mr. Avraham Cohen permanently barred the moving industry!



Cc: Mr. Avraham Cohen Via Facsimile: (702) 889-6685


8429 Bay Crest Drive

Las Vegas, Nevada 89128

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

United States Department of Transportation

400 7th Street SW

Washington, D.C. 20590

Office of Attorney General

Nevada Department of Justice

Consumer Protection Division

555 E. Washington Ave., Ste. 3900

Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Canal Insurance Company

P.O. Box 7

Greenville, South Carolina 29602

Fireman's Fund Insurance Company

Ms. Stephanie Reneri

777 San Marin Drive

Novato, California 94998

Rip-Off Report Via Website: www.ripoffreport.com


September 11, 2005

Move 4 Less LLC

Attn: Mr. Avraham Cohen

8429 Bay Crest Drive

Las Vegas, Nevada 89128

Re: Job No. 363549

Dear Mr. Cohen,

On August 5, 2005 I retained Move-4-Less with a $150.00 deposit. I did considerable research into moving companies before deciding to go with Move-4-Less. The main determining factor in making the decision to hire your company was because of your membership with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

As a businessman myself, I am aware of the stringent criteria set by the BBB, which must be met in order to achieve and maintain a satisfactory rating with their organization. It was my expectation that your company would provide expert moving services. Having lived in no fewer than ten different states and fifteen different cities in my lifetime, I am no stranger to moving. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Move-4-Less is by far the worst moving company I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with.

This letter constitutes a formal dispute of the charges levied by your company, the accuracy of those charges, the representations of your advertising, and your earning of a good standing with the Better Business Bureau.

Your team arrived on August 23, 2005 at our location in Phoenix, Arizona to pack all of the items in the house that we had not already packed ourselves, crate fragile items, wrap furniture in protective covering, and load the truck. Within five minutes of their arrival I experienced the first breach of the representations previously made by your company. As detailed in the attached estimate dated July 29, 2005 we were to be billed for transport at a rate of $0.55 per pound period.

Upon arrival, Lee (last name unreadable) began explaining to me how they would be operating that day. He proceeded to tell me that because I had opted for being billed a per pound rate (versus what I don't know) that there would be an additional charge for unloading then reloading the truck at the weigh station. I disagreed and showed him the estimate from July 29, 2005. The conversation became heated and finally I asked that he and his two helpers wait outside while I called your office to complain.

Shortly thereafter I was told verbally from the person I spoke with at your company that I was correct. I then asked Lee and his men to resume (begin) doing what they were there to do. Were it not for the fact that closing on the sale of my house was in less than 48 hours, I would have fired your company right then. However there was no way for me to make arrangements for a replacement moving company in such short notice. Regardless, the truck was loaded and at day-end I gave $1300.00 in cash to the driver per the agreement.

Delivery day at our new address in Portland, Oregon came on September 8, 2005. We had no idea before hand what a horrible experience that day would prove to be. I was surprised to see that there were only two guys on the truck; one middle aged, and both considerably overweight.

In my mind there should have been at least four men; in appropriate physical condition to carry a truckload of belongings from a four bedroom house up the two flights of steps to our new home. I was immediately asked for the remainder of the amount of money your company claimed owing, which was $2066.00. Unloading the truck would not begin until the remainder your company claimed owing was paid. I gave the younger of the two men (name unknown) $2100.00 cash. I asked him for a receipt, but he muttered something about giving it to me later. I never received a receipt!

About ten minutes after I had turned over the cash one of the men asked me if I knew where they could get some help to unload and carry things up the steps. Of course I did not know where they could get help; that is what Move 4 Less was hired for! It was not nearly 3:00 PM, their truck was taking up four neighbors assigned parking places, I had turned over $2100.00 in cash, and all of our worldly possessions still needed to be unloaded.

The result was that my partner and I ended up busting our asses doing most of the work necessary to reclaim our belongings! We hauled most of the items up the two flights of stairs to our new place. During this time I heard the younger man say to the other, don't say anything, let him do it [the work]; referring to me. After that, we setup a video recorder from a window inside our apartment that shows how we did the work that your company was paid to do.

My partner (Paul) and I were absolutely astonished to see how our things had been packed; the utter disregard for our possessions. Examples include;

Paul's original framed photography thrown in flat box with a rolled up rug in-between (the frames and photos destroyed as a result),

All the legs from our chairs and sofa missing (#161 on inventory),

A large wardrobe box that must have weighed between 300 and 400lbs (wardrobe box we were billed $22.00 for) containing a $200 lamp thrown in loosely with tools, a vacuum cleaner, and other miscellaneous heavy metal items from the garage. There was no padding whatsoever, just items tossed into a huge box.

Nearly every box crushed to some degree from the poor manner they had been loaded on the truck.

An office printer/fax machine so roughly handled that even though packed inside a box the internal print cartages had broken away from their brackets, destroying the printer/fax.

Items were delivered to us that did not belong to us - including a dining room table, bicycles, and miscellaneous boxes.

Items of ours are missing altogether; undoubtedly delivered to some other Move 4 Less customer (items include a serving cart, office book selves, dresser, bed frame, picture framing materials at least.

Adding insult to injury is that I have learned that Move-4-Less engages in acts that willfully screw people. I do not believe that the items we had Move-4-Less ship weighed 5700ish pounds (I don't recall the precise number given to me on the telephone) and I have never been given receipts.

I believe you further cheated us by adding approximately 1,000 pounds to the actual weight by way of fraudulent means. The procedure whereby you are to determine the actual weight of the items you are carrying for any given customer is clearly defined verbally by your representatives, your written estimates, and your website. Therefore I will not bother to reiterate it here.

I will point out that, even though I asked, I have not received copies of the weigh stations official weigh tickets as you are required to provide. Meanwhile in doing some poking around I've been told that Move-4-Less artificially inflates the total weight by weighing the truck with an empty gas tank, but once the customer's property is aboard the gas tank(s) is filled and that weight added to what the customer is paying $0.55 per pound. I understand other tactics involve doing the same thing with all of the padded blankets and other supplies. You blatantly defraud customers! That is a serious matter Mr. Cohen.

In wrapping up this lengthy account of our experience as a customer of Move-4-Less I am providing you an itemization of our things that are either missing or damaged. They are;


Cherry bookshelves (missing) $350.00

Framing materials (missing) $100.00

Metal bed frame (missing) $ 25.00

Six drawer dresser (missing) $600.00

Two black leather chairs (missing) $600.00

Sofa / chair legs (12) $ 50.00

Matt-board cutter (destroyed) $400.00

HP all-in-one printer (destroyed) $200.00

Framed original photos (2) (damaged/destroyed) $200.00

Framed abstract art (2) (damaged) $250.00

Cherry serving cart (missing) $200.00

Sub total $2,975.00

Five hours labor-Paul & me $200.00

($10.00 per hour for our time plus the time of

an additional two men who should have been

and whose pay was undoubtedly figured into the

cost of the amount we paid).

Over-billing (1000 pounds) $550.00

____________________________________ ________

TOTAL 3,725.00

This is the amount of money Move-4-Less owes us. Again, this is to cover the damages to our possessions, the fraudulent actions you engage in, and for doing the work your company was supposed to do. I am giving you ten (10) full days from Monday to respond / reimburse me. That gives you until September 21, 2005 by 5:00 PM.

If you refuse this demand or if I do not hear from you, I will see you in court at which time I will be seeking additional monies from you for costs associated with filing a lawsuit and other damages as the court may deem appropriate given the egregious acts of your company. I will also be filing with the appropriate regulatory agencies formal complaints that will include the video and photos that document our claims.




portland, Oregon

Click here to read other Rip Off Report list of other Moving Companies

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on National Moving Network and other various transport companies ripping off the consumer

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Move 4 Less, Llc

Las Vegas,
Mr. Reese has totally exaggerated the situation.

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 07, 2008

Mr. R has totally exaggerated the situation. It is no secrete that Move 4 Less did do this move, and that the move had problems. It all started when Mr. R was quoted a price over the phone based on the inventor list that he supplied us with. When the moving crew arrived and found dozens of extra boxes and several pieces of furniture that was not on the original inventory list, he was given three choices. 1) We can move only the items on the inventory list. 2) We can write him a Revised Written Estimate to move everything. Or 3) We could cancel the move. Mr. R chose the Revised Written Estimate, and never asked myself, Lee, or any of the other guys to wait outside while he talked to our office. Then we loaded the truck and left. After the move was completed, and the shipment was delivered (no odd items left were delivered); Mr. R contacted us explaining that there were missing and broken items, and that he would like to file an insurance claim. Some time after he filed with the insurance company, we were contacted about a possible insurance fraud case. The insurance company had apparently denied him his claim stating fraud as the reason. At this news, Mr. R threatened bad press, BBB, court, internet posting (like this one), etc. Since then, we have settled and closed this case both with Mr. R and the BBB. So, was his move completed perfectly? NO. We move several thousand families all over the US every year, and it would be unrealistic and a lie to say that every move is perfect and nothing ever breaks; the truth is that every once-in-a-while things do go wrong. So was Mr. R' move as bad as he claims? No, Mr. R has totally exaggerated the situation, and his anger stems from the fact that the insurance claim was rejected.

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