  • Report:  #378563

Complaint Review: Outplacement Services Of America - Chanhassen Minnesota

Reported By:
- Shakopee, Minnesota,

Outplacement Services Of America
1721 Lake Drive W Chanhassen, 55317 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If you are reading this, you have likely either been a victim or Insurance Fraud thru *Illegal Inducement/ Misrepresentation, or you were about to be a victim of Insurance Fraud thru *Illegal Inducement/ Misrepresentation by Outplacement Services of America. At an absolute bare-minimum, you were misled into believing you were going to work with an assigned Executive Recruiter, to assist you in your career search, unfortunately that is NOT, nor will it EVER be the case.

Outplacement Services of America is NOT a Recruitment Firm, but simply a FRONT (i.e. fake company) set up as an operation to sell you financial products (specifically Indexed Annuity Products), through MAJOR companies including (ING) and (ALLIANZ). The owner of Outplacement Services of America (which is a completely phony company that offers no real service, and generates absolutely ZERO revenue), is John Schrup, and he is a former executive of Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America.

John Schrup runs a Field Marketing Organization (FMO) as an Insurance Wholesaler, and the actual company (from which you have likely been contacted and/or solicited), is called Strategic Financial Partners LLC or (SFP) (you can do the cross-reference of these companies through your own research), and they ONLY generate revenue through the sale of financial products.

I wrote this manuscript to inform over 200 people that have been SCAMMED into moving more than 10Million dollars of retirement savings and assets into various financial products (specifically indexed annuity products through (ING) or (Allianz)), by way of *illegal inducement/ Misrepresentation, in the hopes that they would receive placement in a promising career opportunity if they met with and/or did business with Outplacement Services of America's Financial/ Insurance Agent(s).

I also want to notify any potential victims of this SCAM so that they can save a lot of time, money, and emotional distress by NOT working with Outplacement Services of America. I am a former Executive of Strategic Financial Partners LLC/ Outplacement Services of America. I have worked as a Sales Representative, Sales Manager, and Director of Sales and Marketing during the time I was employed with this company over the last 12 months. I have included my contact information in this manuscript to not only solidify my statements (if necessary), but also to assist in answering any questions and/or concerns any of you may have regarding this matter.

Please note: I am NOT an attorney, nor am I licensed to practice any type of law, and you should NOT consider the following information TRUE or FACT until you conduct your own investigation. However, I will provide you with all of the necessary contact numbers to get started. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!


Outplacement Services of America has several employer accounts (that they pay for) on CareerBuilder and Yahoo Hot Jobs which they obtain illegally (because you can NOT solicit people on CareerBuilder or Yahoo Hot Jobs according to their regulated bylaws (see terms of use below), but they ACT as an employment recruiting agency to gain access to resumes on the site for solicitation purposes.

They call EVERYONE who has recently updated their resume and then they give you the PITCH We can help you find employment! You have a wonderful resume! Your assigned Executive Recruiter will contact you tomorrow to get started! Our 2Step Program requires you to meet with our Financial Expert to review retirement options available to you at this time (IF THAT DOESN'T STRIKE YOU AS ODD, IT SHOULD), and then they go through a brief qualification survey with you to VERIFY YOUR MOVABLE ASSETS (401(k), 403(b), IRA's, Pensions, and so on).

As I said, I wrote the Sales Script, I know it by heart, and I have a hard-copy saved at home for evidence. If you agree to the meeting, your PHONY assigned recruiter calls the next day to GET STARTED, but you will quickly realize that the actual job-search process is NOT taking place, they are just re-confirming the meeting with the Financial/ Insurance Agent, because that is the ONLY way they generate revenue. They tell you that job-leads will start only AFTER you meet with their Financial/ Retirement Agent, that is, if you ask

If they tell you they have a great job lead waiting for you, or anything else, it is a LIE. The entire goal of this SCAM is to keep you interested long enough to potentially SELL YOU FINANCIAL SERVICES and/or PRODUCTS. It is that simple. If you are not qualified and/or interested in financial products, you will quickly be CUT-OFF from ALL communication with the company, that is unless you threaten them with an Attorney General complaint and/or a Lawsuit; then they will make EVERY attempt to CALM YOU DOWN (but you will still NOT get a job).

If you ARE interested in financial products/ services, then you will be considered a HOT MONEY ACCOUNT, and they will SEEMINGLY begin to work on your career search. However, this is the scam-operation They simply type in your last job-title to a personal MONSTER.com account to search for job openings in your area (something you can do on your own for NO COST), and send you a CUT and PASTE template email of the job description, taking out all of the relevant company information, so it APPEARS that this is a FRESH lead directly from Outplacement Services of America, but as you can see IT IS NOT!!!

There is NO exclusive database, NO hot job leads, NO hundreds of job-boards, in fact the ONLY time they deviate away from MONSTER.com, is if the client notifies them that he/she uses MONSTER every day as a resource in finding employment, then they do a Google search or they will defer to Yahoo Hot Jobs to gather more FAKE leads, to pawn them off as their own internal postings.

They have NO industry ties, NO contacts with companies seeking placement, and their entire staff of (2) PHONY Recruiters has a combined total of (ZERO) years of experience in the recruiting, staffing, or head-hunting industry, and certainly NO experience at an EXECUTIVE level. In addition, they have NO contracts with employers, and NO active job-orders to be filled

They are NOT a recruiting firm at all, they cut and paste job leads from (1-3) FREE internet sites and claim to have sent the application into the company (which they have NOT, and will NOT do). In some instances, they will send you the link to the corporate website (from the available position posted on MONSTER.com), and you can apply on your own, but then again you can do that ON YOUR OWN, you do not need help from Outplacement Services of America to use MONSTER.com; MONSTER.com IS A FREE SERVICE for employment seekers.

Since people do not know what is happening, they are under severely FALSE pretense that Outplacement Services of America is working for them to find a job, meanwhile you are pressured into rolling your retirement assets into their Indexed Annuity Plan(s) In my opinion, this is F-R-A-U-D! And it NEEDS to be STOPPED!


1. Unfair Trade Practices Act (i.e. misrepresentation and unfair marketing practices via Insurance company and/or Agent) - http://www.finweb.com/insurance/beware-of-unfair-trade-practices.html SAMPLE FROM ARTICLE - It's illegal for anyone to formulate or use false or misleading advertising or to make any statement which is untrue.

2. Illegal Inducement (from what I understand this is a rather universal insurance law).

1. Limitations. No person may knowingly receive or accept, directly or indirectly:

A. Any rebate of premium or part of a premium; [1997, c. 457, 40 (NEW).]

B. Any producer's commission on a premium or part of a premium payable on any policy of insurance or annuity contract; [1997, c. 457, 40 (NEW).]

C. Any special favor or advantage in the dividend or other benefits to accrue; or [1997, c. 457, 40 (NEW).]

D. Anything of value as inducement to any policy of insurance or annuity contract or in connection with any policy of insurance or annuity contract that is not specified, promised or provided for in the policy or contract, except as otherwise provided by law. [1997, c. 457, 40 (NEW).]

*I believe knowingly accepting FREE Executive Recruitment Services in exchange for the opportunity to conduct business with a Financial Agent and/or Insurance Company (as an incentive or bonus) could be considered (A Special Favor and/or Something of Value). https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/laws/?id=375&doctype=Chapter&year=1998&type=0 SAMPLE FROM ARTICLE No insurance company or association, however constituted or entitled, including any affiliate of the insurance company or association, doing business in this state, nor any officer, agent, subagent, solicitor, employee, intermediary, or representative thereof, shall make or permit any advantage or distinction in favor of any insured individual.

3. Violation of CareerBuilder & Yahoo HOT JOBS Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


4.3 License to Use by Users who are employers. CareerBuilder hereby grants you a limited, terminable, non-exclusive right to access and use the Site only for your internal business use seeking candidates for employment. This authorizes you to view and download a single copy of the material on the Site solely for your personal use directly related to using the Site for the purpose of searching and recruiting job prospects. Users of the Resume Database please see our Resume Database Subscription Agreement Terms and Conditions, which are incorporated herein by reference, for further clarification. You may not sell, transfer or assign any products or services or your rights to any products or services (including access to the Resume Database) provided by CareerBuilder to any third party without the express written authorization of CareerBuilder. You agree that you are solely responsible for the content of any Document you post to the Site and any consequences arising from such posting. CareerBuilder reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access and use at any time if CareerBuilder determines that you are in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.

**First of all, they are already in violation of their service agreement because they are in fact NOT employment providers and/or a REAL recruiting firm, (They are STEALING your information and using it ILLEGALLY to misrepresent themselves as an Executive Recruitment Firm, in hopes to SELL you financial products), and as you can see from the above statement, they only have non-exclusive rights to download a single copy of the material on the site (as an employment provider). Strategic Financial Partners LLC is also in BREACH of CareerBuilder's Privacy Policy, as they use a software program called E-Grabber to take personal data directly from CareerBuilder, to load it into an Excel spreadsheet/ database, from which their Sales Reps dial from each day. According to the CareerBuilder terms and conditions, they take this VERY seriously SAMPLE FROM CAREER BUILDER PRIVACY POLICY - CareerBuilder will investigate occurrences which may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users who are involved in such violations.

http://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/utos-173.html YAHOO HOT JOBS has ever STRICTER service agreement(s) meant to protect you from solicitation and/or harm, and your privacy. Both CareerBuilder and Yahoo contact information will be provided at the bottom of this manuscript. Strategic Financial Partners is effectively paying CareerBuilder and Yahoo Hot Jobs for your contact information, and then soliciting you (unbeknownst to CareerBuilder and Yahoo Hot Jobs of course).


1). John Schrup

The company is owned and operated by 40yo John Schrup, former Allianz executive, and self-employed insurance wholesaler for ING, Allianz, and various other companies. John is originally from Chicago, IL, and now resides in Waconia, MN with his wife Janet and 2 boys. John's organizational management and directional leadership is sub-par, and he generally comes into work an hour late, hung-over. John spends much of his day coming up with new ideas, but he rarely, if EVER follows through on them. John has become well known in the office for telling 5 people 5 different stories about the same exact topic of discussion; he is an unrelenting train wreck. John has been threatened with 3 lawsuits since I have been employed with Strategic Financial Partners, and his staff (as well as his Agent's have continually had to address issues regarding compensation that is owed to them, but for one reason or another, has not been paid. There have been rumors of infidelity and marital woes floating around the office as well; maybe that is why John disappears for several hours at a time during the day. It came to no surprise to me that John has recently elected himself a Field Agent (Life Insurance Producer) working in the Minneapolis (and surrounding areas), making his in-office appearances even LESS frequent. However, this latest conquest will likely last LESS than 30 days as John will not only perform below expectations, he will quickly lose interest, and set his sights on another task that he will inevitably drop the ball on.

Office Address:

1721 Lake Drive W.

Chanhassen, MN 55317

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (101)

Mobile: 612-320-0500

Fax: 952-466-2287

Website: www.outplacementamerica.com

NOTES: As you will see, the website is not only incomplete, non-functional, and difficult to navigate, it offers NO information about that OSA really does, which is SELL FINANCIAL/ INSURANCE PRODUCTS, in fact that is ALL they do. It was designed by Jeff Carlson's half-wit brother.

2). Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson is the 40yo VP/ Office Manager, and former colleague of John Schrup's from Allianz. He is the BRAIN-WORK behind this INSURANCE SCAM IDEA. Jeff was terminated from Allianz due to his poor work ethic, which has evidently carried over into his new position. Jeff has lost the company tens of thousands of dollars due to lost and/or rescinded SALES with clients that he was directly in charge of following up with. After being demoted several times, Jeff now sits on the floor diligently trying to manage his staff of (3) Sales Reps. He does this while checking scores and highlights on ESPN online, and taking extra long lunch breaks. Jeff is the very definition of a MAN-CHILD. Jeff lives in Prior Lake with his wife and daughter.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (102/ 104)

Mobile: 952-200-6072

3). Mike Munkholm

Mike Munkholm is a 25yo phone sales representative, who formerly worked in debt- collections as a phone/collections representative. Mike has no formidable education, and criminal background a mile long (see link below), and is currently being sued for an alleged hit-and-run incident from several years ago. Mike is hanging on to his job by a thread, as John had repeatedly tried to get me to FIRE him (while I was employed there), for poor performance and attendance. In his defense, Mike was left to fend for himself with little training or direction, however, with all things considered, he probably should be fired Mike resides in Chanhassen, MN with his girlfriend.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (107)

4). Sean Rodgers

Sean Rodgers is a 25yo phone sales representative, who formerly worked in phone sales in a call-center environment. Sean is a college-drop-out and recovering addict who has recently found God. Sean is a good kid, but he is also hanging on to his job, as a matter fact, John has mentioned to me on more than one occasion that he would have already fired Sean, except he is afraid that he will burglarize his company, and this is a legitimate concern, just take a look at his criminal background (see link below). Sean is also well-known in the office as the bathroom-pisser, as he has been caught several times leaving the bathroom after peeing on the seat and the floor; remember there is only (7) people in the office, its not difficult to narrow down who did what around there. Sean lives in a sober-house in Minneapolis.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (106)

5). Brian Busch

Brian Busch is a 37yo Phony Recruiter, his qualifications include working as a Host at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, and he also did administrative and various duties for Prudential in the past. He has NO prior recruiting experience, and at this time his current duties are limited to cutting and pasting job leads directly from MONSTER.com, and sending them to Outplacement Services of America's prospective clients. Brian has lost the company almost 20K in revenue, (in the last month alone) due to lost and/or rescinded SALES. Because Brian lacks general sales ability and tact, he lost multiple SALES because he was caught in lies about the potential job leads he had allegedly sent to OSA clients. Brian has been demoted, and is no longer allowed to talk to anyone on the phones; he will likely be terminated, if he doesn't quit soon. He has a stutter, a nervous twitch, and autistic characteristics that made me nervous to even be around him. This would become apparent on one phone call with him; that is IF he was allowed to talk to potential clients anymore, which he is NOT. Brian lives in Chanhassen with his wife and 2 kids.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (108/109)

6). Eric Nordquist

Eric Nordquist is a 24yo Phony Recruiter Eric is a long-time friend and former colleague of mine from college. Eric formerly worked at a Deli, and a Cell-Phone Store as a Sales Consultant. I referred him to this job as a Sales Rep (setting appointments for our Financial/ Insurance Agents). Eric has studied Economics at Minnesota State University, and he is an honest, hard-working young man. However, he has NO credentials or experience that would qualify him for his role as an Executive Recruiter. Unfortunately, because Eric has no formidable college degree, career history, resume, or references, he is STUCK working for this company because he has few career alternatives in the interim. Eric lives in Shakopee, MN.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (103/106)

7). Kevin Hansen

Kevin Hansen is a 31yo phone sales representative. Kevin is a former co-worker and colleague of mine, we are also friends and business partners outside of work. Kevin has a bachelor's degree in Economics from the U of M, and he has recently gotten engaged and purchased his first home. Kevin is a great guy, and a wonderful, hard-working salesman, but like much of the staff, he has had some unfortunate incidents in his past, that have made it more than difficult to gain reasonable employment in Corporate America. Kevin is the best salesman the company has, and he is sticking around in hopes to see some BIG commission that were promised to him for his efforts, although it remains to be seen if he will actually receive the money that is owed to him. Kevin lives in New Hope, MN with his fianc.

Direct: 800-793-0750 Ext. (103/104)


Strategic Financial Partners LLC SCAMs their OWN employees into big dreams of 6-figure income potential, with no follow-through on these opportunities. This is a VERY poorly-run organization, and it is a shame that the company makes ANY money, promising to ASSIST displaced workers in finding gainful employment.

Their phone reps are paid 36K/ year (on a draw against their commissions), and they make (.7%) on FUNDED business. However, there is no commission report, and no proper follow-up on funded business. It is MORE than likely that the employees are being ripped-off themselves, but John Schrup (OWNER) and Jeff Carlson (MANAGER) talk a BIG GAME, and they are experts at stringing people along in hopes for the BIG PAY OFF that NEVER seems to come. I WASTED an entire year, devoting my heart and soul into the success of this company, and in the end they hung me out to dry, but only AFTER pocketing the profits of MY successes.

Most of the current staff (with good reason), feels that they are being lied to and cheated out of compensation and bonus opportunity themselves. Even the incentive payments (most of which have been paid), have routinely been paid several weeks, or even MONTHS late, and on several occasions in the last year, there was issues with the payroll checks being issued late.

Everyone except Sean Rodgers and Brian Busch are paid the amount 36K +Commissions (Including VP and Office Manager Jeff Carlson) I was the highest paid employee making 45K plus commission and bonus. Brian is paid 30K because he literally does NOTHING, and Sean is paid 27K because he is a young kid so they LOW-BALLED him to save money on the front-end. SFP also goes out of their way to recruit ex-cons with dreams of making the almighty dollar, because they have LESS opportunity for alternative career options, and will stick around longer than most through the GRIND.

I encourage you to view the criminal background reports for the entire staff (see link below). You will quickly see what I mean. Several employees each have multiple MISDEMEANOR and FELONY convictions as recent as 1 year ago on their record(s). SFP does not do background-checks; they do not offer healthcare, medical benefits, or retirement options They are a CHOP-SHOP, if I have EVER seen one.


First of all I want to say that I was a former employee of Outplacement Services of America, in fact I was the facilitator and driving force in the ENTIRE operation. I recruited, interviewed, hired, and managed the entire staff which consists of a small office and total of (7) employees. At the time I write this there is: 1 Owner, 1 Assistant/ VP, 3 Phone/ Sales Reps, and* 1 Phony Executive Recruiters. Not realizing at first, what kind of a scam this was (I was originally hired as an Inside Sales Representative), I was quickly promoted to Sales Manager. From that point forward I worked diligently to bring this start-up company from a flailing Insurance Wholesale Operation (losing money), to a highly-profitable 2 Million dollar a month POWERHOUSE (FMO) Office in less than one years time, but now realizing what I have been a part of, I must RIGHT the SHIP!

(*I say 1 Phony Executive Recruiters because (1) of them may be certifiably RETARDED, but I am only basing that statement on the current Psychology DSM IV Manual's current definition of retarded, so I could be wrong in this respect).

In addition, I wrote ALL of the Sales Scripts for the phone reps, and I organized the entire Outplacement Services of America Recruitment Department (which is really just 2 unqualified phone/ sales reps). My title at the time of termination was Director of Sales and Marketing for STRATEGIC FINANCIAL PARTNERS.

This IS a SCAM, and potentially ILLEGAL operation with FRAUD implications. I was promptly let go when I brought this to the attention of my superiors on 9-12-08. Before I go on, please note that you may view this transcript on (3) different websites:

#1). The Rip Off Report www.ripoffreport.coM

#2). 800 Notes Online


#3). The Pissed Off Consumer www.thepissedoffconsumer.com

I encourage ALL of you to visit these (3) sites (above), and add your own thoughts, advice, and experiences with Outplacement Services of America. There (and at the bottom of this manuscript), you will find a list of local contacts you may get in touch with to take further action. At this time, I am waiting to hear back from the media, consumer advocates, lawyers, and government authorities to pursue any action (WE) can to STOP THESE IMMORAL PRACTICES IMMEDIATELY!!! I am also seeking legal council to recover commission payments owed to me in the amount of more than $10,000.00.

I have not released this statement until now, because I was paid a small severance (4 weeks salary), which I feel was simply HUSH-MONEY; in hopes that I would quietly disappear like the other people they have PAID-OFF to keep quiet about their operations. I am a college graduate, a business owner, a homeowner, a law-abiding tax-payer, and a PROUD resident of the state of Minnesota.

The good people that are being ROBBED each and every day by this company need to be properly notified before they sign over their assets in good faith that they will receive help in finding a new career opportunity (which they will NOT). To PROVE that I am who I say I am, I am releasing my personal contact information (below) for anyone who wishes to contact me regarding these IMMORAL and possibly ILLEGAL practices.

To my knowledge there is a pending lawsuit against Outplacement Services of America at this moment regarding an Allianz FMO named Tom Harrington out of Michigan, and if anyone has access to his contact information, I am doing some research in hopes to speak with him further about that matter as well.


These guys all work for OSA to sell Indexed Annuity Products through (ING), and some of them sell various Securities and other financial products through companies such as (Allianz) etc. Here is their location and direct contact information. It should be noted that MOST of these Agents are NOT 30-year veterans in providing Financial Services to their clients (nor do they work for a reputable firm such as Smith & Barney, Fidelity, or T Rowe Price etc.). They are self-employed, traveling SALESMEN, and MOST of them ONLY have an (Long-Term Health Care/ Life Insurance Producer License(s)) to sell specific products (i.e. Indexed Annuities). To acquire that license you do NOT need a formal education, or a DEGREE, (or for that matter ANY experience), however, you DO need to pass a 2 week course. OSA's TOP-EARNER is a former door-to-door Window Salesman, and his name is Bob Kort.

1. Robert (Bob) Kort Holland, MI 616-566-0732

2. James (Jim) Mullin Minneapolis, MN 651-653-8916

3. Rohin Ullberg Chicago, IL 708-922-0505

4. Brad White Lansing, MI 517-505-5020

5. Sam Morocco Akron, OH 330-507-3484

6. Robert (Rob) Robison Pittsburgh, PA 412-848-5077

7. Sam Crocilla Chicago, IL 708-481-8454

8. Brian Kuczynski Cleveland, OH 440-666-8324

9. Don Rosalez Phoenix, AZ 928-607-2236

10. Harold Bowers Charlotte, NC 919-923-7723

11. Hillard Rest Newport Beach, CA 909-337-4279

12. Len Kuczynski Cleveland, OH 440-336-0888

13. Mike Pecoraro Flint, MI 586-291-4439

14. Bob Pollock Tampa, FL 727-641-2672


If you are not sure where to get started to take action, call me at (612)327-3587 and I can direct you, as well as answer any questions you may have.

1. MN Attorney General's Office 651-296-3353 http://www.ag.state.mn.us/office/contactus.asp

You may go online to locate your own state's Attorney General Office as well.

2. Coalition Against Insurance Fraud 202-393-7331 http://www.insurancefraud.org/

Make it your policy to stop Insurance Fraud.

3. 5 Eye Witness News Investigation Line 651-646-5555 www.kstp.com/

You may also email the investigation team at [email protected]; we need to work together to bring this information to the public eye.

4. Intl. Assoc. of Special Investigation Units 410-931-3332 https://www.iasiu.org/cifi

Find a certified Insurance Fraud Investigator.

5. ING Compliance Officer 800-369-5303 www.ing.com

The Compliance Office for ING is Brad Proctor, but he can ONLY be reached by fax at 515-698-2001; his official title is Compliance Analyst for ING.

6. Allianz Compliance Officer 800-950-5872 https://www.allianzlife.com/ContactUs/ContactUs.aspx

You will have to ask for the Compliance Office directly, or have them direct you to where you can file a complaint regarding an Allianz FMO conducting fraudulent practices.

7. Minnesota Better Business Bureau 651-699-1111 www.minnesota.bbb.org/

Please contact your local BBB Office as well to file a complaint.

8. CareerBuilder Fraud 800-891-8880 http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobposter/info/fraud.aspx

The posted number is for employer customer service, but they should be able to direct you accordingly. The link provided will educate you on how to notify CareerBuilder of this situation. In this case, OSA is in direct violation with CareerBuilder's Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy rights. We need to TERMINATE this unauthorized lead base immediately as they are illegally accessing your personal information to solicit their financial/insurance products.

9. Yahoo Hot Jobs Fraud 877-468-5627 http://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/utos-173.html

The posted number is for employer customer service, but they should be able to direct you accordingly. The link provided will educate you on Yahoo's Terms of Service. In this case, OSA is in direct violation with Yahoo Hot Job's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We need to TERMINATE this unauthorized lead base immediately as they are illegally accessing your personal information to solicit their financial/ insurance products.

10. Monster User Violations Department 800-MONSTER http://about.monster.com/terms/

The posted number is a direct customer service line. The link provided will educate you on the Terms of Use for Monster.com. In this case, OSA is in direct violation of Monster's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. According to the Terms of Use, all information on Monster.com is property of Monster.com, and shall not be reproduced, displayed, and/or distributed in any fashion. As you now know, OSA uses Monster's job postings by cutting and pasting them in email templates sent to their clients (making it appear, as the job-postings are OSA's own internal job postings), obviously they are NOT.

11. Criminal Background Website www.criminalsearches.com

This is an absolutely FREE criminal background search database. More than 50% of Strategic Financial Partners entire staff has serious misdemeanor and/or felony charges as recent as 1 year ago on their record. One staff member uses an alias, so to protect his privacy, I will only list (3) employees so you can verify this data for yourselves. Just select the advanced search, enter the full name, and state (MN), and you can see exactly who is behind this SCAM operation.

Michael Alan Munkholm 5-7-1984

Sean David Rodgers 10-5-1984

Jeffrey Scott Carlson 10-3-1969

12. Rip Off Report www.ripoffreport.com

You may also email the Rip Off Report at [email protected]. I encourage ALL of you to visit the Rip Off Report, view this manuscript under Outplacement Services of America, and add your own comments, advice, and personal experiences with OSA. Keep in mind, OSA staff regularly visits these sites to add misleading POSITVE information to persuade potential clients to work with them. I can almost GUARANTEE that anything positive posted on ANY of these sites was done internally by OSA employees themselves, so BEWARE, it is an open-forum.

13. 800 Notes http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-952-448-2397

This is an ongoing forum, which I encourage you to review, and add your own experiences, advice, and comments regarding your experiences with OSA. You can type in the land-line number (that shows up on the caller-ID) 952-448-2397, or search Outplacement Services of America, if the above link does not take you there. You may also view this manuscript at 800Notes.com

14. Scam.com www.scam.com

This manuscript is posted on SCAM.COM. Again, I encourage you to visit this site, and add your advice, comments, and experiences with OSA. It is important that we follow-through wholeheartedly on delivering this MESSAGE to the hundreds of consumers that are bring lied to and robbed of their retirement assets each and very day.

15. MN Secretary of State 651-296-2803 http://www.sos.state.mn.us/home/index.asp

I am doing my own research, and I encourage you to do the same. We need to look into state laws and regulations governing Staffing/ Recruiting Companies (if any), as I am certain that Outplacement Services of America, has not gone through the motions of registering and paying for any fees and/or licenses to legally act as an employment provider, and even in the very rare circumstance that they have, they would have done so under FALSE pretenses. By definition, they are indeed NOT a legitimate Staffing/ Recruiting/ and/or Employment Provider of ANY kind.

16. Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI 202-324-3000 http://www.fbi.gov/

You may be thinking that contacting the FBI in this matter may be a little extreme, but I don't. This is exactly what the FBI does, investigates criminal activity; when they are not looking for Osama Bin Laden that is. You may use this site to contact your local FBI office, as well as gather information and resources to aid in your own investigation.

17. The Pissed Off Consumer www.thepissedoffconsumer.com

This manuscript is posted at this link, although slightly edited to meet the maximum character allotment. Again, PLEASE, visit the site, and add any comments, advice, and experiences of your own with OSA.


It is your right and your duty as American citizens to know what is happening to you. If you have fallen victim to the practices of Outplacement Services of America and/or turned over your retirement assets in good faith, that you would get much needed help in finding a new and exciting career opportunity, then you MUST take further action. You MUST get the word out about these immoral practices. You MUST make your own personal story known to anyone that will listen. I have provided the contact information, as well as the forums for you all to do so. You MUST do everything in your power to stop these operations and inform potential future victims of this horrible scam. Please do the right thing, trust your heart, and remember you are protected by Federal Laws regarding public forum immunity and free speech to submit information online (i.e. blog et al.) regarding your personal experiences with OSA. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW! You may contact me directly regarding any questions/concerns you may have, and I will be more than happy to assist you in any direction that you see fit to move forward in. Thank you.


Shakopee, Minnesota


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Former OSA Employee

Former employee with nothing to gain


Mon, September 21, 2009

I was with the company at the very beginning. I wrote the original script then worked there for about 3-4 months before I started asking questions a lot about setting up a way to really help people find jobs. I asked a little at the beginning but assumed that John and Jeff were really going to hire a corporate headhunter to help people get executive level jobs. After all, that is who we were targeting with setting up meetings with these "financial experts".

I assumed it was a quid pro quo thing happening where hey we will help you out if you meet with our guys and even if you dont like what they are selling we would still make money off of getting people placed in the executive position. Boy oh boy let me tell you, I was a gullable idiot.

I am a debt collector, love me or hate me I help people for a living. They swayed me into working with them with big money opportunities that turned out to be a huge bullshit pipe dreams and that I would be helping people get back onto their feet since they were fired or laid off before. Trust me, I made a f**k-load more money in collections before and after I was with the company so that wasnt the reason I joind OSA. I took a 25k/year paycut to start at 36k/year with OSA.

For the first 2 months we had meetings on a daily basis that made no sense at all. They were asking for our input about how they think we (we being me and 3 other debt collectors are all they hired at the beginning) because our job is to convince people to do what we tell them is right. We would give them what we thought were good ideas and they would completely ignore it. I dont care, the financial stuff is what John and Jeff had been doing for years so I would take their advice because I didnt know anything about what they were selling. I was fine with that side of the business.

As for the recruiter, they hired a woman, I am sorry but I dont remember her name because I have been gone for over a year and a half at this point, who was completely useless. That isnt an attack against her skills, I simply mean that John and Jeff were making promises to her as well that they couldnt deliver. I talked with her more frequently than I am sure John and Jeff were aware, and at the end of her being an outside hired headhunter, she was frustrated. She really did do headhunting for a living, but they werent giving her anyone that she could work with. Just giving her resumes that they took off of CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com. She once told me that John had told her for right now, being the first month she was working with OSA, that she was just there to bring validity to the company. She would call the resumes they gave her and then ask them specific questions. She really was trying to work with them but she told me once that 99% of the resumes are useless because she cant place the people because of where they are, the job types they are in, the income levels, etc...

She is gone now. When she and I talked about how many people she had placed she admitted that she had placed 0. This was in the 3rd month she had been working with OSA. She had faith that it was just a slow start, and that once we refined our website and and questions we asked the people on the initial calls that we would have a lot more luck. Needless to say, she is no longer working with OSA. We were never given any questions to ask the people we called and we were told over and over to focus on the money. IRA's, 401K's, retirements, life insurances, etc... Late in my 3rd month and early 4th month working there, I started asking a lot more questions. The website still wasnt up even though the tool they hired to build it had had months. By the way, the website still isnt up. I started asking a lot of questions about how we are going to place people, why we arent helping the recruiter more, why cant our reps selling fixed annuities help us out since we are setting all of their appointments.

One thing that Matt didnt add onto his original report is that many of the reps that work with OSA were starting to struggle to get people to meet with them. Some still threw big town hall sized meetings every month offering free dinners to watch them at the front of the room talk about fixed annuities. I am fine with that, let people make up their minds when they arent forced to listen in order to get a job. They are very forceful and I had MANY complaints come in from the people we called about the reps we sent out to meet with them. They would hound the "customers" when they smelled money.

I am ashamed that I didnt bring in a recorder or videotape to the meetings. All they had become about was how to make people meet with our reps, and after awhile jobs was completely dropped as a subject. I contacted the BBB, attorney generals office, and monster and career builder websites after I was fired from the company.

I was fired for continually asking about how we would help people find jobs, but it never came to fruition. On one of the rebuttles is without a doubt the owner of OSA John Schrupp. I would bet money on it that he is the one that put that Matt was fired for working on his other company at work. Hey John, you cant say the same about me. In the months I was there, I brought in 6 times more money that the other reps combined. From the start I outdid everyone there. I had over $250,000 in the 1st month the company was open and more there after. Hate to inform you buddy, but you fired me because you knew I had a conscience from the interview. You thought I liked money more than helping. Then you paid me a month's pay to shut me up! I know he didnt pay me because he thought I would have a hard time finding a job. If you are a debt collector, you will never be without a job. I had a job 2 days later making more than I made there.

I cant wait to see what he says I was fired for!

Former OSA Employee

Former employee with nothing to gain


Mon, September 21, 2009

I was with the company at the very beginning. I wrote the original script then worked there for about 3-4 months before I started asking questions a lot about setting up a way to really help people find jobs. I asked a little at the beginning but assumed that John and Jeff were really going to hire a corporate headhunter to help people get executive level jobs. After all, that is who we were targeting with setting up meetings with these "financial experts".

I assumed it was a quid pro quo thing happening where hey we will help you out if you meet with our guys and even if you dont like what they are selling we would still make money off of getting people placed in the executive position. Boy oh boy let me tell you, I was a gullable idiot.

I am a debt collector, love me or hate me I help people for a living. They swayed me into working with them with big money opportunities that turned out to be a huge bullshit pipe dreams and that I would be helping people get back onto their feet since they were fired or laid off before. Trust me, I made a f**k-load more money in collections before and after I was with the company so that wasnt the reason I joind OSA. I took a 25k/year paycut to start at 36k/year with OSA.

For the first 2 months we had meetings on a daily basis that made no sense at all. They were asking for our input about how they think we (we being me and 3 other debt collectors are all they hired at the beginning) because our job is to convince people to do what we tell them is right. We would give them what we thought were good ideas and they would completely ignore it. I dont care, the financial stuff is what John and Jeff had been doing for years so I would take their advice because I didnt know anything about what they were selling. I was fine with that side of the business.

As for the recruiter, they hired a woman, I am sorry but I dont remember her name because I have been gone for over a year and a half at this point, who was completely useless. That isnt an attack against her skills, I simply mean that John and Jeff were making promises to her as well that they couldnt deliver. I talked with her more frequently than I am sure John and Jeff were aware, and at the end of her being an outside hired headhunter, she was frustrated. She really did do headhunting for a living, but they werent giving her anyone that she could work with. Just giving her resumes that they took off of CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com. She once told me that John had told her for right now, being the first month she was working with OSA, that she was just there to bring validity to the company. She would call the resumes they gave her and then ask them specific questions. She really was trying to work with them but she told me once that 99% of the resumes are useless because she cant place the people because of where they are, the job types they are in, the income levels, etc...

She is gone now. When she and I talked about how many people she had placed she admitted that she had placed 0. This was in the 3rd month she had been working with OSA. She had faith that it was just a slow start, and that once we refined our website and and questions we asked the people on the initial calls that we would have a lot more luck. Needless to say, she is no longer working with OSA. We were never given any questions to ask the people we called and we were told over and over to focus on the money. IRA's, 401K's, retirements, life insurances, etc... Late in my 3rd month and early 4th month working there, I started asking a lot more questions. The website still wasnt up even though the tool they hired to build it had had months. By the way, the website still isnt up. I started asking a lot of questions about how we are going to place people, why we arent helping the recruiter more, why cant our reps selling fixed annuities help us out since we are setting all of their appointments.

One thing that Matt didnt add onto his original report is that many of the reps that work with OSA were starting to struggle to get people to meet with them. Some still threw big town hall sized meetings every month offering free dinners to watch them at the front of the room talk about fixed annuities. I am fine with that, let people make up their minds when they arent forced to listen in order to get a job. They are very forceful and I had MANY complaints come in from the people we called about the reps we sent out to meet with them. They would hound the "customers" when they smelled money.

I am ashamed that I didnt bring in a recorder or videotape to the meetings. All they had become about was how to make people meet with our reps, and after awhile jobs was completely dropped as a subject. I contacted the BBB, attorney generals office, and monster and career builder websites after I was fired from the company.

I was fired for continually asking about how we would help people find jobs, but it never came to fruition. On one of the rebuttles is without a doubt the owner of OSA John Schrupp. I would bet money on it that he is the one that put that Matt was fired for working on his other company at work. Hey John, you cant say the same about me. In the months I was there, I brought in 6 times more money that the other reps combined. From the start I outdid everyone there. I had over $250,000 in the 1st month the company was open and more there after. Hate to inform you buddy, but you fired me because you knew I had a conscience from the interview. You thought I liked money more than helping. Then you paid me a month's pay to shut me up! I know he didnt pay me because he thought I would have a hard time finding a job. If you are a debt collector, you will never be without a job. I had a job 2 days later making more than I made there.

I cant wait to see what he says I was fired for! No offense Matt, but get the business shut down and then go after whatever money you says that moron owes you. He clearly has no conscience, or he simply drinks a lot to hide from it. I remember the alcohol smell. His office reeked of it almost every day. He owes me an a*load too but I gave up caring.


Same thing happened to me exactly as described

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 13, 2009

I am currently unemployed and posted a resume on all the major job sites. I was contacted by someone from Trident and they identified themselves as recruiters in Minnesota and asked if I was interested in utilizing their help in finding a new job. Of course, I agreed, and was then referred to Eric Nordquist who discussed my resume and told me he would be acting as my recruiter and would provide me a few jobs leads every week. He asked me about my 401K and told me they also had a service to provide financial advice to people in a similar situation as mine. He was upfront enough to tell me they receive their compensation from employers and also from the financial services; he then made an appointment for a financial advisor to meet me at home and just asked that I have an open mind regarding the incvestment opportunities. I did receive a couple job leads from Eric in the next week, but one I had already applied to, the other was not very close to my field, and they were pulled from Monster, Career Builder etc. I was met at home the next week by Brad White, the financial advisor, and he discussed my 401K,the recent drop in value and how he could offer a great option of a Fixed Index Annuity that would be good for my situation. On first impression, Brad seemed like a prettty decent person, and I told him it sounded like a good plan, but I wanted to do my own research and I would let him know. Not surprisingly,I kept hearing from Brad every week asking me when I was ready to invest and how the stock market was going to continue to decline, but heard nothing from Eric concerning a job. Finally after a month, I expressed my frustration to Brad that he seemed to be able to call me every week, but that I was disappointed with Eric's lack of job leads. Naturally, 15 minutes after hanging up with Brad, my phone rings and Eric apolgizes and acts surprised since he had "Sent an e mail last week; can't believe I didn't get it, but will resend" etc. Not only did he lie about sending it the first time, that new e mail had no job leads I hadn't already seen myself. That was seven weeks ago, and I have not heard back from him since. Brad White however has continued to call me every week or two to ask me when I was going to make up my mind, emphasizing how much the stock market had declined further, and how his annuity was such a great option for me. I am not a real savvy investor and stalled for awhile because I wanted to investigate annuities a little more, but he kept calling. I finally decided that I was not prepared to make any changes right now and told him I would let him know if I changed my mind. None the less, he still manages to call me every couple weeks or so. Even before I read this report, I had decided the whole thing started to sound like they were trying to take advantage of unemployed people and that I would not be investing with Trident.

Osa Supporter

Outplacement services is a legitimate operation

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

This was written by a disgruntled employee who was terminated for good reasons. If you read carefully you can sense the anger in his tone. The entire thing is a complete lie and an attempt to destroy the company written by an ex-employee who is angry because he was fired for working on his own company while he was at work.

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