  • Report:  #110216

Complaint Review: Paidsurveys.com - Internet

Reported By:
- tangent, Oregon,

www.surveyplatinum.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There is some confusion as to getting paid to do online survey and this is true for some surveys. Take it from me, after five years of making it rich by getting paid, is a bald face lie. No such thing. I've been doing on line surveys, five years now and would you like to know how much money I have made since I began doing them, ($70.00 dollars)(seventy dollars) to date. Ther are two outfits that have paid off in cash and one, who just recdently sent me my free gift. "a plastic water bottle" the other I give the highest grade to will be the only one, who has ever kept theer promise and checks comming in, is "PINE CONE RESEARCH" not once did they ever have me fill out a survey and not pay off.

Then there are those who think their dung don't stink. here are a few of them and believe me, I can't mention them all, it would take hours of the readers enjoyment. So here they are.

I reached a point where I needed to make more money, so scouting the net, I find world survey search, a special offer from survey platinum.com. I hit their and I began to recieve emails of memberships, join now $34.95, then the emails kept pouring in, which afetr a while the fee dropped to $10.99 for registering and get access to over 400 companies. Heck what an offer, I bought in. Yeah what a mistake.

According to the ad, which does mention his name, Jack Jones, he filled out one survey and recieved $25.00 for a 20 min survey, finally I found the perfect place. He says sound good, we have companies that reward cash instantly as sign up bonuses, my membership will have paid for itself. Surveyplatinum.com has a Q & A section, 1 why is SP different, SP has an extensive database, and awesum cust support.they pride themselves. Yeah for defrauding the public.

according to the statements made in the Q&A, it says that over 1/4 of the sites pay cash, and 1/4 in prizes. After five years of doing this, I have yet to ever win one prixe, nor have I ever recieved any notice of a prize. This must be true then.

companies are willing to pay up to $150.00 an hour. You see I told you this would take a while. to sum it up, this guy is a liar and a fraud. I have been doing these same companies I just bought into for five years, he is a fraud.

Then there are the ones I paid to get into, I am already a member of under two email address. I filed a formal complaint with the D.O.J. here in Oregon, and I recieved an email back from the Attny Gen, who says this clown and his company has had enough complaints they they are investagaing him, but not for my complaint. Just like the FEDS.

All these companies that I mention have not paid me nor have I ever won a prize except for my 6" tall water bottle, a free gift for joining. glaccounts.com is great at taking you on a time line ride, they watse your time filling out their surveys with statement that, if you do you will recieve a free gift. I have yet to get any of these free gifts, because I refuse to pay for them.

At the begining of all their surveys they state, we have a free gift for you, if you complete our short survey, I have for fives years now. But as the saying goes nothing is free, but your time spent filling out surveys for free gifts, you can not have unless you complete two or more offers that charge you to complete.

Then you have surplusalert.com that offers you a free ebay store front, and you will recieve the ebay store front for $4.91 in a kit thru the US Mail. its says you try the store for thirty days free. The store is open and you even have merindise to in stock to start selling once you register and log in.

Wow this is great, Not! Its a scam, because, they you thirty days start once you log in and register, well I did, then they tell you in order to open the doors of this store you have started, you need the kits, and you have to buy products to stock the shelves with. But wait my disc has not arrived, and why do I have to pay for products that according to the info I am reading, should already be there.

Then emails come in from surplusalert.com a few days later, stating that my store will close on Augest 8th, and that I needed to pay the required fees of $24,95 before I could continue with my ebay store.

Wait a minute, I signed up for a free 30 day trial offer, and if I liked it, then I had an optiong to continue running it. I signed up Augest 4th, the same month and year. They called me at home to find out why I did not pay, but refused to answer the phone. They have yet to send the ebay kit I was taken for, but the D.O.J. will do their job, this I promise surplusalert.com

then grouplotto.com I recieve emails for surveys that I have been waiting for my free DVD Player they said I would get if I completed their survey, so I did but all the dot coms, I went thru have all came back undelievered. by hyper mail. sent replys, but have not the right address, this would include but not limited to the affiates, who say I need to complain somewhere else, but they dont know where themselves.

The problem with my free DVD Player as my gift for filling out their survey just costed me, now over $20.00 dollars and time spent wasted trying to contact them and find out why I have not recieved my free DVD Player I just paid for thru, one of the offers I purchased from, which was stamps dot.com, terms from the were free $5.00 in postage and a scale, then I was given two postcards to mail in, for an extra free, $20.00 in postage, I have yet to recieve in my account, according to them along with the postage that said will be added to my account, if I used the printed stamps from my account, I did they have not.

What does it take to to get what you pay for, and why do I keep getting emails from gl telling me over and over again they want to suck my bank account dry with free gifts I have to pay for. when state there is no purchase, this gift is free. but after their survey, you cannot have the free gift unless you complete a sponser offer, which menas yiou dont get, if you dont pay.

I just noticed after paying for this, that this guy just lied to me, just below his first stament of making $25.00 in 20 min's, he then states he made $29.00 in 20 min's. I knew the con was on, because the check he shows states $29.00,


Tangent, Oregon

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Catherine is Right-Paid Surveys is a Scam.

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2008

My son was looking for a way to make money online he purchased the product and was supposedly going to receive information and able to get started the same day making money. Well he received information to sign up with companies and he will start receiving surveys by email. Three days later he received surveys from some of the companies. These surveys required him to purchase something to get paid for the survey and everyone that he received was the same. He never received any offer to get free items, maybe he didn't do it long enough. The process was lengthy and it was deceiving on how you get paid and if you do research on other similar companies you might find the same result. He also made the attempt to contact their customer service and to this day still has not received any response. Save your money. Abe Corona, Ca


I almost fell for it but came across this site first

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2004

Why keep trying? I've never tried these paid surveys, I almost fell for it but came across this site first. But I do have 1 question to the couple from Oregan. If you have been getting ripped off for so long (5 years)...Why do you keep doing it? Wouldn't you just give up after a while?


I almost fell for it but came across this site first

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2004

Why keep trying? I've never tried these paid surveys, I almost fell for it but came across this site first. But I do have 1 question to the couple from Oregan. If you have been getting ripped off for so long (5 years)...Why do you keep doing it? Wouldn't you just give up after a while?


I almost fell for it but came across this site first

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2004

Why keep trying? I've never tried these paid surveys, I almost fell for it but came across this site first. But I do have 1 question to the couple from Oregan. If you have been getting ripped off for so long (5 years)...Why do you keep doing it? Wouldn't you just give up after a while?


I almost fell for it but came across this site first

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2004

Why keep trying? I've never tried these paid surveys, I almost fell for it but came across this site first. But I do have 1 question to the couple from Oregan. If you have been getting ripped off for so long (5 years)...Why do you keep doing it? Wouldn't you just give up after a while?


My wife does'nt lie. I want you to know, your full of crap.

#7Author of original report

Mon, October 11, 2004

This is to Terry's response: Well there seems to be some sort of confussion about my wifes statements that she had made about the on line surveys and Terry's claim moronic claim that doing these surveys will lead to making more than $70.00 + in a week to ten days is untrue. I have done some surveys on line as well and as Terry would know, that the survey you take only pays off if you complete a product offer, after you take their survey. I have documented proof. I have kept a recorded log, a print out of every survey she and I have taken since we singed up with, survey platinum. Not onjce have we been paid for any one of the surveys we have completed. Every name on the list of surveys we had paid to get, has not ever paid us for our time. We signed up with Survey-Platinum on Aug 2nd, 02. We have completed over a hundred surveys which they have claimed under the list, cash paid for completing this survey, after you have completed this con "survey" which we were told that our name has been entered into a random drawing. This was not mentioned on the list, they claimed if you click on the ones they claim paid cash, you will recieve cash. Now my wife has been doing this for over five years and I will tell you Terry, that she has not ever once won a prize nor has she ever recieved one, except a plastic pasta mesuring spoon and a plastic bottle. She has in fact been paid for surveys, but in the five years she has been doing it, I will tell you she maybe made $100.00 U.S. Dollars. This includes the nickel and dimes from out of the blue surveys, that has come to her. You need to prove to me and my wife, your so called surveys produced you any income by way of a tax statement, because until you do, your a d**n liar and a moron. She completed a survey on Aug 2nd as well and after she had, and after documenting the entire survey print by print, for a free dvd player, she was required to make a purchase, which is required to recieve her free dvd player. She did, she purchased a stamps.com offer, after paying for it, she was garunteed the Magnox Home DVD theater. But she has yet to get her free dvd. Explain to us why after document proof we have as to how to get this paid for dvd player, and not once has any reply been sent back to us, telling us where it is. and 90% of the emails are returned and so are the letters we have sent to the official address's why she has yet gotten her free paid for in advance,l after completing the survey that was documented, and all pages printed out all say no purchase required to get this frtee dvd, would not allow her to get it without a purchase, I want you to know, your full of crap. A moron in the making, and your doing fine, keep it up. Or prove me wrong. Moron


UNTRUE statement by Catherine of Tangent Oregon USA

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 04, 2004

I read the comments on your site by Catherine of Tangent, Oregon USA. She, I'm sure did not get what she was promised from her paid survey company. But to say that she only make $70.00 in five years. Well thats just not true. If any one registeres with all the companies in any paid DATA BASE they will make far more than $70.00 with-in the first full week to ten days. And gifts, most companies give out points and all anyone has to do to get gifts is cash them in. I know the paid survey sites should not make these wild statements of making hundreds of dollars in a day, But when makes a statement like Catherine, thats just as bad. Becaues it just is not true. If you follow all the instructions you will earn, cash, gifts, gift cards, free stuff.

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