  • Report:  #24975

Complaint Review: OfficeMax - Internet

Reported By:
- Marion, IA,

OfficeMax.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Logitech mouse showed $10 mailin rebate on 7/11/2002. Order Ack. shows mailin rebate. Shipment Ack. shows mailin rebate. No Mailin form came with shipment. I checked website - still showed mailin rebate. Called OfficeMax Customer Service. They said to get form from local store (local store out of product and none on order).

The rebate form at store did not list rebate on this Logitech mouse Item 20041571. Checked website-mailin rebate still there. Sent e-mail to OfficeMax. They promised response in 48 hours. This is 7/20/2002-no response yet.

Called Customer Service again 7/19/2002. "Piper" and supervisor, "Cynthia" claimed no rebate ever on website for this product. I checked website after this conversation and, sure enough, no mailin rebate shown!


Marion, Iowa

3 Updates & Rebuttals

*EDitor's Comment to the above ..Great suggestion!


Fri, August 02, 2002

Rip-off Report has been working with a major chain to do just that, give instant Rebates at the register. They are telling me, the problem is, manufactures count on you NOT following the long list of rules ... If we do this, they will not sell us the product at the same price Rip-off Report is still trying to convince them to at least try instant rebate in certain markets and not advertise the whole chain at once. I've also told them that if they do this, consumers will flock to their store, and business would increase so much, the possible extra cost to them would pay for itself, and better yet, most likely this would start a trend, putting an end to the manufactures rebate rip-off to consumers! I can hear it now. Critics will say, you'll do nothing but drive the price up of the products ...and I say, better to do that, than to rip-off the consumer. Corporate America, they certainly need a reality check! ED Magedson [email protected] badbusinessbureau.com Don't let them get away with it. Make sure they make the Rip-off Report! We are not lawyers. We are not a collection agency. We are Consumer Advocates. ...the victims' advocate WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency ...by consumers, for consumers Remember. Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report.


Rebates - Update

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 02, 2002

I am currently a disgruntled employee of OfficeMax. Some things you need to know about the types of rebates offered at OfficeMax and the OfficeMax web site.

The first type of rebate is the "Instant Rebate" where the price is taken off at the registered instantly. The second type of rebate of course is the "Manufacturer's Mail-In Rebate." OfficeMax will print two seperate receipts for a customer when a product has a mail-in rebate.

The first rebate is the original sales receipt and the second one is the "Rebate Receipt." Every employee of OfficeMax is given instructions NOT to inform the customer that 90% of the manufacturer's rebates REQUIRE the ORIGINAL sales receipt and not a "Rebate Receipt." Customers constantly come back to the store asking why they didn't get their rebates.

OfficeMax as a company has a "Customer Satisfaction" policy which means if you complain to the store management and ask to speak to a "District Manager" they will more than likely give you the rebate price at the store level with nothing to mail-in. If you get as far as talking to the "District Manager" then he will ALSO give you a 25$ OfficeMax Gift Card for your trouble.

Products ordered through OfficeMax.com will NOT be accompanied by a rebate form OR receipt. This is because OfficeMax wants to get the customer into one of it's stores in order to sell more product to the customer and perhaps get some add on sales. If OfficeMax truly cared about it's customers then they wouldn't HAVE mail-in rebates and give instant rebates instead...


Rebate - the modern days sweepstake...

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 20, 2002

We have a family full of computer nerds, means buying dozens of softwares, gadgets - regardless of rebate offers - every year. We have a draw full of copies of submitted rebate labels, letters etc. According our experience, we got the offered rebate in less than 10% of the cases.
Some recommendation....

a/ Never buy anything only because of the promised rebate. If the price seems unacceptable without rebate, do not buy it.

b/ To make easier to accept the failure, frustration, handle rebates as sweepstakes. If you are lucky, you get money. I still remember our big celebration when after many failed rebate offers we got a $100 rebate for a flat monitor.

c/ Avoid Office Max. They are one of the worst offenders. Not only advertising not-existent rebates, but not existent discounts/sales too.
If you have a nearby Office Max, you might go there to check if the offer exists, but do not drive more than 20 miles to find one...

d/ Do not waste money to send your rebate tags in certified, registered mails. Even if you can prove, they got it they will claim something was missing from the envelope.

e/ Legal options? If you check the store and/or the manufacturer offer with a magnifying glass, you will always find a disclaimer denying any responsibilty for refusing any rebate offer.

The only option: to avoid to buy anything from the store, manufacturer that once cheated you...

I do not remember ever seeing an ftc or other rule regarding rebate offers. I would be more than happy to read dozens of rebutals:-)))

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