  • Report:  #1419741

Complaint Review: Parceltoyou - Riverside California

Reported By:
Sherrie - Chickasaw, Alabama, United States

2280 Market St, Suite 205 Riverside, 92501 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

got an email from this company back in November 2017 stating that they seen my resume online and wanted to offer me a work from home position. They asked me to view the job details and if I felt like it was something I would be interested in I should fill out an applicaiton. They job was for me to get packages in the mail and to print out the pre-paid labels and ship the packages, sound easy right? I was told to contact their payroll to let them know how I would like to get my payment, there was an option to get a check, or direct deposit. I picked direct deposit because I knew that if they could pay me direct deposit then this job was legit and real. I was told that I would be on 30 day probation to see if I worked well with the company, then after that I would get a payment of $2150.00 and if and when I was hired on full time I would have a monthly pay of $2250.00. Now I should have known that sounded too good to be true, but I gave it a chance anyway. There was a number I could call that said the company's name when you call, my manager was in contact with me every day, things seem to be going as planned.

I did shipments for this company for about a month and I was suppose to get my first payment on December 21st because my probation period started on the day I shipped the first package, which was December 21st. I noticed after shipping the last few packages there wasn't anymore packages being put on the system I was given to log into every day. So at first I just thought that they were running behind and that they would put more packages on the system. On the 21 of December I waiting all day to see if I was going to get a check from them, after waiting and realizing that no payment was coming I contacted the company via email. When they did reply to my email they told me that the system has shut down and that they were unable to process direct deposits. So at that point I thought to myself "What a coincidence that this would happen on suppose to be payday". They told me to wait a few days and things would be back running and I would get my payment, they told me they couldn't do direct deposits because their back account had been compromised. The email was misspelled.

When I did get an email from them again they told me that things was not running well and asked me if I wanted to be paid direct deposit or by check, and I said by check again because at this point I'm thinking this is all a scam, because why would this just happen when it's time to pay me? Why didn't this happen when this company was shipping items to my home, but it happens when it's time to pay me? After me telling them I still wanted a paycheck, they seem like they agreed. The following week I contacted payroll once again and I was told that a check was mailed to me on the 21st. They claimed they mailed a check to me on December 21st 2017, and here it is now December 28th 2017 and no check has shown up. I asked could they cancel the check that they said was sent to me and send me my payment direct deposit, western union, or moneygram. They never answered the question, but they did say that they cannot/ couldn't cancel the check. How can a company not cancel a check is my question? All they had to do was call the bank and give them the check number and ask the bank to cancel that check. telling me that they cannot cancel the check once again and that they could send me another check.

If you ever get a email from someone claiming they work for a shipping company and they want to offer you a work from home job take it from me it is all a scam. They are just going to make you think what they want you to think to make you ship the packages, and when it's time to pay you they are either going to disappear, not pay you, give you the run arounds about getting your payment or all of the above. Today I also got on their website and did a chat with one of the agents. I told the agent that I think someone is running a shipping scam using their company's name and information. The agent asked me what this was about and I told him this is about me working for this company doing shippment and not getting paid. He asked me for my information so that someone can contact me, and never said another work other than "Someone will contact you soon". I still haven't heard nothing from payroll. Also my manager was suppose to be a lady names Becky Schaffner, I tried calling her last week and realized that she has blocked my number from calling her phone. I know she blocked my number because when I call from my phone to hers the phone does a half ring and then goes to voicemail, but if I call from another number it just rings. Anytime you call this company no one ever answers the phone, and you can't get no one to answer, all you can do is leave a message for nobody to even call you back.

Take it from me all of these shipping jobs are nothing but scams. I copied and pasted This complaint because the EXACT SAME THING happen to me. Ama when I looked up the address for one of the packages to be ship it came back a fraudulent address that’s been reported to EBAY. That address is 2401 Ogletown Newark, DE 19711 #1003123

Report Attachments

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Las vegas,
United States
I was too ripped off almost lost my home and put out on the streets had to sell my car now I have no car and in debt!!!!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 22, 2018

My rip it off Id  number is #1423878 I want Justice these people can not get away with this I would like to be included in any lawsuit or any invetigation that a occurs please contact me.


Grand Junction,
United States
got me as well

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 13, 2018

got me as well  read anyb of these reports and my story is the same. 


United States
No check is coming!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 10, 2018

Sorry to say, you will not receive a check. Your number will also be blocked by Becky and when you attempt to log into the CRM, you will get a note saying the system is down for maintenance. The date when the system will be up will change to a new date a few days out when trying to log in at another time. Hopefully, by posting here, new potential targets will stay away from parceltoyou.


United States

#5Author of original report

Tue, January 09, 2018

 If you plan on taking legal action against this company, you have my full support. I was also a victim to these scam ARTISTS!!! The have extremely sensitive information and I won’t to bring them down.


kansas city,
United States
Not backing DOWN

#6General Comment

Tue, January 09, 2018

 Ok so THEY GOT ME TOO. But Im not letting them get away with it. I Contacted the FBI and THE POST MASTER GENERAL. Because this is mail fraud and Federal felony. I also contacted The FCC because they are committing fraud over electronic devices. I want us to band together to file a CLASS ACTION LAW SUITE aginist these people. They can be tracked down. They have IP addresses. They have shut me out of the system but not after i took screen shots of everything as well as emails and chare. We need to stand strong. Also once i informed them that the FBI was involved I got an email back from Payroll saying that they dont want trouble and it was against the law for them not to.pay their employees and that a check was mailed out to me today. I WILL WSIT AND SEE UF THEYBREALLY MAILED A CHECK. I will keep all informed.


kansas city,
United States
PayPal credit

#7General Comment

Tue, January 09, 2018

 I got a letter also from PayPal credit in the name of David Larson. A I shipped 4 items in THAT name.


kansas city,
United States

#8General Comment

Tue, January 02, 2018

 I have been scammed by these M F'S too....Imy daughter asked me if I thought it was a scam....I'm so hurt cause I really needed that money. I'm in tears right now.


United States
Bringing Them Down

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 31, 2017

There's no need to be sorry for coping and pasting my report.  As soon as I saw it I knew the same thing had happened to you.  I was not offending at all, in fact I was proud that someone else was brave enough to speak out.  I really hate that you gave them your ssn, because there no telling what they'll do next.  I on the other hand didn't give them that kind of information, I even covered up my ID numbers when sending a picture ID.  I am so glad that you contacted the FBI and the police because so did I, and everyone else also needs to contact their local police department and also the FBI to let them know that this is what they have going on.  Looking at all of these comments just make me sad that they have also done to other people what they have done to me, but if we all stick together we can take them down together and they'll never do this to anyone else ever again.  Thank you for speaking up with me and taking action against these scam con artists.


United States

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 31, 2017

Did you receive letters from PayPal credit addressed to supposed sales agents of parceltoyou denying credit or an increase in credit line? I did as I fell for the same scam as you. I don't see any activity on my credit reports but fear the SOBs have done something to screw up my credit, or worse, will I see a bill in the near future from PayPal linked to my ssn?


United States

#11Author of original report

Sat, December 30, 2017

 I literally copied and pasted your story because the EXACT same thing happened to me. WORD FOR WORD. I wrote my story for me. I gave them my ID and SNN for tax forms. I end up researching the address that they were sending the packages to and it was a scam address that was also registered under a fraud alert on eBay. I contacted the FBI and the local police station in Delaware. I will bring them down.


United States
WOW Is all I can say

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 30, 2017

I totally don't mind you coping and pasting my report, soon as I read your report I could tell it was copied and pasted with different dates, and I knew the reason for that was because the same thing happened to you.  I knew it was some scam/fraudlent mess going on with this wanna be company, because I kept thinking why would a company need to send packages to me for me to reship when there is ups,fedex, and usps?  I knew it was something illegal going on with this mess especially since no one has gotten paid.  They got mad at me about my report on them I wrote on Dec 14 and when I contacted them to ask for my payment again, they emailed me threatning to sue me for slander.  Good thing I already knew that is bs, because you can't sue nobody for telling the truth about what happened.  They told me that my report has caused them to be questioned by other people, and I told them it's probably because you haven't paid other people just like you didn't pay me.  Nobody is going to be asking you any questions about my report on ripoff.com if they are not already thinking it's a scam in order to come to this website.  They actually sent me the link to my report and told me I made everything up and that they were starting a case against me, well I got they'll have to start a slander case against us all huh?  I see that I was right when I said I couldn't have been the only one they didn't pay.  I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.  Also I knew those addresses were not legit, because I was sending too many packages to that address, and I asked about it.  I asked Becky why am I sending packages to the same address?  She gave me some kind on bs excuse about I'm suppose to send all packages to that department manager.  Still in all it was all a scam.


United States

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 30, 2017

Let me start of by saying that I am so sorry that this has happened to you because I know how disappointing this has been.  It looks like you copied my report and just changed the date and I can understand why you did that because I'm sure it happened to you the very same way I wrote it.  This isn't a real company because a real company wouldn't have you doing a job and not pay you.  Becky, Henry, and Melissa are all scam artists and those are probably not there real names, because this was all a scam to begin with.  This has been a lesson learned for me, and thank God I didn't give them my personal information, like my ssn, when sending them my ID I covered up my ID number.  I am so thankful that I didn't give them all the information that they were asking me to give in order to start this scam of a suppose to be job.  After I wrote this report and contacted them again about my payment they had the nerve to threatn to sue me for slander.  These people don't even realize that they are the one's in the wrong.  How are you going to sue me for slander when I did a job and you did not pay me for my work?  They emailed me and told me that their legal departement sent them a notification that they have started a case against me for slander.  First of all you've got to have a really dumb legal department and they all need to go back to law school if  they think they can sue anyone, when this company has been a scam from the start.  I would advise anyone who think they are working for this company and think that they are going to get paid to stop shipping anything for them, as a matter of fact contact the police now.  What is going on is they are buying these items with stolen credit cards and/or information and sending the packages to you, so you print out a new label and send it to them.  That way if anything happens it falls all on you, and you look like you are the one who stole those items and the police shows up at your door.  They can not be tracked, which is why they are sending those packages to you so that they won't be tracked.


United States
Parceltoyou scammed me as well!

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 29, 2017

Every word people are saying about this rip off company is true. My story is word for word a the others. Shipped packages for a month and when payday came, there account was "compromised"! What BS! Becky, Melissa, and Henry - probably not their real names - are the three principals in this scam.

If you hear from parceltoyou offering you a job, RUN, RUN, RUN as fast as you can away from joining parceltoyou or you will work for nothing! Plus now they have our personal information, c opie of drivers license and social security cards. What will happen next???


United States
LIARS! Scam. ConArtists.

#15Author of original report

Fri, December 29, 2017

Fraud company. Never received payment. Turned over personal information. Scam.


United States
This happened to me as well.

#16Author of original report

Fri, December 29, 2017



United States

#17Author of original report

Fri, December 29, 2017

 I got an email from this company back in November 2017 stating that they seen my resume online and wanted to offer me a work from home position. They asked me to view the job details and if I felt like it was something I would be interested in I should fill out an applicaiton. They job was for me to get packages in the mail and to print out the pre-paid labels and ship the packages, sound easy right? I was told to contact their payroll to let them know how I would like to get my payment, there was an option to get a check, or direct deposit. I picked direct deposit because I knew that if they could pay me direct deposit then this job was legit and real. I was told that I would be on 30 day probation to see if I worked well with the company, then after that I would get a payment of $2150.00 and if and when I was hired on full time I would have a monthly pay of $2250.00. Now I should have known that sounded too good to be true, but I gave it a chance anyway.

There was a number I could call that said the company's name when you call, my manager was in contact with me every day, things seem to be going as planned. I did shipments for this company for about a month and I was suppose to get my first payment on December 21st because my probation period started on the day I shipped the first package, which was December 21st. I noticed after shipping the last few packages there wasn't anymore packages being put on the system I was given to log into every day. So at first I just thought that they were running behind and that they would put more packages on the system.

On the 21 of December I waiting all day to see if I was going to get a check from them, after waiting and realizing that no payment was coming I contacted the company via email. When they did reply to my email they told me that the system has shut down and that they were unable to process direct deposits. So at that point I thought to myself "What a coincidence that this would happen on suppose to be payday". They told me to wait a few days and things would be back running and I would get my payment, they told me they couldn't do direct deposits because their back account had been compromised. The email was misspelled.

When I did get an email from them again they told me that things was not running well and asked me if I wanted to be paid direct deposit or by check, and I said by check again because at this point I'm thinking this is all a scam, because why would this just happen when it's time to pay me? Why didn't this happen when this company was shipping items to my home, but it happens when it's time to pay me? After me telling them I still wanted a paycheck, they seem like they agreed. The following week I contacted payroll once again and I was told that a check was mailed to me on the 21st. They claimed they mailed a check to me on December 21st 2017, and here it is now December 28th 2017 and no check has shown up.

I asked could they cancel the check that they said was sent to me and send me my payment direct deposit, western union, or moneygram. They never answered the question, but they did say that they cannot/ couldn't cancel the check. How can a company not cancel a check is my question? All they had to do was call the bank and give them the check number and ask the bank to cancel that check. telling me that they cannot cancel the check once again and that they could send me another check.

If you ever get a email from someone claiming they work for a shipping company and they want to offer you a work from home job take it from me it is all a scam. They are just going to make you think what they want you to think to make you ship the packages, and when it's time to pay you they are either going to disappear, not pay you, give you the run arounds about getting your payment or all of the above. Today I also got on their website and did a chat with one of the agents. I told the agent that I think someone is running a shipping scam using their company's name and information. The agent asked me what this was about and I told him this is about me working for this company doing shippment and not getting paid.

He asked me for my information so that someone can contact me, and never said another work other than "Someone will contact you soon". I still haven't heard nothing from payroll. Also my manager was suppose to be a lady names Becky Schaffner, I tried calling her last week and realized that she has blocked my number from calling her phone. I know she blocked my number because when I call from my phone to hers the phone does a half ring and then goes to voicemail, but if I call from another number it just rings. Anytime you call this company no one ever answers the phone, and you can't get no one to answer, all you can do is leave a message for nobody to even call you back. Take it from me all of these shipping jobs are nothing but scams. I copied and pasted This complaint because the EXACT SAME THING happen to me. And when I looked up the address for one of the packages address it came back a fraudulent address that’s been reported to EBAY. That address is 2401 Ogletown Newark, DE 19711 #1003123

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