  • Report:  #120043

Complaint Review: Pasqualina - Rambouillet Cedex France France

Reported By:
- Singapore, Asia,

Rambouillet Cedex France, 78513 France, France
+33-1 30 88 85 41
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I happened to chance upon Pasqualina website when I'm surfing the internet for chinese calendar horoscopes. ...not at all really looking for any sorta psychic contacts. It just happened while i'm surfing, a box popped out from Pasqualina 's website, stating for a try of a free reading, out of curiousity and fun, I had a try on it. I didn't readily expect to get any reply from her. The very next day, I received detailed reports exactly the same as file by people here at Rip-off Report.com

Here's the recent report from her. Well.. i fell for the 3rd time i guessed. Funny thing is, She had send me another email to persuade me to take up another offer of her psychic contacts.

Well..i'm so much into believing her, am also very tempted & ready to try out the occult Ritual that she had sent me via email. I'm not sure any of you here had received this ritual email? As I did not read from anybody here who had been con by her that, had received her "Compendium Of Mystical Magical prayers, Secret Magical Traditions, Prayers & Ritual. Everything seems so real! She even sent me a "SPECIAL GAMBLING PROCESS TO PLAY AT GAMES". One month ago, She had sent me by post a lucky Charm and a receipt of USD19.95 in her company letter which had the France Address on it.

In fact, I'm so ready to take up her latest offer to order another psychic contact session with her... Funny thing is, I dun know why, I'm typing my friend name on teh search engine for fun...suddenly, i just think of typing " Pasqualina" out of the blue! I didn't even think that she will con me as I trusted her.

guess what I had found! I found this RIP OFF REPORT .COM by this chance! I wondered was it GOD's Will to let me found this website. If not I would have been con again!

Initially, I can't believe what I had seen & read about the reports being filed by some people here. As I continued to read on, the report filed by Loganville, Georgia . I realised that I 'm CONNED! Almost Exactly is the layout of the email!

People here, if you are reading this report filed by me, please let me know if any of you here had perform any ritual from her emails to you ?

Below is her most recent email to me a few days ago:

First of all,

here are your 7 lucky Numbers for your games:

7 - 11 - 19 - 25 - 26 - 33 - 49.

You will the possibility to use them

within the favourable periods I am going to indicate.

Now here are my first revelations, my dear XXXX

Do follow all my advice carefully!

In the IN-DEPTH Confidential and SECRET STUDY on your LUCK opportunities that you are about to read, you will have to be ready to seize the HELP I intend to bring to you.

I am going to give you the support you need in order to solve all your urgent problems.

I am going to tell you about the POSITIVE CHANGES that you are going to see realized. This comprehensive action is going to enable you to benefit from the LUCK, MONEY, LOVE, HAPPINESS and SUCCESS OPPORTUNITIES in all kinds of fields.

You are going to live the life full of JOYS that you deserve. Take advantage of all the good things that the future holds for you!

For that purpose I am asking you to read the whole of the revelations and advice that are included in my study about you.

At last you will be able to take advantage of the HAPPY LIFE you are so much entitled to. You do know that we are going to succeed!

I am pleased that you have replied my dear XXXX!

YES, fortunately, you have replied, it was the right time to make you aware of all the secrets which will radically change your life, as I am able to give you my help. In my first e-mail, i led you to believe in an incredibly lucky time to come, this has been confirmed to me, it is approaching very fast, and it would have been a shame not to have being ready to benefit from it as soon as possible ; I felt your answer coming, I could even say that I was expecting it because intense vibrations led me to believe in it whilst thinking about your touching personality. Because as I have promised, I have already begun, without waiting your definitive agreement, a thorough research concerning you.

This allows me to answer you as quickly as possible, so as intervene in an efficient and fast manner, as time is against us. Yes, time is against us ! My initial apprehensions concerning you have turned out to be true, because, although you still possess all the abilities to have luck, success and happiness, I feel obliged to, state that in spite of yourself, you are submitted to an evil environment in which you are an innocent victim. It is as if you found yourself under a beam of negative waves, which obstructs all your ressources and your life forces.

It must be said that, not only this type of obstruction impedes you act in your daily life, but also, it pushes you towards failure at every step you make. It is time, without a doubt, to react against it ! You must not accept this permanent state of failure, on the contrary, you must find deep inside yourself all these qualities, all these hidden possibilities, which are all fixed tokens of your abilities to have luck and success. You must draw yourself cut of, and get rid o, these negative waves which block out your life forces and your magnetism.

Today, I can tell you that, in order to let you reach the winning camp, all the right conditions have been put together ; so give me your hand my dear XXXX and together let us walk the path leading to success ! we must make the most of this beneficial time which is approaching and if you agree let us start off this analysisby looking at the main problems which worry you so as to find the right solutions, but first, there is a certain fact that I can tell you, it is that you have many gifts judging by your personality and your abilities, as just by intuition, you possess foresight and quite a lot of perseveranc, but unfortunately, you have not always known how to, or been able to adapt these precious qualities to a number of qualities. You are an honest, faithful and hard-working person and all these qualities which should allow beautiful developments, in fact, appear to do you ahrm by attravting continuous worries !

Read carefully the ananlysis about you in the following pages as I went to make a point on your past and present life (which is our main concern) so as to act in a thorough way upon your future. Read it well, as I want to reveal to you the true key to success, the one we are searching for, the key to your success !

The problems caused by money my dear XXXX, are unfortunately, among the biggest worries of most of my clients. And unfortunately, as I sensed very quickly, you are no exception to this rule. It is over this problem of money, that you have been paralysed. Slowly but surely you have been left imprisoned in a vicious circle, incapable of acting, or truly facing the situation.

You are completely unable to move forward, which is preventing you from undertaking the essential positive things, (actions which could allow you to resolve your problems), and your financial situation is only getting worse. Admit it, this is totally unfair!

There are so many wealthy people who receive incomes allowing them to really live, or at least live comfortably. There is no reason why you can't join into this group of people. I am persuaded that things can really change for you!

But have you asked yourself how you arrived at your situation? I have sensed that you are feeling despair, and I have searched to understand why: in fact, you are completely engulfed in a mass of negative waves, within a very negative environment, and these two things prevent you from acting, and above all from possessing psychomagnetic properties. These properties are resident and intact, deep within you, but which are unable to be of use to you, even in the smallest jest. It will therefore be necessary to fully restore to use these abilities, because in the state that you find yourself, none of your normal actions will in the end, give you positive results, as much concerning money, as concerning any other subjects (we will come back to speaking about this later.)

I want to persuade you that I am here to help you! We are going to make this negative environment disappear, and you must be enthusiastic, as I cannot carry out my work alone. You must have a powerful desire to get out of the situation in which you find yourself, and only then will our shared action bear fruit. With the help of my psychomagnetic powers, we are going to undertake together, the work that will succeed in putting to use your psy properties, and you will even find a new efficiency in all that you do.

You will especially, be a lot more open, which will enable you to confront every day problems with an ease, that you haven't experienced for such a long time. Seize every one of your opportunities my dear XXXXXX! I can help you to do this !

Indeed, it is true that money is very important, but what does plenty of money really mean, my dear XXXX, if you don't have love, or at least affection?

On the subject of emotional happiness: the persistent and harmful, negative waves that you are left locked away within are the indisputable cause of the considerable disruption in your emotional state, the sort of disruption that is ruining your life. Certainly, you have been the target of slanderous attack, very recently, and not for the first time, but have you correctly judged certain people around you?

What I mean by this: have you really appreciated those who are capable of showing you true affection, and have you truly recognised those in which you have been able to place your trust? Perhaps we should talk about this more in another e-mail?

The truth is that in your case, hostile tendencies take up the majority of your energy. This is very distressing for you, and as I have mentioned earlier in my letter, it is high time for you to restore your psycho-magnetic balance, a balance which seems to have been negatively affected by the sad realities of life. Luckily there is no need to worry too much: the fact that you will now be well informed, and that you have acquired my help, should allow you to firstly to reject, them forget the negative aspects of your emotional life.

Concerning your tendency to avoid rules, concerning difficult discussions, and full frontal attacks, you should try to act, but with diplomacy, and with understanding. Follow this simple advice, starting at this very moment, and the results won't be long in arriving, on the condition that you really are enthusiastic!

Keep telling yourself, my dear XXXX, that inner happiness has never been so close to you as at this moment, and that you have all that is necessary to reach such happiness, on the condition that you desire it with true intensity.

The gifts and medium powers form above, that I possess, are ready, and able to help you escape from this prison of harmful, paralysing waves, to assure your victory, and to finally let light, and the joy of love flood out into your life, helping you to break free from anguish and from the very worst of the problems in your life!

There is no need to wait any longer, before receiving all of that which is rightfully yoursAs you are being offered your most basic of rights!

It is absolutely imperative that in order to put you back on the path of success, my dear XXXXX we should start off with the reconstitution of all your abilities so as to fight for victory at every moment of your life, whatever may be your concerns or preoccupations. All your abilities, I repeat this, have remained perfectly preserved deep down inside you.

We must draw them out because they constitue the only potential on which you can rely on. Of course, you have the right not to believe me, because you are not able to use them (except on rare occasions) and mainly because for far too long now, you have not been spoiled by life. And the growing difficulties, the repeated disappointments, the insolvable problems, the clinging bad luck have made your life unbarable. And you are aware that it is impossible to cope with such a state of anguish, anxiety, and complexes, it has created a sickly skyness which paralyses youwhen facing difficult situations.

But, fortunately, as I have already said, without any delays we will be able to restore in you, your positive psychomagnetic pole, back to its former quality, and without which you will never be able to be what you wish to be. Only at that precise moment, when all will be putback in its place, with unexpected ease, you will be able to control your luck, grasp it as it passes by, definitively tame it to be at your serviceso as to make the most of all the successes this suggests.

At that very moment, imperceptibly, without being aware of it to begin with, you will direct yourself towards the well-being and you will unlock around yourself, a wave of friendly sympathetic and affectionate relationships which will pleasantly surprise you and make your life much easier and more pleasant. One after the other, all these positive events which are about to take place, will obliterate all the anguish and the anxiety which spoil your life. The enjoyment of life, a hope in your future, a new feeling of safety will soon take up the space they deserve in your daily life.

Going from me success to another, you will soon forget your failures, because we will construct the ideal conditions to allow you to grasp and use all the favourable opportunities which will present themselves to you my dear Chiam. I am totally convinced of it !

FIinally, my dear XXXX after everything I told you, it seems normal, as I already said in my first impressions, your current situation could be described as followed : following various circumstances, and I think that I don't have to talk about them now, but among which the evil manipulations play a big part, you feel like a prisoner who is completely shut away in this net of negative waves that provoke inside of you a permanent block of all your psychomagnetic powers.

You completely lost your self-confidence. You positive magnetic dynamism has completely disappeared, and it seems as if you would live your life like a blind person, and this is shown by a certain number of mistakes, that lead you to the defeat. Every difficulty in life has become for you an unbearable ordeal, you collect the bad lucks and you collect like that all the problems. Your life has become a hell !

I can understand very good that you have some difficulties to stand this and that you revolt yourself against too much of injustice. You are right now at the food of an insurmountable wall that is in front of you, and that block the way that should lead you to happiness. That's why we have to act, and to act very quickly, if you want to get over this obstacle and finally find back success and chance, because these are the essential keys to open the door to happiness !

The astral period that I have found, and that announces itself as being favourable, among those that you have known these last weeks, and that you have unfortunately missed, will soon be there, it will be short, and you have to be fit again to get in the best conditions all the chances that it has.

Because if you let it escape now, this would be a too important loss, and you would suffer for a too long time of the consequences of it, and you know them already too well ! Let's try together to get your original strength out again, and that your current blocking leaves the place to a lightning flowering of your personality. I will try with all my strength and all my medium powers, you can count on my aid in this fight my dear XXXX, because I want it !

I almost forgot to mention it, my dear XXXXX, and yet it is so important! In spite of the vicious circle of negative waves which surrounds you, your inner resources are intact, and this is great luck as among these resources are powerful magnetic abilities (which you might have been aware of on certain occasions) and they form a certain OBSCURE GIFT that very few people possess. This gift (not to say THESE GIFTS!) is awaiting to be seized and developed in a useful, beneficial way. Beneficial for yourself, beneficial for others!

For you, it may be an unexpected social SUCCESS, with all others successes included : emotional, financial, esteem and equilibrium.

It would be beneficial for other too, as you will be able to bring to all those who call for your help, the assistance, the confidence which they need to overcome their problems, to come true to themselves. Make the necessary effort and soon, not only will you not need anyone to lead a serene and agreeable life towards which you aspire (and to which you have a right) but also you will be able to ATTRACT towards you all the unhappy people who will come to ask for your help, the help of your disclosed powers.

You will be able to improve considerably your standard of living whilst helping people in distress! Think about it my dear XXXX!

As soon as we will have been able to restructure your live psycho-magnetic forces in a powerful way, you will be able, with my help, to start acting in a manner which will be beneficial for yourself and helpful for others.

It goes without saying that in your ease, the work to be achieved will probably be more consistent and be more efficient in the long term.

I rely on your patience, your perseverance and your strength to make this gift bloom. Do always remember that I am with you with all my heart.

It is a chance that you considered my offer favourably since the incredible lucky period I have already talked to you about is just about to start and I absolutely wanted you to be in the most favourable conditions in order to benefit from it in all its splendour! This is what I want for you! I would have been immensely sorry, had I not been able to have you benefit fully from these wonderful moments that are arriving.

Therefore I was expecting your agreement impatiently since as I thought of your position, some premonition came to me and I was quite afraid that you might not reply. This is precisely for that reason that -without your definite agreement- I took the liberty of going further into my astral studies about you.

Time is lacking indeed! I mentioned that fact in my first letter. As far as luck and success are concerned your abilities are still intact deep inside of you, but they are paralyzed by that ray of negative waves you are the innocent victim of. Besides, it will become impossible for you to react positively if we wait any longer.

Unfortunately, with all your strong values remaining be blocked, you could be led toward successive failures and heading toward some catastrophic situation, without noticing it, that could turn impossible to solve.

So, I say there is NO WAY you are going to resigne yourself against those failures. You must immediately get back on your feet and be able to fully bet on the entire potential that you have kept intact inside of you. Now I am telling you honestly that all the conditions are here for you to join the winner's side, the side of those life grants its luck benefits, as well as happiness, and success, the side of happy people.

Take my hand and let us take the path toward success! The sumptuous beneficial period is approaching. Let us remedy right now the negative aspects (but above all reinforce the positive and best aspects) of your present life, since everything can change very soon ! I confirm that, considering your personality and possibilities, your abilities are intact.

We have studied together what happened in your life, but let us focuse on what is going to happen thanks to my help. Do read carefully what follows, do concentrate on what I want to tell you and on what I can do for you, as it is high time you reacted against all the obstacles on your way toward success. Because together we are going to WIN!

As regards your situation in particular one has to humbly admit that life hasn't been generous with you and that many times, you missed opportunities that could have helped you to take what you wanted from life. You just couldn't or didn't know how to seize these opportunities because your physical forces were blocked and prevented you from doing so.

However, during these moments of your life and because of that genuine wall of negative waves, you did not manage to see or recognize on time its favourable moments. Let us forget about the past, there is no use in lamenting one's fate, because the Future, the near future appears favourable. This time you musn't miss any opportunity. You will have to be watchful.

This fabulous period is approaching indeed! You must be prepared on time in order to benefit from it. You must take what is best from it, because as soon as this period vanishes, you will have to start waiting again and then you may have lost part of your vital strength again.

Therefore, there is not a single moment to lose, my dear XXXX, if together we intend to make you become self-confident again and restore that hope of a life full of happiness, serenity and money.

But do not forget that it all depends on you ! You must react quickly in order to free yourself from this vicious circle of negative waves since it is only when you have done so that your state and all conditions will be most favourable for you to improve your environment as far as love is concerned.

The beneficial environment of the next few weeks my dear XXXX will be a veritable GODSEND for you : you musn't give in then as such an important is approaching.

So you musn't forget that I AM THERE IN YOUR LIFE, JUST BY YOUR SIDE to bring you help.

It is an absolute necessity, if you desire to find the way to success, my dear XXXX, to recover your entire ability to fight for the victory in all moments of your life, whatever the aspect of your life that concerns you and worries you.

Your entire abilities, let me repeat it, have remained perfectly intact inside of you. We must drag them out again since they still form the only potential you can rely on. Of course, you are perfectly entitled not to believe me since life hasn't been generous with you sofar.

And it is those growing difficulties, those repeating disappointments, unsurmountable problems, this persistent bad luck, that create a life that you find is unbearable.

Besides you have realized that it has become impossible for you to escape from it, as such a state of distress, anxiety and such complexes have caused inside of you some obsessive timidity that paralyzes you and prevents you from facing all events on tough times.

However, as I have already told you, we will fortunately manage to restore your positive psychic pole, a prime quality, without which you would never manage to become again what you long to be.

At that very moment, when everything is back into place you will be able to command luck, to seize it as it passes by, to tame it so that it works for you and thus take full advantage of all the success it implies.

From that moment on, imperceptibly, you are going to make your way, first unwillingly, toward some better-being, and generate a wave of friendly, sympathetic and emotional relationships around you, which will be quite a pleasant surprise and which will ease your life and make will it more pleasant very soon.

Each and every one of all these positive events that are going to come about will erase the distress, the anxiety that have been ruining your life. The joy of living, confidence in the future and a new feeling of safety will very easily take the place that is theirs in your every day life.

As success lingers on, all the setbacks you have experienced will be forgotten very quickly, because we are going to bring about the ideal conditions that will enable you to seize and use all the favourable opportunities that are arising for you!

Do think about this, XXXXX, think it over carefully.

Let us get rid of all that prevents you from reaching the essential meaning of life : your happiness through the happiness of every one around you. Together, thanks to my mighty occult powers very soon, we will be getting rid of all these negative waves that paralyze you and imprison you.

Thus, my dear XXXX, you will be at the personal peak that you deserve to reach and you will benefit from it.

Since you and I have been in contact you've probably already felt my presence just there next to you.

Actually, although there was no formal demand from you, I took the liberty of taking a more extensive positive action on your behalf and I am sure that you can already tell me that this action has already generated its very effects on you. Consequently you have already taken steps you would never have dared to take not very long ago!

An efficient and positive action is just starting and very soon you will realize how much we will be able to very quickly achieve results that will be absolutely extraordinary.

This derives from my power as a Medium, which I have put at your service hoping that very soon and through our numerous contacts you are going to feel the profound effects of my psychic force

This will be easy for you XXXXX. In order to benefit from this beneficial work, you will only need to be free, once every week, preferably in the evening, so that together we can work fruitfully.

For that purpose, you will only need to give me your agreement using the form I prepared for you and indicating me the hours and the days when you can possibly be free.

From that moment on, my magical powers will intervene for you very soon in order to get you away from the state of negativity you are in and so as to lead you again on the way to success without losing a moment. Then you will be able to benefit, in conditions that will be most favourable, from the extraordinary beneficial period of luck I foretold.

At last, you will manage to master your own fate, restore a feeling of efficiency thanks to the intervention of my strong magical powers.

At last you will feel free, at last you will be able to decide on what is beneficial and salutary for you. In other words, you are going to 'LIVE', my dear XXXXX!

As regards this particularly delicate work, I am going to do my best so that you can take advantage of an amount of fees, which for you, will be quite affordable, taking into account the importance of it as far as your future and the stake of the challenge we are going to win are concerned.

Of course, if you prefer to pay my fees by instalments, then you will only need to state it clealy on the form handed out to you, just as you will need to indicate the payment facilities that you would like to be granted.

It is important that you sent me as soon as possible the first payment together with your decision, which should be at least two weeks before the beginning of our contacts, so that I can make all the necessary arrangements. This is essential so that we can manage to obtain results in the most favourable conditions

Our success depends, above all, on an intimate and mutual trust between you and I.

I am convinced that very soon we are going to witness important changes in your life, thanks to the action that together we are going to undertake. Hand in hand, we are going to walk the way toward success.

As soon as I receive your definite agreement, I will forward you my instructions so that the series of our psychic contacts works out perfectly.

On no occasion ever, these instructions must be disclosed to whoever. This is a rule that must be strictly observed as far as occult actions are concerned in order to guarantee their effectiveness. I will also address you my remarks as long as we keep in contact. You will have the possibility to use these remarks as a real guide, which will enable you to get the most, from that moment on, of all the good opportunities that will be arising for you!

This will be our mutual secret as the rich experience you will go through will bring you the knowledge that is essential for the full and successful realization of your future life. Then you will be able to solve your problems easily and to find the precious indications that will help you to follow the good path of life !

I know well the force of extrasensory perception that I will pass on to you for I have always worked on it. This FORCE will permit remote communication between us, just like two prepared " spirits ".

It will all come from this force, this ability to overcome the obstacles, blocks and inhibitions that life has spread on the path you are following.

Thus we will bring about a new day when everything becomes clearer and simpler, when the answers to all your personal and intimate problems appear more clearly.

EVERYTHING will happen without a ounce of distress, tension, without dangers of any kind, without any special measure other than these few simples instructions that I will submit to your consideration as soon as I receive your agreement.

So it will be, if you observe the prescriptions I will give you. Then you will be able to become a lucky, rich, happy and satisfied person.

You will see that your lucky star never let you down.

But there is no time to lose. First of all you must restore the balance, that is within you, between what is positive and what is negative. Then you must ensure that the positive side of you has a definite influence on yourself and enables you to have access to the benefits that the periods of great changes that has been announced will bring you : joy, success, happiness, EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE DESIRED SO MUCH!

Please return your agreement without delay and indicate the dates and hours that you have chosen for our contacts.

I am already very close to you and my presence by your side, which you will feel during each of our contacts, will be an obvious sign of success for us.

But you must absolutely understand that together we will have to invest all our strength for that purpose : me, my most powerful magnetism and my occult sciences, you, my dear XXXX, your will and determination to get away from all the problems that have been ruining your life!

Success will be reached on that very path! For that purpose, you will receive my INSTRUCTIONS in order to allow this transfer of positive magnetism and of BENEFICIAL FORCE from me to you.

Now you know that thanks to my action on your behalf, my sincere friendship and my devotion are going to take you actively toward a brilliant future, lead you to all aspects of success, to all sorts of achievements and at last you will be able to benefit from the real CHANCES brought about by the WONDERFUL AND EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITIES that life holds for you!

I am at your service from now on, as you know. Don't be long in addressing me your agreement. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With all the warmth of my friendship,

Your friend


Please don't be long in having a look at my offer and in giving me your agreement in order to benefit from the WONDERFUL AND EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITIES OF LUCK as far as Money, Love and Happiness are concerned! I promise to undertake complete action at once. I will send you my secret instructions and advice whose aim is success and progress in the work carried out for you! We will keep in permanent contact, just as I will keep you informed on all achievements, as often as is expected on such undertakings.

We are going to overcome all the obstacles, blocks and inhibitions that life has spread on the path that you are following.

For that purpose, you will only need to give me your agreement without delay, using the form handed out to you, and to indicate the days and hours when you can possibly be free.

So, click here, and order for the psychic contacts

Well... I didn't email her about the refund as I' still can't believe that I have been CON! whatever it is, I just hope that people will read and researcg all out before any pay any $$$ stoopidly!



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