  • Report:  #150561

Complaint Review: Mt.Ida College - Newton Massachusetts

Reported By:
- middleboro, Massachusetts,

Mt.Ida College
777 Dedham St. Newton, 02459 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
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Mt. Ida College pretended to want me there, but the moment I mentioned I was a religious leader, Dean of mortuary, Jackie Taylor, hated me, and treated me openly with abuse, and with an implication of crushing guilt, which she also fabricated herself to be a friend, when she was not.

In front of my mother, the woman I mention in all of my books, witnessed this malicious verbal and emotional abuse that was without relent. The moment when we left there, she apparently ran over to the Dean of Admissions, Dean Elizabeth Soringe, and said my "behavior was bad, which instituted her descision for me not to come here."

My so called, 'behavior' was only a joy that no one could possibly fathom, as I was long denied every constitutional right-including the right to life as a dying person; And a decent education! Making no difference that I was very gifted, and contained more knowledge as well as the ability to explain everything nesessary, which I worked as a helper in a funeral home and on through my residency.

Dean Jackie Taylor and Dean of Admissions, Elizabeth Soringe, refused me at every turn. Lying to the Office of Civil Rights in Boston, as well as keeping things from them, religious persecution was the mainstay through all of this. It made no difference to them that I would never get an other chance to come back, as it is known that I am dying with a fatal and incurible lung disease I had been born with.

The Dean of Admissions said these things to me over the telephone when I professionally fought for my basic rights, as I have had to do all of my life as a torture surviver, "We DON'T want you here." And, 'You DON'T belong here."

Traummatizing me to the point of disassociation, I atempted to commit suicide to stop the ultimate of rejection, and regardless of my talents and years of study in the humble field of mortuary and as a woman of the Buddha and God. I actually deluded myself into truely beleiving I was a computer, as was something I had always done as a child, but now I truely BELIEVED it-as a means of survival.

I WAS A COMPUTER FOR THREE MONTHS, and believed I had a fatal virus, which was really them and the damage that was purposely done. Overdosing on Benadryl and very close to death, as even the Office of Civil Rights in Boston failed me miseribly as they recanted all of their efforts concerning me and what was said.

Going to therapy, as well as counciling myself, I am now filing a formal complaint with the Mass Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers in Boston, as I want to sue them for irrepairible psycholoogical damage. Jackie Taylor PROMISED me that she would advocate for me, as I was denied the "new' math, save for recently, due to myself being nearly blind from birth. I want to take them to court, because they also refuse at all costs, to respond to phone calls, e mails, and hand written letters, as I sent one I photocopied to Jackie Taylor last October.

My name is on the "Wall of Hope" in Washington D. C. for helping millions of fellow Buddhists and Christians become freed, especially the Tibetans and was recognized twise by the Dalai Lama, which I published the letters in my first book; "Eternal I. V. Pole." This made absolutely no difference to the All Mighty Committee!

The Board says that this should not be, especially a complete denail of communications, as a meeting with them was completely and succinctly evaded at every cost. My hardcopy files were also purposely placed farther away from all of the other students' files in the special holding place before I even went there. It was all premeditated, or malice aforethought.

Now they will HAVE TO LISTEN. Even my books and helping people all over the world, despite being so brutally tortured and starved literally to death, and imprisoned for seven years, THIS served to THEM nothing, but more fuel for their fires of blind hatred and prejudices.

They are no better off than the Ku Klux Klan! All collaborated in secret, and also because I didn't have all of the math, which wasn't MY falt. A suicide note my mother has in her posession, and now with the assistance from the Board in Boston, my suicide attempt will be cared about, as even THIS-A SUICIDE ATTEMPT OVER WHAT THEY'VE DONE, did not cause them to bat an eyelash!

They hated me, because I am a vibrant and compassionate leader, which Jackie was jealous of. Elizabeth Soringe was just an a**hole who cares nothing about anyone, but her pompous egotistical self that writhes in her phallacies, as she adamently defends this crazed woman, Jackie Taylor...

I even recently tried to have myself committed to a psychiatric facility as the byproduct of their anarchistic hatred of me.-I HATE THEM! Nor will I EVER forgive them!

I still hurt so horribly as I was removed from everything concerning the most important dream, as I was already partly Certified in the funeral profession, embalming and thanotology, and they stuck a figurative knife into my spirit that tore such a gargantuan rift, that nothing can quell my tears of endless agony-a year later. I have been failed by everyone-but God.


middleboro, Massachusetts

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