  • Report:  #1445065

Complaint Review: Myriad Genetics - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
MaryJane - Springdale, United States

Myriad Genetics
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
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Due to a family member alerting me that she recently tested positive for a BRCA2 gene mutation. For my peace of mind of knowing if I too had that same gene mutation I called my doctor's office and asked them about a DNA test. They referred me to MYchoice from Myriad Genetics. I was told I should call my insurance company and ask if it was covered but it usually wasn't much maybe $300-400. Which I assumed (I know, bad to assume) but I assumed meant total cost of test, as I googled genetic tests for BRCA and they were off the internet anywhere from $100-400. I thought I would follow my Dr.’s office advice and they would know the best test. I called my insurance company and asked if the test would be covered. Again, I did not ask about the total cost, but was told they would cover most of the test and I would definitely fit the guidelines of being covered.

So, I went into my Dr.'s office signed papers that was saying I agreed to have this test done. Yes, I wanted to find out if I had these gene mutations, I signed and agreed. Had my blood drawn and was in and out of the office in maybe 30 minutes. I was told I would find out the results in 3-4 weeks.

I received a call from my Dr.'s office that said they received the results and I was negative. Thank heaven. I told them they could send my results. End of story, I thought maybe I would be hit up with a bill of maybe $100-200 for the test.

I just opened my insurance claim. My insurance is with Regence Blue Cross. My insurance was billed $8055.00!!! WHAT! For a DNA test for BRCA?? $8000! I was baffled. Completely floored. My discounted rate was $3424.43 and the amount the insurance paid was $2725.00. I owed Myriad Genetics $699.43. For a BRCA blood test.

I called Myriad spoke with a customer representative and asked why I would be billed $8000. She told me due to my history, my Dr. ordered the test needed. And my insurance was billed only $3424.43. And I ONLY owed $699.43. I told her I would not pay that. Especially since I was told $300-400 was what the test would be. I even referred to their website that said $375.00 and above on it. I said that was misleading as $8000 was WAY ABOVE $375 She quickly told me that was the total AFTER the insurance. Hmmm. She put me on hold. Then told me they reduced my cost to $300 and would bill me for that. Thank you Myriad for reducing my bill to $300, but my deductible will probably go up with my insurance because you billed them $8000!!!

I think something is very wrong with this. I like my Dr. but also, think it is strange they didn't mention that the total cost billed to my insurance could be as much as $8000! I will call them and let them know they should mention this to their patients. I think it is strange Myriad billed $8000, but then reduced it to $3423.43.

Thank you for letting me vent, I just feel baffled, taken advantage of, preplexed, and mad.

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