  • Report:  #143560

Complaint Review: Overstock.com - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

6322 South 3000 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, 84121 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Thank you for choosing to use Overstock.com online chat. your expected wait time is 0 Minutes and 1 Seconds. Please hold while we connect you to the next available sales representative.

you are now chatting with 'Barry'

YOU: Barry?

YOU: hello?

Barry: Thank you for visiting Overstock.com. How may I help you today?

Barry: Hello? How may I assist you?

YOU: well... I'm having a problem with your company AGAIN and it's really

irritating me

YOU: I completely regret EVER paying for your club O program

YOU: I want my money back and released from this program

YOU: can you PLEASE respond in a TIMELY manner?

YOU: I do NOT have all day!


YOU: OK, WELL once again... your service is horrible and I'm going to forward this session to management.

Barry: Please wait.

YOU: wait?

YOU: and how long is that supposed to be for?

YOU: it's OK for you to just let me sit here for 15 minutes without any response?

Barry: I am checking your information. Please give me 2 more minutes.

YOU: couldn't you have said something to that effect?

Barry: For more details please check the information by clicking on the link

YOU: what the heck is that?

YOU: hello?

YOU: can you answer me?

YOU: I cannot believe this

YOU: hey JERK! can you respond?

YOU: why on earth would you put me through all of this... for how long? Over 20

minutes now? to give me a link:


YOU: so that's it huh?

YOU: I see, once again, the SPECIAL treatment you get in not only dealing with

Overstock, but in being a club o member

Barry: I apologize for this.

YOU: it sure is nice that I have a copy of this that I can use when I write a letter to the corporate office for overstock

YOU: not to mention the MANY websites that I'm going to post it on!

YOU: have you ever heard of *********? ***************?

Barry: However, i request you to provide me with your invoice number and the item you are mentioning about?

YOU: do you have ANY idea HOW MANY people read it?

YOU: and now I get to SHARE my WONDERFUL experience with the ENTIRE WORLD

YOU: I'm sure overstock couldn't care less right?

YOU: just ONE crappy customer less, who cares, right?

YOU: you apologize for what exactly?

YOU: maybe you should try paying attention to me, and give me your FULL


YOU: the LONGER you make me sit here and DO NOT respond, the worse it is for

you AND your COMPANY

YOU: tick, tick, tick

YOU: times a ticken Barry

Barry: I am requesting for your email address; invoice # to assist you further?

YOU: you have not answered my QUESTION


YOU: is it right that you should have me sit here ALL THIS TIME and NOT give me


YOU: tick, tick, tick

YOU: don't you know how to type?

YOU: why can I type in line after line after line, and yet, there's nothing from you?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

Barry: I understand your concern

YOU: hello?

Barry: Please allow me to assist you.

YOU: do you? then answer my question


YOU: please answer me and respond in a TIMELY manne4r

YOU: I was already upset when I logged in here, and you've taken it to new limits

YOU: it's been how long now?

YOU: and you STILL haven't answered my question

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: barry, this is looking REALLY bad for you

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: hello?

YOU: ridiculous

YOU: absolutely ridiculous

YOU: I mean, here I am, about to spend over $200 with your company AGAIN

YOU: and this is the treatment

YOU: OK Barry? where the F*ck are you?

YOU: you know... this is exactly WHY people go crazy and take guns and walk into businesses and start shooting anyone that works there

YOU: I understand that now

Barry: If you continue this I will terminate the chat.

YOU: you're not giving me any help

YOU: I've been waiting FOREVER

YOU: you don't answer questions

YOU: you send me a link to FAQ's, what the heck is that about?


Barry: Please understand that I need your email address to see what is your problem and to solve it.

YOU: ok, ____________________.net

YOU: but since you've never asked me what the problem is... how on earth would my email address tell you the problem

Barry: Please wait while I review your account.

YOU: didn't you already say that to me?


YOU: YOU: it's OK for you to just let me sit here for 15 minutes without any

response? Barry: I am checking your information. Please give me 2 more minutes.

YOU: couldn't you have said something to that effect? Barry: For more details please check the information by clicking on the link

YOU: SEE where you "stated" you were checking on my information?

YOU: I'm still waiting

Barry: Please hold on.

YOU: I can't take this anymore

YOU: absolutely ridiculous

Barry: Do you want to continue as a club O member or do you wish to unsubscribe from it?

YOU: all that and that's all you have to say?

YOU: do you even know why I'm upset?

YOU: do you even CARE?

YOU: hello?

Barry: Please let me know how may I help you further?

Barry: What is that you want me to do to assist you?

YOU: ok, let's start with the fact that as a club o member, I PAID $29.95 for the membership

YOU: right?

Barry: Yes.

YOU: as this SPECIAL member, I should receive:

YOU: a) special service

YOU: b) discounted prices

Barry: Yes, you get 5% discount on all orders.

YOU: somehow, I should be special, cause I PAID you $30 to get treated better... right?

YOU: OK, well, to begin with, how do you think I would rate the service?

YOU: superior?

YOU: useful?

Barry: I understand your concern and I am here to assist you.

YOU: quality?

YOU: ok, and as a club o member with my discount of 5%

YOU: it also ends up costing me MORE than if I were NOT a club o member

Barry: If you could have provided your email address at the beginning, it would have helped to save the time in assisting you.

YOU: so, not only did I give you my $30, to be treated poorly, but in addition, to pay MORE than the average customer

YOU: really?

YOU: if you might have asked me, I might have given it to you

YOU: and it's all right here on screen, PROOF

Barry: Sorry for the inconvenience.


YOU: really?

YOU: sorry?

YOU: the inconvenience?

Barry: Ok, may I know what is that I can do further to help you?

YOU: so, now you're going to tell me how "sorry" you are, but as a club O member, I'm not entitled to receive a $12 discount for purchasing over $120 worth of product... in fact, my order is over $189

YOU: that as a special club o member, I can cancel my membership, but I'm not entitled to my $30 back? Because overstock has the right to abuse their customers?

Barry: I would like to let you know that if a customer is a club O member, the other discount offers wouldn't apply...

Barry: because only one discount would apply for any purchase.

YOU: no really?

YOU: funny... please explain to me how being a club o member is A BENEFIT

YOU: it's not, it's a RIP OFF

YOU: and I'm going to MAKE SURE that EVERY SINGLE person I run into knows all about it

YOU: that overstock is actually STEALING from their customers, because that's exactly what you're doing

Barry: As I said you, being a club ao member, you will get 5% discount on all orders and the shipping fee is $1.00 for all orders for one full year.

Barry: The more you purchase, the more you save and that is how it works.

YOU: yea... I get that, it's plainly clear

YOU: but, you offer BETTER deals without the membership

YOU: and once you PAY you $30, then everything is MORE EXPENSIVE

YOU: why is this a riddle for you?

YOU: the more I purchase?

Barry: That is not to all customers..

YOU: have you checked to see how much I've purchased from overstock?

Barry: We cannot provide more than one kind of discount for a customer.

YOU: what is not to all customers?

YOU: oh, you've reserved special rip-off program just for ME?

Barry: Once you become a club O member, the other discounts wouldn't apply.

YOU: you know....I have to say, as well, this is EXACTLY the kind of issue that causes class-action lawsuits

Barry: I meant that the promotional offer is not sent to all customers.

Barry: Do you want to cancel the membership?

YOU: hilarious! I just got an email from vista print about a class action lawsuit because of their shipping charges

YOU: hmm....wonder how much THAT cost them?

YOU: yes, I do

YOU: and I want my $30 back

YOU: and you can tell me your STUPID policy

Barry: However, we would be unable to refund the membership fee..

YOU: and I'm going to fight it

YOU: lol

YOU: geeze, I must be a mind-reader huh?

YOU: you know... just to clarify this....

YOU: you're going to really suffer the consequences for the fall out over this...

YOU: over what?

YOU: $3.50 on a discount

YOU: and $30.00 on a refund

YOU: I wonder how "uppper management" will take it?

Barry: Please understand that this is the policy. As I said you it is not just for one order.

Barry: you will avail the discount for one full year.

YOU: I understand you're policy....it VERY clear

YOU: you can throw all the "canned" answers you want at me, but it doesn't make overstock.com's WRONG a RIGHT

YOU: so, just cancel my membership... IMMEDIATELY

Barry: I will escalate this issue to the concerned department and request them to cancel your membership.

YOU: how long will it take?

YOU: oh, here... look at my ORDER:

Barry: But I would once again let you know that the refund for the membership

wouldn't be issued.

YOU: subtotal: $197.96

YOU: club o savings: -$9.90

YOU: shipping $1.00

YOU: TOTAL: $189.06

Barry: you would be contacted within 2 to 4 business days about the cancellation of your subscription.

YOU: it's a good thing this company is so STRONG, because my $190 bucks is chump change

YOU: not important at all

YOU: you might want to save a copy of this for your superiors

YOU: or you can always find it on-line.....

Barry: Would you let me know about which order # you are talking about?

YOU: posted in EVERY possible site I can find

YOU: the one in my shopping card

YOU: cart


Barry: Are you talking about the new order that you are trying to place?

YOU: the one that all I wanted was the discount I should be entitled to


YOU: all i wanted to do was check out and PAY

Barry: Could you provide me the catalog # or the name of the product that you want to purchase so that I will check the discount amount for that item?

YOU: but, it's been over an hour now, on the computer "chatting" with you

YOU: for what?

YOU: now you're going to try to "sell" me?


YOU: cute

Barry: But please understand that you never mentioned that the discount is not

applying for the new order.

YOU: oh, really?

Barry: I am not trying to sell...

YOU: go back up


YOU: you left me sitting here for how long?

YOU: 20 minutes?

YOU: no response

YOU: THEN when you came back, what?

YOU: you told me to "hold on" while you're checking my account?

YOU: then what? another 20 minutes later, you ask me for my email so you can

check my account?

YOU: how STUPID do you think I am?

Barry: Yes, I was reviewing your account to see if you had any problems with your previous purchases.

YOU: if you can't keep yourself organized, that's your problem, but all you've

done is INFURIATE me, and I'm going to see to it that I feel vindicated

YOU: why?

YOU: why would you REVIEW my previous purchases?

Barry: Ok, would you like me to escalate this issue and request for cancellation of the membership?

YOU: oh, absolutely

YOU: overstock.com and kiss my you know what

Barry: Ok, I'll do that for you.

YOU: I would really appreciate it

YOU: there are PLENTY of websites out there that offer competitive pricing, like buy.com

Barry: your membership would be cancelled and you would be contacted regarding

the cancellation.

YOU: and I've never been treated like this with them

YOU: not ever

Barry: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

YOU: no darlin... you've done enough for one nite

Barry: Thank you again for visiting Overstock.com. Have a great day!

YOU: I wish you the best of luck

Thank you for chatting on Overstock.com. your feedback is important to us. Once you close this window, please take a moment to fill out our survey and tell us how we did today.


F*CK THEM AND THE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON! (Sorry, for cussing... you cannot believe HOW ANGRY I AM) and it's almost 11 pm, I started this whole thing over wanted to buy a comforter for my new bed set! Wow!


Sacramento, California

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Cedar Rapids,
Dealing with customer service

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 29, 2005

Perhaps it would help you to order a copy of the (free) book titled, '2005 Consumer Action Handbook" which is put out by the U.S. General. You can order it by going to www.pueblo.gsa.gov. It is a 160 pg. book with almost every corporate consumer contact. You will learn how to write a (effective) complaint letter. Your conversation with the customer service person did you absolutely no good and only stressed you and anyone else invloved. You can't approach a situation in the manner you did and expect a positive outcome. I always try and explain to the C.S. person that I am angry and to please not take it personally. It isn't there problem. They didn't make or set the rules. You need to know this and to reiterate it to them and then begin with your problem. I felt bad for the C.S. person having to deal with such harsh conversation from you. Maybe next time, you'll deal with a situation like this in a more adult like manner. Do get this book. It would be good for everyone to have.


New York,

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2005

Katie I have to say you are the rudest, most arrogant, impatient person I've run into on this site. First of all, several of your statements make it more than obvious that you were deliberately giving this rep a difficult time so that you could copy the discussion and paste it in a forum like this. It is incredibly clear that this discussion was premeditated and you did everything you could to make Overstock look bad because you wanted to slander them in a public forum. That's just disgusting. Secondly, the specific policies that were discussed are explicitly spelled out on Overstock's website, including all of the specifics of the membership you apparently paid for. You apparently didn't read them before signing up. And so you have no one but yourself to blame for your misunderstanding of the policy and your incorrect assumptions about what discounts you were supposed to receive. I just went to the website and went through the first several stages of signing up for the very same membership. They give all of the details, specifics on the discounts, and explain exactly what I should expect as a member. Next time READ the specifics before signing up for something, and you won't come of as such an ignorant, miserably uninformed individual when you try to talk about them. You deserve your inconvenience, and you brought it on yourself. Looks to me like you're the only one who can claim any blame in this situation. You didn't understand the specifics of the membership you bought, you got upset when what you ASSUMED about the membership was wrong, you got upset when Overstock refused to credit you for something that goes against their policy and is YOUR fault, and then you arranged an online chat so that you could attack an innocent rep as brutally and rudely as possible for the purpose of posting it in a public forum to slander the company that you are holding a grudge against. That's insane. You should be ashamed of such pitiful behavior. Seems to me Overstock is better off without customers like you.


San Diego,
From A Customer Service Rep

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

I have been on the phones for many years handling both inbound and outbound calls. This is NOT an easy job. While most people that I talk to are polite and willing to work with the CSR, there is always the exception. Apparently you are IT in this case. I work hard to satisfy customer complaints and answer whatever questions they may have. My goal is 100% satisfaction, although I realize that this is impossible. When someone fails to give me account information or other necessary details, it makes my job all but impossible. And on top of everything, the language that you used is totally inexcusable ... and I hope you realize that in hindsight. This amounts to nothing short of verbal abuse. I am very surprised that Barry put up with your abuse for as long as he did. In cases such as this, PLEASE ASK to speak to a supervisor or manager. Don't take your frustrations and hostilities out on the customer service rep. Try to remember this ... He is a person just like you that is trying to do his job to the best of his ability with what he has to work with. He is not responsible for your problem, just trying to help you find the solution. I have been know to ask the caller to call back when they have settled down and hang up. You have the choice to not deal with this company again. I have bought from Overstock.com and did not have a problem, although I find their products a bit over-priced. They are not one of my regular online stores. Thank You for reading. Good Luck to you ...


Their customer service is horrible, and it's like they don't even listen to what you say

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2005

Okay, as an outsider, I can see how you let your frustrations get the best of you. As a former customer, I can understand all too well what would drive you to that point. Their customer service is horrible, and it's like they don't even listen to what you say. I always kept things on a polite level myself, but believe me, I seriously considered letting them have it. There was one problem after another, and what didn't take days to fix, took weeks... and they usually didn't even follow through to let me know anything had been done. I've come across far better customer service from their competitors, so I suppose the biggest statement I can make is to not let overstock have my business any more!


Your anger got the best of you.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 10, 2005

You provided the evidence right there on how this whole situation was your fault. Twice, Barry asked you for your information so he could pull up your information but you just went on complaining, yelling and cursing. I too own an online business and as Barry I would try to be patient also, but I can guarantee you he was gritting his teeth afterwards. When your dealing with something that makes you angry, slow down, take a breath then deal with it calmly. Anger will not solve or help the situation, and in most cases will make the person on the other end less willing to help you. Although I must admire Barrys patience. I think he deserves a raise.


My Fair Share of Problems

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 20, 2005

I have had many of the same issues you discussed, but would NEVER have treated a service rep the way you did. Next time you talk to any company's customer service department remember a few things: 1. The person you are talking to did not create the policy. 2. Punishment for breaking policy is often being fired. So you expect him to give you $30 and get fired, how is that FAIR? 3. The service reps rarely actually work for the company that you are contacting. Usually they are in some huge call center, or in this case a web support section of a call center and work for a telemarketing company who contracted with the company you are trying to get in touch with. 4. The nicer you are, the more likely it is to go you way. 5. Don't wait for them to ask for information like that the order you are talking about is a new one, not a previous one , SUPPLY IT! Go back and read what you wrote to him. You were unbelievably rude, no matter how long he left you waiting, you need to be taught manners. If I was Barry, I wouldn't have even spoken to you, I wouldn have terminated the conversation. Please, for the sake of all who do customer service take some anger management classes and etiquette classes before you EVER talk to anyone again. Barry, and everyone else who works customer service, you have a tough job that requires you to deal with inconsiderate people all day, don't let it get you down not everyone is so rude.


My Fair Share of Problems

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 20, 2005

I have had many of the same issues you discussed, but would NEVER have treated a service rep the way you did. Next time you talk to any company's customer service department remember a few things: 1. The person you are talking to did not create the policy. 2. Punishment for breaking policy is often being fired. So you expect him to give you $30 and get fired, how is that FAIR? 3. The service reps rarely actually work for the company that you are contacting. Usually they are in some huge call center, or in this case a web support section of a call center and work for a telemarketing company who contracted with the company you are trying to get in touch with. 4. The nicer you are, the more likely it is to go you way. 5. Don't wait for them to ask for information like that the order you are talking about is a new one, not a previous one , SUPPLY IT! Go back and read what you wrote to him. You were unbelievably rude, no matter how long he left you waiting, you need to be taught manners. If I was Barry, I wouldn't have even spoken to you, I wouldn have terminated the conversation. Please, for the sake of all who do customer service take some anger management classes and etiquette classes before you EVER talk to anyone again. Barry, and everyone else who works customer service, you have a tough job that requires you to deal with inconsiderate people all day, don't let it get you down not everyone is so rude.


My Fair Share of Problems

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 20, 2005

I have had many of the same issues you discussed, but would NEVER have treated a service rep the way you did. Next time you talk to any company's customer service department remember a few things: 1. The person you are talking to did not create the policy. 2. Punishment for breaking policy is often being fired. So you expect him to give you $30 and get fired, how is that FAIR? 3. The service reps rarely actually work for the company that you are contacting. Usually they are in some huge call center, or in this case a web support section of a call center and work for a telemarketing company who contracted with the company you are trying to get in touch with. 4. The nicer you are, the more likely it is to go you way. 5. Don't wait for them to ask for information like that the order you are talking about is a new one, not a previous one , SUPPLY IT! Go back and read what you wrote to him. You were unbelievably rude, no matter how long he left you waiting, you need to be taught manners. If I was Barry, I wouldn't have even spoken to you, I wouldn have terminated the conversation. Please, for the sake of all who do customer service take some anger management classes and etiquette classes before you EVER talk to anyone again. Barry, and everyone else who works customer service, you have a tough job that requires you to deal with inconsiderate people all day, don't let it get you down not everyone is so rude.


Hey Lady, Take a Chill Pill

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 20, 2005

It seems to me that you were the one that is actually rude to the Overstock.com representative, I'm sorry. But you didn't even give the Sales Rep, "Barry" a chance to deal with some of your issues--and it also seems like you are not a very patient person when making a conversation with the Rep.. I have called several reps like Barry before, and I never had a problem with them. Looks like Barry was trying to help you and be nice to you but you NEVER gave him a chance, so you really need to calm down, go back and review your conversation with Barry and think about what you have said in the conversation. Next time you are having a conversation with a representative, they wont have time to put up with customers like you like Barry did.

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