  • Report:  #176535

Complaint Review: Noble Finance Royal Management - Durant Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Durant, Oklahoma,

Noble Finance Royal Management
1344B W Evergreen Durant, OK AND P.O. Box 1947 Boerne, TX 78006 Durant, 74701 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
BEWARE TO THOSE WHO NEED MONEY OR A JOB! Noble Finance offers "Competitive Pay and Great Benefits". Yes, they offer it, then they tell you that "I'm sorry, I wasn't able to get you approved for that salary level, we were able to approve you for" much much less! Those great benefits? Expensive, crappy insurance that is forced onto you or you will be terminated. Yes, if you do not take their crappy insurance, even if you have another insurance provider, you will be fired! So what type of company is Noble Finance? "We provide an invaluable service of short-term, low interest loans to help build your credit line with us!" In other words, they are legalized loan sharks. And their collection tactics? One step above hiring a big beefy guy with a baseball bat to do their dirty work. They absolutely do not comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. In fact, the only time they do show positive interest in an employee is when complaints are being filed against them at home office regarding abusive language, threats, lawsuits filed a few days after payment is due. Noble Finance's motto: If they can't afford to pay their note, they can't afford an attorney. If their employees do not use these tactics, they are either fired or every day is miserable until they quit. I've seen twice where an employee was refused their last paycheck. These employees are also worked excessive hours, but only paid for forty hour a week. These time sheets are filled out in advance, so if they have to stay late... oh well, time sheets are already in! Sick leave, family leave, maternity leave? Forget it, if you're pregnant... you're fired! Kids are sick today? That's too bad, give them a shot of Tylenol and send them to school! Oh okay, you need a day off? Don't worry, now you can spend lots of time with them! Vacation? Even the state supervisor can get that yanked from him! Trip to Africa that's been planned for six months, you leave next week, and approval has already been given? Oh, wait, your numbers aren't where they need to be! Approval's been revoked! Say buh-bye to your three thousand dollar plane tickets or say buh-bye to your career! Noble: It's your choice! Perform miracles or find another job! Pay on time or get threatened! Any customers who know that these tactics are true and read this article, please... file a suit! Your rights have been violated! Unfortunately, as an ex-employee who could no longer tolerate these types of (or lack of) business ethics, I cannot file any type of suit to recover what I have lost by working for this company. Oklahoma is an at-will state, which means employers can set any standards for employment (apparently, according to the labor board, even illegal ones like the collection tactics) But as customers, you can fight back! Record your conversations with the employees, then contact a lawyer. Only one person has actually fought back against them, and she won a settlement for over a million dollars. I'm not saying you're going to get a million dollars if you sue Noble, but if enough people file suits, we can shut corruption like this down. You don't need a lawyer to do it... filing a lawsuit is as simple as going to the county clerk's office, paying a $53 filing fee for a small claims case, and paying a $40 process server fee to have it served. So for just $93, you can have your day in court against this company. The county clerk can tell you how to fill it out. Stand up for your rights, don't let this company continue their illegal practices any longer!


Durant, Oklahoma

10 Updates & Rebuttals


I agree with you Krysty

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 18, 2010

To those in need of a small short-term loan DO NOT choose Noble Finance Corporation!  I was never a manager of a branch I was just employed as a "collections specialist".  I can say this about the two people that worked with me at the Noble Finance location where I worked....They were very jaded by the job and it showed in their work.  True in the installment loan comapny you are likely to hear every kind of excuse as to why people can't make their monthly payment.  As a collections person I tried to be understanding with the customers and tried to work with them.  However the manager and the other person I worked with said i was "too soft" with the customers. 

I have an issue with any company that I work for telling me to outright lie to a customer and this is a common tactic that is used in collections with Noble Finance.  Krysty is indeed right about the company motto it is in their company training manual "If the customer can't afford to pay their note, they can't afford to hire an attrorney."  I can't tell you how miserable I was at that job.  Time sheets are always filled out in advance.  If you are 5 minutes late to work they dock you 30 minutes pay. 

Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING is handled out of Home Office.  Like Krysty, I could no longer handle the Buisiness Ethics or lack thereof with this company I stayed till they fired me and truth to tell when they did fire me I felt as if ten ton weight had been taken off of my shoulders.

If you do choose to take a loan out with Noble Finance READ AND KNOW THE CONTRACT.  If you choose to sue DO NOT let them try to force you into "Arbitration" as the Arbitrator is usually paid by Noble Finance and it's in their vested interest to find in their favor.  A true case of Caveat Emptor or Buyer Beware!


San Antonio,
I can smell the drama miles away!


Tue, September 15, 2009

I went for an interview with this company a week or so ago at the home office in San Antonio. I had initially received a call from one gal who transferred me to a guy then he transferred me to a different gal and I was told I would interview with yet another different gal. Yikes! I have never had a interview call that was so unprofessional. It felt like they were trying to impress me with how many people they have or something. That was flag #1 that made me research the company carefully. I researched the company and found several sites, like this one, with complaints. All I can say is wow and thank you to all of you. I talked extensively with my spouse about this place and whether I should even go for an interview because I live pretty far away (40 min). Based on what I read I was very leery, but I decided to go to see the place that generated so many complaints. When I got there the receptionist was rude and she spent a good deal of time talking to other employees about personal stuff. It was a nice building, pretty new, but the cars outside were not the best. I always look at cars to help gauge places because I drive a luxury car. When I did ask the receptionist two questions she was very curt and made me feel like I was wasting her time. The looks I got from other employees when they walked by were a little hostile feeling. The interview gal was nice at first but then she turned downright rude at the end of the interview. I just got the feeling that the employees there really don't care at all and that they think they are the popular/I'm too good for you clique that is still in high school. I am sure the office politics there are very interesting and full of drama. Thank goodness I don't need a job and I do feel sorry for the person they do hire.



#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 05, 2009

I have been an employee for over 3 years. As a manager of Noble Finance in Utah, I have come to the conclusion; If you manage your office as a professional and keep the guidelines of the FDCPA and Royal Management then you are exempt from the so called verbal abuse from the home office (i.e. Royal Management). I have been treated with respect and rewarded with the performance and courteous service I have strived to perfect. As a manager of a finance company, you wear many hats. You tend to have disgruntel customers that will blame you for the situation they are in. But the only situation they are in is their fault. They take a loan out and have no intention of paying on it. So, they get sued in court and now it is the companies fault for opening them with a loan. Well, who then is the abused person. Not the employee, but the debtor! So do not put the blame on the company who loaned the funds, and then tried to collect. And NO, they do not offer sick pay, and vacations are an option, (if you keep your percentage below a certain number,) but it is a striving point to get those percentages down to be able to get you vacation and bonus'. Goals are rewarded, Health Insurance is an option. Take a real look at the world and see what you find wrong with it. Tell the president of the USA and Thank God you have a Job that pays. And if Benefits are offered then even better. If you would like to contact me and spout your indiferences then please do, I would be more than willing to listen. Suzanne Cole Nobel Finance Tooele UT 435-843-1255


San Antonio,
You Need to File with the EEOC-Based on Discrimination

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 29, 2009

Krysti I am a fellow employee whom worked at the home office and I can tell you everything she has listed in statement is true and correct. What you need to do is stop calling the home office because they will not take your call all they will do is make it harder and harder on you. Take your complaint to the EEOC and ask for Pamela D. Taylor she is the Federal Investigator working on my case and you can tell her everything. I will list all the Federal Numbers for you to try and get in touch with her. Pamela D. Taylor direct line: (210) 281-7665 Respondent: Royal Management a Division of RBS Charge No: 451-2009-00441 Address: 5410 Fredericksburg Road, Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3555 National Contact Center: (800) 669-4000 National Contact Center TTY: (800) 669-6820 San Antonio, Texas Direct Line: (210) 281-2550 San Antonio, Texas Fax Line: (210) 281-7606 Everything you tell the investigator should always be true and correct to your knowledge, never leave anything out and do not add any thing in because you are under oath. This includes treatment of management and human resources at the home office, tell them how everyone responded to you when you had a problem how human resource handled the problem with so many employees especially the female employees. My best to you, a former colleague......in San Antonio, TX


I wasn't terminated...

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 20, 2006

I never said I was terminated. I left because I got sick of the illegal activity. I needed a job because I have a family to support. I took the job at a lower than agreed upon pay because I HAVE A FAMILY TO SUPPORT. This is the reason I put up with it for as long as I did, and that is the reason I took the benefits - so that I wouldn't be fired. And I only left after I was sure that my husband's job and my supplementary income from my business would support us. I just want to make sure that anyone out there looking to do business with Noble or looking for a job with this company is aware of the depth of the unethical activities before they make that decision. And I want to make sure that those who can fight back (like the customers) know how they can. I wasn't aware. I took the job because my daughter needed food and shelter and clothing and we couldn't survive on one income. If I had known all of the things this company was capable of doing, I would have figured out another way. I put up my fight. I have no recourse. Now that I've had a chance to make everyone aware of this company and their unethical practices, I want to just push them out of my life forever. Noble's interfered enough with my family, my finances and my self-respect. They will not interfere with anything else in my life.


Krysty...Here's why you are not getting results...

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, February 20, 2006

You are STILL making phone calls! Stay off the phone!! File your complaints in writing! Certified mail, return reciept requested. It IS illegal for an employer to force you to purchase company benefits. If this was the specific reason they gave for terminating you or anyone else, they ARE in violation of the law. It is called extortion. Something of value [your job] being threatened unless you do something [purchase the company benefits]. Is this the ACTUAL reason they gave when they terminated you? Or are you just grasping at straws hoping to get even? You need to make up your mind. And while you are doing it, STAY OFF THE PHONE!!


UPDATE Contacting both the OK Labor Board and the Regional Federal Board in Dallas

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 20, 2006

I contacted the OK Dept. of Labor and the Fed. Department of Labor's regional office in Dallas, TX. Their numbers and websites are below if somebody wishes to call them. I contacted them again, mentioning what you said, and they said it was still not illegal and they would do nothing further to help me with it. I'm at a loss, because EVERYONE tells me this is a violation of my rights, even people in authority, but not the right authority. The actual board that is supposed to protect us from the actions of our employers does nothing when something does actually happen. Anyway, here are the numbers if anyone wishes to confirm this information for themselves. Federal Dept of Labor in Dallas www.dol.gov/ebsa 214-767-6831 Ok Dept. of Labor in OK City 405-528-1500 dol.gov/dol/location.htm


Krysty...ABSOLUTELY not true!!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 19, 2006

An 'at will' employment state does NOT give the employer the right to do any of the things you mentioned. An "AT WILL" employment situation simply means that either party can terminate the employment relationship at any time without giving a reason. If they do give you a reason that is one that violates your rights under state or federal laws, you have recourse. Terminating an employee because they will not take the co insurance is absolutely illegal IF that is the specific reason they gave for termination. They would have to specifically state that as the reason and/or put it on your termination papers in writing. As far as the salary level goes, you had the right to accept or decline the employment offer. If the salary was not acceptable, why did you take the job? You made a choice. As far as the sick leave, maternity leave, etc..these rights are protected by both state and federal laws. HOWEVER, making phone calls will not protect your rights. You must swear out specific complaints of exact events with names, dates, and times of occurances and conversations. Did you do this? These agencies do not take complaints or initiate investigations and/or prosecution based on a phone call. You have rights, and have made a choice not to get them enforced. Instead, you choose to complain here. As far as vacation approval, did you get it in writing? If so, it is a contract. If not, you are out of luck. You are always in control of what you allow employers to get away with. You have the right to seek union representation. You have the right to quit and take your skills somewhere else. I lived in OKC and I know first hand how ignorant most of the employers are in OK. I am not defending the employer here. However, YOU must take action to enforce your rights. Nobody else will do it for you.


Oklahoma is an AtWill State

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

In Oklahoma, the labor board has made it perfectly clear that they serve no real purpose. Oklahoma is an at-will state, which, according to the labor board, means complanies can hire you and fire you based on any criteria (apparently even legal or not). They did say it was unethical for Noble to do what they did, but not technically illegal. They can even hire based strictly on the color of your skin, which is why you will only see white people working there. A Hispanic lady applied once while I worked there. They wouldn't hire her because she was Hispanic and it "put out the wrong message." Anyway, the people who CAN fight this company are the customers. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE has received answering machine messages or has recorded conversations between you and Noble employees (even myself, and I know there's some out there, and I'll be contacting them to tell them to turn it in) STOP REPORTING IT to HOME OFFICE. Home Office for Noble Finance is Royal Management, their mother company. They are the same way. If there are not complaints from customers on file about threatening suits or jail time, you're not doing your job right, as far as their concerned. But there are people that would be concerned...like the Judge over small claims cases, and the state auditor. Concerned enough to even shut the place down. There's nothing I can do about what Noble took from me, but customers are protected! I've even found out that this is not an isolated store, which I'd thought anyway, but now I've met a customer out of Delaware that says he's experienced illegal activity on Noble's part. Also beware that Noble Finance is not the only name they go by. Your Credit is another name, and there are more. If you go in an office and see a sign for Home Office with a number and "Royal Management" at the bottom or on other signs in the store, that's a Noble store. They also buy out other companies all the time and continue operating under their names, so no one even knows that Royal staff has invaded their local loan store. There will be customers from these stores saying "I've never had a problem with this company before, but now all of a sudden the staff has just gotten outrageous with collecting." Yeah, that's a good sign you've been Noble-ized. There was a lot of rumors flying around as to why the Corporation bought companies like this. I've never heard of another finance company doing this. But it was just amazing that we always were in the hole at the end of the month, but H.O. never really complained. Maybe it's cause the money we did earn for them was....clean? Hmmm....makes you think...


Krysty, you need to file labor claims!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Forget small claims. You need to go to the OKlahoma Dept of labor. If you can back up the claims you made here, you can close them down and get paid! For the Oklahoma Dept of Labor- Call: 405-528-1500, ask for an investigator, or ask to have claim forms mailed to you. Take them down!

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