  • Report:  #61225

Complaint Review: NCO - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Canal Fulton, Ohio,

PO Box 41417 Dept 99 Philadelphia, 19101 Pennsylvania, United States of America
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NCO Financial Ted James And Other Unprofessional Employees harassed, lied, screamed and belittled me. When payment was made they lied and said they wanted more. Philadelphia Pennsylvania .....

I have been in contact with this company for about a year now. It is in regards to a debt that I did make on my first financial bank usa credit card. I do admit that I made this debt and I am trying to pay it off, but this company demands exorbant amounts of money in thirty days or less!

I made a verbal agreement via phone with TED JAMES (the biggest jackass I have ever had the displeasure of talking to)to settle the balance owed (some 2600$)He informed me that the company would settle for 1125$ which could be made in 2 installments.

I made the first installment in January. I told MR. JAMES that I could not guarantee a date for the next installment because I was waiting on my tax return to have money to pay him.

I did my part by leaving several messages regarding this on his voicemail. NEVER ONCE did this person return my phone calls to try and set up different payment arrangements. I thought it to be quite strange for a bill collector to not return a phone call, but being a full time mom and a full time college student I didn't have the time to worry about it.

I sent in the next installment the very day that I received my income tax return (which was not until the end of march-hey not my fault) Again I did not hear from this company (even to confirm that my payment was received) until the end of may. MR. JAMES informed me that because I had not made my second payment by February 28 the verbal agreement was now null and void and I still owe them another 1125$.

He has called several times since may, but I have only talked to him 3 times, with all three conversations being harassing on his part. Tuesday night (6/17/03) was the last conversation I had with him and 2 other of his co-workers. MR. JAMES was extremely rude and demanding of money from me, as was another female who did not tell me her name.

I explained several times that I am a single mother/full time student and I already paid him what I agreed to and I wasn't sending anymore money because I don't have any. He kept arguing with me. Finally I swore at him and told him I was contacting my lawyer and not to ever call my f***ing house again.

After I hung up, I called back to talk to a supervisor. I know for a fact that collectors are not permitted to swear at or "be mean" the account holders they call. He did not answer and I was put to the voicemail. I did not leave a message. the computer said to hold on the line and I would be transferred.

I was transferred- to another computer who could only help me if I knew my party's 4 digit extension. I transferred back to MR. JAMES and asked to speak to his supervisor. he did, but only after asking me 15 times who I was.

when I said I was a "customer" (for lack of better word at the time), he became angry and said that I wasnt a customer, but a debtor. and he kept taunting me with it. "You're a debtor...you're a debtor...etc, etc.

So then this broad gets on the phone and from that minute on she was mean and nasty. She finished her shpeal about why I still owe another 1125$. When I began my next question with "also," this crazy b***h started screaming at me and said I wasnt allowed to say anything else.

I told her point blank that I was not putting up with her getting smart with me anymore and I wanted to speak to her supervisor. She said, "go ahead I'll put you through. We can go around this whole room and you'll get the same answer from everyone."

I finally got to speak to her supervisor. A seemingly pleasant woman named Rita. I let her know that I was not going to put up with being treated like an animal. I am making an attempt to pay and I deserve to be spoken to like a human being.

She continued to be pleasant throughout the conversation. However, she did not seem to care about the way her employees handled the situation. Even when I stated that I made a payment and no one contacted me for two months.

I don't know about anyone else, but in my place of buisness, if I went without contacting my clients for even one day I would lose my job.

I am sick and tired of this s**t. This company's antics are redicuously out of line. I will not stand for it anymore. If there is anyone in Ohio who can refer me some legal assistance with this matter let me know.

Charity Canal Fulton, Ohio

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