  • Report:  #612320

Complaint Review: Nadir Zulqernain - Kirkland Washington

Reported By:
Frank - Orlando, Florida, United States of America

Nadir Zulqernain
Kirkland, 98034 Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This guy is a total bogus fraud scamming jerk.  Note his REAL background history.  He does not give you the fact that he worked at (and was fired by) Washington Mutual.  He does not mention his other banking jobs that he was fired from for cause. He fails to mention that he ripped off a local radio station that was going to put him on the radio, but since he could not deliver as promised, had to pull him from their website and from the air.  He also fails to mention that his education (PhD) is from a non-accredited organization that offers, I think exclusively, correspondence teaching.  In other words, a diploma mill. 

His past business contacts are pretty vague.  He brags about his history in the pure bread horse business.  He does not mention that landed him in court, with a judge admonishing his actions as blatantly fraudulent.  Interestingly enough, just after that he moved to a different country.

Currently he is offering business advice to small business owners who are, as he says, "like" himself.  He says he will help them weather and prosper in today's economic climate.  OOPS!!! He again forgets to mention that he just rewarded his creditors, a significant number of them, I might add, with a Chapter 7 filing earlier this year, thus screwing all of them.

If you are looking to get ripped off, like his past business associates, he is the man for you.  Or, if things go "well", perhaps you can learn his valued techniques and go banko like he just did.  Either way, beware.  The guy talks a good line, which is why I felt it my duty to enlighten the world, so to speak.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
more truth about Nadir - Verifiable

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2012

click on the link to see more of his verifibale character reference.


Victom from the Past......

Nadir's Character References - Verifiable

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 20, 2012

Nadir is a very, very skilled salesperson and expert manipulator. He would be an excellent teacher or coach until the uncontrollable need he cannot control surfaces which is to steal as much as he can - he is just really good at hiding who he is but if you follow your gut, you will not be mislead as I was. What I can tell you is that he was proven guitly of numerous securities laws in Ontario in the late 1980's whereby many people lost everything they had ever saved.

For me, it was an excriating lesson that cost me my marriage and all our assets - I bounced back,  however, many victoms were of the age that they didn't - wiped out and desolate. These are facts, not opinions. Without question, Nadir has a potent and dangerous skill set and I do not know of anyone that has been associated with him that has not eventually been serious hurt, financially and emotionally.

The nice thing about the net is people like him can hide - but for only so long and funny how I occassionaly google him and he turns up on a rip off sight - predictable and expected....Taking into account what I read and see, he hasn't changed.  Be very very careful with this guy.

The charges he was found guitly of are ovewr 20 years old but verifies who and what he is -  I am sure if one was to call the Ontario Securities Commission and ask for the most senior investigator with tenior of over 20 years, they know who he is - they refer to the changes in the securities code in Ontario that his file initiated as the "Nadir Rules" - nice to be known for something!! I see he know has another PHD????  funny how I don't see that version referenced - this may well be the "new and improved version"

Nadir Zulqernain

United States of America
Nadir Zulqernain receives race-based threatening phone calls within minutes of posting last rebuttal.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 22, 2010

Nadir Zulqernain posted a 2nd rebuttal on 6/21, showing that the allegations were lies and baseless - and inviting Frank from Florida to come forward and produce any evidence of wrongdoing, or withdraw his malicious allegations that were solely for the purpose of damaging Nadir Zulqernain's reputation and interfere with his livelihood.  

Within a few minutes a voice mail, from a blocked phone # was left on Nadir Zulqernain's phone.  It contained racially & religiously based insults and warning and threats. Coincidence?  Most certainly not!  The voice, tonality and mannerism matched similar voice messages left earlier.  

I say, thank you for providing me additional evidence of your cowardice.  Who is truly a scammer and fraud and a coward and a liar now? That would be you, Frank from Florida.  In response to your threats, I say, "in this country, we also do things according to law - there are laws to protect people like me against people like you. You shall be found and pursued according to all legal avenues available!"

Arrogance of ignorance is somewhat amusing though - had you read my Bio's carefully, you would have known that I am NOT from the middle-east.  

You chose this forum with the intentions of causing me harm and ruining my reputation and interfere with my livelihood - I will use this forum to defend myself and to flush you out into the open from your dark hole.  Someone should have told you that days of hiding behind white sheets (in your case blocked phone numbers and masked IP addresses) are long gone.  I have nothing to hide, how about you do the same and come and face me in a court of law - where telling lies can be punished, Frank from Orlando Florida?

Nadir Zulqernain

United States of America
Nadir Zulqernain's complainant FAILS to provide any proof.

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 21, 2010

An invitation to contact me with any specifics of your fake claim remains unsatisfied. It is reasonable to conclude that you are a fake and a fraud yourself. Your claim was fabricated and the intent of your action was nefarious and vicious; designed to cause serious harm and damage Nadir Zulqernain's personal and business reputation and to impede his ability to make a living and cause him real harm.  

Nadir Zulqernain's support group is narrowing-in on determining the true identity of the fake name "Frank from Florida".  Once that is accomplished, Nadir Zulqernain intends to pursue all legal options available under the law to hold you fully accountable and liable for the damage and harm caused by your willful and intentional assault on his person and his business reputation.  You are being invited for the last time, to either withdraw your false accusations or provide proof of any wrongdoing to you by Nadir Zulqernain.

Nadir Zulqernain is always easy to reach; open to having an honest and productive conversation on just about any topic with just about anyone.  Nadir Zulqernain's life story has been on the web for years.  Nadir Zulqernain does not hide behind false names.  Nadir Zulqernain's work speaks for itself, is evidenced by various media articles and testimonials written by people of substance. Yes, his valued experience does come from trenches of life and facing its ups and downs and yes, he has had his share of failures and successes. 

Nadir Zulqernain

United States of America
Nadir Zulqernain's Specific Denial of False Allegations in Malicious Online Reputation Attack.

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 14, 2010

These allegations are specifically and categorically denied.  Reasonable, observant and intelligent readers will note the following significant things about this cleverly crafted personal attack.

      - There is NO specific incident or complaint about any wrongdoing.

      - The person filing the report is NOT a consumer.

      - The author does not state what, if any harm or damage was caused and to whom.

      - It has interesting similarities to a negative post recently posted at an online community, where the author of that attack was discredited and proven to be a liar.

      - Report is filed by someone calling herself Frank from Orlando, a place I have NEVER done any business in.  Other information states it was filed from Arizona, another place I have never done any business in.  If the complaints are legitimate, why all the secrecy? 

Details of my life have long been available on the web.  I have no secrets.  My entire life story is on my website 2 detailed bios with specific information backed by 3rd part articles (published over the last 20+ years, by major publications in 3 different countries) and by testimonials written by people of stature and substance.  Those speak for themselves.  I am a small-business guy trying to make an honest living in these tough economic times.

The un-identified writer (not a consumer) of this post has gone to great lengths to twist everything.  For a while there I was confused when I read it.  I thought maybe I was about to win a big political office, or had become a big movie star without knowing it, to become target of such a malicious cyber-attack on my person nope no such luck, I am still just a little guy, who along with many millions of other Americans is trying to survive the worst economic tsunami ever. 

In the very first radio show that aired on March 23rd, 2010 and is archived at KLAY, I devoted the entire hour to presenting my entire background in detail and covered every aspect.  Full disclosure has always been my standard policy!

These allegations are false, baseless and are categorically denied.  Here are specific answers to the allegations:

1.   Radio Show:  I have put that on hold for personal reasons.  I am no Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh - and the show was a new, local Business Show, not a national syndicated long running show. Here are 2 excerpts from emails from the General Manager of KLAY.  First, in response to my inquiry about this allegation, the 2nd, a nice gesture by him.  These speak for themselves.

          June 7, 2010 - I'm not sure who this guy is but nobody here has          spoken to anyone with regards to this subject matter.  This is          not something that KLAY would do or say in any circumstance           Bob.

         June 9, 2010 - I pray that your health improves every day          so you can get out there and continue doing the great work that you do. Please keep in touch. Sincerely, Bob


2.   Ph.D. issue:  There is no need for me to defend Westbrook University.  Its website provides detailed information about its programs. It is a Distance Learning institution.  Shall we declare every Distance Learning School a Diploma Mill?  In any event, here is some additional information on the subject - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_Westbrook_University_an_accredited_school

3.    I have NEVER worked for Washington Mutual.  Even if the accusation was true, is getting fired from a job (happens to millions every Friday) somehow a crime? 

4.   Purebred History:  Its all on my website.  And, yes, I was involved in some disputes it is the very nature of the horse business. It was 20+ years ago. I was the largest breeder in North America with more than 400 purebred horses. Does anyone really think that there are not real challenges and complications and disputes in that type of business?  It is a tough business. Important thing is that I always met my obligations fully. This was in the late 80s, right after the collapse of that industry following a major overhaul of tax system by Ronal Regan. The likes of Wayne Newton and Paolo Gucci called it quits from that business around that time.

5.   My work and the value of services that I provide is evidenced by the Testimonials on the http://businesscoachnadir.com/what-will-you-say-business-coach.html  - the substance and stature of individuals who have written those Testimonials speaks for itself.

6.  My personal situation; I survived the collapse of one industry in the late 80's - now, I am trying to survive the collapse of the 2nd industry, the Mortgage Industry - yes, in my view, these real life experiences from the trenches of life do add to my qualifications to help other small business owners who are getting crushed in this crunched economy.


So, I say to the readers of this saga, please use your own judgment after obtaining full information.  To the unknown, faceless accuser, I say the following:

      If you have any real, specific complaints (other than perhaps not liking my name) get in touch with me directly I am easy to find and usually at the other end of the phone.  Tell me directly what the issue is what was done to you or anyone you know in person that in any way entitles you to launch this false, malicious personal attack based on lies? 

      It is normal practice to give someone an opportunity to correct any error before this kind of action, where is my opportunity to deal with you directly and answer your questions and satisfy your complaints?  Answer is simple YOU DONT HAVE ANY VALID COMPLAINTS!!!

      Either, step forward and confront me with any facts, personally or through an attorney yes, I am inviting you to sue me for what you think I have done wrong - or go disappear in some dark corner where you will feel more at home.

 I can be reached at [email protected] - Tel. 425.785.1056




These allegations are specifically and categorically denied.  Reasonable, observant and intelligent readers will note the following significant things about this cleverly crafted personal attack.

      - There is NO specific incident or complaint about any wrongdoing.

      - The person filing the report is NOT a consumer.

      - The author does not state what, if any harm or damage was caused and to whom.

      - It has interesting similarities to a negative post recently posted at an online community, where the author of that attack was discredited and proven to be a liar.

      - Report is filed by someone calling herself Frank from Orlando, a place I have NEVER done any business in.  Other information states it was filed from Arizona, another place I have never done any business in.  If the complaints are legitimate, why all the secrecy? 

Details of my life have long been available on the web.  I have no secrets.  My entire life story is on my website 2 detailed bios with specific information backed by 3rd part articles (published over the last 20+ years, by major publications in 3 different countries) and by testimonials written by people of stature and substance.  Those speak for themselves.  I am a small-business guy trying to make an honest living in these tough economic times.

The un-identified writer (not a consumer) of this post has gone to great lengths to twist everything.  For a while there I was confused when I read it.  I thought maybe I was about to win a big political office, or had become a big movie star without knowing it, to become target of such a malicious cyber-attack on my person nope no such luck, I am still just a little guy, who along with many millions of other Americans is trying to survive the worst economic tsunami ever. 

In the very first radio show that aired on March 23rd, 2010 and is archived at KLAY, I devoted the entire hour to presenting my entire background in detail and covered every aspect.  Full disclosure has always been my standard policy!

These allegations are false, baseless and are categorically denied.  Here are specific answers to the allegations:

1.   Radio Show:  I have put that on hold for personal reasons.  I am no Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh - and the show was a new, local Business Show, not a national syndicated long running show. Here are 2 excerpts from emails from the General Manager of KLAY.  First, in response to my inquiry about this allegation, the 2nd, a nice gesture by him.  These speak for themselves.

          June 7, 2010 - I'm not sure who this guy is but nobody here has          spoken to anyone with regards to this subject matter.  This is          not something that KLAY would do or say in any circumstance           Bob.

         June 9, 2010 - I pray that your health improves every day          so you can get out there and continue doing the great work that you do. Please keep in touch. Sincerely, Bob


2.   Ph.D. issue:  There is no need for me to defend Westbrook University.  Its website provides detailed information about its programs. It is a Distance Learning institution.  Shall we declare every Distance Learning School a Diploma Mill?  In any event, here is some additional information on the subject - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_Westbrook_University_an_accredited_school

3.    I have NEVER worked for Washington Mutual.  Even if the accusation was true, is getting fired from a job (happens to millions every Friday) somehow a crime? 

4.   Purebred History:  Its all on my website.  And, yes, I was involved in some disputes it is the very nature of the horse business. It was 20+ years ago. I was the largest breeder in North America with more than 400 purebred horses. Does anyone really think that there are not real challenges and complications and disputes in that type of business?  It is a tough business. Important thing is that I always met my obligations fully. This was in the late 80s, right after the collapse of that industry following a major overhaul of tax system by Ronal Regan. The likes of Wayne Newton and Paolo Gucci called it quits from that business around that time.

5.   My work and the value of services that I provide is evidenced by the Testimonials on the http://businesscoachnadir.com/what-will-you-say-business-coach.html  - the substance and stature of individuals who have written those Testimonials speaks for itself.

6.  My personal situation; I survived the collapse of one industry in the late 80's - now, I am trying to survive the collapse of the 2nd industry, the Mortgage Industry - yes, in my view, these real life experiences from the trenches of life do add to my qualifications to help other small business owners who are getting crushed in this crunched economy.


So, I say to the readers of this saga, please use your own judgment after obtaining full information.  To the unknown, faceless accuser, I say the following:

      If you have any real, specific complaints (other than perhaps not liking my name) get in touch with me directly I am easy to find and usually at the other end of the phone.  Tell me directly what the issue is what was done to you or anyone you know in person that in any way entitles you to launch this false, malicious personal attack based on lies? 

      It is normal practice to give someone an opportunity to correct any error before this kind of action, where is my opportunity to deal with you directly and answer your questions and satisfy your complaints?  Answer is simple YOU DONT HAVE ANY VALID COMPLAINTS!!!

      Either, step forward and confront me with any facts, personally or through an attorney yes, I am inviting you to sue me for what you think I have done wrong - or go disappear in some dark corner where you will feel more at home.

 I can be reached at [email protected] - Tel. 425.785.1056



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