  • Report:  #10264

Complaint Review: photopoint - Nationwide

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Nationwide, U.S.A.
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It's starting to become clear from many of these reports that Photopoint can get off easy if they would just give us our pictures back. This may not be right, but I'm like so many others, I'll eat the $29.99, but I can't handle the lost of my pictures. Photopoint messed with the wrong thing when they promised to take care of something most people consider one of the most important things in their lifes.

And by the way, who ever you are, WE ARE NOT JERKS because we didn't have the foresight to back up our pictures. Naive, yes, too trusting, yes, but not jerks. And with emotions running as high as they are over this issue, this certainly was not the time to make such a statement.

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