  • Report:  #169779

Complaint Review: National Grant Services - Illinois, Canada

Reported By:
- Arlington, Texas,

National Grant Services
www.nationalgrantservices.com Illinois, Canada, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was just called at 8:26pm CST From 217.456.1231 (An Illinois based number, thanks to Sprint PCS caller state ID) And the time of call should have been the number one flag for me. It's pathetic how companies like this feed on the needy starting it all off with saying you're "pre-selected" for an $8,000.00 minimum GOVERNMENT grant.

I'm a pretty fiesty person, and I can get elated emotionally rather quickly when I detect scams since I have been scammed twice before. I totally riddled the Indian dude (who, of course, didn't speak clear English) with questions, and guilt asking him if "he had a family" and what this stuff DOES especially to families in NEED. I'm newly wed and 7 months pregnant, so yeah, $8,000.00 in American Dollars (I made sure of that) sounded like a deal!

I spoke to three different people because I guess I kept asking too many questions, and they called each different person (they all sounded the same, just had different names, like Anthony?) "Verification recordings" And the guy made SURE that I wasn't going to ask any questions in the final "verification." But now it all makes sense, they just didn't want a hesitant person on their records for lawsuit purposes.

I'm an avid "googler" and the moment I closed the phone shut (a 34 minute call) I googled National Grant Services and criss crossed every red flag I saw. I also googled the number they called me on and found that they were in New Douglas, IL, and then came apon this site and after reading other people's experiences, I knew. My unborn baby still is kicking in my belly as we speak because Mommy is furious.

I've already logged on to my bank's online banking and applied and been approved for a new checking account, and I've done an online transfer to the new account in nearly the entire sum of the previous account. I'm going to go in to the bank tomorrow. I feel sorry for my personal banker, I've been in to see him about fraud on my account due to my stupidity many times over the last 3 months. I will NEVER do anything like this again, this is the last straw.

I'm going to copy the information I took down while talking to the 'representatives' in notepad:

National Grant Services

1.866.634.5648 M-F 9-6EST



need my bank routing number?

account number? why?

restocking fee? refund...

ngs & toll free number appear on bank statement

W/D approved for:

Jan 6th, 2006


What I want to know is why they called me from a completely different number than the "customer service number" AND they called me at 8:26pm CST, when I wouldn't have a chance to call the customer service number immediately, especially since they were calling me at 9:26pm EST.


They are not CLEVER, they are not SLY, we just must not LISTEN to them or EVER allow a withdrawl of money before any money is received. Just because they know tons of information about us already doesn't make them legitimate. I practically ran one guy into frustration telling him how horrible he would be if all he was doing was not legit, and he said "if I could scam you, wouldn't I be scamming the 'big man upstairs'? Can I scam God? No. Wouldn't I have to pay in the afterlife for scamming you?" and I replied, "You sure would." Then he went on to tell me how 'his [apparently all indian] company just wants to help those in need.'

And always remember that information about you and your family is present on the internet. Basic information is free, for instance, who you are related to, who you live with family wise, your mother's middle name, etc. Everyone knows about you, keep what you know about yourself - to yourself. I've had enough, and I will put an end to this for me right now. As for tomorrow, my account will be closed and a new one up and running (for the 2nd time in 3 months). I have a feeling that no 'stop pay' will be available for this National Grant Services due to the fact that they have 'voice approval.' Waste no time if you've fallen suspect to this recently.

Keep what you earn. Save what you're given. Live smart while you can. You deserve your life.


Arlington, Texas

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