  • Report:  #1106010

Complaint Review: Nikole Edwards - Hilliard Ohio

Reported By:
TypeServe.com - Columbus, Ohio,

Nikole Edwards
3994 Parkside Ct. Hilliard Ohio 43206 Hilliard, 43206 Ohio, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Nikole Edwards Aka Nikki Van Winkle is perhaps the most clear and present danger to any small business but I've never met. She operates under the name Elysium Marketing Solutions but she doesn't provide any solutions, act all she can provide is destruction.

She work for me less than a year and she managed to destroy my small business by taking large commissions for work she never did while I was traveling abroad. She managed to steal most of my largest clients all the while proclaiming that confidentiality agreements and noncompete shouldn't matter. She also conspired with what of my clients to steal intellectual property. Don't let her near your credit card or she'll run up your business credit card faster than you can stop it claiming everything as an expense.

For real specialty is proclaiming a deep friendship all the while squeezing all of the connections and influence you have for herself then discarding you like yesterday's trash. There's a long line of people that have been taken advantage of her, please don't let her take advantage of you. She also likes to play the victim card when really she is the aggressor in almost every scenario throughout her life.

Her new website address is: http://elysiummarketingsolutions.com/

BTW You may want to Google her real name Nikki Van Winkle this dispatch and 10 TV have interesting articles about her the past. 

She is dangerous to small businesses, don't let her bleed yous dry.

10 Updates & Rebuttals

Sara Smith

Nikole Lynn

#2General Comment

Wed, April 02, 2014

 So, now you're going by Nikole Lynn on facebook.  You say you're not hiding, but you keep changing your name.  The problem a lot of people have is that you act so "noble" about learning from your mistakes, and that you meant to pay back all the $500,000 in false student loans.

However, if you meant to pay everything back - why steal all those identities in the first place?  We have many of the same friends - the person you pretend to be in your so called "blog" where you say you are a changed person and learned from your mistakes, is a LIE. 

Stop acting all noble about it.  The only reason you came out in the first place is because some people were outing you.  Then you go so far as to supposedly have your preacher father write on your blog...sad. 

You need to be careful who you think your friends are.  Also, you need to start acting like someone who's actually engaged...people talk.  I feel sorry for the poor b*****d you're with right now.  He either has no clue, or he does - which makes him an idiot.


Yes, I'm Guilty.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 27, 2014

Yes, I’m Guilty.

For the last 11 years I have lived with the knowledge that I made mistakes so detrimental, the entire course of my life was forever changed.   At the age of 23, I made choices and decisions that were shameful, selfish, and criminal and arose out of a misplaced sense of entitlement and unhappiness.   Instead of seeking help for scars related to becoming a mother at 16, a crumbling marriage and feelings of failure, I filled the void with incessant shopping and material items. 

I chose clothing and home furnishings over alcohol or cocaine to numb the pain. When the credit cards were over the limit and our checking accounts drained, I turned to student loans to fund my addiction.  I falsified my applications to get the maximum amount possible, thinking to myself that I had a good job and could pay it back when it came due in 4 years with absolutely no thought as to how this could come crashing down.  And come crashing down it did…

I separated from my husband and went through an acrimonious divorce in 2007 and finally hit rock bottom.  I entered weekly therapy, and finally admitted my life was in such disarray that I had to make some serious alterations.  I realized that I was leaving a legacy of lies and shame for my son, and I had to rectify that as soon as possible.  In my quest to avoid dealing with my true state of affairs, I had shirked my duties as a mother and put all of my focus on myself, to the point of committing felonies to fund my shopping addiction. 

These behaviors not only negatively impacted my life, but were destroying my family as well.  But change doesn’t come overnight, and the situation that I had created was so devastating, that a simple “I’m sorry” was not going to repair the damage I had caused.  I knew that the only way I could ever possibly make up for what I was putting my family through, would be to dig deep and make the changes necessary to be the person I was raised to be.

As the daughter of a pastor and retired police officer, I most certainly knew right from wrong.  But as is human nature, I rationalized my behavior to the point I believed my own lies.  I became immune to the destruction I was leaving in my wake until it was too late.  On April 15, 2011, I was indicted on 4 counts of filing a false tax return, and my world as I knew it ceased to exist.  Within 30 days, the US Attorney’s office offered me a plea deal—if I plead guilty to one count, they would dismiss the other 3 counts and I could avoid a possible 12 year prison sentence.  However, I wasn’t going to avoid prison altogether.  The plea deal called for 24 months of incarceration, full restitution, and one year probation.  After conferring with my attorney and my family, I decided to accept the plea agreement and was arraigned in June of that year.  My own personal hell was just beginning. 

I was sentenced on September 27, 2011 and by the grace of God, received 1 year and a day in lieu of 2 years.  I spent the next month packing up my life and preparing to leave my family for a year.  In all of this, the absolute worst day of my life to date was October 25, 2011 when I had to tell my 14 year old son goodbye.  As we hugged for the final time, my heart broke into a thousand pieces when I saw the tears in his eyes, shining with the pain I had caused.  That was worse than any prison sentence a judge could impart.  My son, who was the most important person on the planet to me, was now facing a year without a mother and the full weight of what I had done finally hit me.

When I reported to Federal Prison Camp in California on October 27, 2011, I made the decision that I was leaving my former self there and returning the woman I was meant to be.  I had chosen a fork in the road that led only to heartache and I was reversing course.  I spent the next 9 months immersed in soul searching, reading, writing and prayer in order to cleanse myself of my demons.  The feelings of loneliness, fear, and isolation were overwhelming and never far from my mind.  I vowed to myself, my son, and my family that I would do whatever it took to change my way of thinking and be the mother my son deserved.  And that is exactly what I did.

Am I perfect? No.  Do I still make mistakes? Emphatically yes.  Do I still struggle with my view of money? Of course.  Are there people who refuse to allow me a second chance and continue to use my past as a weapon?  Sadly, yes—to the point I’m being stalked online because apparently prison isn’t punishment enough for some people.  But I’m taking one day at a time knowing that the love of my family and friends is worth the effort required to change.  There is never a day that goes by that I don’t feel remorse and regret over my behaviors. 

I am a work in progress and always will be, but my relationship with my son has never been better.  Thankfully, the hard work is paying off, and we are closer than ever before.  In my heart of hearts, I know that it has all been worth it if my son can learn from my mistakes and never go down the path I chose.  If I can alter just one life for the better with my story, whether it be yours or his, I will shout it from the rooftops.


Judge Not

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, January 27, 2014

Judge Not...
There is no pain quite like that of watching one of your own children make terrible choices- choices that you know will tear his/her life apart. As a father, you begin to doubt your parenting and wonder where you went wrong. Were there too many bad examples? Was I not there enough? A pastor's children are often under a microscope- were my expectations unreasonable? You finally realize that to some extent it could be any or all of these, but you also know that as an adult your child must take responsibility for his/her own decisions. Blaming yourself is at best counterproductive and at worst enabling. 
 This is where my wife and I found ourselves with our daughter, Nikki. Bright, loving and oh so social- then pregnant at fifteen, married for the wrong reasons and divorced five years later. It was her relationship with money that caused the most damage, however. Money seemed to become her "god", and everything else was measured by it. It even led to a year in federal prison for tax evasion on money she received by falsifying student loan applications. Watching this downward spiral was one of the most heart-wrenching times of her mother's and my life.
Nikki says that prison was her wake-up call, the time she "hit bottom". We were so hoping that she would receive probation, but I believe God put her in prison- that's right, put her in prison- because it was the only place from which she would transfer her trust from money to Him. The changes she made, and the ones God made in her, are simply amazing. She is still bright, loving and yes, oh so social, but her focus is no longer on the things that would destroy her. She is engaged to a man who loves her for who she has become, not just in spite of what she has done. The past is not defining her, and for that we are so thankful to the God of second chances. 
Nikki's mother and I are so proud of who she is becoming. She isn't trying to hide from her past- that is part of the reason for the openness of this. Instead she is trying to let everyone know that she has made her share of serious mistakes, and that in the ways that count, she is no longer the same person that walked into that Federal Penitentiary. I know this. I have seen it with my own eyes.
Some people, however, will not let it go. They are taking every opportunity to attempt to use these mistakes to destroy Nikki through a campaign of character assassination. Ironically, the person behind most of this is himself a convicted felon. His business failed, and is now either looking for someone to blame, or is just lashing out in his own pain. Please- it's time to let it go before it destroys you. 
"Judge not, lest ye be judged." These may well be some of Jesus Christ's most famous words, yet it seems they are some of the least  truly taken to heart. All of us have sinned. All of us have failed. Perhaps standing in judgment of Nikki makes some people feel better about themselves, but it can only lead to a bitterness of heart. I hope and pray that we can all allow forgiveness to replace judgement, and at the least allow our daughter to move on with the life God called her to from the beginning. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."  
Lanny Wagner


Nice try...Nikki

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, January 26, 2014

It seems to me that Robin, Rick, and Riley all seem to protest too much. Probably because they are all Nikole attempting to formulate a rebuttal to the true and accurate posts referring to her character. Nikole almost got her greasy fingers into my pockets until I was warned by one of the many people that she has duped. The sad thing is that Nikole is a career criminal, and the very idea that her transgressions were only minor and brief is a laugh.

She not only has deceived individuals in business, but also people she hasn't even met. For over 4 years, she took the identities of people and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans in their names. They say that the worst criminals find ways to validate their behavior and Nikole has done this. It is very scary to think that in her mind it is ok to do what she has done.

She attacks the personal lives of those she has hurt and shows no remorse.  People, please be wary of this woman; especially MEN. She attempts to use sex appeal to gain favor and advantage. Thankfully, from seeing her latest mugshot it is obvious that she is losing her looks.

She lies about her education, experience, and motives. If she truly is seeking forgiveness for her past, then she needs to stop attacking all those that have been hurt by her. She needs to stop changing her name to hide who she is. One week she is Nikole Edwards and the next she is Nikki Van Winkle. Who is this woman REALLY!?!?

Does she think that people didn't suffer for years dealing with the damaged credit that she caused!!  The seizing of federal tax returns for defaulted student loans that occurred because of her selfish desire to travel, buy expensive clothes, and enjoy life on the backs of others. The question is....who pays all that money back?!?!? WE all do!!  Every taxpayer is paying for her crimes.

 If you ever want forgiveness you need to stop lying. I have warned everyone I know about who you are and to watch out for you. ALL MEN SHOULD WATCH OUT!!!  ALL SHE WANTS IS YOUR MONEY, DO NOT BE FOOLED!!  I am not a jilted lover or one of her many victims.  I was lucky/smart enough to second guess the lies that came out of her mouth and ask around about her.  All should do the same.  I wish the best to her victims and those who aren't, RUN!



The Truth

#6General Comment

Sat, January 25, 2014

I know Nikole personally, and am disgusted by the false allegations contained in this report, as well as the comments about her appearance. The comments sound like they're coming from romantically scorned boys, not grown business men. 

I have a question for the author: how is it that a business person, whom "doesn't provide any solutions", could be capable of "stealing most of [your] large clients"? Sounds like a lot of really poor business people out there entrusting in someone whom is doing nothing for them in return. Think about it; IT LOGICALLY MAKES NO SENSE!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!





Nikki is a great person and this report is bogus.

#7General Comment

Sat, January 25, 2014

I know Nikki personally and I have a great deal of respect for her.  I also know a lot of information pertaining to this (typo-laden) post that the poster would, I'm sure, rather that no one knew.  First of all, Nikki never "sunk" his business.  He had already run it into the ground and she was trying to save it.  In the end, it was a sinking ship that no one could save and she left, along with most of the clients who had witnessed this man's inability to perform well in business.  

It is strange that this poster, 37 year-old man named Kumar, who has never been married and still lives at home with hos parents, would attack Nikki's past regarding legal trouble, when he himself is a convicted felon.  There are records on that as well, if you care to look.  But he only wants one side of this story to be out there.  And regarding the fact that he has never been married: Kumar WAS engaged.  He has an arranged marriage set up with a girl from India.  However, after meeting him last year, she was able to break off their engagement before they got married.

"Hurt people hurt other people." 

This guy has made an unhappy life for himself and he wants to take it out on people around him.  Nikki has moved on with her life, is happy and doing well, and Kumar can't stand it.  So, while he is spending his nights at home, marinating in his own pathetic bitterness and playing on his computer trying to ruin Nikki's reputation (while trying to be quiet so as not the wake his parents, no doubt!), he might do better to think about rebuilding his own life instead of trying to rip someone else's apart. 




I would recommend Nikole and her company to anyone

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, January 25, 2014

I have had worked with Nikole on several occaisons and have had nothing but a good experience.  It's sad to see her being dragged through the mud like this.  I find these comments offensive and pathetic. I have receommended her to other colleagues, and they have had the same postive experience.  


Beware of this person.

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, January 06, 2014

 She used to go by the name Nikole Van Winkle.  I know first hand that she has done many unethical practices and can be very manipulative to get what she wants.  In my opinion, she's bad news.  I don't recommend doing business with this person.


Highlands Ranch,

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, December 11, 2013

is available at this site. Just type in 617614 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #617614.



New York,
but she is definitely f***ing beautiful with big giant tits

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, December 11, 2013

she is so sexy hott and beautiful i love her big sexy b***s not to mention the rest of her f***ing gorgeous body

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