  • Report:  #191281

Complaint Review: OCWEN - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Grandville, Michigan,

ocwen.com Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
800-285-6520 ext. 6
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To say the least; it was very refreshing to hear/read the other comments of attempting to deal with OCWEN!

Our story is now eight years old! The entire nightmare began in 1998 when we took out a second mortgage with Commonpoint. Three months after taking out that second mortgage, I was unexpectedly put on medical leave by my doctors. As a result, our income was cut in half. Although we have and still have not, ever had a poor credit report, nor have we ever made a late payment; it was obvious that with this huge reduction in income it was necessary to file bankruptcy. Not only was filing bankruptcy emotionally difficult, but it was also very costly. It that is not an oxymoron, I don't know what is!

After filing for bankruptcy our attorney informed us that it would be necessary to allow our home to be foreclosed. After the bankruptcy was discharged we learned differently from our primary mortgage company. We did not have to allow our home to be taken from us.

At that point we made an agreement with our primary mortgage company to make double payments in order to catch up with the payments that we did not make while the bankruptcy was taking place. We were also advised from our primary mortgage company to petition our secondary mortgage company to request a short payoff.

Our secondary mortgage company, Commonpoint, had filled bankruptcy one week before we filed. Therefore, the mortgage was assumed by another mortgage company, Southern Pacific. We made our double payments to our primary mortgage company and contacted our new secondary mortgage company to request a short payoff. Southern Pacific agreed with the amount we offered them. The amount was low, however, they accepted it because they knew that if our house was foreclosed on, and they would receive nothing.

Southern Pacific informed us that the paperwork necessary for this agreement would arrive within 30 days. After 40 days passed without receiving any paperwork from them, we again contacted them. At that time Southern Pacific explained that they too had to file for bankruptcy and could not make any transaction on any mortgage or our offer of a short payoff. They informed us that the new mortgage company that would assume this second mortgage would contact us immediately. They advised us to make the same offer to the new company and assured us that they were confident that the same agreement could be made.

After three months of not being contacted by any mortgage company that had supposedly assumed our second mortgage; and our desire to sell our home and relocate to a different area where my doctors informed me I could return to work because it would allow for a dramatic decrease in job related stress; we began a search to determine who/what/when etc was going on in regards to why no mortgage company contacted us to inform us who held this second lien on our property.

The nightmare became more and more vivid as time passed. We paid to pull our title several times. Each time, the only name on our title besides our primary mortgage company was Commonpoint. Commonpoint does not exist! Therefore, we began a series of pulling our credit records, title, making uncountable phone calls, which all ended in the same result. No one knew who assumed the second mortgage. Therefore, leaving us without the ability to move, without the ability to know who the mystery mortgage company was, unable to remove Commonpoint from our title, and basically locking us into a situation of the unknown, has only taken my medical illness to a much higher level.

Needless to say, the stress that surmounted over the past eight years has been significant!

Because we wanted this nightmare to end, we finally hired a lawyer to try to find out who it was that held our second mortgage. To our surprise, and utter dismay, after hiring a lawyer, coincidentally a new company called OCWEN called us personally. The surprise and dismay came with the fact that as soon as we hired a lawyer, Ocwen began calling us demanding full payment of an original lone of $60,000, which was now near the $200,000 rage because of missed payments, penalties, and accrued interest. Yes! That was a SURPRISE!

At first I explained to Ocwen that we had been trying to find them for six years. During those six years we never received a payment notice, they never showed on our credit report, nor did they show on our title.

Our lawyer sent four letters, called numerous times to make a payoff agreement, and each attempt to contact Ocwen was met with the same result. Ocwen NEVER responded to the phone calls, letters, or legal representation that we were now paying thousands of dollars for.

After eight more moths, the lawyer went back to the original companies lawyers, Commonpoint, to determine how to remove their name from our title. Commonpoint (another very corrupt company) agreed to a $15,000 payoff. Therefore, we did refinance our home with two new mortgage companies with the assurance that those two companies would be the only lien holders.

A year after issuing a $15,000 check to Commonpoint, the title company contacted me to inform me that the check was never cashed. The nightmare continued. The tile company then put their lawyer to work. Several months latter they did discover that a company, by the name of OCWEN attested to having a lien on our home. They made an agreement with them for the $15,000 payoff, the check was sent, cashed, and they were removed (supposedly) from our title.

In complete amazement, and beyond any point of reason we have; six months ago, a call came from a company claiming to be OCWEN in Florida. I was pleasant at first and stated that they had accepted $15,000, were removed from our title, and all had been taken care of.

The same company, calling themselves OCWEN in Florida, has since contacted us a regular basis. At this point, they are contacting us every other day. Although I have literally screamed into the phone that they may never call my home again or I would charge them with harassment; the calls continue. When I call the number on my caller ID to call them back, the call is always answered with, We are sorry, but the number you are trying to contact is being checked for problems.

Unaware of the numerous times I've told this company, claiming to be Ocwen, to never call again; yesterday my husband answered the phone. He too was very demanding, explained that they accepted a check, cashed it, and was removed from the title. However, the woman on the phone, Mrs. ---- explained that I must call her back. She gave my husband a phone number and extension number. Not surprisingly, when I dial that number the recording says, Thank you for calling, please hold. and then disconnects.

I did personally contact Ocwen Mortgage company over a year ago who explained that their office had not called me, did not have a mortgage in either my husbands name, my name, or on our property. Therefore, the question remains.. Who cashed that $15,000 check? Who are these people in Florida identifying themselves as Ocwen?

In conclusion. Enough is enough! Eight years from our first attempt to find who/what/where/when and how to deal with this mystery company, remains a total mystery! $10,000 out of our personal account for lawyers, title information, credit information, and a search for this mystery company has not yielded any clues. In addition, a $15,000 check was cashed by someone!

We are personally filing a harassment suit. We would also welcome entering a class action suit. My advice to all.. NEVER answer a call from Florida under the name of Ocwen. Never even give them the time of day. If there is a real mortgage company named Ocwen; they too are victim to whoever is using their name in Florida.

Good luck to all. Again. Enough is enough. For us! Far more than ENOUGH!


Grandville, Michigan

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3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Thu, June 28, 2007

Amazingly the calls stopped for three years. Last night they called again! 7-20-07! I simply stated........... "You were informed to never call me again. You have lied, cheated and created intense stress in my life. I am noting that you called............ Don't CALL AGAIN! I guess I'll see if that works. P.S. WE can't give up on stoping this company! Please stick with it!


San Diego,
Unfortunately For All, Ocwen Does Exist

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 17, 2006

Unfortunately, Ocwen does exist. They are a so-called "loan servicing company" that operates much more like a glorified collection agency. They have a very well documented history of defrauding home owners. Currently, there are over 28,000 lawsuits filed against them nationwide for various complaints. There are also, if I recall correctly, eleven class action law suits pending as well. Too say the least... they cannot be trusted. Good Luck!


San Diego,
Unfortunately For All, Ocwen Does Exist

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, May 17, 2006

Unfortunately, Ocwen does exist. They are a so-called "loan servicing company" that operates much more like a glorified collection agency. They have a very well documented history of defrauding home owners. Currently, there are over 28,000 lawsuits filed against them nationwide for various complaints. There are also, if I recall correctly, eleven class action law suits pending as well. Too say the least... they cannot be trusted. Good Luck!

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