  • Report:  #66522

Complaint Review: National Grants Conference - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
- Garland, Texas,

National Grants Conference
http://nationalgrants.com Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had to pay $10 to attend their now free introductory conferences. My first clue should have been when they handed out the freebies for attending. Poorly written, little useable material, complete waste of trees.

Still, they had me curious so I hung around and decided to attend the conference in Dallas. The book they handed us on Dallas Grants was outdated and most of the grants were no longer available. In some cases I called and found out that the grants listed were not available for Dallas at all. When I tried to report this to National Grants they wanted me to write up my findings and research grants in my area and submit it to them. I think they should have offered to pay me to clean up their act.

I would say to anyone considering attending to save the $1,000 that they will steal from you. And if you are looking into Real Estate Investing you are going to have to plunk down more cash for that scheme.

Also they want you to pay them to include you in their commericals, I believe it's applied some how to some training they offer you, but none the less, they wanted still more money to show my face on TV.

When I called for help the person on the other end was unprofessional. It sounded like they were popping their dentures in and out of their mouth. They gave me no help and I feel that Mike and Irene Millin who are on their infomercials should be subject to lethal injection for taking peoples hard earned money that way.


Garland, Texas

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