  • Report:  #780082

Complaint Review: NFuse Direct - Cleveland Ohio

Reported By:
nothavinit - Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America

NFuse Direct
2800 Euclid Ave, Suite 314 Cleveland, 44114 Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I responded to an add that was titled Census Type Work, I thought, OK, I know what the Census was like, so why not.  I scheduled an interview and when I got there, I immediately got a funny vibe.  I walked into a small reception area that had chairs outlining the room, and a reception desk.  The woman at the reception desk had a mustache and she was speaking with someone who worked there about some personal event.  She also had a huge stack of files that she was taking out of the system because they no longer worked there.  I guess many people before me realized what they were all about.  I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt, so I continued on with the interview.  A young guy came out and took me through another door and sat at a desk in front of me and introduced himself as Damario.  He looked at me and said "I guess you're wondering what we do here, well, what we do here is, we make money."   He even felt the need to show me his check for the past week.  He showed me a picture he took on his phone of his check for $1200.  The first thing that shot through my head was "how unprofessional,  are you bragging now, what idiot starts an interview like that?  Of course you make money, its a place of employment, HOW do you make money is what I want to know."  He told me that it would be Door to Door canvassing work, getting people to sign up for a price protection program.  You get paid $20 for every person that signs up.  I decided I would give it a shot because with my husband and I both losing our jobs, we are pretty desperate for money.  I was handed a slip of paper and told to return the next week for a 2 hour training and field work. 

After the training, 9 of us piled into a busted up red 15 passenger van, and drove from cleveland to norwalk, (near sandusky)  An hour and a half away from home, we were dropped off in teams of two in neighborhoods and told to start knocking on doors.  While doing that, the girl that I was with told me they once left someone in another city because they couldn't find them.  I thought "WHAT?!!!  They better not leave me."  6 of us bumped into eachother because we weren't told properly which direction to go, so some us knocked on doors that another group had already knocked.  We tried to regroup with the people that dropped us off and they just said go back to our "territories".  It was starting to get dark, and after being out there for nearly 12 hours walking and knocking, my back was hurting, my feet were hurting, I was seriously ready to go home.  I couldn't sign anyone up because I didn't have my ID number but the girl I was with could.  She signed up 4 people in those 12 hours.  So that should be $80 commission for her.  But they dont pay you by the hour, so after nearly 12 hours of walking in unfamiliar territory, sweating, hungry and tired, you find out you're not even gonna get paid for the work you just did!  They even had the nerve to ask for gas money.

Don't ever work for these people, its a scam.  You end up doing work for them for free, and they try to get you to use your money for things that the company should be paying for.  It's not even worth it for the amount of work youre actually doing.  Plus there is always that chance that some jerk will leave you out in the middle of some town you dont know hundreds of miles from home because they don't feel like trying to find you when they are ready to go back home.  You can make more money in less time collecting cans and turning them in, or working part time at mcdonalds.

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