  • Report:  #220121

Complaint Review: Net10 - Miami FL New York

Reported By:
- annoymost, New York,

8390 N.W. 25Street Miami FL, 33122 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have a Net10 Phone model : Motorola V176

1.The phone are cheap and you really paying for the cost of the phone not the service which is included of the full cost " depent on which model "

my one was $99.00

Service plus card $30

Crappy Phone $70


Now my issus with the service is that they said is 0.10cent a minutes well this is what it does

you make a call and it lasted 20sec so that 40second before it round off to the first minute that my problem they round at 00.59 second not 00.60 secord before thn it will get that 01.00 minutes mark and they do that on my phone so they are cheating me out of " 1 second = 1 cent "

and also for special feature like website and ringtones is another jokes the web feature doent work and you stillget charge and the ringtone you will get charge 19.50min or equal to 0.99cent


Is with the phone they are like so backward is like when phone came out and they were so " basic "

compare this phone to other phone they are cheapy made with basic feature and they sin card for these phone " beware are NOT compatible with other phone "

and also if you switch there sim card to a tracfone it will not work


now for there customer service " well dont be suprise if you speak to someone who cant speak any "e-n-g-l-i-s-h" because your call is being outsource to smelly india

and i spoke to few " smelly indian " and they were helpful to a certain point and the rest well let just say

" what every came out india should stay in india and also included some ebonic book and tape so they can pass themself off as fake american "


annoymost, New York

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Buenos Aires,
United States of America
Jesse Crowe and Tracfone and VMBC Argentina

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 30, 2010

Jesse and his employees are writing slander comments about former employees in his own company.  Jesse Crowe is a big crook he payed big fine to Federal Trade Commisions (FTC) in United States but think his bad actions are hidden because the company is operating in Argentina.  There is also lying on reporting of taxes to USA and Argentina going on.  They are being investigated in Argentina by the tax department that is named AFIP and in USA by IRS.  The person that is being in charge of office in Argentina Clara Bravo is long time girlfriend of owner Jesse Crowe and she knows that everything like this is going on.  They all will have to pay money for evasion of taxes in all of their countries where they are doing business and maybe also going to jail, embargation of their personal goods and other penaltys.

Report Attachments

Vox populi

United States of America
"Jose" stop lying!!!!!!

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 21, 2010

I am currently working in the call center located in Buenos Aires, Argentina (the one "Jose" was referring to), and he is a biiiiiiiggg lier!!! The office enviroment is great, my salary is very good for the six hours I work, five days a week, there is no information being sent anywhere and we are more than professional. Maybe he thinks working conditions are bad because he does not know how to use the toilet...Jose, you have to poo INSIDE, not next to it!!! We definitely dont hang up on customers and there is no sex nor drugs in this office...unless Jose did do those things while working here and we didnt notice. So, lets get serious, we get bonuses for everything, great salary, perfect enviroment (at least after he left), professionalism, confidentiality, and we are great at customer service.

For further questions or concerns please feel free to post. Have a wonderful day!!=)


United States of America
The real thing. Tracfone - Argentina

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 21, 2010

Hi, my name is Federico, I'm a current employee at VMBC, the company that "Jose", it's mentioning. I believe that if you have the courage enough to write such an ugly thing about someone, you may have the courage to give your real name ANDRES RODRIGUEZ.
I can see you mention sex play at the office, good to know you are FINALLY taking responsability from your acts, since the one having sex in the office with your now EX girlfriend were you. Not only that, we can as well mention your awful predisposition with your co-workers, your complete miss behaviour to the job that was being "performed" by you, but you don't like telling that publicly do you?.
ANDRES RODRIGUEZ, here intitle as JOSE, was SUPERVISOR at VMBC, he used to go away not telling anyone were he was going, dissapearing for hours. He used to sleep along with his EX girlfriend IN THE OFFICE, on regular basis. He destroyed fisical property from the company (damages to the building), he use to steal things bought buy the company for general use, among some other things I'm not going to describe. That is why he was FIRED.
In his complaint it looks like he got away from this company because our behaviour disturbed his moral beliefs, but the real thing here is that he was FIRED due to his awful behaviour to the people he worked with and to the job he was supposed to be performing. So this is not real information, is just an angry ex-eployee who does not even have the courage to give out his real name.
About the company, all the information from our customers is encrypted and stored. We, SafeLink/Tracfone, as well as the government itself have a copy of it stored. The program we are conducting is suported by each an every state we are offering it, and the rules are clear and attached to the law that sets the boundaries for Lifeline, apprved by the FCC itself.
So I guess in the end each an every of us chooses what to believe in, but if you really want to get real information, go on and conctact the FCC itself, I work with them quite often and they are more than available to help anybody get the right info.

And Andres...in the name of everyone that works here: DEJATE DE JODER Y CONSEGUITE UNA VIDA PENDEJO!

Report Attachments


United States of America
An insight from the inside - to jose

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 21, 2010

Hey Jose! Should I say Andres? Despite this, and the fact that you have no right to talk about behavior on floor, I should say your objectivity is a little bit stained about this matter. So long Ive been working for VMBC I must say that salaries and conditions to work here are NOT the problems. I found the company so near to our situation in the country and so eager to success in what it does. Never could I complain about people on floor and/or relationship with partners and supervisors. I puzzle must be complete with all pieces matching in place. Perhaps you were not a piece of what was needed for the company to grow! Remember, you were fired because you werent enough good for this. Get a life and get over!


Tracfone call center Argentina

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 30, 2009

I was before working for about 6 moths in a Tracfone call center in Argentina Buenos Aires called VMBC on Montaeses 2180. They make your working conditions very bad and uncomfortible. Low salary about 400 per month nights also and the man who owns this company Jesse Crowe and supervisor Pablo very nasty and unfair to employes. Tracfone takes customer information from Argentina and sends to india, social security numbers no protection I now work in a call center for a different company and they are protecting customer information. VMBC call center leaves all customer social security numbers, adreses, birthdays all over the place and some people on the call center send this information to their friends in the USA. If you look around the internet there is much bad information about tracfone and VMBC. VMBC also calls people by phone with telemarketting messages day and night people were calling the call center to complain to us but we didnt know what to say, the owner and supervisor told us just to hang up on them. The goverment in the US has both of these companies paying big fines and they say they cant pay us desent salary. Many many problems in office people using drugs too and having sex play in office. I am glad I am away forever from tracfone and VMBC!


This Here Is One Ashamed, Ugly American

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, November 14, 2006

Dear Florencia: I offer my most sincere apologies if you felt that I, personally, was expressing hatred towards anyone working for Tracfone SOLELY because they work for Tracfone, and aren't in the U.S. I don't ACTUALLY HATE anyone who works for Tracfone, lololol, but that's because I choose to use my hate where it is most deserved! You have every right to work for any employer in your area, and I have absolutely no ill-feelings towards you, or anyone else, because they are working for an American company that has placed their call centers outside the U.S. I have to own up to what I said: Tracfone ripped me off of over 500 minutes because of the apparent inability of the foreign "customer service" staff to transfer said 500 minutes from a broken phone to a new one. Very likely American idiot reps would've done the same thing, I must say. I so wish I had left out the word foreign because as I did further on state, American idiot reps would've done the same thing. I honestly regret that I wrote idiot, too! My back is up because I definitely feel like the disconnection at the point of actually transferring my minutes WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. That is why I am SO mad. My original report address is http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff99938.htm. In reading it again, lololol, yep, I'M STILL PISSED! Here's the situation I encountered, but coming from your perspective. It's the same as if you, as a customer of a business operating from Guatemala, that is selling a service to Guatemalan customers that is used in Guatemala, and is not expected to be used elsewhere, calls Customer Service and cannot effectively speak with the American operator who has a very limited fluency in your language. THEN! Just to add to the frustration, the operator not only doesn't help you, but disconnects you at the very moment you are to resolve the issue, and when you call back, you get another non-fluent representative who disavows any knowledge of you EVER having called WITHIN THE LAST 5 MINUTES, and refuses to assist you in getting the money/minutes/whatever back that the first operator RIPPED YOU OFF ON. I was on the phone with the first representative for FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, playing with the damned phone, TRYING to get a service done that ought to be pretty routine for Tracfone! I also find it very difficult to believe that Tracfone computers are 100% completely incapable of knowing how many minutes I had on my phone account, and also, that there was NO RECORD of the extended phone call I had just endured! I am not saying that the Tracfone employee handbook states First, torment the customer by making them push 400 different code combinations on their crappy little cellphone while forcing them to have to ask you to repeat the instructions, numerous times, as you are making sure you are speaking with as little fluency as you can muster. Then, right before you have led them to believe you WILL be making the transfer of their minutes, DISCONNECT THEM. And ABOVE ALL, leave NO record that they ever called, and delete any record that shows they even had ANY MINUTES AT ALL. Regarding the fluency - if a foreign company outsources their customer service to the U.S., and then doesn't hire FLUENT operators - this isn't a derogatory comment on non-English speaking persons, it's a criticism of the very customer-unfriendly practice of the outsourcing U.S. companies in not requiring operators to have a truly fluent ability to communicate IN THE CUSTOMER'S LANGUAGE. If a French company outsources to the U.S., and the operators are not required to be FLUENT IN FRENCH - that company sucks! Again, it is not the individuals, themselves, who are working for U.S. companies that have outsourced their customer service that I am angry at. It is not the fault of those people that this is what these companies have chosen to do. Everyone who wants to work absolutely should be able to. I feel very badly for the representatives who have to put up with a LOT of angry and ugly Americans, just to make a wage that I am certain IS well below what that same wage would be if the company was hiring American workers. I have absolutely no idea what a resolution of these issues might be, I just wish it was a shiny, happy world where we didn't have to deal with this kind of crap! The outsourcing may be saving the companies big bucks, but the cost they are incurring in engendering even MORE isolationism among us lovely Americans IS JUST PLAIN WRONG. These companies ARE morally responsible for helping foment even greater divisions between races and cultures, and I can only hope the actual decision makers who have so avidly brought this about are going to pay spiritually big time. But wow, I am so sorry I helped perpetuate the ugly American image myself, when that is the antithesis of everything I believe in, and would hope I stand for, although my prior posting doesn't provide much evidence I'm living up to my own standards! Florencia, I am truly sorry if I made you feel bad about earning $3 an hour, while working under the conditions you indicate for a business you have no responsibility for. It isn't YOU that are stealing American jobs, nor are your coworkers. You are trying to live, and there is no excuse for any of us to make you feel like you're doing something wrong. It's not your fault that an American company has placed their call center in your country, and I don't begrudge you the job, or the right to make a living. It's an impossible situation, to me. I have no answers, but I hope others will see it as I now do. The "foreign call center employees are NOT responsible for anything that befalls someone in another country because of business decisions they have no hand in, and the foreign workers deserve no mistreatment because of their employers decisions. Wishing US ALL Peace and Prosperity in all that we do.


Guatemala, Central America,
Central America,
why so much hate

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 13, 2006

Hi my is Florencia, why so much hate..... let me tell you that tracfone has no care center in INDIA. I know that becouse i work for tracfone, i'm located in Guatemala (central america), i do know that tracfone has care centers in belize, argentina, bolivia, colombia, el salvador and Guatemala. We are owned by America Movil Latin America's largest wireless company with 93.3 million subscribers around the world. we are not english native speakers, we just try to do our living, wehave a hard time with customers that are from the USA.... you know. we do our best, the company policy was to have a cheaper service (we).... i do not accept this type of policy, but also i need a job, and in my country there are not many, so you see.... i get paid 3 us dollars an hour working 12 hours with 2 15 minute breaks...you know. how is it i stealing american jobs... you people do not work for 3 us dollars an hour...


Researching how Tracfone SUCKS is what needs to be done

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 12, 2006

Tracfone Employee Ramon writes: "Maybe you should do more research before posting a message. Ramon - Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America Argentina" Well, Argentina, India, whatever - Tracfone ripped me off of over 500 minutes because of the apparent inability of the foreign "customer service" staff to transfer said 500 minutes from a broken phone to a new one. Very likely American idiot reps would've done the same thing, I must say. Thanks a lot Tracfone. I had my Tracfone for years, in spite of the ridiculous level of difficulty involved in activating it, and then RE-activating if, God Forbid, you forgot to re-up your minutes in time, and got disconnected. I posted my Tracfone report on here a few years ago, and yes, I'm STILL PISSED lololol. Regarding the irrelevant, needless remarks about citizens of India, get a life. It isn't that people of different countries are of less value or importance than us fabulous Americans, it's that American companies are robbing Americans of JOBS that is the problem. Citizens of other countries have every right to work for any employer in their area, it's not their fault the powers that be of that business suck. And racist remarks....can't believe this is the 21st century, and still have to face the fact that such ignoramuses exist. Anyway - TRACFONE SUCKS. DON'T GET ONE.


Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America,
Not India-- Argentina

#10UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 12, 2006

Godd Day, My name is Ramon Im a TracFone/Net10 Agent at one of the 8 different call centers they have around the world. They have call centers in: Cordoba (Argentina), Rosario (Argentina), Buenos Aires (Argentina), (Belize), (Guyana), Bogota (Colombia), Cebu (Phillipins), (Guatemala), La Paz (Bolivia). They also have some agents in Miami Florida where they say they have their headquarters. I,m not located in India. Maybe you should do more research before posting a message.

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