  • Report:  #651720

Complaint Review: Next Step Counseling; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Central Ward - Internet Arizona

Reported By:
Laura - TUS, Arizona, U.S.A.

Next Step Counseling; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Central Ward
200 S Stratford Dr; 105 N Norton Ave, Tucson, AZ Internet, 85716 Arizona, United States of America
(520) 7470405
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


At almost exactly 14:30 a new red truck was parked facing the Panda Buffet Oriental Restaurant in the parking lot of the Mormon Church located about one block northwest of Tucson Blvd and Broadway on October 12 or thereabouts.


I stopped at the north side of the garbage can located in the restaurant parking lot to see a golden-haired female Caucasian giving a hand job and sucking the c**k of an apparently young to middle-aged white male.  The couple remained "engaged" in the vehicle, which had clear front windows, a brand new paint job, and faced south.  A day later I noticed what was apparently the same female on foot entering the Broadmore neighborhood between the Childhood Learning Center and the El Parador Latin/Mexican buffet.


I noticed that upon returning to the scene of the oral sex act a few days later, a smaller and older red truck parked exactly the same location.  Obviously the Mormons involved are a little more than guilty...this is pre-meditated, and there are more than a hand full of these crimes going on this time of year.... 


Although I did not see the head on the shoulder of the male victim involved, the man getting the, I am prepared to identify the p***s to authorities ....  Yes, this is an acrobatic couple, but it was still an apparently roomy large red truck.


I am not a member of the Mormon Church, nor am I involved in counseling...I occasionally eat at the Japanese/Chinese buffet.   I can appreciate that utterly bogus and comedically fraudulent organizations that have hokey 10-year-old quality stories that read like they came out of a golden plastic gumball machine try various techniques to become popular...but these Mormons have become sexual murderers...they are insane...and, how can I put this politely...a world less than apologetic and repentant.   These completely horny silfs are ludicrous...I am sorry I did not have a camera.


While walking home after reporting this incident of public oral sex to what were apparently workers at the used clothing store near the Glass Bottom Tattoo and Smoke Emporium, I noticed what appeared to be exactly the same brand new red truck, license plate      69COR     AZ, parked at Next Step Counseling Agency. 


If anyone says that adult counseling agencies do not affect "a neighborhood", they are wrong.  Apparently the tattooed and new-age-death-hip counselors let their victims, I mean the patients, out in sometimes less than half a session as long as they pay up first and don't complain about variously fraudulent, illegal and reprehensible services...that have in fact prima facie little to do with official court charges.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 05, 2012

are available at this website.

Just type in 502469 at this site and they both appear in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #502469.

Thank You


Highlands Ranch,

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, February 07, 2012

is available at this website.

Just type in 476868 at this site and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #476868.

Thank You

***POLITICIAN ALERT: Make sure to type in the following at this site and read the Ripoff Reports from people all over America for important information-



Next Step - Cash Cows, Fruad, Reckless Endangerment of Children

#4Author of original report

Tue, January 25, 2011

This week three adults with somewhat violent manners, dressed in bright new red and blue shirts, used an approximately four-inch long shiny and new steel pipe to very, very and utterly obviously smoke what was clearly illegal drug(s) outside of Next Step counseling center. One Hispanic female, one Hispanic male, and one black male, about mid-thirties for each. I immediately continued walking from my neighborhood home to the door of next-step counseling to report this ludicrously illegal activity in the middle of the day where any children could plainly watch.

Yesterday a packet of the "spice" made illegal by both Air Force, Tucson Police, detectives and the Arizona Attorney General's office remained with other drub paraphernalia in the Next Step Counseling Agency's parking lot.

What you might honestly ask about Next Step Counseling Agency is first: have the so-called counselors been drug tested? I do not expect they will pass; not whether these agencies feloniously violate passers-by, inspire children to ludicrous use of drugs and violence; not if an utterly infamous American-Italian racist murderers has simply been using this agency to "harvest" those who can readily be used for more violation of private homes, individuals, businesses and families; not if they are wantonly promoting neo-n**i McCarthyism by abusing any patient who does not easily fit an Hispanic-Italian-indignant BS-ing "I'm an intimidated hard-talking moron that will not in fact even give a report, let alone take meaningful and even cursorily effective legal action."

If you do not know how supposed doctors can simply say, "no" in an apparently random way an do allot more than ruin a citizen's day - and promote more violent crime - then you, not the writer, are really naive reactionary and less-than-useful morons, even at your current jobs in a cursory "high school quality service" venue.

Both legal and illegal substances are being used and smoked on Next Step Counseling property. Since apparently only one citizen in the entire Broadmoreneighborhood is reporting these on-going felonies and misdemeanors, the real question is, "Are the employees and so-called clients (read victims) of Next Step Counseling allowing the use of "recreational and illegal" drugs on the property one block southeast of Tucson Blvd and Broadway every day without exception.

The difference between a good counseling agency and this one is that at a good counseling agency citizens fulfill court requirements without further breaking the law. At Next Step Counseling, citizens learn that they can and should continue the exact same ludicrous illegal behaviors - and more - except that they can be somewhat more public about it at the right time, inspire both elementary school, junior high school and high school students to be insecure, violent and use any drugs they like in a socially acceptable way...except they can also get away with using and assaulting anyone walking by...if they do it in "the right" way and are not quite like Guido going down with neighbors, men and newspapers...and pay early and shut up about those small classes getting out in less than half the time the court stipulated - I mean, that if I was pretending to be a counselor, what I might say to the aggravated drug addict, alcoholic or angry "middle class crass and smart-assed sadists" is that "We understand each other and of course - without actually saying this - the topic of counseling has been covered in less than half the time, because it was a small class, so we are - here's the big sigh of releif from patients that wanted to obey the law - we don't need the extra (and legally required time)...day's over.

Innocent employees that would have been secretaries/receptionists were also mistreated at this cash cow.

For those of you are approach reading English with intelligence, you will notice that in this essay "Hell" has again been illuscidated both sideways and backwards. Soon you may literally see what part of Hell you are in - literally.

"This writer is utterly and nearly completely hot. He still has a bullet casing from what is very likely the gun that was used to despicably commit murder and felony assault against citizens in downtown Tucson last month."

The only Tucson Police Officer that has really only and exactly done the right thing out of the dozens that I have known, seen and met was a Tucson SWAT team member. The rest of the correct X-file arrests have so far only been made by "my own" Special Forces. How can I literally and truly say that my special forces are typically dressed as police and SWAT Team members AND THAT I MYSELF CANNOT NECESSARILY TELL THE DIFFERENCE AT ALL.

So very sorry - I have several very much better tasks/missions to complete besides ONLY turning in Felony 1-3's. This writer lived in places like Luxor, Egypt and has the passport and time stamp, both entry and exit, from Pakistan also.

I literally have to go.


Is it safe to walk to the store? Not past Next Step Counseling

#5Author of original report

Thu, October 28, 2010

Drunken and otherwise intoxicated, belligerent patients, annoyed at being given service that does not conform to court or good business practices...interrupting passers by of any affiliation.  When those who have been convicted of various crimes are confronted with dubious moral and ethical business practices, and cultural/religious prejudices, dishonesty and control, losses result to all - including neighborhood residences and those misinformed about court requirements and taken advantage of by the counseling agency and employees. 

Before and during the recent entrance of Next Step Counseling to the neighborhood, and clients predilection to disturb local families and businesses along with Reflection Family Counseling located across the street and referral organizations such as the dangerously-located downtown S.I.S, (get abused by feral, begging young drug addicts defending their right to eat with each passer by) and other crass, insultingly dishonest, testy, sexist and variously prejudiced services, and in more ways than one, it remained obvious that the counseling agency endangered and challenged both children and adults in the neighborhood. 

The first thought of the intake personnel at another fraudulent counseling agency, Reflection Family Services, is "How can I/we kill him."  An utter, despicable racist, sexist, unprofessional framing.  Those whose families reserved the rights of fictional adulthood for the confirmation and quincerina never to rarely develop the maturity to counsel anyone sincerely about anything...they are not police, enforcement, counselors, they are not really competent to even call police in an emergency...it's an authority issue...they fail.

An insult to the intelligence of anyone who is not interested in utterly pathetic, challenging and threatening junior-high school quality Italian and Catholic intimidation jobs.  The hours that you are losing being defrauded from attending by uninspired, dysfunctional counseling are frequently more fraudulent and illegal than any crimes patients/clients committed in the first place.  An unacceptable influence for all.

Report Attachments


Very Public Sex Crimes; Counselors Utterly Irresponsible

#6Author of original report

Mon, October 18, 2010


Do all churches and agencies go to hell...

This represents not only a completely accurate and true report, with the license of the offenders vehicle AZ plates 69COR, but is written by someone who studied psychology at two very well-known institutions (Claremont Men's College under Dr. Larwood, and Stanford University with Phil Zimbardo) and covered journalism in such locations as China, Egypt, Nepal and Scandinavia, including also two nations at war, India and Pakistan.

Is the rebuttal a joke by a repressed, vain, classist Mormon?  The second red truck is a cover up. 

These were two adults going at a BJ as wickedly as is practical, in broad daylight without front tinted windows, less than 15 yards away.  Can you see the football from the stands 20, 50, even 100 yards away?  About as long.  If I was religious I might have been frightened. 

What we had in front of the Mormon Church was above-the-dash oral sex.  69 COR clearly represents a well-endowed institution, of not insignificant standing.

A silf is most frequently defined as, "A young fan, often of little will and self esteem, but especially adoring."

Golden-blond, straight, almost waste-length hair; wore black and carried a flashlight into my neighborhood alone on a later date...I will attempt to leave the cat unchained to defend the house - in case this type of mammal feels the need to escape.  Events of flagrant and unending church intimidation and abuse often leave one making typing and spelling mistakes...you remember the song, "I'm All Shook Up".  It has to do with flight-or-fight responses and life-and-death reactions.  

Of course, that is putting it politely.  Compare to nymph.

The people that run Next Step Counseling are death cult, tattooed and apparently Hispanic and Italian horned dogs whose illegal and utterly irresponsible, yet power-trip and oppressive tactics inspire daily fraud, entrapment and, obviously, other bad behavior.  Again, Laura's is surely and truly a very accurate report.  Don't worry, Next Step...I know you have designer shoes and narrow ties to assure your church and enduring safety.  I may even know some blonde gold miners who need some help. 

A male friend of mine at a much earlier date walked by this agency and was forced into immediate SUV repair service by what appeared as an utterly naughty teenage girl under the influence.  Appeared to be...I am not an on-duty police or SWAT TEAM member and dare not attempt to get ID's and perform a verbal investigation during uninvited oral interrogation.

Please be good enough to forgive me.  "Classist" is not in some insensitive, knee-jerk dictionaries, either.  Maybe you can manage to figure out what it means.  How about the terms prejudiced, racist, secular, sexist and nationalist?  Do not take my word alone for the fact that there is such a thing...as an anthropologist, I am not possibly beneath watching all the animals in the zoo have sex, even the good ones.  It has been well over a quarter of a century since I watched my first male organ entirely bitten off publicly with an all-Japanese audience in Holland...they are very exceptional at appreciating snuff and other industry accessories.

If you are going to do this in public, why not be repentant at some point...it makes such intriguing publicity...


Souinds like fun

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, October 17, 2010

This is obviously a fake report but - is o* a crime?  I think there would be lots more people in jail and what were you doing peeking in their car anyway? 
You sound like a pervert to me.

I don't believe it for a second but at least you're pretty creative :-)

Ronny g

North hollywood,
What is your actual complaint?

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 17, 2010

..that the Mormon hooker is giving BJ's, that you saw the alleged BJ's in progress, or that some random hooker is giving BJ's in red pick up trucks in the Mormon church parking lot?

I think this report is an obvious hoax..but I give credit where credit is do. The author managed to use the term "silfs" in a sentence, which is impressive since I do not believe that term has a definitive meaning..even in the urban dictionary..so props.

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