  • Report:  #1461931

Complaint Review: penfed - Alexandria Virginia

Reported By:
carol - Rosslyn, Virginia, United States

9651 Gunston Rd # 1152, Fort Belvoir, VA Alexandria, 22060 Virginia, United States
800) 247-5626
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April 8, 2018 I went to Penfed CU at ft. Belvoir to cash a refund check from Sprint and to get into my account. I was asked by teller to fill out slip and I told him to fill it out as I attempted to get into my account that I was locked out of. The teller told me he was sending me a link to reset so I could get back into my account. I was on the Penfed Computer right next to him and he continued to send links and finally told me I had to go to an outside computer. He gave me the slip for the money and when I was leaving he came behind me and stated very low to me with my back turned "I just sent you something" and veered off as if he had said nothing. When I arrived home I saw the teller had given me another transaction slip for another transaction and I received that same day an email for a credit card and I did not open it until many days later because I assumed it was for an offer that is sent out as a collective mailing to customers. It turned out to be a credit card for 21000.00 dollars that I had supposedly opened. I went to Kevin to complain and he pulled up my account and saw that Dennis had done the transaction. So he called Dennis into office and Dennis kept asking "Did I open credit card acct. for you" three times and Kevin looked at him in disbelief and stated "Your name is right there and then told him "Go back to work". I went to the Police station and was told to just change banks.

I went to the credit Union again and spoke with Mgr. and she opened my acct. without my permission and without giving her my acct. number. I showed her the receipt Dennis gave me and she stated it was for a previous transaction. She asked me about a 5000.00 dollar withdrawal and showed me a printout . My attention was on the credit Card Transaction so I failed to take the statement in color she was attempting to give men I returned again to ask the same mg r. for a sit down with Dennis and she stated" MS.______ this is a bank" and I stated " I just want to get this straightened out" so she called Dennis into her office and she asked him about the transaction and he started talking and finally she said " You have already told two lies and MS. ________ has no faith in us now " so he said "Oh I know what happened now" And he said "I remember that another lady came behind MS. ________ and I don't know if she( meaning me )was still in the building or not but her (meaning my account) account was still open and I thought I was opening an account for the other lady. Then he stated that he wanted to see the slip I was referring to and he took his hands and pressed down on the slip. Then he held out his hand to try and shake my hand and I told him not today. The mg r. told him to go back to his office and she again went into my account without my permission or my giving her my acct. number.

Before Dennis left her office she kept saying my name to him and telling him how smart I was. I believe it was to confirm my name for him to go into my account and she opened it ahead of time. She told me that she would report him and they would deal with him. I returned and Dennis was still there and the mgr. was no longer there at that branch at Ft. Belvoir. I went to the Police Station again and then to the Post Commanders HQtrs. on base and I am not sure I ever heard back from the Post Cmdrs. ofc. since I never received a call or voice mail acknowledging it was in fact them. I returned to the credit union and spoke with another mgr. at which time she told me she was removing the credit bureau pull which was news to me since I had no idea there was one. Then she threw her hands up in the air and stated In a loud exaberrated tone "What do you want me to do? I stated "I have gone to the Post Cdmr. so at this point I will wait for them to contact you" and I got up and left. I was getting emails from the CU first about the credit card and a male kept calling me and reminding me about the c.c. and then emails thanking me for contacting them. I was told the c.c. was cancelled and the male ordered not to contact me anymore. Then I sent email asking what steps were being taken to give me feedback as to what was being done. I was told to call them from a DSL phone line and I called to ask what was a DSL line and male played games and I finally hung up.

I received a few more emails and finally I stated "I did not contact you, you you contacted me and do not contact me anymore unless it is to tell me what resolution was reached concerning this c.c. situation. I explained the situation to the mg r. again and I asked her to view the tapes and she stated she would. She stated she viewed the tape and that Dennis was telling the truth about 5/8/2018. She then wrote me a letter and stated he Dennis did not open the c.c. in malice and that the tape showed another woman did in fact come behind me after I left and my acct. was still open on computer. I returned again and asked the mgr. for my bank statements from Aug 2009 to present. She has left off 5/8\2018 transaction and put a note in its place in the records. Then she stated they no longer have the records past 5 years. She has refused to give me the month of may unchanged by her. I returned again and asked for the President, VP's email to no avail. I returned and Dennis no longer worked there and when I asked for his full name the same Mgr. stated they were not allowed to give out his name since he no longer worked there. I stated he committed identity theft agamost me and I can'get his name and she stated "He did not commit identify theft against you" and I called her a sneaky snake and told her she may think she is getting away with it but her cover-up will not work.

I went in to close account and gave a new teller the debit card and it took a week to close out nor did she record I had given it to her. As I was leaving she stated "This is not your acct. number this is a slip for my share account" I had no idea what she was talking about. I returned to deposit another small check again from Sprint and she cashed it and then ran it through and then I asked her why she did not fill out slip and I told her to do it correctly. I went to another teller to pay Promise Card bill and gave her 2 one hundred dollar bills and she put on slip only amt. owed and recorded amt. of transaction and kept putting it in for credit union use only spot and in my online account she recorded incorrect amount. As I was leaving saw a picture of the liaison officer for Credid Union so I asked teller for phone number and I went online and I could not find her at Fort Belvoir anywhere on the different organizations online. I was locked out of my account week after week I was told to go change my challenge password to get into account. I was sent link after link to try to regain entry into my acct. to no avail. I believe Dennis was stealing money out of my account and I believe they covered up for him and I believe the mgrs. manipulated my statements and have been trying to find a way to put in info. that will make may 8 2018 transaction look as if it is legit and me a liar.

Each time I went into my online account the old question was put back and finally the phone number was changed to a phone number used to open the account. Then she had the gall to ask me about my phone number and I told her it was fine since I surmised she has gone into my acct. without my permission. I had gone to her 3 times to update my oh. number to no avail even though she stated she had. The way they have handled my case has been a travesty. Again I believe Dennis was using my account for his own purpose. May 8 2018 I had brought my paperwork to the Most. Officer and three times before so had asked her to update my info. and three times she stated her system and the credit union system were seperate and that I had to update with them separately which I had already done and told her so three times before She told me the system was acting up and to go cash my check and come back and that is when I went to Dennis 5/8/2018. I went to another teller to see if my info. was updated and he asked me if I had anything with my PO Box on it and then he opened my account and stated yes then he stated he was in another person's account that he forgot to close. The loan officer went into my account, Dennis went into my account and the other male went into my account. I believe the other two were stalling me so that Dennis could open the C.C. and the Loan Officer could manipulate data on her system and the sad part is the loan officer knew I was attempting to Purchase a home. I will be filing a different report on her.

The way this was handled has been deplorable and a shame that a MANAGER is so incompetemy (in my eyes anyway). I truly believe penfed should be audited before the manager reaches out and starts fixing up other misdeeds. Really I am not sure what to make of all this I went to Military Police , the Post Cmdr. the CU mgrs. and employee Kevin when no mg r. was on site. I went to Lifelock on Mortgage Mgr. and the same Mgr. explained away her deeds as well. Since I am in the process of home buying I kept the Credit Card since I could not keep it without a savings account. As soon as I get my home I will cut all ties. I dealt with all of them in good faith why they did what they did baffles me still yet. The mortgage Officer kept trying to get me to take an estimate that she could not explain a 19000.00 dollar entry. I asked three times what is it and three times she stated "Its wrong" I left it and walked away. She gave me a preapproval for a property she chose and stated it was for that specific property. Her I really did trust and I truly felt she was a person of integrity. Penfed C.U. should be put down or people of intergrity should be hired. Just my personal opinion. I still can't comprehend the actions they took and why.

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