  • Report:  #2412

Complaint Review: Mr. Paul Saunders Pesident ParValu Inc. - Carlsbad California

Reported By:
- Chesapeake, VA,

Mr. Paul Saunders Pesident ParValu Inc.
2722 Loker Ave. West, Suite C Carlsbad, 92008 California, U.S.A.
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I testing golf clubs with a 45 day unconditional guarantee return if I was unsatisfied for any reason. I charged $2,272 to my VISA charge card for a set of Carbite irons and putter and Triax woods. I returned the clubs using their prepaid FedEx shipping on 1/14/00. On March 8 I talked to Richard at ParValu who stated that his computer indicated that the clubs had been returned and that I would receive a refund by the end of March. He stated that they had received an unusual large number of returns and that they were catching up on return payments.

Several phone calls were made to an answering machine that stated that they had an unusual large volume of calls and would return the call within 5 business days. I called information to get a differant phone number and talked to a receptionist who assured me that Mr. A. J. Saxton, Vice President was handling all custormer service calls and would get back to me soon. She offered to take a message and deliver it to him. On June 8 I faxed them a letter and sent it to them certified mail, return receipt requested. To date noone has contacted me since 3/8/00.

I have contacted 3 other people on the internet with the same problem. We are all looking for help in getting our money back and exposing this company for their improper handling of our returns.

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