  • Report:  #1184145

Complaint Review: (Movie Maker Nyc) (DIANACOLLV INC - New york New York

Reported By:
Ben Irish Aka Ben Lagorstrum is a con artist at Moviemakernyc.simdif.com - New York, New York,

(Movie Maker Nyc) (DIANACOLLV INC
755 10th Ave New york, 10019 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Ben Iris is a fake director & is a con artist. He really is a broke door man at a resdential buikding ! He apporached me on the street about being my model agent. I gave him my email. Over the coming weeks Benjamin started to email me late at night to meet him in Riverside park. I did research and found out he is con artist. I never met him but I met 2 girls that paid him $1000 each for Benjamin Irish to build them a web site. They never got a web site

He also is involved in selling  ilegal soft wear for computers ! He tried to get me to buy micrio soft office






19 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,
United States
I worked with Ben Irish and I am grateful for it.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 26, 2020

 Ben Irish is a good man and I am grateful for working for him in the wrestling and entertainment businesses. He would give people a chance, a break as they say, and that's rare. He paid name performers a lot more than rookies and the pay was far from great but it was more than most promoters and he paid me every penny he promised me. I think a lot of this is just jealousy because the promoter became the biggest attraction in the market not the boys, but that's the business.

Benjamin Irish

New York,
Benjamin Irish Responds

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 07, 2015

First of all thank you to Ripoff Report for providing such a valuable service that only helps foster everything that is great about this country and the form of Democracy we created here, where anybody with a complaint can be heard, and everybody has their day in court, for it is the only system that WORKS. Accountability.

Also, great thanks to all of our friends and associates who were so kind to take time from their daily schedules, working hard and getting ahead, to stand up for both myself and the company. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we appreciate the support. 

We are fully aware of who the person who wrote these false allegations against myself and my company is. We will not stoop so low as to mention to his name, and all we desire to say about him is that he is headed to prison very, very soon for some horrific crimes he committed that had nothing to do with us. We were just the catalyst that got the ball rolling on putting him away. He knows who is, and we urge him to seek forgiveness from the the Almighty for what he has done. We hope one day he can look into the mirror at himself, for himself.

obviously the claims leveled are false. We do not work with models, per se, and have never taken a penny from any model (let alone any woman, as gentlemen), and in fact, we are the only group out there today producing quality projects that puts the actors and actresses FIRST, and the negative claims made herein are born out of a vendetta that this filthy person has against us for taking a very talented actress he missed the boat on to a 2.6 million dollar contract offer.

I encourage the public, actors, actresses and the like to visit our website and learn more about the positivity we travel in and the great things we have accomplished over the past several months. Jealousy fueled these false allegations. We recently completed a documentary about the sleaze in the entertainment business and more information can be found on our site about that. We are proud of our work, proud of being working class people, and proud of the accomplishments of of our associates. 







New Jersey,
I worked for Ben Irish

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 01, 2015

Ben was a mean and scary son of a ------ who terrified a good number of people. I watched him pull a promoter to the side in New York one night and put such a scare in him the poor man urinated on himself. Benjamin is a very dirty and corrupt promoter who would probably kill over money. Nice guy.


Georgia ,
Benjamin lagorstrum Lagerstrum aka benjamin Irish stole

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 15, 2015


755 10th ave

Ny ny 10019

347 237 8728

Benjamin Irish aka Benjamin Lagorstrum

Dianacpllv inc

[email protected]

ben is a fraud who took my money and told me he would get me model work !

there is nothing on internet about him being in entrainment except on his low budget web site  

Ben Is Innocent!

New York,
NOT TRUE Benjamin is The Greatest

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 06, 2014

I wanted to write this... my English is not the best... I run a hotel and resort in Dominican Republic and Benjamin has come many times... he is like a celebrity in our country because people know him and his business with Jack Venenno, and he made the Jack movie and for a time he was very famous... the person who write this report said they met Benjamin on the street but then said they never met him. Well, no matter because Benjamin is the nicest guy ever and sometimes we give him free rooms because he always treated everybody so nice. Benjamin one time saw this woman make a complaint on a girl who worked in the hotel and he called the manager at the time over and explain it was not real and talked so professional that the owner asked Benjamin to run his business. I had the pleasure to meet Benjamin one night and we talked for a long time and he was one of the most intelligence people I ever knew. He was is very smart and I saw how good he was to everybody. Benjamin treated poor people very good. Lots of tourists come and do not get it but Benjamin gets it and he is a true legend.

New age

New York,
Politics here but NOT Dominican

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

First of all whoever wrote this spelled Benjamin's name "IRIS" so he does not really know him... And it is ALL FAKE AND LIES, I know him over 20 years. Here is what this is about, it is a political attack but it is NOT because of Jack Veneno dying/dead, it is because Benjamin Irish is running all over the country looking for millions of dollars and the word is he found the next big thing. There is a lot of talk that he has been making a movie and managing an actress, and that he has some big deal going on. These people are jealous because they are not on Ben's level. This is one heck of a good, good person. I hope this does well. I have known him on and off for twenty years, used his services and he has always been right on the money, and he is an amazing guy and very very smart. I know when he got in to making films years back he built all his own equipment, and he was doing digital production long before it was popular. I hired him years ago to make a TV commercial into a digital file and he did it on a computer he had a VCR connected to. The production studios charged an arm and a leg for this, and they used a non-digital system. Ben was a kid and did it in his house. But he is also very smart in a lot of other ways, and I can tell you that I never once saw him do anything even CLOSE to what this person is saying. This has nothing to do with Dominican politics, it is sleazy show business politics and Benjamin is going to make these people look like the jealous fools they really are. F.H. New York

The Beast

New Jersey,
NOT TRUE, Benjamin and Dianaco are GREAT

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 24, 2014

I worked for Benjamin Irish as a performer in Dominican Republic and got to know him and his wife and he was a little hard as a boss but he was also a great boss, and did make films and did make a boatload of money for Jack Veneno and everybody else failed at that. I heard he paid Jack more money than any other promoter before him, and I remember Jack and his wife calling Benjamin an Angel in front of a group of people. I can say this about Benjamin, 1) he was a true friend who helped me out and I appreciate him for that, 2) he brought all these American entertainers in and paid them lots of money, BUT he also paid all the Dominican entertainers just the same, and he was probably the only promoter that ever did that, 3) he helped fund arts in The Dominican Republic, and one has to realize that there is almost no philanthropy in this country. One funny story about Ben and Jack. They were in Santo Domingo one night waiting to board a bus in the parking lot, and the bus company always gave them a bus to themselves or half a bus, and they had the President's guard all around them and the lawyer Julio Curry and DJ Tommy Smith and of all the people to show up Alex Bueno, this crazy singer who was just waiting for a bus too, and he starts to jump all over Jack and hug Benjamin and Jack was upset and Benjamin was like get away from me, and he starts to play boxing with them, and Jack just knocked him out with one punch, out cold. Love it.


New York,
This is Crazy and Fake! Benjamin Irish La Leyenda!

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2014

This is a crazy thing to say about Benjamin Irish, and its probably true that this is politics. Dirty politics. Benjamin is one of the few REAL directors from The Dominican Republic, and what he did with Jack Veneno was a real big deal down here. It was really something, jack veneno appeared in television one night with Benjamin and Benjamin said "I have big news Jack's back" and showed Jack and its like the whole country stopped and the next morning everybody just talked about it in the streets and in school and everybody just got really excited. The film about Jack is legend here and Jack's illness is just breaking the heart of Dominicans. Benjamin Irish is real, real person, and really made a big big impact with Dominicans. Politics is what this is. A lot of shady politicians and writers were very jealous and used to say how amazing it was that it took all these years to bring back Jack Veneno and it was a "gringo" that did it. Benjamin is no gringo, he is the gringito! Solo poco loco! Yes, Benjamin is real. Vive la leyenda the dog of the streets!


New York,
Not real, Benjamin Irish is the man

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 15, 2014

Not real. Ben Irish hired me a few years back in New York at his house in the Bronx to do some editing and then took me for productions in the caribbean and everything went smooth and he paid me everything promised. He HIRED me, as in HE PAID ME. He is a good guy and all the person who wrote this report is a lair. Ben Irish is a hard working man and that's why he gets the job done. He also gives young people a chance. Ben was my first paid job in production. I am glad to see he is doing good these days.

Ed R.

New York,
Fake, false lies about Benjamin Irish

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2014

Benjamin Irish is a phenomenal talent whom I used for two productions as a director, and both times I was impressed by his talent, hard work and drive to get the job done. Ben is truly fearless and very powerful as a director. He stayed up for night after night training actors and actresses with little experience and pulled together huge amounts of work in just a few nights. He thinks on his feet and is a a very hard worker. I was very impressed with Ben, and so was everybody else. He has what it takes.


Benjamin Irish, Jack Veneno and Dianco

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 09, 2014

I think all the people writing what a saint Benjamin Irish is here are his friends who, like Jack Veneno, were bought and paid for By Ben, because he uses money like a weapon. I am a journalist and I recall Benjamin Irish was the most corrupt and nasty of Jack Veneno`s promoters. It is true that Ben is very smart and did re-develop Jack in the country, but he did it through manipulation and bribery. It is no secret that when Jack`s film came out, he and Ben ran all over the country like two animals using their government status to get anybody and everybody to do what they wanted of them, force companies to sponsor them, and threaten reporters and the press who did not "protect Jack`s image", sometimes with their lives. Benjamin Irish is not a nice guy and all he cares about is money. He uses it as a weapon!

Raphael DS

New Jersey,
THIS IS POLITICAL Jack Veneno is dying so they are attacking Benjamin Irish

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 09, 2014

This is political. Benjamin Irish is the only person left who is a real hero to Dominicans. Jack Veneno was his protege and Benjamin is the last person left from that era, and the politicans are afraid Benjamin is going to go and make history once again in the Republic, and run for office. 

What people are saying is true, Benjamin a Irish, Benjamin LUCIERNIN is a real, good person. The girl who said he paid everybody on Christmas is right, because he did the same thing and came to me on Christmas Eve day in 2007 and paid me and told me how much he appreciated my work for him. The stuff about women and drugs does not even deserve a response, Benjamin Irish is an excellent person, and all these politicians are just nervous he is going to return one day to take over the country. Benjamin Irish is a SAINT. Ben needs to run for office in Dominican Republic.

Maria T.

New York,
NOT TRUE Benjamin is a good man

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 09, 2014

I am Benjamin's first wife. We were married in 1998 in Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I worked for him as well in New York. Benjamin is one of the few people in the world who you can leave your life in his hands. Ben ran his company like a family, and was a little crazy, but that was part of the fun with Ben. He was doing sports editing and productions almost 20 years ago, but what I love Benjamin Irish for more than anything is how good he was to me and my children. This accusation is a pure lie. Benjamin is both a hero in my country and the hardest working person I ever knew. He would come home and sleep just two hours and go back to work. Also, I never saw him take a drug once, not even aspirin. BENJAMIN.. LUCIERNIN... BENJAMIN.. LUCUERNIN!  

Jose E.

New York,
Dianaco and Benjamin Irish

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 09, 2014

I like that all Dominicans are coming out to support Benjamin Irish, and he will surely be remembered as a part of the history of the country. I can say that I know from having worked with him that he is an amazing person and is a real, true television and movie producer, and lots of other great things too. I know because I helped to negotiate the distribution outlets with the cable companies and cinemas for Dianaco. He is a writer and a performer, and what he accomplished in The Dominican Republic was truly special. As a Jack Veneno lay dying right now, and Lightning Hernandez passed on, Dominicans would love at this time for Benjamin Irish to resurface and bring his spirit back with him! 

i can guarantee these claims are FALSE because Benjamin was never the type of person to care about money. The man lived a very humble life in The Dominican Republic (where he ran the company Dianaco early on) and I remember one time we were in a car with Jack Veneno and stopped at a red light and everybody surrounded the car and Jack and Ben gave every last peso they had away and laughed about what would happen if they ran out of gas. All Dominicans should stand up for "The Immortal" Benjamin Butterfly, an honorary DOMINICAN!

Benjamin Irish needs to go back to the Dominican Republic and run for Governor of Cibao! Benjamin the Butterfly, The Dog of The Streets, El Gringito de Republica! 


New York,
NOT TRUE. Benjamin Irish is A GREAT Person.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 09, 2014

 My name is Johnny, I know Benjamin Irish personally. In 2007 and 2008 he gave me a job in his diner called the New York Cheeseburger in Santiago Dominican Republic. Everybody discriminates down there but Benjamin did not care, he hired anybody who wanted to work and treated them with respect. He hired gay people, hatians, anybody who needed a job. I thanked him one day and he asked me what for, and said none of that stuff was important to him that we all bleed red. Benjamin is an exceptionally good guy. There were lots of homeless kids in the area near his diner and he would let them come in and watch tv shows and cartoons and every night cook for them before closing. He tried to get Compaq computers to donate computers for the kids as well. This all real. The man did this stuff. When he started working with Jack Veneno people would travel hours and hours from other places just to propose ideas or ask for a job. He always treated all of them with respect and made them coffee and showed them his film about Jack. Some people would order food and not have the money to pay for it and Benjamin just said "let it slide" and. Never disrespected those people after that. I remember when He brought Jack to Santiago they signed autographs until the next day and When the Damager came to Santiago and La Vega they went to Conani, a hospital for homeless and disabled kids and kids with HIV/Aids and entertained them. I am very upset to see somebody like Benjamin Irish being attacked on this website. And he is a real producer, he did the Jack Veneno Documentary which was the biggest thing in the Dominican Republic at that time. Just look it up. Ben was a great boss. His secretaries called him "the dear boss". Leyenda!


New york,
New York,
Benjamin Irish La Leyenda!

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 09, 2014

Why you talk bad about Benjamin Irish for? Benjamin help all the Latin people, all the Dominican People, give them jobs and help their families. Benjamin never take any money for anything and he is a beautiful person. Benjamin Irish, el perro de calle, el amigo Jack Veneno y friends to Dominicans the whole world, Benjamin helpe me too and when they close my job he paid my rent and found me a job. Stop talking bad about Benjamin, Benjamin is a good man, a real man.

Maria E. Pena

New York,
New York,
Ben Irish \ Benjamin Luciernin La LEYENDA!

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 09, 2014

Benjamin Irish is a FAMOUS HERO and a LEGEND in my country, but before he made Jack Veneno famous again I knew and lived with Benjamin in New York and he sent me to d.r. and took care of my family and my grandmather and fixed her house and fixed the roads in the town we lived in. Benjanin always will have a place among Dominicans because of his heart. He gives people the shirt off his back and he gave me a job and a career and made me a citizen. Benjamin always said TREAT THE LEAST LIKE THE MOST, and bejamin is an angel. He is good for Dominican Republic and anubody saying anything else is liar. When benjamin ran the d.r. company he used to talk about la probreza the very poor people and he would go to the poorest areas and bring Jack Veneno and bring toys amd candy from Nestle camdy and he fixed churches, what this person said is hundred percent not real, I know this man and he is a real angel. BEnjamin LUCIERNIN, la leyenda de probeza y gringito, solo pocito!!! Benjamin Irish sitting in barrios and chuletas and salami! The dog from the streets!!! We love benjamin

Angela the Angela

New Jersey,
This is FAKE, Benjamin Never Did That

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 08, 2014

I was asked by somebody to write negative things about Benjamin Irish on he his site, but I would never do that to him. Benjamin Irish hired me to a film and was a complete gentleman. The first thing he told me was "I hired you because you were an hour early" and he told me "I am not a big producer I am a regular blue collar guy and I work on a garbage truck but have passion."  He never took a penny of my money and always paid me in advance. He told me he did not make money doing productions and was very honest with me, and he also paid me more than any other producer ever. Benjamin never put a hand on me or made an advance in any way toward me ever, and treated everybody like gold. He had his wife and his daughter on set with him most times, and I would bring my daughter and Benjamin treated her just like his own, and he paid every meal, every gas receipt, and sometimes more. One thing I do want to say about Benjamin Irish is that when I was having a tough time when he hired me and said "you need to get back in front of the camera." I was in I divorce and money was very very tight. When Benjamin redid my contract (which I have and can show if is needed) and everybody else's, it was in early December, and the film was to take place in March, but right around December 10th he called everybody involved into a meeting in Manhattan and with his accountant, his daughter and his wife, paid everybody in full and said Merry Christmas. Benjamin is a class act, a writer, a hard worker and a good person. What was said about him is totally untrue. 

dianacollv inc.

New York,
we are heartbroken over these claims and deny them

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 26, 2014

These unfortunate comments were made by an individual in a very dark place in his life right now who harbors a vendetta and are false.Our company prides itself on a code of ethics rare in the entertainment.industry, those being sobriety and friendship, and treating others with love and dignity. Our group is a collection of amazing individuals who not only have talent in this respective field but also the talent of life. We provide high quality on a value for value basis and invite all interested parties to see for themselves the high standards of ambition and professionalism we adhere to.

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