  • Report:  #164659

Complaint Review: Peter Martinez Julie Parker Katherine Scott Janet Strong Isabella - Burnsville, MN Minnesota

Reported By:
- Fridley, Minnesota,

Peter Martinez Julie Parker Katherine Scott Janet Strong Isabella
2075 Vernon Ave. Prior Lake MN Burnsville, MN, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

1. Peter Martinez is a 41 year old "Match Book Minister" who only became a "Man of the Cloth" after having started and closed a succession of so-called businesses. He did not attend any seminary or school of divinity nor did any recognised sectarian church ordain him.

2. Peter Martinez has swindled his way through his entire adult life. Leaving a trail of broken promises and unpaid debts.

3. Peter Martinez is a clever and resourceful con-man who has earned his living by duping many people, including hundreds of former members of his so-called congregation "New Kingdom Ministries International".

4. Peter Martinez is Julie Parker, Janet Strong, Katherine Scott and all the other online female shills he uses to deceive the unwitting public into buying this "At Home Business Scam"

5. Peter Martinez is the author of the touts for Katherine Scott posted on this message board under the name Isabella Tatorio.

6. Peter Martinez operates his various scams under the following names:

a. Personal InstantCash.com

B. E MarketProfessionals

c. New KingdomMinistries International

d. Cashmoney77.com

e. PersonalInstant cash.com

f. DivineImpact Corporation.

7. Peter Martinez, not Isabella Tatorio, did return from Florida in March of this year.

8. Peter Martinez, not Isabella Tatorio, but he does have teen-age daughters.

9. Peter Martinez is of Puerto Rican Decent, not Mexican or African American.

10. Peter Martinez does live in a million dollar home in Prior Lake Minnesota. . However the home is titled to New KingdomMinnistries International and was purchased via a "Contract for Deed" from the Fee Owners on January 1, 2005. The contract calls for payments of over $13,000.00 per month. The purchase price was $1,250,000. Only $25,000.00 was given as a down payment. The Contract was not executed by Peter Martinez but was executed by his trusty partner in "Crimes against Christians" Ms. Linda Royce. Not so coincidentally Ms. Royce is also Mr. Martinez's right hand woman in his new cover DivineImpact Corporation.

11. Peter Martinez has funnelled some of the proceeds from this Internet scam to fund the purchase of this million-dollar home.

12. Peter Martinez, is a career con man, the people who have bought into this "stay at Home Business" scam are just his latest victims.

If you carefully read the touts he posted under the name Isabelle you will see that it is clearly not the writing style of a woman. These posts were sent by Mr. Martinez to lull his suckers and to allow Mr. Martinez to defend his scams to fortify his outsized ego. Unfortunately even the clever Mr.Martinez could not really defend such an obvious scam. It's amazing how con men try to defend themselves to their victims. What really irks me is the "God Bless" interspersed in "Isabellas" letters what a phoney. "Pastor Peter" will recite chapter and verse while he fleeces his next victim or when confronted by his past victims.

The reason Mr. Martinez or "Pastor Peter" as he sometimes refers to himself, has been able to continue this Internet scam for as long as he has, is because the amounts, $97.00, that he conned you people out of is so small. Not enough for anyone to start even a small claims court action.

If I were a victim I would immediately contact the Minnesota Attorney General's Consumer fraud Division. Perhaps someone already has? Minnesota is a state that is very hard on consumer fraud. While I think 'Divine Intervention" may ultimately get Mr. Martinez certainly the Minnesota Attorney General intervening in his life will.

I hope this information will be helpful, not sure you will see your money back but perhaps you can help put Mr. Peter Martinez out of business and in jail where he belongs and save hundred if not thousands of other people from being scammed by this slippery "Christian Con Man" and the heart ache that goes along with it.

If you care to reply directly to my post I am looking forward to your reply Mr. Martinez or Pastor Peter. If you have the courage to face these facts.


New York, New York

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2 Updates & Rebuttals

Mindy Martinez

Pastor Martinez wife responds to FASLE accusations *Comment from Ripoff Report Does Not Remove Reports for $2,000. Never have. Never will. Setting the Record Straight!

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 09, 2014

EDITOR’S Comment to statements made about Ripoff Report: 

Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, even when it is about us.  We understand that people who have complaints written about them are upset and want to place blame somewhere, especially if they feel the content of the Reports are false.  We also understand that individuals want to blame our website rather than where it belongs – on the person who wrote the Reports in the first place.  Using the same method that we provide FREE OF CHARGE to all of our users, we would like to “set the record straight” as to the comments posted about our website through this Rebuttal.  Every user of our website has the opportunity to tell their side of the story, for free, just as we will do here.  We certainly encourage users to “set the record straight” and tell their side of the story by using the free methods available to them before they consider other Ripoff Report programs (such as our VIP Arbitration Program or the Corporate Advocacy Program) or alterative avenues (such as filing a lawsuit against the Author of the report) that cost money.

 The Author of this report is incorrect in saying that Ripoff Report will remove a Report for $2,000, or for any amount of money for that matter.  Ripoff Report has always had a uniform policy of NOT REMOVING Reports.  Ripoff Report is a permanent Record.

Our policy can be viewed on our website by clicking
HERE.   $2,000 is the cost of Ripoff Report's VIP Arbitration Program - a program that (((REDACTS))) only challenged statements of facts in a Report that are found to be to be false after presentation of evidence to an independent arbitrator.  Even in that instance, the Report is not removed. Only challenged statements of fact that are found to be false by the arbitrator will be (((REDACTED))).  Again, to be clear, Ripoff Report will not remove Reports for money and any information to the contrary is simply not accurate.  To understand the full context of our Arbitration Program, we invite you to review all of the applicable information, including the Program Rules, by visiting our arbitration webpage at http://www.ripoffreport.com/Arbitration.aspx.

 We thank you for taking the time to read this Rebuttal and allowing us to “set the record straight.”


Ripoff Report Staff

Now to the REBUTTAL that was posted.


 I've been married to Pastor Peter Martinez since 2010, and though we were not married during this time I know my husband.

My husband is the kindest, most loyal, self-less man I know.

This report made by his ex-brother-in-law due to his divorce is untrue and has not just effected the ministry the Lord has called us to do but his personal business as well as him personally.

He's always so nervous he's going to be seen as a scam artist. He's helped SOOOO many people in the years we've been married. Any one who truly knows him knows his heart is the Father's heart. And he's far from what he's being accused of.

He's ALWAYS over delievering in what ever it is he does. His heart is to HELP people!

He helped THOUSANDS of people with the knowledge he gained over countless hours of research and trial and error. We have no issues paying to be taught by someone in a seminar for these same tools. He's shown numerous people how to use the internet as a access point for their business'.

He's very knowledgable in the most effective ways for traffic, websites, SEO, as well as so much more. I watch him day in and day out searching for new things and learning. He's a sponge when it comes to knowledge. He enjoys learning and is able to give this to people who hasn't the time to spend years learning what he has.

This report is the only one by this man. I find it no coincidence that there isn't any others since unfortuantly his ex-brother-in-law passed not too long after this report was filed. If he was alive today I do not beleive he'd be speaking this way anymore. As there is peace with his ex-wife as there should be.

Very few divorces are every easy. This was no exception. My husbands now deceased brother-in-law was an attorney and was wanting him to pay a very large amount in spousal support regardless of the affairs that we're taking place by the other party.

Also what people may not know is the owner of THIS VERY SITE charges $2000 if we would want to remove this report. This is a scam in itself!

If we had these millions of dollars then why wouldn't we simply pay the $2000 to remove this report?

Even if we did this is unethical and not right to place business' and people in a position to just let anyone come and post an ACCUSATION.

When signing up to write this report to defend my husband I was able to put ANY name I chose. I didn't have to use my own.

In April 2006 not long after this post was filed the OWNER OF THIS SITE ED MAGEDSON WAS ARRESTED FOR RACATEERING. It will not allow me to post the links or copy and paste things on this to give you the links. I suppose for the purpose of this very reason.

My husband is NOT the scam artist here. Along with many other legite companies and genuine people his character has been defamed and has experienced financial ruin because of ONE PERSONS FALSE ACCUSATIONS!

I've learned to NOT believe everything I see online as I've seen how easy it's become to just put anything out there.

Peter Martinez

Apple Valley,
United States of America
Peter Martinez - Setting The Record Straight

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 01, 2013

I think it's about time I set the record straight!

I am happy to respond to Kevin, aka Mr. Kieran and take you up on your challenge to confront these absolutely FALSE allegations and so called facts as your character assassination is reprehensible.

I have never found any other investigations from Mr. Kieran which leads me to believe this was somehow personal and motivated by someone with some kind of personal axe to grind.

As a minister we all know full well that we will at times gain enemies. We are sent forth as lambs amidst wolves. This is the reality of the call.

Some will make it their calling to persecute, slander, exhort, abuse, and do all within their power to discredit and disrespect the Gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and any other tenet of faith or religion they find offensive.

I believe it was just such a venomous hatred that presents as the backdrop of this so called investigation as Kevin or Kieran has put forth.

In reviewing the so called FACTS that were posted here by Mr. Kieran, he has very little actual fact and quite of bit of what looks like disdain and disrespect.

That being said, allow me to set the record straight.

Mr. Kieran is a Match Book Investigator or he would know that I have been in full time Christian Ministry since 1995.

I have ministered in over 40 cities across the United States as a special guest, conference speaker, as well as a pastor of a local church. I have also traveled extensively abroad on various ministry works which this so called investigator has obviously no knowledge.

I spent over 8 years broadcasting the Gospel in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area on KNOF Radio, twice per day, 5 days per week. At last count, by God's grace, I had completed over 80 Christian speaking albums covering a host of biblical topics and am recognized by believers, ministers, pastors, and churches worldwide for my obvious calling.

I continue to this day to preach the Good News regardless of persecution and this defamation of character.

Much of what is said about my person is beyond ridiculous on its face. To read these words written as if this person has some kind of inside knowledge about my life and work is baffling but I'm not surprised.

When you preach and teach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, you're going to get enemies who are going to come and attack you. Any who have known me personally can attest to my character and manner of life. At no time have I ever been spoken of in such an abusive and disrespectful manner.

Then again, they CRUCIFIED the KING OF KINGS ... who do I think I am?

I find the timing of this investigation to be more than a little coincidental as it was about the time I got divorced from an unfaithful spouse.

Also coincidentally, the name of my ex-wife's brother is Kevin who absolutely hated Christianity and by extension, his ex-brother-in-law the preacher so one has to wonder who this Keiran really is. I would love to hear from you Keiran if you're still around. My suspicion is that I never will.

I haven't seen any other investigations from this Keiran. One would think such a champion of truth and facts would be writing all the time. Isn't it fascinating that this Kieran never appears again.

There is nothing so called about a congregation of any church. NewKingdom Ministries  International was founded in 1995. I founded it by God's great grace and it is still in existence to this day.

I continue to PREACH THE GOSPEL on a weekly basis. It is clear the writer of this scathing character assassination has a serious disdain for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have never operated any scams nor have I ever impersonated any other human beings. I did not go to or visit Florida in 2005 nor did I respond to anything under any assumed names ie: Isabella Tatorino or any other name. This claim is completely FALSE and irresponsible.

We are all sinners saved by grace and I most certainly have much I have been forgiven for, BUT what this man alleges is NOT one of them.

I do thank the Living God for HIS grace and while I find this attack reprehensible, I do forgive as the King commands. Nevertheless, I want to set this record straight.

As for any real estate purchases or any other transactions, it is clear that Kevin or Keiran is attempting to smear and discredit NewKingdom Ministries and anyone associated with our work.

This person goes on a tirade about con men and their tactics as if I'm personally responsible for such things and have conned or scammed anyone. This is absolutely false.

I wouldn't know what con men do or don't do. I don't know how this person drew their conclusions or what motivated this attack on my person.

As for the rest of the tirade posted here, let me again set the record straight. I have never been involved in any scam businesses or online cons as this false allegation purports. It is a false witness.

To call anyone a Christian Con Man or say any such things about anyone without actual facts is
reprehensible and I hope the owners of this site are responsible enough to remove such clear libel.

I haven't even had so much as a speeding ticket in the last 10 years so for someone to make allegations as if I were a criminal mastermind would be rolling on the floor laughable, if not that it remains on the internet as if it were true.

It is NOT TRUE nor has it EVER been true.

I will now go on and continue to PREACH THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM for all the world as a witness. If that offends some, I'm sorry. It is NEVER the intention of any true minister to offend anyone.

Instead, we are ministers of reconciliation.

If this were someone I had done business with or knew, I would happily contact them and reconcile this matter even to my own hurt however, as I have said, I have never done any business with this person nor am I guilty of any of the allegations posted on this forum.

I am happy to be of service to anyone whom I have ever offended in over 17 years of ministry.

If anyone has ever been offended by me or our ministry, a message I have preached or any other thing, we are always willing to go to them directly and resolve any matter. I mean that sincerely.

This is all I can do as it is NEVER the intention of any believer to do harm to anyone.

To the enemies of the gospel, I have but one message.

Jesus is not running for KING HE IS KING.

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