  • Report:  #25705

Complaint Review: MWI Connections - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Port Charlotte, FL,

MWI Connections
9500 West Dodge Road, Omaha, NE 68114 Omaha, 68114 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company, with so many aliases, charges my credit card $69.95 - I had never heard of MWI Connections which is how the charge showed up on my card. After some investigating on the net, I realized how big of scam artists these people are.

Apparently, you order something online, or apply for a credit card, etc. Then the telemarketer who takes your call signs you up for this bogus product, service, etc. You may not even know - sometimes they ask you if you want it and sometimes they don't.

Regardless, they can and do sign you up. So then you get a charge - perhaps months later (because it's harder to track I guess) for X amount of money. This isnt the end either! Even if you have them remove the charges (always keep close tabs on your statements) they can and probably do have you signed up for multiple years "enrollment"! So next year you can expect the same thing.

I have contaced my credit card company about my charges. There are plenty of posts online about this company's practices. The longest list of their aliases is located at:


I was surprsed to see Sears, American Express, GM, AMEX, and Fleet are all in cahoots with this company! I hope that someone starts a class action suit against them -i would be more than willing to join.

Good luck to anyone scammed by these people. This reminds me of the days when telephone customers got "slammed" by competing companies. And this needs to be stopped too!


Port Charlotte, Florida

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 19, 2002

Beware! MWI Essentials has charged my credit card for $119.95. I called them and was told that they charged the card as a result of an internet pop-up? I certainly would never just insert my card # on a pop up. I did however purchase some items over the internet when this happened. I fear they may have intercerpted my number at that time. Always check your card for, you are probably next.

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