  • Report:  #1507556

Complaint Review: Palo Verde Cancer Specialists - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
abbey - phoenix, AZ, United States

Palo Verde Cancer Specialists
7373 N Scottsdale Rd Ste E-100 Scottsdale, 85253 Arizona, United States
(480) 941-1211
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 Dr. Langford is not a professional and does not listen to you, He made fun of me when i told him that fruits and vegetables are responsible for my healing. I told him it is God's food. And he said that God is in the chemo and radiation and surgery end of it too. His wife died from the chemo, radiation and surgery that he talked her into when she had breast cancer. God is not into poison. "Genesis 1:29 God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."

He may have spent 10 minutes on the appt. and runs out. He doesn't ask if you have any questions. I had stage 4 breast cancer and i was laughed at by a very aggressive, nasty, radiation guy (Dr,. kresl)( Cyberknife) when I pointed out on scan that my tumor had shrunk in half since last. It was right in front of his face.

My tumor markers dropped 10 points from 80 to 70 in one month and Dr. Langford had nothing good to say about that. I asked him if it would be considered significant if my tumor markers dropped another 10 points cause that would be 25 % decrease and he slowly nodded his head and looked at the floor and barely acknowledged what i said, like it was nothing.  He was always looking at the floor and didn't really give much credence to the good things that were happening. The next month went by and my tumor markers decreased down to 28.5 from 80 about 2months prior. and there was no more burning under my arm. 40 is considered normal.

I went to my next appt. and he said absolutely nothing about it. I waited the entire 10 min. to see if he would say anything about it and as he was walking out the door, I said something. He barely even acknowledged what i said and mumbled, he was pleasantly pleased, only because i brought it up. Here i was ecstatic with joy.  He was blowing it off like it was nothing.  The prior appt. he admitted  it would be significant if my tumor markers dropped 25 % when i dragged it out of him. My tumor markers dropped 65 % the next month and he had nothing to say until i said something as he was running out of the room.

The only thing he tried to press in that 10 min. was me getting a vaccine and tried to scare me with not getting it. I don't scare easy especially by this chemo, radiation MILL. The other reviews are right, this is a chemo, radiation MILL. He was pissed off that God's food works to heal. He kept down playing it. He wasn't interested in my healing, because it wasn't associated with chemo, radiation, and surgery.

He knew I was putting effort into juicing and i was so excited that it was saving my life instead of them depleting my life with their poison.  They can take out the tumor but they dont get the cancer stem cells. They tell people they got it all  but its a lie.  They claim they get it all but later when they say it came back, is because it never left.  The stem cells are still there and when it comes back, it comes back like a _itch. , like never before and then people die.  Vegetables and fruit like broccoli, matcha green tea, ginger, rasberries ,strawberries and all of them go after the tumors and the stem cells, and the cancer is wiped out cause with God's food the body heals.

 I am proof.  Everyone has  few months before jumping into anything, don't let them scare you into getting on the chemo, radiation & surgery train(unless surgery is necessary cause it is pressing on something crucial) Do juicing like me. I am proof it works and there are so many other it has worked for, including doctors have done juicing and healed themselves.  I have heard other people tell me there oncologist gave them positivty and said what ever you are doing its working so keep doing it. Not this Dr. He gave me no uplifting AT ALL.  NOTHING.  NOT EVEN WHEN MY TUMOR MARKERS DROPPED A WHOPPING 65 %. I had to drag it out of him as he was walking out the door.  It should have been first thing he said as he came in door. 

Disgusting going there. Nasty,  assistant, Brittany was only one to get back to me when i called and I told her i needed to switch doctors with someone that took my insurance. She told me that they all would treat me the same way. Because i wasn't doing chemo, radiation and surgery. So i told her i wanted to file a complaint and she  went into defense mode and told me she didn't know who to connect me to and that she would have someone call me back. Five days went by and no call. I called  back and she sent me to the administrator. Obviously, putting the blame on me saying that i was the problem so they wouldn't get blamed for anything. She wanted to get the jump on it. So here I am telling all of you to stay away from this place and these awful people. Do not let them scare you into chemo, radia & surgery.  Started juicing raw organic 10 lbs. of vege and fruit per day and in 4 months tumor markers dropped from 80 to 28.5.

  • I am being healed with God's food. I consume 8 (8 oz) glasses of carrots and green apples and 3 (8 oz) glasses of broccoli, bok choy, celery, lettuce, and i also throw in tumeric, and ginger into all of it. I drink matcha green tea with a tsp. of ginger. I eat 60 apricot seeds every day. Oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and fruit like raspberries or blueberrries. And salads a couple of times a day with salmon maybe.  All fruits and vegetable are powerhouses for healing. No meat, no dairy, no processed food, no fast food, NO SUGAR.    If you see any good reviews it is because they put them up themselves and there are plenty of bad ones.  And the reviews that aren't there is because they are dead. Not only am I healing stage 4 metastatic breast cancer which is soooooooooooo AWESOME.  But, my blood pressure is completely normal, it used to be through the roof, i no longer have acid reflex or heart burn and my energy is now through the roof.  I am a walking, talking, example of unbelievable health and it pisses them off. 

    I am going through this temporary setback completely alone. I have no family, I know no one here and I'm getting through this with God's medicine and God's presence in my life.  It would have been greatly appreciated if i had some medical advice worth anything so as to lift me up. But, I don't need it, I have God lifting me up.  After all, those incompetent so-called medical professionals were being paid to tell me the truth and not to discourage me.  i went to two oncologist, one radiation doctor, two surgeons and 2 radiologists in the beginning, just to see what they would say.  And it was all a downer and they talked as though I was already dead.  This is not a death sentence. This is just the beginning of living.  What a HUGE revelation to find out how powerful God's food really is. And to watch the healing of something that could be deadly and heals in such a short time.    He put all of this here for us to heal ourselves with. WOW  WOW WOW WOW WOW  I believe 5 years ago when there were two tiny little benign cysts under my right arm, that the needle biopsy turned those benign cysts into malignant cancer in 5 years.  But, the mammograms never picked it up the entire time.  I also believe that mammograms are giving us cancer. And when they go into anyone with surgery and chemo and radiation, all of that also causes more cancer and to spread as well.  That is a death sentence. DON"T DO IT.  Don't let them scare you or talk to you as though you all of a sudden became the dumbest person on the planet along with millions of others.

    And there are other oncologists who will support you in your journey and give you uplifting, keep looking. DON'T GO HERE.  THE OTHER REVIEWS ON YELP ARE TRUE. THIS IS A BAD PLACE.   When my pcp found out i wasn't doing chemo, radiation, and surgery and he found out i was juicing, he said aren't you scared.  Well, I was scared in the beginning , they scared the hell out of me.  I have a plan now and i'm not scared anymore, cause it is so simple and it is WORKING AND I AM SO HEALTHY WHILE DOING IT.  MY HAIR IS NOT FALLING OUT, I AM NOT SICK, MY BONES AND TISSUE ARE NOT GOING TO HELL, MY IMMUNE SYSTEM IS NOT GOING TO HELL, I AM NOT BEING COMPLETELY OBLITERATED BY POISON AND IF I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO MAKE IT THROUGH ALL OF THAT, I WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN AND IT WOULD MORE THAN LIKELY HAPPEN AGAIN CAUSE THE STEM CELLS WOULD STILL BE THERE.  AND I AM GOING TO LIVE A LONG HEALTHY LIFE AWAY FROM THEM.  

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