  • Report:  #3024
Reported By:
- prescott valley, az,

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i purchased merchandise from sextoysforwomen.com about 2 weeks ago...they charged my credit card immediately, and i have never recieved the merchandise. the website specifically says that for internation deliveries, the shipping was to be two-day federal express.......i remembered the website having a "check the status of your order" icon, so when i didn't receive my "bachellorette party" gift in time for the party, i logged on to aol and went right to the website hoping to track my order, and cancel it if possible, as the party was long gone.....i never could find the same prompt to check my order, but they gave an option to "contact us" and gave two women's names ( jessica and erica) listed as two "customer service" reps.....i have e-mailed each of them on several occasions, with no response from either "rep".....it has been two weeks, and i am trying to get my credit card refunded, as i have yet to receive ANY MERCHANDISE. let me add, that i am a first time online shopper, so this has been a pretty bad "first time" experience...does this happen to any others, or am i the lone idiot?! thanks nikki clark aka [email protected]

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