  • Report:  #1242728

Complaint Review: Pearl River County DHS - Poplarville Mississippi

Reported By:
wargo8 - carriere, Mississippi, USA

Pearl River County DHS
233 w hwy 11 frontage Rd Poplarville, 39270 Mississippi, USA
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My children were stolen by Pearl River County Dhs on April 29, 2015.  To fully explain our situation, I must go back to the birth of my 19 month old. He was born 12/13/2013. I had been taking suboxone (treatment for doctor prescribed lorcet) and Adderall (diagnosed as child originally ADHD) for almost 3 years at ta that point. My OBGYN approved both medications during pregnancy. He was born a healthy 7’12” baby 18 in long. The only thing in his system at birth was Adderall, but I was told by multiple health care professionals that Adderall did not cause physical withdrawals and as long as taken correctly there was not any known complications.  He was kept in NICU for 6 days due to a misdiagnosis of a major heart defect (thank God) but was also monitored for withdrawals as a precaution. None were present so he was discharged without any involvement from cps.

We learned that I was pregnant for our 6th child in December of 2014, which was wonderful yet a bit of a shocker since I had not had a period since the birth of my 5th child. I had no concerns with taking the medication I was prescribed, because of my experiences with my last child, so I continued taking it as I had been.

By my figuring I had most likely gotten pregnant around the end of August so I still had time to go to the doctor, but somehow I had misfigured.  On April 21st my husband took me to the doctor both of us had been seeing for over 3 years for the Suboxone and Adderall, which is located in Metairie, We needed a bigger place to live so we moved from Pearl River, La to Carriere, MS into a house almost double our previous home with 2 acres of yard. I had been homeschooling my other 5 children (daughter 17, sons 7, 5, 4, and 13 months at the time) but took a little break in order to get everything packed and moved. We moved at the very beginning of February this year. I had been in the process of cleaning and painting our new home before I was to unpack everything, and had not gotten around to going to a prenatal doctor. I knew my baby was fine though, in fact, I thought LA. We got back home that evening and after everyone was settled down and relaxing before bed, I went outside on our back porch and continued sanding the trim I had taken down so I could paint it. At approximately 9pm I went inside because I felt like I needed to use the bathroom. That was when my labor pains began, and they were the first of this pregnancy.  My cramps progressed very quickly and I sent my daughter to get my husband and let him know that I was in labor. That was after only 30 mins of labor, once I realized it wasn't just Braxton hicks. I was very scared because it was way too early (I thought). Our van had broken down 2 weeks prior to this and we had rented a U-Haul pickup truck because it cost significantly less than a regular rental car. He helped me in and was running around to the driver side when my water broke. The pressure was so extreme that he was able to hear it from the front of the truck. I instantly went from intense pain to pushing. It was out of my control. He asked where we were going and between pushes I told him to just drive. Neither of us wanted our baby born in a Mississippi hospital but I didn't think we would make it to the hospital in Slidell, which was 30 mins away.  We didn't. We were 6 miles from our house when my baby pushed his head out. Without stopping the truck my husband helped pull him the rest of the way out while I pushed. He was perfect! It was 10:05 pm. I had brought a pillow from home with a freshly cleaned pillow case (I didn't know why at the time) and since my dress was soaked I held him to me and put the pillow at his back to keep him warm. At that time we were less than 1 mile from Highland Hospital in picayune, MS. We knew it was extremely important to get him to a doctor immediately. My 4 other sons are all hemophiliacs, so we treated him as though he was too (he is). At the hospital they had to suction the amniotic fluid from his lungs since it wasn't able to be done at birth, but aside from that I had a perfectly healthy 7lb15.9oz baby boy 23 inches long. And you should know that I am at this moment 5'2" and weigh 115lbs which is my natural size. I let them know what type medication I took, and answered all questions honestly. I received 5 stitches, and while the doctor was stitching me I asked him out of surprise if I had torn, since I normally don't (very flexible skin). He told me "it appears as though someone performed an episiotomy”. I thought I was being sensitive from all the excitement, but I heard his words as an accusation. They put my baby on a 7 day treatment of antibiotics in case bacteria had gotten into his system and under a heat light, so I was unable to hold him. I was not on any medication from the hospital, but the doctor would not allow me my regular medications. My blood pressure was slightly elevated at the time of admittance but I knew it was from the events that had just occurred. I felt FANTASTIC! The doctor argued with me that it was from "the amphetamines" (aka Adderall).  Sub Oxone (subutex I had been taking since December) is highly addictive and I also smoked a pack of cigarettes each week, I had tried to quit during my pregnancy. So, for the first 24 hrs. after giving birth , I paced the floor of my tiny room, while my blood pressure continued to elevate. I was not allowed to leave labor and delivery, the doctor refused me nicotine patches, I was detoxing from the buprenorphine in Suboxone, and my mind was racing with all the things I had to do before my baby came home. I did speak with the social worker, who worked at the hospital, and provided all the information she asked for concerning my medication, even though we had been told that our baby did not have Adderall or suboxone in his system. Suboxone is a drug that is debated whether or not it enters the placenta, I say it doesn't. But Adderall does, it just doesn't cause harm or withdrawals- if taken as prescribed, which I did.  Regardless, the social worker was satisfied that there was no reason for any further investigation. So I was relieved of that concern (I had been told that Miss Dhs was not cool and it was best to stay under their radar).  Then I began to worry about my other children at home and how they were doing without me. My husband showed up around 9pm, and expressed concern for my obvious irritable mood.

The nurse came into the room to give me blood pressure medicine and put a catheter in, since she had orders to administer an IV of blood pressure medicine that would make my muscles "wobbly" for about 8 hrs. I was too surprised for words, but he wasn't. He let her know that if I was allowed my medication and a cigarette or nicotine patch, then my blood pressure would go down.  They could give me my baby to hold and that would make a big difference, but they were not going to kill me by dropping my blood pressure.  She left the room to allow us to discuss what I wanted to do. When she came back I asked her to l let me try it my way and if it didn't work then I would allow them to treat me however they felt was necessary. She said no so I refused treatment, was discharged, and went to the nursery to let the nurse know I was leaving but would be back after my husband got home from work the next night, then we left.  The next night, my husband worked late. When he got home, the nursery was already closed, but we called anyhow to see if they would allow us to visit for just a short time. They said no, but our baby was doing great. The next day I laid down for a short nap at around 11am and my daughter took care of her brothers for me. She woke me up at noon very concerned because there was a social worker and a police officer at the door. We knew the rules. Do not allow them in without a search warrant. Against my baby girls warning I invited them in. As I told my daughter "it's just a misunderstanding. I will clear it up and they will leave. This is not a problem" She  said they received a call from the hospital that I had Adderall in my system, did not receive prenatal care, my baby was born in a U-Haul, I refused treatment and left the hospital because they wouldn't let me smile a cigarette, and I haven't been back to see my baby since. All of which was true. Except I didn't leave the hospital over a cigarette. I explained the events the way they occurred and let her know I had only missed one night of seeing him but had called and explained why and checked on him. They knew I would be there that night. I answered her questions, showed her my prescription bottle with the correct amount of pills. I had sores on my arms and chest area and the thigh area above my knees but below my shorts hem. They were from sanding trim at night and getting bit by various bugs and scratching with dirty fingernails.  I have very sensitive skin that tears easily and I guessed that the reason they weren't healing very well was from the dirty nails and having had 5 babies in 7 yrs. That takes a lot out of a person. I explained this to her when she asked me what they were from. She then asked if I could pass a drug test, I said of course, she asked again if I could right now. Yes of course. We went out back and it was all the way I had left it the other night. The sander was still plugged in and the spotlight that we put on the outer edge of the porch pointing out into our back yard was still on as well. It was that way to attract the bugs away from me and our back door yet still allow me to see what I was doing. She asked me about it and why it was on. I was very confused because I had no idea what she was getting at. I still have no idea what she could have suspected from that, but I explained it all to her. Because of the hemophilia, my boys have to get their immunizations done below their skin, not in the muscle. For some reason it's difficult to find a pediatricians office that had nurses who aware of this method. I also don't believe all the immunizations are necessary and I am suspicious of the true purpose for so many immunizations. The last hematologist that we used to treat our boys wanted us to take them to clinic 5 times each year and she would check their factor levels at each visit. I only complied with that the first year. They are only able to be treated for bleeds when they have them, and since learning if it, I immediately began changing our home life into a hemophilia safe lifestyle. It has been at least 3 years since they have had a bleed that we could not get to clot. Work so many small children, doctor visits are a two parent event, and yes it's an event. My husband can only miss so much time at work before they will let him go, and I really do not agree with taking a child to the doctor everyone they sneeze. Well child visits are ridiculous to me. Even so, my children have excellent immune systems and don't ever get sick. She asked for home school curriculum that I could show her and that workbook pages would not suffice. I explained again that the majority of our belongings were in the shed and I had no clue where to begin but only one of my children were of school age anyhow. I would happily allow her to test him to verify that he was on a first grade academic level, in fact I guaranteed that he would exceed a first grade level in all areas. Before leaving she expressed her concerns:

> Nowhere for the baby to sleep ~ Yes it's in the shed I'm trying to get everything set up

> No baby formula. You have to have formula to feed your baby~ I know. I like to wait until I know that he isn't lactose intolerant or doesn't need a special kind of formula. There will be before he comes home

They left and I was not concerned only irritated by her condescending attitude and the questions that obviously meant more than she said I just want sure of what

We saw our baby each night for the next few days and learned that his cultures came back negative of any bacteria and the nurses thought he was wonderful. He was a very content and relaxed baby. He liked to lay with his legs stretched out and his arms laid out at his sides, an uncommon position for newborns most prefer being swaddled. It was adorable. He was very responsive to his dad's voice, more so than my own. On the 28th she came back, by herself this time. She told me she wasn't going to come back but her supervisor made her. she asked to see my medication again. I went to get it it was not there. I thought I had taken it that day but I always put it back and I never leave it where my children can get to it, even though they all know not to touch it. I asked her what she needed to see it for and if I could give her my pharmacists name and the number so she could get what she needed. She would not say why she just needed to see it. Before leaving that day I asked her if she had the resources to assist me with getting my 7 yr. old enrolled in public school since I knew he would not hide any injuries from his teacher and also to get my boys to a hematologist so we could get their factor levels checked and have factor 8 on hand in case of emergency. Most hospitals do not keep it and the closest hospital I knew of that did was in New Orleans. I let her know that we would be able to if she couldn't I would have to wait until the next payday and then give my husband time top repair our van (a couple of weeks) she told me that she could. She wanted to be honest with me and told me that her concern was that she needed me to find my medicine bottle. I told her that it was here somewhere and I needed to find it for myself but why was she so worried about it and couldn't I just take a drug test and they could check my levels. Then I asked her if I could be honest and after she assured me that I could... I was honest and I let her know that her presence alone was a threat and she didn't have any children so she was in no position to judge my abilities as a mother. She told me it was only an investigation and for my children to be taken it would take something major. I was anticipating my baby being discharged the next day since he was going to be finished the antibiotics he was on in case there had been bacteria in his cultures and because everything was great. He was perfect. When I asked her if that meant I wouldn't have any issues bringing h him home the next day and she seemed surprised that I thought that, as though she had reason to believe otherwise.  That night at our nightly hospital visit I could not get him to wake up. He was limp in my hands. I asked the nurse why he was like that and if the doctor had him on any medication and s she said no that he had his last dose of antibiotics that day. I asked her if he would be discharged the next day and s she said that it wasn't in his file that there was no mention of discharge at all. I questioned her about any reason he would need to stay was the doctor anticipating anything or monitoring him for symptoms in case of any kind of anything??!!  She shook her head no and asked me if I had spike with the doctor lately. I told her I hadn't but I wasn't aware that I needed to I was there every night and every night we asked about his health and was told that everything was good. She suggested I be there at noon when the doc made his rounds. So my husband took off work the next day and we were going to see what was going on. The next morning April 29th, we woke to beating on our door. There was 3 police officers and 2 social workers and a lady from a lab. They came in and demanded we sit at our table. I wasn't even allowed to put on my bra. The social worker asked for my medicine I told her I hadn't found it. Then she told us we had to take drug tests, we were happy for the chance. We thought it would finally end this nonsense. We signed for the police to search our home, they found nothing. After we both passed drug tests, which took a while considering the circumstances, we were finally relaxed. We expected them to clear out so we could get to the hospital in time to speak with the doctor. Then the caseworker told me that our case was taken to the judge and the state had taken custody of my children. All 6 of my children! Why?! My baby had amphetamines in his system and had to be put on morphine for his withdrawals! Huh?! Wtf was this woman talking about? He didn't even have Adderall in his system. She said they tested his meconium and it  just came back positive. I'm sure you can imagine our emotional reaction. We asked why and she said because our vehicle was broke down and if I had prenatal care I would've known not to take Adderall. I told her that I had with my 1 yr. old and the doctor Okayed it. She needed that in writing. I would get it but don't take them work with us. We will borrow the money to get the van fixed sooner.  I reminded her of what she told me he day before. "This is major". Our daughter went after her and a large police officer grabbed her and while he backed her down the hall she continued to fight to get away and yell at the case worker. "We aren't going anywhere with you b*! We are staying here where we are safe this is our home. I'm going to beat the f* out of you you spoiled a* b*! I'm going to rip your pretty hair out of that stupid b* head!"...etc. etc. I had never heard her say a bad word before but at that moment I wished he would loosen his grip on her for just a second. When she told us they would all be kept together in the same house with their sister also and we could get them back Fri (2days) I just had to find my medication and bring it to court with the correct amount, we began to calm down. We talked our children out of the hiding places they had scattered to and assured them it was okay. They were safe and it would only be 2 days. The other caseworker helped me get them some clothes together and several times I caught her crying along with me. The police comforted my husband telling him it will only be 2 days. They were the same ones who had popped in the very first day they had seen my meds being counted they were confident that we were not misusing my medication. They promised to stay with them until they made it to the homes they would spend the next couple of days in. After they left my husband and I sat on our front porch and smoked a cig (don’t smoke in the house) and 6 hrs. later the phone was woke us from the strange trance we were in. It was our daughter. Miss Courtney (caseworker who stole our kids) said that they were coming home Friday and they never should have been taken. She had allowed her to call us and let us know so we would be ok.

 To sum up the last few months... They lied. I had my medication in court they didn't look at it. They ruled educational and medical neglect, even though they had perfect health at the doctor they went to immediately after leaving.  The lady from the lab was in the judge’s chambers and we gave samples for hair follicle tests. We passed. Our kids are in 3 separate homes. Our 1 yr. old is by himself with 2 deaf people. We don't talk to them. We get visitation every 2 weeks 200 miles away. My husband lost his job from missing too much time from work. Our family plan consists of garbage. We had to take hemophilia parenting classes, provide a drug free home, and submit registration and insurance for our van, employment sufficient for 8 people, psychological evaluations at our expense, homeschool curriculum or enrollment in public school.

We had it all completed by the 26th of last month. We hired a lawyer. The foster mom who has my daughter and my baby told my daughter that my baby had methadone in his system when he was born and talked bad about us for 2 weeks until the caseworker told her to stop. Our caseworker is the sympathetic one who was there when they were stolen.  When we ask her why she says they were concerned for the baby. Our caseworker has given us a drug test and counted our pills. She told my daughter our levels were through the roof and were abusing Adderall because she didn't know how to read the test results. She hasn't spoken with us for a month.  We had a court date on the 15th this month at 9am. We had visitation the day before it on Tuesday. But on Monday the caseworker called and told my husband he can't have any contact with our daughter we could discuss it in court and someone will be in touch. She told us the evaluations we paid $400 for wasn't the right kind, after she's had it for 2 weeks. We took his motorbike to visitation Tues because we don't have $150 for gas and it is always very reliable. We left our house 4 hrs. prior to be sure we had plenty of time but it kept overheating, a problem that he's never had with it. We still tried and was 20 miles away when we called for the second time to let them know we were close, and it was too late. It was 4:30 then. We waited a while and let it cool off then headed back home 180 miles away. The battery died. We got a jump it died shortly after while driving down the road. It seems very much like someone had sabotaged it. The visitation was also changed a few weeks ago, making it 3 weeks since we had seen or spoke to our kids. Our daughter wasn't there to explain to them what happened, and we haven't been told why. Our phones were dead and that left us without a way to call anyone for help. We walked almost 20 miles pushing his bike and got home 3am Wednesday morning. We sat down to eat and decided we wouldn't sleep before court so we didn't oversleep and miss it, but when I picked up my phone and turned it on to set alarms in case we fell asleep while waiting for court, we fell asleep before it powered on all the way. We woke up at noon. Our lawyer got another date in August for us, but he's charging another 2200 and has to be convinced to continue representing us. No one came to our house to check on us, our daughter told my uncle that my husband is a murderer and he gets rid of the bodies by making them disappear. She said he's done horrible things to her but wouldn't tell what they were. Our lawyer told us the sheriff's department was at the court house and they have launched an investigation and intend to make an arrest, but they wouldn't tell him any details. We have messages from our daughter about nightmares consisting of the devil trying to hurt her and her brothers and little black snakes coming out of the foster Dad's fingers. One of the last messages I got from her said that the battle between God and the devil is over and God won. She has never been the type for making up stories and she fought to stay with us. It's in their files that she's having night terrors. She never did before. I am scared and my heart is broken. I am losing hair, a lot of it. My children cry and beg to come home. My newborn, now almost 3 months, doesn’t know me.

I saw on article in the Picayune Item that covered a meeting involving the local DHS and their desire to become accredited by the state. In order for that to happen, they need a bigger building. They claim the building they are currently in is not large enough to accommodate the growing number of cases. The reason for this major increase in cases? They claimed it’s a result of all the families moving into the area because of Hurricane Katrina. What?!!! That was 10 years ago! I cant help but think this is the reason for them taking my children. I have no doubt there are many other families going through the same horror and pain. We need help and cannot fight them and our daughter.

**The entire article can be found in the picayune item may 20 or 22 201

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