  • Report:  #1235384

Complaint Review: Ocwen - West Palm Beach Florida

Reported By:
Trisha - Fort Myers, Florida, USA

1661Worthington Rd. West Palm Beach, 33409 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We have been in the same house for 21 years never missed or been late on a mortgage payment.  In April of 2014 Ocwen bought our loan from GMAC.  Since that time our lives have been turned upside down. This companies foremost goal is to acquire your home any way they can. 

The very first month we recieved a threating letter that we missed our March payment and that steps would be taken and charges and fees added. They insisted we send two payments immediately including all late fees. We thought this was just a simple error in their accounting department that could be fixed. After about four months of phone calls to their India based customer call center and faxing them proof of payments to their research department in Florida we realized that this was never going to get straightened out. It was then I started researching this company. I was shocked to find so many sites with complaints stating the exact same situation as ours. Their first and foremost goal is to wear you down to the point you give up and walk away from your home. This has been going on for more than Fifteen years now. There are thousands of complaints on Ocwen's fradulent practices on hundreds of different sites. They have even been fined millions of dollars and still continue to use the same illegal methods to take your home. Is this not American? How can this be happening?

Here are some of their fraudulent methods we have gone through and read about:

1.)  They will tell you missed a payment.  ( Whether you have or not. ) They insist you pay two payments and all extra late charges and fees immediately or they will keep adding to these charges monthly. ( Ocwen did this to us )

2.) If you pay your own homeowners insurance policy,  they will say you didn't provide proof of insurance. ( Therefore placing their own insurance company's policy onto your escrow at the cost of three times the amount that you normally pay. Your monthly payment will jump up hundreds of dollars to cover these ridiculous charges. Even after you provide proof these charges never disapear, then you fall behind and they start to foreclose. They charged us $4,000. for a 3 month period all the time while we had insurance. ( Ocwen did this to us. )

3.) If you have your property tax in escrow through them they assess your account every few months and up the escrow amount to cover your tax's without even knowing what your end of the year bill will be. ( Ocwen did this to us ) They had almost $7,000.00 of our money to pay our year 2014 bill of $3,880.68. Mean while still threatening us with foreclose. 

         A.) They are known for paying your neighbors tax by mistake of-course and then your in trouble with the county for not paying and Ocwen drags it out until your losing your home for not paying your tax bill.

         B.) They accidently forget to pay your property tax bill all together or they say your account is short and they won't pay it until you send them the difference.

         C.) They send the payment to the wrong county.

4.) While your making your monthly payments faithfully they are reporting to the credit bureau you are not. Your credit score drops so low you can't finance a pack of gum. And usually the homeowner has no idea until they're at their wits end and try to get a different mortgage company. Then your stuck with them until they take your house.

5.) Once you sell your home you will discover your mortgage is much higher than it was when they took it over. And when the loan is paid off, they never send the final papers. How can someone else take possession?

6.) They never send your end of year tax form so you can file your tax's. You have to go to their site find it and print it out. After your property is sold they shut you out of their site and never send you the information.

The complaints go on and on.  If you can think of it they have done it. 

We have filed complaints with the Attorney General and Consumer Finance.gov. they can't fix your personal issue but you might become a part with thousands of others in a law suit against them. 

Only God Himself could stop this company as He is the judge and jury for all. We asked and claimed God's favor to spare so many people for suffering at the hands of this awful company. Since then in Dec. 2014 the New York State Regulator's forced Ocwen's founder William C. Erbey out as a part of a $150 million dollar settlement. This hasn't changed any homeowners status as of yet but I know like I know it is coming. Please step out in faith, ask for God's favor and be diligent in writing your complains to anyone who will listen. The more it's brought to light the faster the results. Send emails to the President, your Congressman, your Senators and write your complaints onlines. Just look up Ocwen, and follow the sites. Many blessings to all.

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