  • Report:  #797608

Complaint Review: NationStar - Louiston Texas

Reported By:
Donna Marie of Deep Creek - Deep Creek, Florida, United States of America

350 highland dr Louiston, 75067 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Nationstar is the most corrupt, incompetent company on the planet !! I have been in a battle with these crooks for 15 months. We need a class action lawsuit folks....and you need to know your rights! They have not been able to foreclose on me, because I did my homework...they tried to serve me with rocket docs..! They are NOT in the business of servicing mortgages...they are first and foremost DEBT COLLECTORS...and their tactics are less than kosher. The common denominator is asking for a modification....before I requested my modification, I had NEVER been late on a payment, and had satisfied two prior mortgages with Citi...they sold me down the river anyway! Fannie and Freddie, inherit these mortgages and then farm them out to Nationstar......so where is the government in all this?? Well, they convinced us to bail out AIG among others....well folks, now they have NO incentive to work with people, because when you close your door, they get the insurance money...which is OUR money!! Contact your senator and state reps..do not let up...know how many times your mortgage has been sold...they need to produce a PROMISORY NOTE FOR EACH TIME IT CHANGED HANDS. LAUREN SUMMERVILLE, is a compliance specialist with Nationstar....after losing 6 setsof paperwork...including the Citi modification papers, she wrote a letter to my senator and told him I was lying, I never filled out any paperwork...even after Citi's legal dept stepped in and said they was not true, that all my files were sent intact, to Nstar on Oct 15, 2010....Her phone number is 972-956-6403..haunt her with calls!! (tell her I sent you!)

 If you are in Florida, you also need to contact SCOTT DURHAM...office of financial regulations....his personal number is 850-453-7908. Senator Bill Nelson's office has a woman by the name of Rupa, she is working closely with me. WE NEED TO GET IN FRONT OF CONGRESS AND GET THIS COMPANY DISMANTLED!!. Please let me know if you want to be part of a lawsuit, that is long over due.....DO NOT GIVE UP....call the dept of the treasury....and write letters to Obama, 60 minutes.....AARP, Time Magazine, tell your story to anyone that will listen...I sent over 65 letters....most fell on deaf ears...but I got a response from the Dept. of Treasury after I sent a letter directly to Obama.. THEY told me to keep fighting, they know there is a problem.....sure is, how many of thousands have walked because they can't deal with the crap this company dishes out......they sent a goon to my house....he got IN my bushes and was pounding on the door and windows...had to call 911.(sheriff has it all on tape)...the deputy picked him up...and to boot, these papers he left were ILLEGAL to begin with....some nerve these loan sharks have.....and the kicker....while they continue to operate like this, the better business bureau...another wasteful agency....gives them high marks for trying to fix mistakes. Anthony Barone is the CEO of this fiasco....known to be a greedy rat in the industry....FIGHT BACK...join forces with others in your situation...keep accurate records, copy everything you send.....and my best advice DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE MONEY.....they NEVER apply it where it belongs!

 The same day they tried to foreclose on me, they over-nighted me a NEW mortgage....wow...loaded with bogus late fees and ridiculous extra charges.....obviously, I turned it down, and I immediately called he Dept. of Treasury, and told them why I said NO DEAL....they lose paperwork and charge me late fees because of it! Two days later another NEW mortgage arrived....fees gone, deal seemed finally okay....I did the paperwork, had it all notarized, sent in a money gram.....all set right? WRONG...at first they claimed that they never received anything from me....and the same woman FEONDA, that I spoke with (10days earlier)about taking this deal, tells me I am two months late in responding, so no deal....are you kidding me!! They took the money I sent ...due Oct 1st.......and applied it to BACK LATE INTEREST CHARGES...and sent me a new bill for Nov. 1st for $3200.....meanwhile I have faxed copies of the letter STATING it was due OCT . 1st.....And I sent it right to Lauren Summerville....who has yet to return my 12+ calls....some professional. .

These banks OWN our elected officials....if they make waves for big business, they can kiss their (cushy) careers good-bye! WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO DETERMINE THE SALARIES OF THEY POLITICANS....based on performance and work they actually do FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED THEM!! You think we are free folks, look again...we are all victims of a corrupt, greedy society....and unless we smarten up, it is only going to get worse....STICK UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!! We can, and will fight these awful people....Donnamarie

3 Updates & Rebuttals

My name

United States of America
My introduction to Nationstar

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2011

So I had my first conversation with Nationstar tonight after finding out they have supposedly purchased my mortgage.. Here is what I sent to them via their website ( they wouldn't provide any contact info/email to me).. I think I have an interesting relationship in the making..

--- I have come to the conclusion that Bank of American sold my mortgage loan to you (Nationstar).  I have received nothing in the mail from Bank of America,and only a letter reviewing payment options for Northstar.

I tried to discuss with your representatives on the phone and was told that a letter was sent in the mail yesterday and not to worry about anything.  I explained that I have dealt with financial institutions in the past and have been taken advantage of with verbal acknowledgements/commitments and will never do that again.  I had Washngton Mutual try to foreclose on my house because they incorrectly inputted my property taxes and messed up my escrow.   They were completely wrong and I documented that they made the mistake and over. Year later with legal battles I finally prevailed..  So as I told both Kelly (x-6121) and David (x-6502) I will not accept the answer that 'a letter ws sent yesterday' and everything will be fine.

The short of the story is.,

My mort rage payment is due. My account at bank of america is closed Your representatives have told me verbally that you own my mortgage and a letter was sent yeaeterday reviewing the details My current agreement with Bank of Amqerica requires payment by 11/30 or it may affect my credit report. I will not pay any monies to Nationstar until I receive acknowledgement in writing that the mortgage has been transferred along with the details of the mortgage, balance, paymeant information, etc.. If Bank of America or Nationstar take any action that negatively impacts my credit score, my ability to secure credit in the futur , or personally or financially impacts my wellbeing.. I will take every legal action possible to ensure that I receive full restitution and Bank of America and/or Nationstar bears the full consequence of their actions (or inactions)

I asked Kelly to speak to a supervisor or manager and initially a*s told he would transfer me then he would not.   All he would say was that a letter was in the mail.

Then when I summarized my position and backed up my position with factual information i was hung up on.  Kelly told me I called the wrong depertment.  I asked what department I was taking to and who I needed to call..  He said he was with the the Freddie Mac department.  So I had to clarify if he meant Fanny Mae or Freddie Mac.   Apparently working for a mortgage company doesnt mean you need to know anything about mortgages.

The I called back and talked to David (x-6502) who wasnt any fourth help.  I had to review the same information again and get to a point where I had a reason to ask for a manager. And according to David his manager had 'just walked out the door'.  Every time I reviewed anoth point and asked David another questions he put me on hold and came back a minute later with a 'don't worry the letter is in the mail' type of response.

Accepting the fact that I was not going to be able to take to anyone who could actually work throgh this with me, I requested a name and email for a supervisor, manager, or anyone I could send this to in order to document my situation.  I was told that you don't have email other than for internal things..   And that nobody at Nationstar has any external email.   Kind if interesting for an account rep to be able to quote something in such detail with such confidence.   Especially since its almost 99.9% impossible for Nationstar as a large financial institution to not use external emails.

Anyhow.. I have spent the last two hour of my valuable time dealing with something that I should not have to deal with.   I expect a prompt, explanatory, and manful response by the close of business on Wednesday 11/30/2011 so that I may confidently pay my mortgage to the company that I know with 100% certainty owns my mortgage loan.

Thank you,

Xxx xxx Xx xx xx Xxxxx, Maine, US

I will not participate in any further telephne conversationist with your company as they are not a documented record of what we have disused.  Any and all communication must be in writing and certified with a name, title, and contact information for the person I am receiving communication from or expcted to communicate with.

I will not tolerate being bullied by a large financial institution.  It is we the consumers that support the existence of you the providers.   Expect to be treated with respect and in a morally decent and legal manner.  

CA mom

United States of America
I agree

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 18, 2011

I have been battling with Natinostar for a while now. I was served a civil suit by them, attempting to understand the suit was a nightmare. They are now anticipating receipt of my agreement to the terms on the suit, however, I am concerned that I may inadvertently allow them to damage me. Contact me, [email protected]

Donna Marie of Deep Creek

Deep Creek,
United States of America
Nationstar mortgage worst company on the planet/Lewisville, Texas

#4Author of original report

Mon, November 14, 2011

correction on corporate address...Nationstar mortgage...Lewisville, Texas

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