  • Report:  #153736

Complaint Review: North Star Van Lines - Davie Florida

Reported By:
- Kent, Washington,

North Star Van Lines
4485 Sirling Rd Davie, 33314 Florida, U.S.A.
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I recently moved from CT to WA and boy what a horrible nightmare it was. My husband and I hired NOrthstar Van Lines and at the time thought it was a good deal and everything seemed great in the beginning when we booked the move. Unfortunately that was the first and last of it.

The movers were scheduled to pick up our stuff on June 26, 2005 and were to call the day before to let us know a round about itme that they would be there. That never happened. We didn't even hear from them until the 26th around noon. The storage company said that was apparently contracted to do the move called and said that the truck would be there around 5pm and would call around 4pm to confirm directions.

Well, I had family to visit so we hurried up and did a visit and got back at 3:45 so that we could catch the call. We didn't even get a call until around 5:15 from the driver whose name is TY saying they wouldn't be there until 8pm. So we waited. No call. We called them a little after 8:30 to see what was up and they were just finishing up in RI and wanted directions. Mind you know we had to call them! They finally showed up around 10 10:30pm in a rental truck. NOthing saying NOrth Star Van Lines or USA Storage, which was the place that called us around noon. They didn't even finish until around midnight 1am. Ridiculous.

While they were there, Ty asked to use my bathroom where my cats were. I told him he would have to wait until I kenneled the cats he said to me what does it matter you can let them loose. I told him no way he would have to wait a minute. So i crated my cats and as cats do they cried and cried and Ty proceeded to egg them on and aggravated them beyond all belief. Then didn't even use the bathroom.

This guy even after all this had the nerve to ask for a tip telling us it was what we had to do because he provided a service to us and because our 4 bikes which weren't on the original inventory list (because I gave it over the phone and man did they have it all wrong there was stuff on it I never owned) and he was doing us a favor (there was less stuff on the truck and more stuff on the inventory list than I had actually owned). He argued with me over the fact that I wouldn't give him a tip. He pushed and pushed, however he never got one. He was extremely rude and I felt very uncomfortable while he was there because he would stare at my chest whenever I was around, but that is only a small portion of it. Now it is 1am and we are finally leaving the apartment and heading to our first stop before we leave because we were supposed to leave at 6am on the 27th. That never happened, not enough sleep because of the movers.

Now, we had them put it in the free 30 day storage that they offer. We were told that it would take it up to 14 days to get to the storage place out in WA that they had set up. That was fine with us becasue we were staying with my husbands brother for a couple of weeks and would be able to call for delivery and it wouldn't take long and it wouldn't cost anything extra.

Well, now we call for our stuff on July 22, 2005 and well it's going to take 14 days for us to get it. Then I called back questioning why it would take 14 days becasue it was supposed to have already been in WA which meant it shouldn't take more than 7 days to get here with getting a truck ready to pick it up. Hah yeah right. Now it turns into 14 business days and then 21 days because I asked where it was and low and behold it was still in CT. Funny. Suspicious. Now it will take 21 businees days. The person I had the pleasure of dealing with... NOne other than Ivonya or Ivonna whatever her name was. She was also very rude and extremely useless. Because she is the dispatchers secretary ansd doesn't know anything about what is going on in the business or where their trucks are and couldn't truly give me a straight answer.

So I went ahead and accepted this answer thinking I would get a call with a round about date of delivery withing the next few days. Nope, Nothing. I had to call them and at that point I called their CA office to see what kind of answer they could give me. On 8-1-2005 I finally talked to someone because when you leave a message on their VM or answering machine, you will never get a call back. These people gave me the run around and couldn't give me any answer. The people in CA I dealt with were Sany and Omar. The head honcho is Carri apparently, but no one get get ahold of her. No answers. Finnally a week later after letting them know that we would involve the cops and lawyers they can give me answer and My stuff arrived yesterday August 14, 2005. Yet another problem.

Ok, so we are to pay the last 1/2 of the money upon delivery. I didn't want to but we did. Then the drivers who were contracted by North Star Van LInes adn actually worked for All State Moving CO. decide that we need to pay them an additional $150.00 for 1 flight of stairs. They would not deliver if we wouldn't pay that. It's a Sunday and the post office is closed and I am not giving them cash. So finally we get them to agree to drop the stuff but we have to carry it up to our apartment. There only 8 stairs up to my apartment and the truck was parked less than 20 feet from them. They were in an Enterprise Rent-A-Truck with CA plates. So, we decided to just not pay them and carry it ourselves.

Then they unloaded it so it blocked the doorways and walkways to other aprtments, a fire hazard, so my husband had to work as hard and fast as he could to bring everything upstairs so I could go back to work.

My husband also missed half a day of work becasue they couldn't give him astraight answer on when they would be there because their truck broke down (same story with the pick up guys). They didn't get here until 3:30. my husband gets out of work @ 2pm. It takes him 5 minutes to get home. So they really took us for suckers.

Our boxes were damaged but luckily we packed them weell enough that nothing happened to our dishes. But we aren't finished unpacking yet. There were huge guages all the way through some of our boxes. This was ridiculous and a nightmare. I am glad we got all of our stuff, but i am not sure if I have a case against them or should press charges, because in the contract it says everything has to be done in TX for legal issues.

These people need to be put out of business along with anyone and anything associated with them. There is no reason for anyone to be treated like this. I hope something can be done.

No one should use this company and I only found all these reports after we moved, which all are in the same time frame as us. This is horrible.

Unhappy Customers

anywhere, Washington

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Thougt I had I had Everything

#2Author of original report

Wed, August 17, 2005

Guess what I thought I had everything. The inventory showed that all the boxes were accounted for. Hah, I am missing at least two boxes. One with DVD's and one with My telephone, answering machine and other miscellaneous stuff. Just when I thought my nightmare was over. Apparently they decided not to number a few boxes and my husband thinks some boxes were double numbered. This place is a joke and no one should ever use them. They really need to have some action taken against them, but in the contract it says all the legal stuff needs to be done in TX. Go figure, and not many people after using this compnay have the money left to take legal action against them in TX. I hope there is some help out there somewhere for those of us who have been taken advantage of by this company.

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