  • Report:  #1102990

Complaint Review: Osvaldo Rivas - Barstow California

Reported By:
ANONYMOUS VICTIM - Barstow, California,

Osvaldo Rivas
Barstow, California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
During the first week of October 2012, Ozzy Rivas, Andrew Lechtanski, Lenny McCormick, and Nora Sarran broke into the Public Storage facility on 8512 National Blvd. in Culver City, CA (Los Angeles County). Lenny and his crew used fake IDs to reserve and rent a storage unit in order to get security access to the facility. They also used fake IDs to rent a white van and U-Haul truck. Over the course of a week or so, Lenny, Andrew, and Ozzy broke into 6 different storage units and stole band equipment, clothing, furniture, tools, electronics, and personal items such as non-replaceable family photos and heirlooms. All four offenders were clearly seen and identified on security surveillance cameras throughout the week. The video quality was so good that you could see the word "Titleist" on Lenny's black cap.


Naturally, three of these four thieves were eventually caught a month later (LA County District Court Case #SA082430 - The People vs. McCormick, Lechtanski, and Sarran). Leonard McCormick and Andrew Lechtanski were arrested and charged with 6 counts of felony burglary and 1 count of receiving stolen property. The two were thrown in jail and bail was set at $145,000. Although she was an accomplice, Sarran was not jailed.


Knowing that they were guilty as charged, on February 25th, 2013, McCormick, Lechtanski, and Sarran plead "No Contest" in a plea bargain to 1 count of felony burglary. They were sentenced to 16 months in county jail and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $157,195.83. Throughout the various court hearings, McCormick, Lechtanski, and Sarran showed zero remorse to their victims during the entire legal process -- not even a single apology or acknowledgement of wrongdoing.


After serving just 8 months in jail, McCormick and Lechtanski were released from custody in early June 2013. Thanks to prison overcrowding and realignment, they were able to serve out their sentence in local county jails. Sarran is on probation.


After 13 months of hiding from the law, Ozzy Rivas was finally arrested. He is now awaiting trial and sentencing.



Rivas, McCormick, Lechtanski, and Sarran have not paid a single cent of restitution to their victims. Some of the items stolen were originally funded by a non-profit charity dedicated to civil rights, economic justice, gender equality, and community empowerment. This charity is no longer in business thanks to thieves like McCormick, Lechtanski, Sarran, and Rivas.



So who are these criminals?


Besides stealing and jail, these offenders love drugs, DJing, house music, EDM, nightlife, after hours, clubbing, and partying.



LEONARD JOSEPH MCCORMICK is from Massachusetts and was born on 11/07/68. While we don't have his complete arrest record, we know he's no stranger to jail or stealing. He's a self-proclaimed pitchman, pro sound installer, environmental expert, and construction worker. He also claims to be a club promoter and studio owner, using the names CLUBSOUND LA, KLUBSOUND, or BLUE MOON NIGHTS. We know that he has family in Florida and Massachusetts.


**UPDATE**Mr. McCormick was arrested once again on 11/21/13, just 5 months after serving a 16-month sentence for this burglary. We are still gathering more information, but it was a felony charge and he was temporarily held on $10,000 bail (Booking #3781029). We will update this page accordingly as more information becomes available.


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ANDREW PETER LECHTANSKI was born on 09/27/75. He graduated from North Bergen High School in New Jersey in 1993. One of his first arrests on record was in 1997 for possession of a controlled substance in Florida. He lived in Arizona where he spent a significant amount of time in prison for burglary. He was also arrested in Glendale, CA in August 2011 on suspicion of identity theft and grand theft of access cards (fake IDs / credit cards). He was convicted and found guilty on 12/17/12 (GA08414301). The following day, he plead guilty in another case (SA08226201) in Beverly Hills. This arrest involved fake IDs, possession of meth, burglary, and receiving stolen property. Just like his cohorts, Lechtanski has been very busy committing crime. He must love being in jail. We know that he has family in Arizona and California.


NORA SARRAN lives in downtown LA (in or near Skid Row). We believe she is related to Ozzy Rivas.


OSVALDO "OZZY" RIVAS was born on 05/22/76. Ozzy Rivas has a long list of prior convictions and is no stranger to jail. Like Lechanski, he appears to be good at creating fake IDs and committing burglary. Ozzy was man enough to break into a storage facility and steal from others, but not man enough to do the time for his crime. He claims he's living in Mexico, but we know this isn't true. He has a son named Ethan Rivas with Rebecca Ervin. Ethan must be very proud of his parents.


**UPDATE**Just as we suspected, he wasn't in Mexico. Rivas was finally arrested on 11/20/13 in Los Angeles and booked for several different felony charges in two different counties, including this case (SA08243002). He is currently being held without bail in Twin Towers on multiple felony counts while awaiting trial and sentencing. For case #BA40484801, Rivas was charged with 4 counts of grand theft and burglary. He also has a "hold" in San Bernardino County (FWV1301757) as he's been charged with 6 counts of burglary, unlawful use of information, and acquiring/possessing access cards. His girlfriend Rebecca Ervin was recently sentenced for the same charges in this case. Needless to say, Mr. Rivas will be "away" for awhile. We will update this page as more information becomes available.

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REBECCA VIOLA ERVIN was born on 07/06/1983. She is from Barstow, CA. She is the girlfriend of Ozzy Rivas and mother of his child. Rebecca married Dennis Chun Ming Lee in 2008 and lived in Hong Kong for quite some time. While she may not have been charged in Case #SA082430, it is evident that she participated and was involved to some extent. On 11/01/13, Rebecca Ervin plead "no contest" in San Bernardino County to 2 of 6 burglary-related felony charges and was sentenced to 2 years in county prison, probation, and restitution (FWV1301757). She spent 40 days in jail, but is now out on probation. Like this case, there were multiple victims with thousands of dollars in losses. She and Ozzy Rivas are both on the hook for restitution in FWV1301757. Ervin and Rivas have another case pending from 2012 (BA39499901/BA39499902) that involves 3 felony counts of possessing and/or creating fake IDs. What's sad is that she and Ozzy did all of this stealing while she was pregnant. Proves that horrible parents shouldn't have children. Rebecca is broke just like the other thieves. We will continue to post updates on her other pending case(s).

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If you know these crooked meth junkies, please ask them to pay restitution to their victims and stop stealing from innocent people. Tell them to give up their party lifestyle and get jobs like the rest of us. We did not ask these criminals to steal from us. Would you allow them to steal from you or your family?

1 Updates & Rebuttals


UPDATE on Rebecca Ervin

#2Author of original report

Sun, May 18, 2014

On 5/14/12, Rebecca plead "no contest" to identity theft and forgery (possessing/using a fake ID to defraud) in case #BA394999. She was sentenced to 3 years probation. She and Ozzy Rivas were joint defendants in this case and she was ordered not to communicate with him. She was also ordered to 90 days of Caltrans work program and attend at least two weekly Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) meetings. Since she was pregnant at the time, she converted her Caltrans work program to community service. On 8/29/12, her probation was revoked for failing to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings and complete community service. She and Ozzy were too busy stealing during this time. On 9/7/12, she provided proof of attendance and her probation was reinstated for once of the counts. She was allowed to do attend her meetings and do community service in Barstow. Her probation violation hearing continued to get postponed. Rebecca even tried using her pregnancy as an excuse. Finally, on 6/10/13, the judge released a $30,000 bench warrant.

Rebecca reappeared in court on the probation violations for #BA394999 on 1/14/14. Another website picked up this arrest and it  can be found by clicking here. Her bench warrant was squashed and she was sentenced to 180 days in county jail. She is back on probation and was granted permission to transfer it to San Bernardino County.
As if that case wasn't enough, on 11/01/13,  Rebecca Ervin also plead "no contest" in San Bernardino County to 2 of 6 burglary-related felony charges. She was sentenced to 2 years in county prison, probation, and restitution (FWV1301757). She spent 40 days in jail, but is now out on probation for this case as well. She requested an extension on paying back her restitution and had another hearing on 4/29/14. Another hearing continuation was extended and she's scheduled to return back to court on 5/22/14.

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