  • Report:  #368704

Complaint Review: Parrots In Motion - Sparta Michigan

Reported By:
- Kennewick, Washington,

Parrots In Motion
1065 Olin Lake Drive Sparta, 49345 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After nearly 2 years, I think it is time for me to tell my side. Someone posted an email I sent to them, which I did not authorize to be posted anywhere.

Shannon Antor did rip me off for 2 beautiful macaws; a Scarlet Macaw and a Blue and Gold Macaw. She told me that she would send me a pair of SI Eclectus and a pair of parrotlets for the two macaws. Well, I did receive the parrotlets but neither of them were blue, which is what we agreed upon. She told me that she would replace the parrotlets with the ones we agreed upon...go figure, she never did. She said she would send me $300.00 to buy a pair of blue parrotlets in my city...yep, you guessed it...she never did. She told me over and over that she follows through with each and every trade she makes...wow...all of them but mine? She said that she has a reputation to keep...let me try to guess what kind of reputation she is trying to keep, can you?

Now I am sure that I will never see the parrots that Shannon made a trade with me for. I will never see the $3,244.00 that the macaws cost, along with the shipping and the new carriers I paid for. I am sure she has a huge smile on her face knowing that she got away with such a huge rip-off. She has already traded the macaws I sent to her, so there is no way that I can get them back either...and I heard she traded those beautiful macaws for quakers. Whatever.

She stated somewhere that I was desperate to find homes for those macaws. I guess any lie is better than no lie, right? Those macaws were kept in a garage in the WINTER, but they were fed Volkman's Macaw Mix, Zupreem Fruit Blend and lots of fruits and vegetables. They were fed everyday! The garage was heated with 7 space heaters and humidified with 4 humidifiers. Funny how she forgot to mention all of that information. I wished my electric bill on her after what she said.

Shannon told me that she filed stalking charges on me for emailing her about the Eclectus she owed me. Did she think that I didn't know that I would have to be served with papers about that? Did she think that I wouldn't call the Sheriff's Department and ask? Obviously, she thinks I am an idiot. The only idiotic thing I did was deal with Shannon. Oh, and she filed the stalking charges with her lawyer.

Well, for all those that are interested. She is now selling reptiles (like the snake that she is) under the name of "luvsallcreatures". I guess the reputation as a parrot ummm breeder (?) that she was so worried about has taken a dive into the gutter. I am sure she can not deal in parrots anymore because now everyone knows that she is a con. PLEASE BEWARE of LUVSALLCREATURES.

I tried to take Shannon to court, but she wouldn't claim the registered mail. She's such a wheeler dealer on the internet but a little chicken in real life. She wouldn't even go to the door when law enforcement went to her house. She surely has lots more to hide than even we know about, and law enforcement is aware of this also. VERY AWARE! I think it is time for her to shape up because a Detective in her area has LOTS of information on her. Infact, he wants me to send him everything I find online about Shannon. All the complaints, all the scams. If you have any, please email them to me and I will forwarded them to him. I don't want emails from people that are out to get Shannon, I want REAL stories about how she ripped you off, not hearsay information. The only way we are going to stop her is if we are honest with this Detective.

As far as her using her daughter, Ashley, in her ads....I feel so sorry for that child. She is being taught at a very young age how to rip off people, how to lie, how to cheat...and it is being taught to her by her own mother. This should be considered a crime in itself. What kind of mother would initiate this into their own child's life?


Kennewick, Washington


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