  • Report:  #17674

Complaint Review: Nokia - tampa Florida

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po box 20844 tampa, 33622 Florida, U.S.A.
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Nokia cell phones

If you are getting cell phone service stay away from Nokia phones they are junk. My wife and I got two new Nokia phones bad news the reception is poor and if you get five miles from a tower it fades in and out with static and the talk time on it is only about fifteen minutes the hands free attachment won't stay attached you have to tape it on the bottom.

The buttons pop out and get lost. And there warranty is no good. the phone service we got the phones from sent them in to see if anything could be done to fix the problems. There answer was. The phone that I carried had nothing wrong and the one my wife carried had water damage! My wife's has never been wet when it goes out side it's in her purse


elmwood, Illinois

13 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,
Irresponsible People

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 27, 2004

I have to agree with Chris on this one. After dealing and selling many makes and models, Nokia's have stood up to the test. They provide some of the best reception and hold up great. Two points I want to make about anyone complaining about equipment: 1) You did not do your research. You went into the store, buying the flashiest phone available. Then you blame the carrier/dealer for selling you faulty equipment. Do you own research. Do not go in asking for the cheapest phone then complain because they gave you what you requested. 2) Chris is right. Consumers are SPOILED. 15, 30, 90 days, 1 year ... whatever the warrenty is, you walked out with the equipment. If you didn't like the agreement, DO NOT TAKE IT. Take responsibilty for you own actions. You walked out with it, now live up to your agreement. Its amazing how accurate stereotypes are; customers with poor credit tend to pay their bills late. They are also the first to complain when a problem arises and demand some compensation for their inconvience and refuse to take responsibity for their own actions. Its those people, who drop their phones or don't read their contracts are the ones who make it difficult for those who REALLY do have a problem.


Chris in Miami NOKIA employee- insecure about your job?

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, August 26, 2004

This is a respone to Chris in Miami, your ridiculous in your response and obviously extremely naive and inexperienced with real life and real company procedures. I had attempted to return the phone immediately, and if you read my comments you would have already understood the procedure was not to replace but run me around for months to try and find a technician. Get your facts straight before you make comments that are just ignorant and certainly a reflection of the NOKIA company customer service that you probably hold a position in, you're most likely the little boy/girl sitting with a headset on just doing hours and have no idea how the company really operates- why don't you empower your thoughts with company procedures before you make comments that are accusatory of the customer and while your at it....enroll in some educational classes on business, it will enlighten your shallow aspect on real life companies.


Chris.. please

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2004

Chris, I agree, Nokia may make an excellent phone. I haven't had one... but I do know electronics and especially electronic manufacturing. Despite the very best of controls an electronc component may be damaged by static electricity and not show symptoms for many months. That means it will pass all manufacturing tests, burn-in and actually work for the customer for quite a time. Also, cold solder connections can creep in long after the product has left the factory and in the hands of the consumer. I have seen condensation build up to the point where it pours out when the appliance is opened. Broken or improperly applied seals can cause this to happen. Now, I agree with you that many customers abuse their phones. I am not saying that these reporters did or didn't. I just don't know without doing an indepth fault analysis. Abused equipment should not be warrantied. That is a given. I would never argue that. Some of the major retailers will bend over backwards for a customer. To them, they have deeper pockets and are also looking at the customer using their store for more than that one product. My fear is that because a manufacturer has such a good product and reputation that they loose sight of the things I mentioned at the beginning of this rebuttal. My Toshiba laptop's hard drive continually ate hard drives and because Toshiba had never heard of this problem before they wouldn't warranty the replacement hard drive they sent. They did have me take it to an "approved Toshiba repair center" near my house. All they did was remove and replace the hard drive. They said that they didn't reload the operating system or anything else because they didn't get paid enough from Toshiba to do anything else. Toshiba was willing to take the computer back if I sent in $500 towards the cost of the repair. This problem started about 11 months after I bought the laptop and the replacement hard drives lasted between 4 weeks and 6 weeks before going bad. It was my contention that the computer had a problem that was doing this and each warranty was still in effect, either under the original warranty or under the warranty their website said a repair was under. The supervisor refused and hung up on me. Letters to their head office went unanswered. Building a good product can make the manufacturer ignore valid complaints. No matter what controls and care is taken, in electronics it is impossible to have 100% perfection. When possibly millions of phones are made, even a very small 1 or 2% of failures can be a lot of failed phones. I hope that your respect for the quality of the phone and your frustration with customers returning abused equipment doesn't blind you to the possibility that some people are having legitimate problems requiring your expertise.


Typical Problem Customer

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 24, 2004

Julie, you are definetely one of the problem customers I was talking about. You claim your phone was defective from the moment you left the store. You say the diplay was not working. Why on earth would you not take the phone back immediately if you claim it was defective right out of the box. Why did you not take it back to where you bought it for immediate replacement within the exchange period. I'm sorry, I don't believe the phone was broken from day one, and yes you did drop the phone and get it wet, the question is which one did you do first? Nokia phones are tested at the factory, the shop you buy it from hast to program it and test it too. Then you get it and test it, don't you? You make a call or too, you look at the display, then you leave the store. Then you claim the phone magically breaks - right in your hand! Right. If the dealer is, indeed, an idiot and broke your phone, make sure you buy your next one with a credit card. If your phone dies within the 90 day warrantee period and they won't take it back, just call your credit card company to cancel the charge, buy a new one elsewhere, and drop off or ship the dead phone back to the dealer. I am guessing they did not replace your phone because it was more than the 90 day warrantee period. For every customer like you that had a problem with a Nokia phone, there are thousands that have owned multiple phones with out a hitch.


you just haven't had the pleasure of getting one of the NOKIA defective phones.

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

My response to the comments from the "employee" of Nokia, you just haven't had the pleasure of getting one of the NOKIA defective phones. Are you going to tell me I dropped my phone too or got water in it, when the screen didnt work properly the moment I walked out of the cellular store? Do you really want to know the procedure when you do have a defective phone...they bounce you around from site to site claiming to have technicians to repair (always refusing to replace), then they tell you to mail it in, you'll be without a cell phone but they can SELL you a refurbished one and charge you an activation fee on it, and when you get yours back from NOKIA you'll pay a reactivation fee again to go along with the insured postage. Yes, you might have been fortunate to get a phone that works the way its suppose to but many of us havent, and even you would not like the cost of replacing the phone due to manufacturer defect to exceed the original value. My comment to you...your working in a volative market, one easily collapsed by customers discontentment, would it not be in NOKIA's best interest to appease customers beyond what other cell phone manufacturers do to make it right and reasonable when problems occur. Cell phones were not designed to be disposable like the strofoam cup one gets at a drive-thru, yet that is how both the manufacturer and the cell phone service companies treat them, and which is also indictive of how they treat their customers- as disposable and ever-renewable.


It's sometimes (always?) the customers fault.

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 09, 2004

I love it! The customer says he has the phone for a year and a half and complains the 90 day warrantee won't be honored! Can you imagine how this customers mind works? I certainly can. He gets a phone for free or at an incredibly reduced price; all mobile phones are sold at a loss because you sign a contract tht extracts the value of the phone over time. Then he neglets to mention how many times he dropped the phone. Hey, don't lie, I know you have all dropped your phones, the only question is how many times and how hard did it hit the floor, table, or person you threw it at. GET REAL and GROW UP. A phone is not "BAD" after a year and a half! Why not take the phone back before the 90 day warrantee? Or better yet, after 3 days of BADNESS? I will be brutally honest as a dealer: I think customers are spoiled by companies like TARGET and K-MART where they buy a product, abuse the crap out of it, or break it, then return it without the original instructions or box, etc., and expect a full refund and a smile from the underpaid store employee. I am not in business to lose money or cater to babies who don't treat sensitive micro electronics with care. Take a look at how you use your phone, do you leave it in a hot car? Do you tend to drop it or get it wet? Do you take it with you into the steaming bathroom and take calls in the shower? I hope I have opened some eyes and raised an eyebrow or two also. Respect your equipment, or lose it.


New York,
New York,

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 01, 2004

I have purchased a nokia 3360 for about a year and a half. For no reason, the phone broke down and would not call out or receive a signal. It would not turn on or when it did it would freeze after a few minutes and turn off. Nokia company would not do anything to replace the phone. REVIEWS ON NOKIA 3360 SHOW THAT NOKIA 3360 PHONES ARE DEFECTIVE. I would not reccomend this phone to anyone. NOKIA SHOULD RECALL THE LOT. I would have to say I am very unhappy with Nokia. Not only I will not do business with Nokia anymore, but also I will tell others to avoid their services.


New York,
New York,

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 01, 2004

I have purchased a nokia 3360 for about a year and a half. For no reason, the phone broke down and would not call out or receive a signal. It would not turn on or when it did it would freeze after a few minutes and turn off. Nokia company would not do anything to replace the phone. REVIEWS ON NOKIA 3360 SHOW THAT NOKIA 3360 PHONES ARE DEFECTIVE. I would not reccomend this phone to anyone. NOKIA SHOULD RECALL THE LOT. I would have to say I am very unhappy with Nokia. Not only I will not do business with Nokia anymore, but also I will tell others to avoid their services.


New York,
New York,

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, June 01, 2004

I have purchased a nokia 3360 for about a year and a half. For no reason, the phone broke down and would not call out or receive a signal. It would not turn on or when it did it would freeze after a few minutes and turn off. Nokia company would not do anything to replace the phone. REVIEWS ON NOKIA 3360 SHOW THAT NOKIA 3360 PHONES ARE DEFECTIVE. I would not reccomend this phone to anyone. NOKIA SHOULD RECALL THE LOT. I would have to say I am very unhappy with Nokia. Not only I will not do business with Nokia anymore, but also I will tell others to avoid their services.


New York,
New York,

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, June 01, 2004

I have purchased a nokia 3360 for about a year and a half. For no reason, the phone broke down and would not call out or receive a signal. It would not turn on or when it did it would freeze after a few minutes and turn off. Nokia company would not do anything to replace the phone. REVIEWS ON NOKIA 3360 SHOW THAT NOKIA 3360 PHONES ARE DEFECTIVE. I would not reccomend this phone to anyone. NOKIA SHOULD RECALL THE LOT. I would have to say I am very unhappy with Nokia. Not only I will not do business with Nokia anymore, but also I will tell others to avoid their services.


Nokia's are GREAT

#12UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 29, 2003

I also am an employee of the company mentioned. I support, and have used Nokia's for YEARS with no problems. The warranties are not that all bad. They offer local options, or mail in options. If paying the few dollars to mail it in is to much, Nokia can offer the info on how to get them to pay for it!!! In reguards to the towers... current towers are only designed for a 6 mile radius of "good" coverage. So if you get 5 miles away, and are in your car or a building, don't be suprised if the quality gets low. It's not Nokia's fault if your providor doesn't have enough towers to cover your area. I will always stand by Nokia phone due to the personal satisfaction I have received, and the fact they are still No. 1 worldwide.


Nokia's are good phones

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, May 11, 2002

My husband and i have had 3 different Nokia phones, the 5170, 6100, and the 5190. they have all worked well for us. we also have an expensive sprint pcs and the nokia workd just as well, they will work well for you as long as you take care of them, they are not childrens toys.


Nonsense, I know you lying, your lips are moving

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 28, 2002

Nokia makes the best phones in the world. They are the most popular phones because they are very reliable and completely waranteed. Even American produced billion dollar Motorola has slipped to 2nd or 3rd place. Different people treat their phones differently, you sound like you abused the phone. I have heard your complaints many times in my shop. I have sold hundreds of cellphones as an independent dealer and have had a high return rate on some brand names, and very low on others. The problems you describe about bad reception are not the phones fault, its the cellular provider. In my area Ericsson phones had a terrible reputation and high return rate because the local carrier was using pre-GSM technology. Dont settle for less than second generation phones and carriers. Dont buy (analog)cellular, buy (digital)PCS (Personal Communication Service). I also have my fair share of customers who claim they never got their phone or beeper wet. But when I open it in front of them and show them the water still beading up on the curcuit boards, they concede there is damage to the phone caused by water miraculously entering the phone. I also have cases where I have saved a phone by using a simple hair dryer to gently blow warm air through a phone or beeper. You dont have to submerge a phone to get water inside, simple rain or even steam in the bathroom or sauna will make it 'sweat' inside. My advice: When you buy a cellphone always ask about your right to return the phone in case it does not work as advertised. Most carriers will allow you to 'test' a phone for 10 to 30 days. During that time, use the phone in areas you are likely to be calling from and don't forget to ask for a copy of the coverage area map. Make sure you live or travel inside the area (duh). Ask about the warantee if the phone breaks and more importantly, if the phone is lost, how much is a replacement phone and do they provide a loaner. Ask about the length of the contract, the shorter the better, in many cases you can even get an upgraded phone (free?) after 10 or 12 months (they want you to renew!) Tell them your phone is lost and you may have to cancel your account, they will offer you anything they can. If the deal is no good, you 'find' your lost phone and try again in a few months. Also, make sure you know how many minutes you are getting, don't let them fool you with worthless weekend minutes, everybody gets those free! Concentrate on the Mon-Fri business hours minutes and compare. Ask for free long distance and is statewide calling included free? Incoming calls free? Get it in writing, how many minutes and how much per month and ask them to calculate the monthly charge . . .including the taxes. There are six taxes totalling about 22% so that $49 plan will cost you $60. Do you really want to spend $720 this year, 12 X $60 (plus the price of the phone)? Actually thats only $2 a day, but a beeper is about 10cents a day, and pay phones are cheap too. I'm sorry for this particular customer saying all Nokia phones are no good, more likely his carrier stinks. I can chose any phone I want for free, I have a Nokia 8290. I would say maybe he got a 'lemon', but thats tough to swallow because his dealer would have replaced the phone immediately. He probably dropped the phone (or threw it across the room a few times) after using it for several months, it got scratched up and the dealer said tough luck. Or maybe I am wrong.

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