  • Report:  #112854

Complaint Review: Nationwide Van Lines - Florida

Reported By:
- Jacksonville, Florida,

Nationwide Van Lines
5450 S State Rd. 7 Suite 39, Hollywood, Fl 33314 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I contracted with Nationwide Van Lines (800-310-0056) of Dania, Florida to move me from Dallas, Texas to Jacksonville, Florida in Febuary 2003. I questioned their representative, Kevin Soloman, in depth in regards to how my move would be handled as I when I moved to Dallas from Jacksonville, I was very satisfied with the mover who handled it.

I asked for someone to come to my home to give me a real quote as the previous mover had done, they don't do that. I asked for a binding quote which the previous mover did and which I was assured would be in the contract, it was not. Where I really messed up was that I failed to take the extra insurance as Kevin Soloman assured me that all their employees were experienced in moving antiques and fine art and I was strapped for money at the time. Oh my oh my, what a mistake I made.

Nationwide Van Lines subcontracted my move out to Spirit Van Lines owned by Eran Adani (954-347-2566) without my knowledge. I was much later told by Orit at Nationwide that they don't have to tell people that they subcontract out to other movers. I do not know if this is the truth or not, but what I do know is that on the Bill of Lading, it is suppose to state the company's name. Mine does not. I had no reason to believe that anyone but Nationwide was performing my move.

Only when it came time for the delivery did I find out differently. I called Nationwide to set up the delivery date, as they promised a one month free storage. This was their opportunity to lose my possessions. They gave me a non toll free number to call and since I was at work and did not feel right in calling that number from my work, I asked them to call them and have them call me. They never called. Instead, they showed up in Jacksonville, called me while I was at church on a Sunday and delivered my belongings to a storage center of their choice.

It took me over a month and a half to get my belongings delivered and when they did deliver them, I was devastated. Antiques were ruined, my brand new Thomasville bed was so damaged I could not believe it, boxes were missing, boxes were crushed that were clearly marked Fragile, pottery I have been collecting for years was broken into pieces. Maybe they don't know how to read English, as none of the people engaged in my delivery were very proficient in speaking English.

I did have the driver make the notation of the condition my belongings were put into the storage unit that Spirit choose. It was very small and pakced in like sardines. I filed a complaint with the Better Busines Bureau and their response was that "if the contents didn't fit in the unit they would have placed them outside the unit". Excuse me?? Am I missing something here.

Well now here it is a year and 8 months later and last month (August) I contacted Orit at Nationwide and told her I would settle with them for $1,044.00. She told me to send her a letter verifying that. I sent it registered, receipt requested and received the receipt back. Then when I contacted Orit again, she told me I had to call Eran at Spirit. I have had numerous contacts with him over the past five weeks. He told me that he would be getting with his attorney yesterday to send me the settlement agreement. I called him today to follow up and now he is telling me that this issue is over two years old (I guess he doesn't know that February 2003 is not two years from this date) and that he offered me a settlement four months after the move (I'd love to see where that was done) and now he is not going to pay me anything.

Am I mad? Yes. Am I ready to give up? No. I would like to hear from anyone who has done business with either Nationwide Van Lines or Spirit Van Lines as I'm more than willing to take this as far as I have to in order to make these businesses (or persons) accountable for their action (or lack thereof).

I have contacted the United States Attorney's office, the Better Business Bureau and Bill Nelson, our representative for Florida. I won't stop. If you can provide me any help, I would welcome your response through the rebuttal key. If you have been taken by these companies the way I was, please respond. Any help by anyone at this point will be deeply appreciated.

My final advice is ask the Moving company to put it in writing that they will be providing the service, to ask if they subcontract their moves out, to look at the Bill of Lading for a name of who is moving you and finally, to always take out the extra insurance. These companies are insured, it's just that the people who work for them have no morals, no commitment of service and no integrity.


Jacksonville, Florida

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Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on National Moving Network and other various transport companies ripping off the consumer

49 Updates & Rebuttals


Check Received Finally

#2Author of original report

Sun, December 12, 2004

I am happy to post that I have received the check from Nationwide. It has been a long fight with this company but per my agreement with them, I will no longer post anything more in regards to this situation on this board. I want to thank everyone for their support and motivation which helped me to bring this matter to a close.


Two emails from Sentator Bill Nelson

#3Author of original report

Tue, December 07, 2004

I received two email from Sentator Bill Nelson today. Here's the first one: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Your response from Senator Bill Nelson Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 18:09:34 +0000 Please do not reply to this e-mail. If you need to send another message to Senator Nelson, please use the form on his Web site: http://billnelson.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm#email Dear Mrs. Hayward: In order that I might provide you with a complete, factual response to your inquiry, I forwarded your letter to the Fair Trade Commission's Consumer Response Center. I am certain that you will be hearing from that office shortly. I appreciate your letter. Your communication helps me serve you better in the Senate. Now here's the second one: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Your response from Senator Bill Nelson Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 19:55:37 +0000 Please do not reply to this e-mail. If you need to send another message to Senator Nelson, please use the form on his Web site: http://billnelson.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm#email Dear Mrs. Hayward: Thank you for writing me regarding unethical business practices of moving companies. I suggest you contact the Consumer Response Center of the Federal Trade Commission to learn more about how the Federal government monitors such activities, and to file a complaint if needed. This link http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/consumer.htm will take you to the site. I hope you find this helpful. Don't hesitate to contact me in the future. ______________________ I am going to contact that link and I suggest everyone on this board do the same thing. I don't know if this has been attempted in the past, but I'm just thankful that Sentator Nelson responded and forwarded my information to them. Just think, if I don't get the check by Friday, I'll have even more to tell them.


I know.... I have been more than patient with this company and they have done nothing but jerk me around.

#4Author of original report

Mon, December 06, 2004

Today is Monday and of course, there was no check received today. I'm holding Orit to her word that I will get the check by this Friday. If not, then all hell will break loose. I have been more than patient with this company and they have done nothing but jerk me around. If Orit wants me to post a satisfactory word here, then she has to have the check to me no later than Friday. Otherwise, I will send her a certified letter stating that I no longer will release them due to their inability to pay the amount owed. Then I will file a claim against them in court. And it won't be just for the $1044.00. Just the mental anguish and stress alone justifies a larger sum. I just want this darn nightmare to go away. I want Orit and Nationwide to go away. And I hope by my postings here, I have caused them loss of customers. I hope I've helped protect some others who they will also tell all the lies they told me. To tell me that my move would be handled by "professional, uniformed people" and then to have a no name white van show up with three guys who couldn't speak English, why was I so foolish as to even let them touch my belongings. And their promise from Kevin Soloman that they would be there from pick up until delivery was a deliberate lie on his part. They must have a script they follow when dealing with customers.


Coral Springs,
Don't Hold Your Breath!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 05, 2004

Patricia: My bet is that you won't see any check until Orit receives a notice to appear (if at all). You're still playing by her rules; yet another deadline that will most likely pass without any action on her part. I hope you win and set a precedent for others who have been scammed. I was scammed by National Moving Network to the tune of $500. They took the money and didn't show up on either day they specified, then offered to pick-up my stuff after I had arranged another mover. Good luck and keep us all posted! Matt


Las Vegas,
Nationwide Ripoff

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, December 05, 2004

Sorry to hear about more people getting ripped off. Orit and Tali(ban) are relocation terrorists. What really surprises me is that their BBB report is still satisfactory. During one major encounter with Tali(ban), they made the mistake of mailing me Nationwide's responses to multiple BBB complaints. Yet their record is still good. I suggest not only filing a BBB complaint, but contacted the leaderhip of the BBB (found on their web site) as to whom Nationwide must be paying off in order to keep their record clean. Tali(ban) must have some source he kicks back money to. Anyway, good luck, I spent hours dealing with these relocation terrorists and did not get far.



#7Author of original report

Sat, December 04, 2004

Instead of waiting on Orit to call me, I called her Thursday. She said I will be receiving their check between today and Friday, December 10, 2004. I did not ask her why it's taking so long as I just didn't feel like going there with her, if you know what I mean. So let's see when the check comes. Stay tuned! And Yes, if she doesn't make good on her word, I will be going after her and Nationwide. This entire situation has been so thoroughly exhausting. Their continuous lies, etc. I still find it amazing that their website has no mention whatsover that they are a broker. Isn't that false advertisement? Lure a customer into thinking they are hiring a "professional" mover only to have them subcontract the job out to a company that is now out of business. Yeah, that's real professional.



#8Author of original report

Sat, December 04, 2004

Instead of waiting on Orit to call me, I called her Thursday. She said I will be receiving their check between today and Friday, December 10, 2004. I did not ask her why it's taking so long as I just didn't feel like going there with her, if you know what I mean. So let's see when the check comes. Stay tuned! And Yes, if she doesn't make good on her word, I will be going after her and Nationwide. This entire situation has been so thoroughly exhausting. Their continuous lies, etc. I still find it amazing that their website has no mention whatsover that they are a broker. Isn't that false advertisement? Lure a customer into thinking they are hiring a "professional" mover only to have them subcontract the job out to a company that is now out of business. Yeah, that's real professional.



#9Author of original report

Sat, December 04, 2004

Instead of waiting on Orit to call me, I called her Thursday. She said I will be receiving their check between today and Friday, December 10, 2004. I did not ask her why it's taking so long as I just didn't feel like going there with her, if you know what I mean. So let's see when the check comes. Stay tuned! And Yes, if she doesn't make good on her word, I will be going after her and Nationwide. This entire situation has been so thoroughly exhausting. Their continuous lies, etc. I still find it amazing that their website has no mention whatsover that they are a broker. Isn't that false advertisement? Lure a customer into thinking they are hiring a "professional" mover only to have them subcontract the job out to a company that is now out of business. Yeah, that's real professional.



#10Author of original report

Sat, December 04, 2004

Instead of waiting on Orit to call me, I called her Thursday. She said I will be receiving their check between today and Friday, December 10, 2004. I did not ask her why it's taking so long as I just didn't feel like going there with her, if you know what I mean. So let's see when the check comes. Stay tuned! And Yes, if she doesn't make good on her word, I will be going after her and Nationwide. This entire situation has been so thoroughly exhausting. Their continuous lies, etc. I still find it amazing that their website has no mention whatsover that they are a broker. Isn't that false advertisement? Lure a customer into thinking they are hiring a "professional" mover only to have them subcontract the job out to a company that is now out of business. Yeah, that's real professional.


Coral Springs,
Stop pussyfooting around and sue this woman

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 03, 2004

I have read with interest this entire thread and have seen the reason why Orit is not sending the check-- 1.) You are still playing by her rules, and 2.) You've threatened and threatened, your husband has threatened and now there is no action on your part. Stop pussyfooting around and sue this woman and everyone associated with this business. Throw in your postage (FedEx, etc.) costs, interest, mental anguish, etc. Call one of those attorneys and go after her and everyone else. She hasn't sent the check 'cause you have proven to be harmless to her. Postings on websites only go so far. Yeah, we all know she and this company are scammers and crooks. But that didn't and won't get you your money. Take her to court. I think small claims goes up to $5000. At least she will have to show up or you win by default and you get a judgement against her. With a judgement, then you can add that to a criminal complaint. GO AFTER HER! MAKE GOOD ON YOUR THREATS! All this letter-writing won't get you paid. You've talked thet alk, now walk the walk. Good luck!


Still no check and Orit not in office

#12Author of original report

Wed, December 01, 2004

Here's the email I sent this evening: From: [email protected] [Add to Address Book] [View Source] To: [email protected] Subject: Attention: ORIT Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 23:51:02 +0000 I waited until after 3:00 p.m. today (Wednesday, Dec. 1) to see if I would hear from you. I didn't so I called your office only to find you were not in and no one else there seems to be capable of knowing anything about my issue with Nationwide. I left a message for you to call me at my office tomorrow and let me know when you are mailing the check to me as alas it was not in the mail today. If you don't call me and let me know when the check is coming, then we are going to have to rethink the release. You are not leaving me much of a choice but to look at other avenues to collect the money from Nationwide. I did my part, but you seem incapable of doing yours. Quit your games Orit, no one is finding them very funny...particularly myself and my husband. Your release said I would get a lump sum payment and I expect that payment NOW. I EXPECT to hear from you tomorrow at my office number which I left with the girl I spoke with today, but if she too is incapable of doing her job and giving you the message, you have my email addresses and can reach me at any of them. All I want to know is when will the check be here? I am trying to coordinate the company I have located to fix my antiques with the arrival of your check. It's a real shame I've had to wait 1 year and 10 months for the check, and your hold up is preventing me from getting what YOUR COMPANY damaged fixed. You need to respond Orit. Tricia Hayward _______________________________ I have come to the conclusion that Orit is waiting to see if Aaron's checks clear before she pays me. Nationwide is still playing games and their employees leave much to be desired. I love the fact that her email address is "customer service". If this is what Orit calls customer service, then she indeed is lacking in business knowledge.


Still no check

#13Author of original report

Tue, November 30, 2004

I just sent Orit the following email: From: XXX To: [email protected] Subject: Re: ORIT Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 23:40:42 +0000 Orit, I have sent you several emails since last Friday and, of course, you have not responded to any of them. Upon getting home from work today, I check my mail and, of course, no check from Nationwide. So I called your office to inquire if you had been in today. I was told yes, you were there from 9:00 to 5:00 but had left. I really didn't want to talk to you, I just wanted to verify that you were indeed at work. Knowing that you were makes me really wonder about your integrity. You stated that once you received the signed, notarized release you would send me a lump sum check. Is that to be expected anytime in the near future or is this another game on your part? I did send another email to the BBB today regarding this situation. You have the release, now you need to get the check to me NOW. Do you understand what the word NOW means? Nationwide needs to send me my check tomorrow, Wednesday, December 1 by overnight mail. Believe me it did not escape my attention that you left out the wording I requested in the release that payment be made within 10 days by certified check. And yes, this will be posted on both websites. I will continue to post until you get the check to me. After all, people need to be informed of the manner in which Nationwide does business. They receive the release and still play games. You tell me one thing and then you do the exact opposite. Do it right this time. I expect the check this week. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT???? Your delay in getting the check to me will only result in more negative comments about you on both websites. Do you really want that to continue? Email me tomorrow with details on when I can expect the check. Tricia Hayward _____________________ If I don't get some kind of response from her and indeed receive the check this week, then I will consult the laws regarding this type of situation. I may have to report this to the FMCA. I won't give up. I'm going to bug her every day until she responds. Posting on these two website is what got her attention in the first place and if she truly wants me to go away, there's only one way to do that.


Update on lack of check receipt

#14Author of original report

Tue, November 30, 2004

Okay, I sent her an email on Friday and today I sent her the following email: From: "Hayward, Tricia T" To: [email protected] Subject: Attention: Orit Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:28:56 Orit, What is the hold up with sending the check to me? You received my release over a week ago and I know it doesn't take that long to write out a check. Has it been mailed as yet? Until I receive it, I will continue to updated Ripoff and MovingScam with your lack of response. Do I need to send you a SASE to make it easier for you? That was suggested to me by Tyrone on MovingScam. Tricia T. Hayward ____________________________ Upon arriving home tonight and once again checking the mail, STILL NO CHECK. I can't help but feel that is SCAM PART 2. She has NOT responded to either of my emails. Orit, why are you so silent? How long do you expect me to wait for Nationwide's check? I will continue posting here until I receive the check and it clears for payment as I told her in my cover letter with the release. So I'm asking anyone who happens to read this to do me a favor. Send an email to their address above and ask them why they are taking so long to send me the check. They have the release and there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER for their delay in sending me the check. I'm ready to report them once again to the BBB, although we all know that the BBB doesn't do a thing to anyone as long as they pay their memberships. Can you tell I'm frustrated, fed up and ready to SCREAM!


one full week after Nationwide received my release and no check

#15Author of original report

Fri, November 26, 2004

Well here it is Friday, Nov. 26, one full week after Nationwide received my release and no check has been received. I just sent Orit the following email: It has now been one week since you received my release. Would you mind informing me of why you are delaying in sending the check? I sent the release by FedEx to your office and it was received last Friday before 3:00 p.m. I would expect Nationwide to respond in kind and overnight the check to me. I have received my mail today, Friday, Nov. 26, 2004, and once again no check. ___________________________ As I stated in the release I would not stop posting here until I received the check and it cleared for payment. Evidently they don't want me to stop anytime soon.



#16Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 24, 2004



The release and my cover letter

#17Author of original report

Wed, November 24, 2004

Their release was as follows: By signing this form and returning it back to us, indicates that you are in agreement with this settlement amount lump sum of $1044 and forever release, acquit and discharge Nationwide Van Lines from all claims, complaints, actions and/or demands and will take no further action regarding this claim. Also all complaints posted on the Internet on various websites as Ripoffreport.com, Movingscam.com, etc.... will be updated accordingly. ________________________ I sent the release back with a cover letter stating: Enclosed pleae find the release, which I have signed and notarized. Upon receipt of your check in the amount of $1044 and it having cleared for payment, I will update all my website postings. I look forward to a very prompt receipt of your check. _________________________ Thus far is has not been prompt


Update - no rush on their part

#18Author of original report

Tue, November 23, 2004

It's obvious Nationwide isn't as eager as I am to bring this to a resolution. I sent my letter and sign/notarized release to them by Fed Ex. It was received in their office on last Friday before 3:00. You'd think they would respond in return and send me my check in the same manner, but alas tis not true. Let's see how long it does take them to get the check to me. I'm not the one playing a game here....but Nationwide...well this whole thread speaks on that.


Update new release

#19Author of original report

Fri, November 19, 2004

On Wednesday I received the new release from Orit. It was acceptable to me and I went yesterday and had it notarized and sent it overnight delivery to her. Once I receive their lump sum payment and it clears for payment, then I will not post anything else here. It has been a long hard fight with this company and to be able to finally put this nightmare behind me is something I truly look forward to. I can only hope that they send the check to me as quickly as I sent the release to them. We shall see.


New email from Orit

#20Author of original report

Fri, November 12, 2004

New email from Orit this morning: From: "Nationwide Van Lines, Inc." Subject: Re: Re:------------ (fwd) Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 15:03:38 +0000 Make sure your new release states that I will accept one payment in the amount of $1044.00. I look forward to receipt of it. Tricia


Here's today's emails...note there wasn't many

#21Author of original report

Thu, November 11, 2004

My first email to Orit this morning: From: Hayward, Tricia T To: [email protected] Cc: Leal Hayward (E-mail) Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:21 AM Subject: RE: Re:------------ Orit, Here is a wonderful suggestion for us to resolve our problem. Nationwide can put the release on the back of the check above the endorsement line -that way when I sign it I am signing the release, rather than signing a release in advance of receiving payment. I think that is a wonderful solution to our dilemna. Wouldn't you agree? Tricia __________________________________ Orit's reply: From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:16 PM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: Re:------------ IT MAY BE A GOOD IDEA - BUT UNFORTUNATELY I CANNOT CHANGE THE PROCEDURE THE FORM has to be signed, notarized and sent back to us and only then the check is cut . __________________________ My first response back to her: From: "Hayward, Tricia T" To: "Nationwide Van Lines, Inc." [email protected]> Subject: RE: Re:------------ Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:10:24 -0500 Then as I stated yesterday, send me a new letter and release stating that you will send me one check in the total amount of $1044.00 and I will sign. However, I will not sign the one I have now since the letter states four payments. Tricia ________________________________ And now my second response to Orit: From: Hayward, Tricia T Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:27 AM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: Re:------------ Orit, You can fax me the new letter and release stating that you will pay me in one check. That will expedite this issue. My fax number is 904-464-1120. Tricia _________________________________ Now let's see what she does. She still has not agreed to pay me in one payment. She seems to be dancing all around this issue. _________________________ And yet more: I never heard from Orit again today. Surprise surprise! But I just send her the following email: Orit, I am not going to be in the office until next Monday so I'm contacting you from home tonight since I never heard from you about sending me a new letter and release. Attached is the release form that I have drafted and will sign and notarize to Nationwide. This is the only way you can bring this to an end. Tricia _______________________ Here's my draft of the release I'm willing to sign: NATIONWIDE VAN LINES, INC. 5450 S. State Rd. 7 #39 Hollywood, FL 33314 November 10, 2004 Dear Mrs. Hayward Signing this form and returning it back to us indicate that you are in agreement with the settlement amount of $1044.00, payable in one payment, which will forever release, acquit and discharge Nationwide Van Lines from all claims, complaints, actions, and/or demands and will take no further action regarding this claim. Signature of Claimant Date Notary Public ______________________ I removed their apology that was at the top of the release as if they were truly willing to settle with me, I still wouldn't be fighting this battle. I added in the wording that I would settle upon receipt of one payment in the amount of $1044.00. Let's see if Nationwide (Orit) accepts this.


Here's yet more....

#22Author of original report

Wed, November 10, 2004

My husband sent this email to Orit earlier today: From: Leal Hayward To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:25 AM Subject: Orit Gmach Dear Orit, I read your email messages to my wife yesterday and felt a fury welling up in me. She and I had a long talk last night and we agreed to give you one last chance to take the easy road here. To give you a little insight, she is willing to accept your offer of $1,044 to settle this matter. She simply wants it to go away. We each make about that much each week. To allow your company to get away with this for that amount offends me, both morally and ethically. However, I agreed to contact you one last time and provide you this final opportunity. I have a different perspective. I have had several conversations with several enforcement agencies, including the U. S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida, the F. B. I. field office in Miami, the Attorney General for the State of Florida, and the Inspector General for the U. S. Department of Transportation. I have also found 3 law firms that specifically handle these types of matters. My desire is to pursue criminal action against your company, your owner, and you personally. I am not even going to address the basis for doing so. It isn't necessary. You have sent us numerous emails indignantly claiming that you "have never lied to us". On the contrary I have identified 6 examples that prove differently. You obviously don't remember what you have said and done. It is very difficult to remember the lies you tell when all you do is lie. You claim that you sent us an offer to settle back in January of this year. However, in emails in June, July, and August you refused to accept any responsibility for your company. Do you have proof of this alleged January offer? I doubt it. I know I don't. We have sent everything to you vial email, fax, or registered mail. Each approach leaves a paper trail. Why would you make a settlement offer in the first place, if your company "isn't responsible"? How about the federal time requirement for responses to claims? Your company wouldn't even send us claim forms until late 2003. Your predecessor insisted they had to come from Spirit Van Lines. Your company missed the requisite time mandates before you even took the job. Here is the bottom line. My wife wants this to go away. I have agreed to try one more time. Either you send us a cashiers check in the full amount by next Monday, November 15, or I take this over. Do as you wish, but the latter would extend well beyond the boundary of stupidity. By the way, we are unwilling to agree to any conditions other than signing a release letter "upon receipt of the check". If you insist on continuing to play games, we are going to start playing "my" game. I have had more than enough. I have been in contact with several other parties who have suffered similarly at the hands of your company. This is about to turn very serious. How much are you willing to risk? ______________________________ Now here's Orit's reply: From: "Nationwide Van Lines, Inc." [email protected]> To: "Leal Hayward" Subject: Re:------------ Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 15:08:19 -0800 Mr. Hayward, you will need a lot more than what it is to pursue me criminally. one check or four checks - release form must be signed, notarized and send to us via mail in order for us to procced. _________________________________ Now my response to Orit: From: Hayward, Tricia T Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 3:53 PM To: '[email protected]' Cc: Leal Hayward (E-mail) Subject: RE: Re:------------ Orit, I will be more than happy to sign a release and have it notarized once you send me a new letter along with a new release that specifically states I will receive one payment and not four. I simply will not allow Nationwide to send me four monthly payments. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT? In my letter to you accepting the settlement offer, I stated that I was willing to settle for $1044.00. No where in that letter did I state it would be acceptable for Nationwide to pay me in four monthly payments. Are you finally willing to make payment to me in one payment? This all hinges on only that one thing. Make good on that and you will be done with us. I know that would make you happy, especially when I update all the websites that Nationwide actually did the right thing and sent me one check. Tricia _________________________________ Does anyone out there have any faith in Orit/Nationwide doing the right thing and sending me a new letter/release and agreeing to only one payment to me instead of four???? Let's see how truly responsible they are once and for all. _________________________________ I had a good idea submitted by someone on movingscam.com. It is "They can put the release on the back of the check above the endorsement line - that way when you sign it you are signing the release, rather than signing a release in advance of receiving payment." I'm going to be emailing that suggestion to Orit tomorrow.


More from Orit today and my response

#23Author of original report

Mon, November 08, 2004

-----Original Message----- From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 6:48 PM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: ----------- No, your claim was received in Brenda's office in the end of November 2003. I have the copies of your notarized claim. When Brenda called and offered the $1044 you were sarcastic about this offer. Brenda can swear on a Bible. On August 3, 2004 you had accepted the settlement offer of $1044. ORIT __________________________________ My response: -----Original Message----- From: Hayward, Tricia T Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 3:54 PM To: 'Nationwide Van Lines, Inc.' Subject: RE: ----------------------- The reason my claim was not received until November 2003 was because I couldn't get Nationwide to send me claim forms back in June of 2002. I have that documented in letter after letter requesting claim forms. Nationwide (Cynthia Miller) insisted that they had to come from Spirit Van Lines. Brenda might swear on a Bible Orit, but she also said some very interesting things about you to us. She would swear on that also I'm sure. Remember how you told me that you had sent the claim back to Brenda and she was going to look at it again? Brenda told us very differently when we contacted her. You sure you really want to try to go back and rehash all this again? Yes, I accepted the settlement offer of $1044.00 until you told me on the phone that it was going to be made in FOUR PAYMENTS. I never accepted THAT. As a matter of fact, I told you I had to think about it for a couple of days, which I did. PAY ME IN ONE CHECK AND I WILL ACCEPT THAT OFFER. I don't care if you have post-dated checks from Eran. He is not my problem...he is your problem and always has been. Tricia ____________________ Let me add here, my date of June 2002 should have been June 2003. I was just a little angry when I got her silly reply.


You call this a response???

#24Author of original report

Mon, November 08, 2004

My email to her: From: Hayward, Tricia T >To: [email protected] >Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 6:19 AM >Subject: Orit > >Why are you not responding to my counter-offer? Is the reason that you have these four post-dated checks from Eran so you don't want to pay me in one check to insure you get paid and his checks don't bounce? I would like a response from you. If you want me to go away, then you need to settle with me NOW. > >Tricia T. Hayward __________________________________________ A response from Nationwide and notice there is no signature this time!!! From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] >Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 5:40 PM >To: Hayward, Tricia T >Subject: ----------------------- > > >As a matter of fact the settlement was offered to you within the time frame of 120 days. You had completed the claim forms on Nov. 21, 2003 and received a settlement offer in January 15, 2004 a little less than two month (a little less than 60 days). ____________________________________ My response back: From: "Hayward, Tricia T >To: "Nationwide Van Lines, Inc." >Subject: RE: ----------------------- >Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 14:41:29 -0500 > >Wrong. I submitted the claim in May/June. I was not offered a written settlement until I received your letter this past month. Nothing else was ever received in writing. A verbal communication is not admissible. > >My counter-offer is pay me in one check. Are you going to respond to my counter-offer? I should not have to wait for 4 months to get payment. I paid you in two payments and you want me to accept four? That's bull. > >I will continue to update all the websites in regards to your lack of response to my counter-offer. Once again, you want me to go away, send me one check NOW. > >Tricia Hayward Leal - As you can see, Orit continues to play her game. She didn't even have the decency to put her name on this email.


Still no word

#25Author of original report

Fri, November 05, 2004

I have sent the BBB and Orit at Nationwide two more emails wanting to know why she is not responding to my counter-offer of them paying me in one check. I know the reason. They have the four post-dated checks from Eran and they don't want to pay me until they are assured his checks are good. Now tell me again Orit about how hard you have tried to settle this matter? Explain why I have to wait for his checks to be good before Nationwide will pay me? If this isn't a scam, I don't know what would qualify as one.


My response to BBB & Orit

#26Author of original report

Tue, November 02, 2004

Dear Ms. Lucas, Yes, I have received a letter of settlement offer from Orit. By means of the Carmack Law, they should have offered me a settlement within 120 days of my complaint. They did not. As a matter of fact, it was nothing but a fight with Nationwide Van Lines as they continually told me I had to settle with Spirit Van Lines. Spirit Van Lines is the company they subcontracted my move out to without my knowledge. There is nothing on their website nor in all the documentation I have which indicated that Nationwide Van Lines is a broker. I was never made aware of that fact. To this date it is still not stated on their website that they are a broker. That in itself is misrepresentation. Nationwide Van Lines wants me to accept four monthly payments and that is unacceptable. Once Nationwide agrees to send me one check in the amount of $1044.00, I will be more than happy to settle with them. Their terms was half on pickup and half on delivery. My terms is one check, not four. I have had many dealings with Nationwide, originally with Cynthia Miller and now with Orit. It has been an uphill battle the entire time. I have stated my counter-offer to what Nationwide sent to me. I look forward to hearing from them to see if we can finally bring this matter to a conclusion. If they do not agree to my counter-offer, then I would welcome mediation. In fact, I would look forward to it with excitement. Thank you, Patricia T. HaywardDear Ms. Lucas, Yes, I have received a letter of settlement offer from Orit. By means of the Carmack Law, they should have offered me a settlement within 120 days of my complaint. They did not. As a matter of fact, it was nothing but a fight with Nationwide Van Lines as they continually told me I had to settle with Spirit Van Lines. Spirit Van Lines is the company they subcontracted my move out to without my knowledge. There is nothing on their website nor in all the documentation I have which indicated that Nationwide Van Lines is a broker. I was never made aware of that fact. To this date it is still not stated on their website that they are a broker. That in itself is misrepresentation. Nationwide Van Lines wants me to accept four monthly payments and that is unacceptable. Once Nationwide agrees to send me one check in the amount of $1044.00, I will be more than happy to settle with them. Their terms was half on pickup and half on delivery. My terms is one check, not four. I have had many dealings with Nationwide, originally with Cynthia Miller and now with Orit. It has been an uphill battle the entire time. I have stated my counter-offer to what Nationwide sent to me. I look forward to hearing from them to see if we can finally bring this matter to a conclusion. If they do not agree to my counter-offer, then I would welcome mediation. In fact, I would look forward to it with excitement.


BBB Letter & Nationwide's response

#27Author of original report

Mon, November 01, 2004

BBB SERVING SOUTHEAST FLORIDA AND THE CARIBBEAN 2924 N Australian Ave. , West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561-842-1918 FAX 561-845-7234 [email protected] November 1, 2004 Mrs. Patricia Hayward 10075 Gate Parkway N. #2901 Jacksonville, FL 32246 RE: #23015307 - Nationwide Van Lines Dear Mrs. Hayward: Thank you for utilizing the services of the Better Business Bureau. We have contacted the company on your behalf in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Enclosed, please find a copy the company's response recieved by the Bureau in reference to your complaint. Through mediation, the Bureau strives to find a fair and amicable solution to disputes that occur between a customer and a business. However, instances do exist where the Bureau is unable to bring about a satisfactory resolution to a dispute. Because mediation is a voluntary procedure, the Bureau cannot compel either the business or consumer to settle a complaint. If you are not satisfied with the company's response and have additional information to be considered, please let us know in writing. For your convenience, you may submit your rebuttal via e-mail to the address listed below. Sincerely, Bethann Lucas Dispute Resolution Specialist [email protected] -------- Original Message -------- Subject: patricia Hayward # 23015307 Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:58:21 -0700 From: "Nationwide Van Lines, Inc." To: "Bethann Lucas" Dear Ms. Lucas I am in receipt of Ms. Hayward's letter. Since this letter, a settlement letter was mailed to Ms. Hayward and now it is up to her to decide as to what will be her next step. Thank you, Orit Gmach Customer Service Manager Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. 800.310.0056 x.111v


Nationwide still silent

#28Author of original report

Fri, October 29, 2004

Since I posted my complaint here and on movingscam.com, Orit has suddently become very silent. I have received nothing from her in regards to settling this matter. But I guess when you've been caught with your pants down, you can't do much than to hide in shame.


Update on silence

#29Author of original report

Thu, October 28, 2004

I have heard nothing from Orit today. Her non-response is something that does not surprise me. How dare she claim she has worked so hard to settle this matter. I still would like a response from her as to why I have to accept four monthly payments. If she wants to settle this matter, then they need to send me one check and then and only then will I sign a release. I am no longer a captive of Nationwide.


Here's an interesting email thread between us

#30Author of original report

Wed, October 27, 2004

----- Original Message ----- From: Hayward, Tricia T To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 8:44 AM Subject: Settlement offer Dear Orit, I have made the decision to accept your settlement offer of $1,044.00. If you will please contact me with the proper paperwork so that we may bring this issue to a close, it will be appreciated. -----Original Message----- From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 1:52 PM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: Settlement offer Hello Mrs. Hayward. As I told you yesterday, I will be more than happy to assist you in closing this case. It has to wait until August 9, to be discussed with Spirit. Thank you, Orit ----- Original Message ----- From: Hayward, Tricia T To: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:11 PM Subject: RE: Settlement offer Hello Orit, Today is August 10, so I thought I should follow up to find out the status of us settling this case since you stated it would have to wait until August 9. Thank you, Tricia Hayward -----Original Message----- From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:37 AM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: Settlement offer Good Morning Mrs. Hayward Please send certified letter to our office stating that you are ready to settle with Spirit. Our address is 5450 South State Road 7, # 39 Davie, FL 33314 -----Original Message----- From: Hayward, Tricia T Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 3:25 PM To: 'Nationwide Van Lines, Inc.' Subject: RE: Settlement offer I sent the requested letter, received the receipt back that you have received it and have heard nothing since. Please let me know what the status is on settling this. Thank you, Tricia T. Hayward ----- Original Message ----- From: Hayward, Tricia T To: Hayward, Tricia T ; Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:24 AM Subject: Attn: Orit I have sent three emails since mailing the Certified Letter you requested and receiving the signed receipt back. Could you let me know what the hangup is with responding and advising me of where we stand? If I do not hear from you by tomorrow, I will call the office and inquire. Tricia T. Hayward -----Original Message----- From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:57 PM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: Orit Mrs. Hayward Please contact Eran - 954-347-2566 He will discuss this issue with you. Thank you Orit -----Original Message----- From: Hayward, Tricia T Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:07 PM To: 'Nationwide Van Lines, Inc.' Subject: RE: Orit Okay, I called him and he stated his attorney is going to send me a release and then the check. He also stated it should take no longer than 5 days. Thank you, Tricia ----- Original Message ----- From: Hayward, Tricia T To: Hayward, Tricia T ; Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:47 PM Subject: RE: Orit I have received nothing from him as of this date. I would appreicate you contacting him and seeing why the holdup. I know that a hurricane just passed through but he said 5 days and had 7 days before the hurricane hit. I too live in Florida. Please let me know what he says. Thank you, Tricia Hayward -----Original Message----- From: Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 5:10 PM To: Hayward, Tricia T Subject: Re: Orit I haven't spoken to him please call him again. __________________________________ From: Hayward, Tricia T To: Hayward, Tricia T ; Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. Sent: Fri 10/1/2004 2:12 PM I cannot get through to Eran. You tell me to call him which I have done twice. On each occasion he tells me I can expect the settlement letter from his attorney the next week. The next week comes and goes and nothing. This email started back on August 3 and I am getting absolutely no where. I am not surprised by this so much as this simply is the same manner in which you handled my move, etc. If you have another phone number for him, please send that to me also...like a home number. He doesn't even have voicemail on his cell phone so I cannot leave a message. I want this matter settled. I have been bounced around by Nationwide and Spirit for almost two years now and it needs to end. I am willing to take a very small settlement in contrast to the amount of damage I have sustained. Also what is his last name? Tricia Hayward ________________________________ I feel this email thread above is a prime illustration of how Nationwide has expected me to settle the claim with Spirit. As you all know from my earlier posts, once I did get through to Eran, he then refused to settle with me and told me "so sue me". Hence, I started my post on here and movingscam.com. Why should Nationwide settling with me have to be discussed with Spirit? I didn't hire Spirit. Why would Orit tell me to call Eran if Nationwide was willing to settle with me as stated in her early email? ________________________________ Reading back through all these emails between this company and me literally make me sick.


.what a joke! ..error on Spirit's behalf, miscalculating the statue of limitations in your case

#31Author of original report

Wed, October 27, 2004

Okay everyone. Here is the letter I got from Orit dated October 14, 2004: This letter is to inform you that there has been an error on Spirit's behalf, miscalculating the statue of limitations in your case, as you are still within the time frame allowing to receive compensations. Therefore the amount of $1044.00 will be paid to you in four equal monthly installments of $261.00 each. The first check will be mailed to you after the attached release form is signed and notarized by you. The second check will follow, after you will post an update on RipoffReport.com, the rest will be sent to you each First of the month. Please do not hestiate to call me if you should have any questions. Orit Gmach ________________________ Now here's their settlement form: Dear Mrs. Hayward Thank you for your patience regarding the recent dispute. We would like to extend our deepest apologies for the inconvenience endured during this relocation. Signing this form and returning it back to us indicates that you are in agreement with this settlement amount and forever release, acquit and discharge Nationwide Van Lines from all claims, complaints, actions, and/or demands and will take no further action regarding this claim. ________________ I called Orit and she told me she had four post-dated checks from Eran Adani and I would be paid as stated above. I told her I had to give that some thought. Now here's my email in response to their settlement offer: Orit Gmach Customer Service Department Nationwide Van Lines, Inc. RE: Your letter dated October 14, 2004 Dear Ms. Gmach, I'm writing in response to your letter referenced above and our conversation after receipt of your letter. As I stated during our conversation, I had to give your offer some thought. Having done so, I find that I cannot accept any terms of settlement that require my having to accept four monthly payments from Eran Adani. You informed me that you have four post-dated checks from Eran Adani (Spirit Van Lines). I didn't pay Nationwide Van Lines in four monthly payments and am insulted that Nationwide Van Lines expects me to accept this form of settlement. Once again, you are attempting to put me in the position of having to deal with Spirit Van Lines and not Nationwide Van Lines with whom I contracted the move. Orit, I am neither a bank nor a finance company and therefore simply cannot accept four monthly payments from him, as these checks will be from a person and not the insuring agent of the company. Nationwide Van Lines has its terms of payment and I also have mine. I paid Nationwide Van Lines by money order on pickup and delivery as per the terms outlined by Nationwide Van Lines. You now expect me to accept payment, personal checks no less, which I have no assurance that they won't bounce like a ball, from an individual who has yelled at me, delivered to a storage unit they picked because they failed to notify me that they were even delivering, ruined many of my belongings and lost others. To this date, I still have never received any word on the lost items and Nationwide Van Lines is not even offering any settlement amount towards those items. If you as Nationwide Van Lines's representative find that accepting post-dated checks from Eran Adani is acceptable, then Nationwide Van Lines needs to accept them, not me. Nationwide Van Lines needs to pay me $1044.00 in one payment and then be reimbursed by Eran's checks over the four months. If Nationwide Van Lines deems that they will not pay me, although Nationwide Van Lines is the company of contract, then I will post your letter and settlement offer on RipoffReport.com along with a copy of this email I am sending to you. I will also update all my other online complaints against Nationwide Van Lines. I am willing to settle for much less than what is truly owed me as if Nationwide Van Lines had advised me that they were subcontracting my move out, I could then have made an informed decision regarding taking out the extra insurance. As a matter of fact, if I had been informed, I would not have even allowed the move to be done by your company since Spirit Van Lines at that time already had a poor record on the Better Business Bureau website. Nationwide Van Lines failed to allow me as a customer to make decisions with accurate knowledge of the manner in which your company does business. If Nationwide Van Lines agrees to pay me the amount of $1044.00, I will be more than happy to update all my online complaints and will do so in a timely manner. My integrity is not in question here, Nationwide Van Lines is. I want your response no later than end of business day, Tuesday, October 26, 2004. Should I have no response by that time, Tuesday evening I will update RipoffReport.com and other avenues to which I have filed a complaint with all this information. _____________________ Now here's the email I received today from Orit: Mrs. Hayward, I never told you that the checks will be coming from Spirit. The checks will be from Nationwide Van lines. Our checks never bounce. But if you will feel more comfortable we can send you cashier's checks instead. How many lies exactly did I tell you? and what were they??? It is one thing to post a complaint on the web, and this is another to falsely post allegations and to call somebody a liar. Mrs. Hayward, I told you the whole truth, may be a bit bitter which you did not like to hear, but this is the truth, and I stand behind it. And if needed I will tell you this again looking straight in the eyes. Please let me know of your decision. Thank you Orit ________________________ In my conversation with Orit, she stated she had four post-dated checks from Eran Adani. She never relayed the information that the monthly checks would be from Nationwide. My question now is if they are accepting his checks, then why should I have to get four monthly payments. But as we all know, verbal conversations are not admissable in a court of law under the "heresay rule". I should have known better than to even call her. My mistake. I will have no further "verbal" conversations with her. She asks me how she has lied to me. Well here's a quote from an email dated August 3, 2004 informing me to "Please contact Eran from Spirit to settle this with". The phone number for Eran was in the email. Now if Nationwide is so willing to settle with me, why make me call Eran of Spirit?? Does this look like Orit was attempting to settle my case? Does this sound like a lie? In fact, I have multiple communications from her disavowing any responsibility on Nationwide's part for this problem via email. In another email from her dated April 15, 2004 in regards to the settlement offer she stated "Good afternoon Mrs. Hayward. The reason that your file was returned to us was because you refused the settlement of $1044 offered by Moronta Services on January 14, 2004. I do not have the time to play games. I am doing to the best of my ability, and treated your case as seriously as I would have treated any other client. I did e-mail Brenda your letter to review, she will also reopen your case. If you have any questions please call or email Brenda at [email protected]. ________________________________________ We never stated we would not accept the offer. My husband did indeed "laugh" when he received the call from Brenda. Does laughing constitute not accepting an offer. Fact is, we never received a "written" offer of settlement. When we contacted Brenda again through email in regards to Orit telling us the case would be reopened she stated in an email to us "Mrs. Hayward, no I did not agree to take your case back. Please call Nationwide for information. Sorry - Brenda Is this not a lie from Orit? ________________________________________ Orit, you are playing a game with me which has lasted 1 year and 8 months. If Nationwide is truly finally accepting responsiblity for my damages, then payment needs to be made in one payment, not four. Explain to everyone here why Nationwide has to make four payments? Does Nationwide accept four monthly payments for service. No, it's on pickup and delivery. As stated above, everything through us must be in writing now. I will not have anymore verbal conversations with you. Answer these questions Orit. I have saved every email I have sent to Nationwide from February 2003 until now. Not all my emails were with you, as some were to your predecessor, Cynthia Miller. I can't help but wonder why she left your company. Perhaps she has a "conscience"? From this point forward, you need to respond on this website. I look foward to that. But in the meantime, I am filing a complaint with the Florida Attorney General's office. I spoke with them today. In addition, my husband has started a conversation with the U. S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of Florida. This is going to get real interesting.


New Complaint to be filed

#32Author of original report

Tue, October 26, 2004

I also spoke with my step-daugther tonight(who just so happens to be attending law school in Texas and is in the top 10% of her class) and she informed me that another good contact for my complaint would be the Florida Attorney General's office (http://myfloridalegal.com). I have found their website and if necessary, will contact them also. I want this issue of moving companies brought before our government. I want them regulated. I want consumers protected. I also found a new contact number for Citizen Complaints Hotline (305-961-9173) with the United Stated Attorneys office. Can you tell yet how dedicated I am to this?????


I did not accept their settlement offer. It's not the amount of the settlement

#33Author of original report

Tue, October 26, 2004

It's Monday evening and I have not yet heard from Orit. I want to make something clear here as to why I did not accept their settlement offer. It's not the amount of the settlement, for I am willing to accept that. It's the terms of the settlement. Orit wants me to accept four personal checks from Eran Adani of the now defunct Spirit Van Lines. One would be mailed to me after I sign the release and return it. The next would be mailed once I updated THIS WEBSITE. Then the next two would be sent on the first of each month. What happens if they bounce? Is Nationwide going to be held accountable for that? I very seriously doubt that. If I sign the release under these terms, then I have no further recourse against Nationwide. Am I wrong for thinking that the company of contract should settle with me? All my payments for this move were money orders made out to Nationwide. This has been my issue with them all along. My contract was with Nationwide and Nationwide is the only company I should have to be dealing with. They have refused all along to acknowledge this responsibility. Now they expect me to accept payment (in four monthly checks from a person) when I paid Nationwide on pickup and delivery. I never paid Spirit Van Lines one penny and I don't expect payment from them. If Nationwide thinks that Mr. Adani's checks are good, then they need to accept them, not me. In that manner, Nationwide will be reimbursed over the next four months for what they pay me. Nationwide is who I contracted with and who needs to pay me in full in one payment. They felt that Spirit Van Lines was professional enough to assign my move to, I had no knowledge of that. As I was told by Orit, they had no obligation to tell me that my move was being subcontracted out. I simply cannot trust checks from a man who lied to me, yelled at me, delivered my belongings without notifying me they were even in town, damaged my belongings to the tune of over $7,000.00, lost boxes and NOW THEY WANT ME TO TRUST HIS CHECKS. Once again, I must ask, am I missing something here? I am willing to settle for the amount that Nationwide is offering. I simply cannot trust personal checks in four monthly payments. I find this a total insult! I can post a timeline of all the events of this move if necessary. I don't want anyone to think I'm not being fair here. All I have asked for all along is for Nationwide to step up the plate and do the right thing.


Saturday Update

#34Author of original report

Sat, October 23, 2004

I have sent an email to Orit today. I have given her until end of business day Tuesday, October 26, 2004 to respond with a settlement offer that doesn't insult me. If she doesn't make me an offer that is acceptable, I will post the entire contents of her letter and settlement offer and my response on Tuesday evening.


Update on Letter

#35Author of original report

Fri, October 22, 2004

I will be sending Orit an email Saturday in regards to the letter received and our conversation pertaining to that letter. Once I give her the opportunity to respond, I will post the outcome here.


Letter received from Nationwide

#36Author of original report

Thu, October 21, 2004

I have been out of town on business and upon my return tonight (Wednesday) I have received a letter from Orit at Nationwide while I was gone. I am calling her tomorrow to disucss the contents and once that is done, I will know what to post here tomorrow. Until then, stay tuned.


Flood Nationwide Van Lines

#37Author of original report

Mon, October 18, 2004

I encourage any and all who are reading this tread to go to Nationwide Van Lines website (http://www.movingnationwide.com/about_us.html) and used their Contact Us button to send them emails. Especially to the Customer Service address. Let them know you read this post, give them grief. But I urge you all, no profanity! I will not take myself nor any of you down to their level.


Flood Nationwide Van Lines

#38Author of original report

Mon, October 18, 2004

I encourage any and all who are reading this tread to go to Nationwide Van Lines website (http://www.movingnationwide.com/about_us.html) and used their Contact Us button to send them emails. Especially to the Customer Service address. Let them know you read this post, give them grief. But I urge you all, no profanity! I will not take myself nor any of you down to their level.


Using this site to your best advantage. Show the company how they stand in the search listings!

#39Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 18, 2004

Patricia, I applaud you for trying to take the legal approach to getting paid for your damages. Frauds respond to two things, physical pain and financial pain. Use this site to cause them financial pain. Already, this complaint comes up in the top 20 googles for Nationwide van lines. The other complaint site comes up ahead of this one. Keep updating your situation with new posts so it stays that way. Next, point all this out to the Nationwide staff. Show them the google searches copies. Show them the rip-off pages, as well as the other moving scam pages. Show them the lost business. Explain to them that you will shut up and go away as soon as you receive settlement for your damages. At that point, they can choose to either stand firm and tough it out, or pay for your losses. Make it your mission in life to scream loud and long to anyone and everyone who will listen. Ideally, half of the mail coming in to Nationwide should revolve around you and your complaint in some way. Search for all kinds of things. I checked: moving complaint, and found several new avenues. If you are close enough, file a small claims suit. They have to show up, or lose automatically. I'd have so many agencies calling up and asking about Patricia that Nationwide would feel like they are under a microscope. Feel free to have your friends call and explain that what Nationwide did to you is despicable. Even big companies are worn down over time by using these methods. Sooner or later, they realize that it's better to cut their losses and pay you the damages they owe. Best of luck with this!


horrrible track records

#40Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 18, 2004

patricia, sorry to have horned in on your complaints. Paul, I am not angry at you, just offended at some of your comments. I AM angry at the scam movers, since I was a victim, too (of another company), and that is why I am now an advocate of sorts to make sure that other moving scam victims are able to avoid companies like Nationwide with horrrible track records.


Filed two more complaints today

#41Author of original report

Sun, October 17, 2004

I have now also filed complaints with Consumer Affairs and with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. I'm not done! Anywhere I can find to file a complaint, I will do so. I am willing to settle for much less than the damage I actually incurred due to the manner in which Nationwide subcontracted by job to Spirit Van Lines (now out of business). If they did not have a broker's license in February 2003, then hopefully someone I file a complaint with will pay attention to that fact.


This is not the place....

#42Author of original report

Sun, October 17, 2004

For such anger to take place in this forum reduces us to the type of people for work at Nationwide Van Lines. All I'm seeking to do here is get attention to Nationwide and especially Orit and her many lies. I have used U-Hauls many times and have had friends to assist me, but these were all in city moves. To move from Dallas, Texas to Jacksonville, Florida is more than I would want to take on with a U-Haul. Yes there are some good trucks out there, but I also have had one break down in the middle of the trip and the last one I used had no A/C. It was quite miserable in the middle of July in Florida. All I was here are facts on how to get Orit of Nationwide Van Lines to send the check for the amount offered. Let me state this clearly, I have never received a written offer from this company. I can only think that is due to the fact that if Nationwide Van Lines was honest when they made the offer, they wouldn't have then turned around and told me to Eran Aldani to get the money from him. That my friends, is simply nothing more than a total SCAM. That's what I'm fighting here for!


You are angry at the wrong person. Take it out on the rip-off movers instead!

#43Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

Sharon, you got a lot of anger working there. Use it for some good. By confrontation, I meant injury. Whenever you show up and ask for a refund, most frauds usually laugh in your face. When you threaten to call the law, they say go right ahead. You have to get out an ax and take a few chops to get their attention. Once you do that, they realize you are dead serious. Then, if they are still able to write, they will make out a check for you. That's pretty extreme. But, you sound like just the person to do that for Patricia. It's a shame you're not closer to Florida. As far as U-hauls breaking down, pick a good one to begin with. Most of the fleet is decent. I've moved people hundreds of miles with them. I never had a major problem. And, no you don't drive them both single-handedly. Most normal women have men or family to help. Regardless of what room you sleep in during the trip, the idea is to not let the truck out of your sight. And, last, moving is hard work. Carrying sofas and refrigerators up a ramp into a truck is not something I do to get anyone swooning, as you say. But, it's obvious you have a lot of hate and anger in your life. May I suggest you turn it loose on the person who caused it all in the beginning. Maybe the parent who abused you. Or, the husband who beat you. The general public has nothing to do with any of that. Get the person who is responsible. Maybe then, you'll find some relief.


Not really an option, Paul...

#44Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

Paul, what kind of response is that??? Women are automatically too meek to do anything remotely confrontational? I don't know what kind of women you've met in your life, but I'm pretty sure Patricia could handle that. Also, the suggestions you give are not really an option for most people. First of all, UHauls don't really need to have their engines disabled, they do that pretty well on their own. But somehow managing to load two trucks, drive them singlehandedly, (not to mention sleeping in "dump hotel rooms") and unload it all again is something only a magician could manage. Perhaps a former truck driver has no trouble doing all of this himself, all the while expecting to see women swooning over his accomplishments at the end.


Not really an option, Paul...

#45Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

Paul, what kind of response is that??? Women are automatically too meek to do anything remotely confrontational? I don't know what kind of women you've met in your life, but I'm pretty sure Patricia could handle that. Also, the suggestions you give are not really an option for most people. First of all, UHauls don't really need to have their engines disabled, they do that pretty well on their own. But somehow managing to load two trucks, drive them singlehandedly, (not to mention sleeping in "dump hotel rooms") and unload it all again is something only a magician could manage. Perhaps a former truck driver has no trouble doing all of this himself, all the while expecting to see women swooning over his accomplishments at the end.


Not really an option, Paul...

#46Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

Paul, what kind of response is that??? Women are automatically too meek to do anything remotely confrontational? I don't know what kind of women you've met in your life, but I'm pretty sure Patricia could handle that. Also, the suggestions you give are not really an option for most people. First of all, UHauls don't really need to have their engines disabled, they do that pretty well on their own. But somehow managing to load two trucks, drive them singlehandedly, (not to mention sleeping in "dump hotel rooms") and unload it all again is something only a magician could manage. Perhaps a former truck driver has no trouble doing all of this himself, all the while expecting to see women swooning over his accomplishments at the end.


Not really an option, Paul...

#47Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

Paul, what kind of response is that??? Women are automatically too meek to do anything remotely confrontational? I don't know what kind of women you've met in your life, but I'm pretty sure Patricia could handle that. Also, the suggestions you give are not really an option for most people. First of all, UHauls don't really need to have their engines disabled, they do that pretty well on their own. But somehow managing to load two trucks, drive them singlehandedly, (not to mention sleeping in "dump hotel rooms") and unload it all again is something only a magician could manage. Perhaps a former truck driver has no trouble doing all of this himself, all the while expecting to see women swooning over his accomplishments at the end.


No phone call received

#48Author of original report

Sat, October 16, 2004

I called Nationwide on October 13, 2004 and left a message for Orit to call me since Eran has now declined to settle with me. It is now Saturday and she still has not returned my phone call. Since using Nationwide I had a local move to do within the city. We hired a local mover, BUT we moved everything that was fragile ourselves in a U-Haul. The movers only handled the heavy items that my husband and I could not handle by ourselves. They were professional, courteous and no damage was incurred. So there are some good movers out there, unfortunately Nationwide Van Lines is not one of them.


Rip-off moving company? Why trust all your possessions to strangers? Move them yourself!

#49Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 16, 2004

Patricia, if you ever move again, use a U-haul truck and do it yourself. I used to drive trucks. I saw plenty of moving company trucks on the road. I'm sure there are some that are reliable. But, rather than risk it, you are better to move yourself. If you have a large load, use two trucks. Also, you always get a dump motel room where you can back the rear of the truck up right outside your room door. Moving trucks get ripped off a lot. Disable the engine at night, while you sleep. Sorry to hear you ended up with no compensation too. There is one way to get the money. You could go over and request it in person. But, being a woman, I doubt you'd be up for that. Keep updating your complaint frequently. That way, it'll come up whenever someone searches for moving companies or Nationwide in particular. This site is huge. It comes up at the top in all kinds of searches. Better luck in the future!


Nationwide is a known scammer!

#50Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 15, 2004

OK, Orit/Omri/Omrit, I'm waiting to hear what lame, customer-blaming excuses you come up with for this one. I'd especially like to hear the one in which you explain illegally sub-contracting to Spirit Van Lines (legal name B S D TRANSPORT INC, DOT # 1208453), when Nationwide Van Lines does not have the Broker's license necessary to do such a thing! Then I'd like for you to further elaborate on why Nationwide Van Lines illegally sub-contracted Patricia's move to a moving company that only got its license Feb 26th of 2004, a full year AFTER Patricia's move was performed? I'm sure all the agencies this victim have contacted will be interested in the answer, too.

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