  • Report:  #344470

Complaint Review: NCO Financial Systems - Horsham Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- schenectady, New York,

NCO Financial Systems
507 Prudential Road Horsham, 19044 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've had the pleasure of having two ridiculous experiences with these monsters. The first time they called about an old insurance company account. We had gotten behind and we agreed to pay NCO monthly payments for six months. They "out of the kindness of their hearts" lowered the amount owed a bit. So we agreed to pay. I sent out the monthly payments as agreed. The last months payment was 2 days late due to a holiday. A month went by I heard nothing from them so I assumed the account was closed and that our obligation was satisfied. Yeah I assumed wrong. They called me harassing me, saying they are demanding another payment. I said, our agreement we had, has been paid in full. All payments have been fulfilled. She stated in a very snippy voice that we have to make another payment due to the fact that the last payment was two days late. I said you have to be kidding me. She argued with me for a good half hour about this. Stating she can take me to court and various other threats. I found it funny that she didnt contact me for a month. I explained to her, our business is in bankcrupcy and that I am already violated out policy by paying her anything, but I wanted to make good on it. So it was a gift that we gave them anything considering our circumstances. I asked her for her full name and phone number which she didnt want to give me so then she sent me over to her "supervisor". A guy who sounded like he was fifteen years old. He threatens the same court crap. I explained to him that he got all we are capable of, $2500. I havent heard from them since, that was a month ago today. I'm waiting for them to contact me another month later with more threats.

The second joyful experience was almost laughable. I had gotten at least three dozen calls from them harassing me about some old telephone account bill we had for $141 dollars from 2004. I explained that if they can send me some documentation of this account I will look into it and pay it if it is indeed owed. Thet assured me at least a dozen times that they would fax and mail me the document. I never received anything from them for months. Everytime they would call back and harass me, I would ask for the document and they would say its on its way. I never got anything. Today a guy calls me again and demands the payment by phone. I stated AGAIN im not going to pay you over the phone on an account i dont know about, i need documentation. He states that hes "not allowed" to send the document now since one was sent 7 months ago. I have never recieved anything. He stated that I or someone in my office had paid on this account directly to the account holder 7 months ago so i must be aware of the debt. I said well I personally am not aware and I am now the office manager so please send me documentaion. He continued to argue with me for about a half hour, still saying hes not allowed to send me anything, that I have to just pay it now or further action will be taken. Further action? over 141 dollars? unbelievable, this is laughable. I asked to speak with a manager and he put me on hold for 5 minutes, no doubt recordning me to see if I had anything to say to anyone in my office. I kept silent. He gets back on the phone and says his manager said i had to just pay it. I dont think so!!! I told him to send me something or hes getting nothing period. I said good bye and hungup.

These people are ruthless and take advantage of people. They think that threatening people will get the job done. Well first off its harassment and its illegal. I searched the net and there is thousands of complaints against this a**holes. How can they expect people to hand over their credit card and bank info without knowing what or who they are paying. There demands are ridiculous! I feel bad for those who get taken advantage of because there afraid of these people. To all you accounts out there, please, talk to you consumers directly, dont turn them over to these vultures. Because three of our largest accounts went bankrupt, and still owed us 80000 dollars, we were in a tough spot and spread out our money as far as we could to pay people what we owed but its been tough. It doesnt help to get threats from evil people like this!! We are all just trying to make it! Stay away from these vultures!!!


schenectady, New York


28 Updates & Rebuttals


South Orange,
New Jersey,
FU Charles

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Charles, you are a simpleton, and an evil one at that. NCO is notorious for their illegal practices. They break every law on the books because they have Tom Corbetti in their pocket. They have been harassing and threatening me and my family for months for a debt I DO NOT OWE. And then you, poor widdle whiny Chuckie-poo, the oh-so-innocent strongarm man for NCO, comes on and leaves a comment about how truly sainted and good and just misunderstood you are, blahblahblah... STFU, d****e-bag. No one cares. And maybe people have been "abusing" you all your life because you deserve it. Ever stop to think about that? Now quitcherwhinin', grow a pair, be a real man and get a real job.


Phenix City,
That Is how people do on this site

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

That Is how people treat posters on this site. They send comments which are harsh & nasty & they don't know there situations. People are quick to judge these collectors from nco are horrible.


Phenix City,
That Is how people do on this site

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

That Is how people treat posters on this site. They send comments which are harsh & nasty & they don't know there situations. People are quick to judge these collectors from nco are horrible.


Phenix City,
That Is how people do on this site

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

That Is how people treat posters on this site. They send comments which are harsh & nasty & they don't know there situations. People are quick to judge these collectors from nco are horrible.


Phenix City,
That Is how people do on this site

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

That Is how people treat posters on this site. They send comments which are harsh & nasty & they don't know there situations. People are quick to judge these collectors from nco are horrible.


New York,
Checked with lawyer

#7Author of original report

Mon, November 03, 2008

Turns out they were in violation of contacting us due to the bankruptcy agreement. And all I can say is wow about this site. I can not believe how harsh people can be. What is funny about it is no one knows other peoples situations yet you are all so quick to judge. I would like to see how you would all do in life if a huge account that owed you 250000 went under and you were owed the money. I am sure you would be struggling. Give people who are trying to do the right thing a break! We paid everyone we could. We were never once behind on any bills before this happened to us. We couldn't predict the future or else we wouldn't have been in the mess our biggest client left us in. Thanks!


Phenix City,
Another illiterate response from a bottom feeder

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, September 18, 2008

I just love these collectors from nco. I just tell I don't have the money to pay @ this time. These bottom feeders have to realize that & they have to realize that there idiotic only make them look bad, but they are to stupid to realize that.


Brandwine127 My Violin is Playing Just for YOu

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 15, 2008

in other words stop whining...you are the perfect example of why companies need to employ the tactics they do. You admit you had financial problems but refuse to take responsibility for the problems. There are a lot of people here on this site that provide realistic means to solving credit problems, but people like you just want to whine whine whine. You have financial problems, you deal with them. you deal with them the best you can. If you can offer a glimpse into the tactics of companies that take advantage of those down on their luck then that's great...but don't expect a pity banquet when you do. Take your lumps, move on...get over it....you still seem to think that the world owes you something. IT DOESN'T


Phenix City,
I hope your employer terminates you for no reason

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

I hope your employer terminates you for no reason & you have problems trying to pay your bills. Then you would see how It feels to be In this situation. But you think you have money so you can judge other people on this site. I didn't ask for this situation nither did my mother having to struggle & save. Being hounding buy collection. I have saved all the collection letters more then a stack high we only have enough money to pay important bills like the house payment, car payment, food bill & utilities & phone bill & the gas bill. The past due credit card bills & medcial bills will have to wait. I will continue to save all the collection letters. I hope your employer picks on you, this Is a vicious cycle never ending problem. All because of discrimination.


Once again

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

Charles puts his two cents in - this coming from a "child" who blames everyone for his and mommy's problems - guess what - get real Stop posting bogus crap and start taking responsibility for your own actions 10 to 1 you won't Stop wasting the time of the real people who have legitimate complaint You are a train waiting for a propane truck to land on your tracks


Phenix City,
I have been treated like this my whole life

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

I have been mentally abused like this from people all my life, but I refuse to take It anymore people still try to do me this way on this site. But I don't have to take It, they try everything to ruin my day. Well they can say what they feel like. I took this abuse my whole life.


Phenix City,
I have been treated like this my whole life

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

I have been mentally abused like this from people all my life, but I refuse to take It anymore people still try to do me this way on this site. But I don't have to take It, they try everything to ruin my day. Well they can say what they feel like. I took this abuse my whole life.


Phenix City,
I have been treated like this my whole life

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

I have been mentally abused like this from people all my life, but I refuse to take It anymore people still try to do me this way on this site. But I don't have to take It, they try everything to ruin my day. Well they can say what they feel like. I took this abuse my whole life.


Phenix City,
I have been treated like this my whole life

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

I have been mentally abused like this from people all my life, but I refuse to take It anymore people still try to do me this way on this site. But I don't have to take It, they try everything to ruin my day. Well they can say what they feel like. I took this abuse my whole life.


A perfect example of where our society is going! Illiteracy is a big problem among debt collectors

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2008

We get yet another illiterate response from a debt collector, and from Charles - Phenix City. Imagine that. I feel that people have these problems mainly because they are illiterate. Literacy is essential to get by in today's world. Every agreement you sign is full of loopholes, advertisements are full of fine print, etc. Look at the response from the debt collector. It has no capitalization, and sparce punctuation. Most thoughts just run together and is very hard to read. Also, here is another debt collector who simply cannot read and comprehend the FDCPA. He states that the consumer has 30 days to respond to the collection letter. Simply NOT true. The debtor does not have to respond at all, and if the debtor chooses this course of action, his/her rights are unaffected. No loss of rights. The debtor can, and should ignore everything but the summons from a third party debt collector. How can anything this person says be credible? Literacy = Credibility. Then there is Charles. Well, he should not even be let out of the house on his own. Very scary. This is what our society is coming to. Very sad. Listen up people, get some education, even if you have to go back to school at 40 or 50. Don't go through life looking like a moron. >>> Submitted: 9/13/2008 2:38:34 AM Modified: 9/13/2008 3:59:37 PM Dalejrfan_830 Overland Park, Kansas U.S.A. we are all just trying to make it first thing is that when a settlement is allowed by a collection company that arrangement has to b fufiled to a t nothing can post late or anything because the collection agency dose not have to settle anything they can simply say no after you make those payments and demand that you pay the rest of the balance because you broke the arrangement that is the right of the company no matter what the reason is even if you died and your heart broken spouse sent in the payment late it dose not matter and as far as the other thing goes it sounds like you know what that debt is and that it is a legit debt but you want to give them a hard time but that dose not change the fact that they should send out information that you request but if there is a real doubt in your mind you can follow the account form the original creditor call them and ask where your debt is but all collection agency have to send out a initial letter that states what thy are contacting you about and the mini maranda and if the debt is not valid you have 30 days to dispute that with them in writing. oh and when you say that we are all trying to make it out hear keep in mind that when a collector calls they are getting payed for collecting your bad debt so by you not taking care of your finical oblations with that collector you are taking food out of there mouth just like you feel they are but the one thing that different is that collectors are doing a job the debtor not paying for lines of credit or services that they received so when you say predators you may want to take a look in the mirror because if you would have fulfilled the oblation that you agreed to you would never have gotten that call so keep that in mind Submitted: 9/13/2008 8:32:37 PM Modified: 9/13/2008 9:00:29 PM Charles Phenix City, Alabama U.S.A. People end up in financial hardtimes Here we go with this nonsense again. People end up In financial hardtimes. Many people are struggling to pay there bills. And you add more problems for people!. With employment abuses Its hard for people to hold a job these days when they sign the agreement they do not know If they are going to become unemployed. But collection agencies do not care about your financial problems, they can't make you pay when you don't have the money. Then you have to put up with crap from people on this website who doesn't give a d**n. >>>


Phenix City,
People end up in financial hardtimes

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2008

Here we go with this nonsense again. People end up In financial hardtimes. Many people are struggling to pay there bills. And you add more problems for people!. With employment abuses Its hard for people to hold a job these days when they sign the agreement they do not know If they are going to become unemployed. But collection agencies do not care about your financial problems, they can't make you pay when you don't have the money. Then you have to put up with crap from people on this website who doesn't give a d**n.


Overland Park,
we are all just trying to make it

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 13, 2008

first thing is that when a settlement is allowed by a collection company that arrangement has to b fufiled to a t nothing can post late or anything because the collection agency dose not have to settle anything they can simply say no after you make those payments and demand that you pay the rest of the balance because you broke the arrangement that is the right of the company no matter what the reason is even if you died and your heart broken spouse sent in the payment late it dose not matter and as far as the other thing goes it sounds like you know what that debt is and that it is a legit debt but you want to give them a hard time but that dose not change the fact that they should send out information that you request but if there is a real doubt in your mind you can follow the account form the original creditor call them and ask where your debt is but all collection agency have to send out a initial letter that states what thy are contacting you about and the mini maranda and if the debt is not valid you have 30 days to dispute that with them in writing. oh and when you say that we are all trying to make it out hear keep in mind that when a collector calls they are getting payed for collecting your bad debt so by you not taking care of your finical oblations with that collector you are taking food out of there mouth just like you feel they are but the one thing that different is that collectors are doing a job the debtor not paying for lines of credit or services that they received so when you say predators you may want to take a look in the mirror because if you would have fulfilled the oblation that you agreed to you would never have gotten that call so keep that in mind

Roberta K Young

New Jersey,
Yeah, Chill out.

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

I agree with Steve on the bankruptcy assessment. Something isn't right about the lady's story. Maybe the company should be contacted and asked their side of the story. I read somewhere on this site that a lot of these people making complaints have the mentality of children. I think I have to agree.


"Brandywine127" needs to chill out! You were only given constructive advice!

#20Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 06, 2008

"Brandywine127", I think before you jump on people you take the advice given as constructive. You need to relax a bit, and get off the defensive.


New York,
What about the bankruptcy filing?

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 06, 2008

If your company really filed for bankruptcy protection they were not allowed to attempt collections during the bankruptcy proceedings. Since you were paying them while your company was undergoing bankruptcy, I have to assume that either your company didn't list that particular debt in your bankruptcy filing or that the bankruptcy court ordered your company to pay XX amount on that debt. The other possibility is that your company didn't file for bankruptcy. You write about your company filing for bankruptcy protection. I have to assume that since this is a COMPANY declaring bankruptcy, your company had an attorney handling the bankruptcy for you. Your company attorney should have put NCO in its place and possibly sued them for violating federal and NY state bankruptcy laws. Something about this report just DOESN'T make sense.


what is your problem?

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

these people were giving you advise and you bash them for no reason???? Good luck you are gonna need it with your attitude


New York,
to the comment jerks

#23Author of original report

Fri, September 05, 2008

first off. we had to file bankrupcy because our three large main accounts went bancrupt and owed us 250000 dollars. so hmm wouldnt ya think without that amount of money that it would be hard to stay in business. 2nd, to the second and third commentors, im assuming you work for nco or know someone who does which is why you defend them so. do some freaking research, view how many complaints there are out there for these jerks. third, The payment was not sent out late, they stated it got to them late. I sent them above an beyond for an account that was long closed. And it turns out we ended up having a credit for the company so really nco got free money. They badgered and harassed me for a closed paid account. Im also guessing you commentors sit at your computer all day long and look for people to badger yourselves because you have nothing better to do in your life. You've never been through hard times yourself? Hahahaha I find that hard to believe. Try building up a very successful company and then having your 40 years of hard work come crashing down because you were owed a ton of money from bankrupt companies who made alot of promises. When all was said and done from the courts for those companies, they had no money to give so we were out the money. Id like to see you all try to make ends meet when you were counting on that sum of money. Before you accuse someone, know your facts. not everyone has a perfect life. Weve since pulled things together and made good on what we had. Go back to the black hole you crawled out of, not everyone is out to pull one over on others. Theres good people out there who get taken advantage of!!!



#24Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

Never speak to any third party debt collector aka: bottomfeeder on the phone. Never pay a third party debt collector. Never ever even mention a payment arrangement, offer, or agreemnent to pay! STAY OFF THE PHONE! Always make them sue you. Most won't. You made your own problems here. No ripoff.



#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

Never speak to any third party debt collector aka: bottomfeeder on the phone. Never pay a third party debt collector. Never ever even mention a payment arrangement, offer, or agreemnent to pay! STAY OFF THE PHONE! Always make them sue you. Most won't. You made your own problems here. No ripoff.



#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

Never speak to any third party debt collector aka: bottomfeeder on the phone. Never pay a third party debt collector. Never ever even mention a payment arrangement, offer, or agreemnent to pay! STAY OFF THE PHONE! Always make them sue you. Most won't. You made your own problems here. No ripoff.



#27Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

Never speak to any third party debt collector aka: bottomfeeder on the phone. Never pay a third party debt collector. Never ever even mention a payment arrangement, offer, or agreemnent to pay! STAY OFF THE PHONE! Always make them sue you. Most won't. You made your own problems here. No ripoff.


Take action

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

First of all, regarding the second accounts, Brandywine127 your business went under so obviously your company couldn't pay its bills & yes why are they going to keep sending letters to you each time?! You need to pay your bill....no I'm not in collection but you've got to be kidding me! Your company had the service and you're not paying?! Well then don't use the service if you don't intend on paying for it! Yes they are right further collections are going to be taken against you because you refuse to pay the billl..duh. About the first account...that is just strange! I'm not even sure why you would send payment late if you had an arrangement and I'm guessing they are requesting the full balance because you broke the agreement by mailing the last payment late...well sir that does happen with collection agencies....so...I'm guessing that is why they call you. You say, Brandywine, they are unbelievable (and I don't even work for them)...well you shouldn't have bills for a company that you can't pay. It's plain and simple sir..so stop complaining about not paying your bills.


Just One Question

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, June 27, 2008

Why did you stay on the phone with them so long? If they don't have the proof, hang up on them. Why persist in talking with them, if they were not giving you the proof?

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