  • Report:  #67554

Complaint Review: North American Telephone Network - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- south beach, Oregon,

North American Telephone Network
www.natn.com Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company is fraudulent. They have no customer service. It is all about sales and collection. The collection dept. supports the results of the unethical and I believe, illegal, sales tactics of the company. Communication beyond a sales associate is virtually impossible.

I had service with NATN and decided to cancel after two years because I had a package that offered unlimited ong distance with my local service (and many additional features). In June, I called NATN to cancel my service. I was persuaded to stay on for a month (god knows why I agreed to that). However, I told the person I would do that only if they called me, because I was positive I would not remember to call. She agreed to that.

Two months later, I get a collection call. Well after about twenty calls and e-mails to customer service that never got returned, I have had it! I got through today and the person I spoke with said they had denied my request to remove the charge (and they've added a dollar for some bizarre reason.) I told her I wanted to speak with the highest supervisor available that day. After telling me to hold, I listened to computer keys clicking until I said, Hello? It was still the same person. She then put me through and it was a cue telling me to wait for the next available customer service assistant.

Please everyone who has a problem with them, call or write the FCC. I am going to find out how right now!


south beach, Oregon

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