  • Report:  #930216

Complaint Review: PNC Mortgage Nicholas B - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
rysmom - Ruckersville, Virginia, United States of America

PNC Mortgage Nicholas B
Internet, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As with many people I had a hard time making my mortgage payment and called PNC to see about a repayment plan.  Well, the repayment plan ended up being over $200 more than my original mortgage payment.  Reluctantly, we paid it for two months.  My husband and I split up and the mortgage company was called again to see if the loan could be modified to make it easier for me to pay now that I was working with my income alone.  I wasn't able to make the repayment plan payment but I did have enough to make the orginal payment so I sent that in. 

It was returned to me with a letter stating they couldn't accept it because my mortgage was now in default.  I discussed the option of a loan modification.  I was sent the 'hardship packet' and filled it out and sent it.  No reponse for weeks.  Called them back and was told that they never got the paperwork.  Sent it again.  No response.  My estranged husband decided to take over the mortgage dealings since it was a VA loan and he was the veteran.  He was giving the name of the person in charge of our loan.  His name was Nicholas B. 

From February to June we did nothing but fax paperwork and re-fax paperwork.  Every time my husband called them they either needed more paperwork or they didn't receive what we sent. In May we got a letter from a trustee stating the house was going to auction.  Called Nicholas B and was told that they needed a profit and loss statement for my Avon company.  Filled it out and sent it immediately.  Was given a 30 day extension.  Waited and waited.  No response.  Got another letter on or about July 22nd from the trustee stating the house was going to auction on August 1st.  Called PNC and talked to Nick. 

He stated that he didn't get the profit and loss statement.  Faxed it again along with a request that somebody call to confirm that it was received.  The next day someone called to say the got it.  Again we waited.  Got a letter dated June 23rd stating they got the paperwork and would procede with the modification review and it was our understanding that we were given another 30 day extension.  We also got a letter dated for July 23rd stating that we needed to send in all the same paperwork we sent in months ago.  Since the first letter stated that they got the paperwork we ignored the second letter. 

On August 2nd I got a letter from Argent Development stating that they purchased the house at auction and needed to know when we were planning on vacating the premise.  WTF??  Called Nicholas B at PNC Mortgage and was told that he never received the profit and loss statement so he closed the case.  Explained to him that we got a phone call and received a letter stating that all paperwork was received.  His response was that it was now out of his hands, the property was already sold and there was nothing he could do. 

Now, my son an I are being evicted from our home.  I don't have enough money to pay for rent and a deposit both.  I have talked to 2 property managers who tell me that they can't rent to me because of the foreclosure.  I also have to find homes for our 4 dogs. I am also out 13 years of equtity.  I am just sick about all of this.  I have filed a complaint with the Attorney General, Justice Department and the FBI fraud unit.  These people need to be put out of business!  I want to sue that pants off of them but I don't have money for an attorney.  What they did is just wrong.   I work hard, pay my taxes and do right by others.  I don't deserve this.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


I was jacked around too, by D*kless B

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, May 03, 2013


 I also had to deal with this piece of garbage Nicholas B. I wish I could find him and castrate him. I dealt with him in regards to a HAMP. I lost my job a few years back and needed to lower my mortgage in order to keep up with the payments. Well, I filed the paperwork and Nicholas B with that annoying monotone voice called because he wanted me to fax MORE paperwork, in addition to what I already faxed when I followed the instructions. So I did. Then he calls months later and wants the same paperwork again, and again, and again and again. I don't know how many times I faxed tax statements and pay stubs to that jerk. In the meantime I was getting behind on my payments, because it was either eat, and have gas and electricity, or pay my mortgage. I stopped paying my mortgage and the foreclosure proceedings began. In the meantime, this A-HOLE is giving me the run around and making me fax and mail endless paperwork. Well, he gave me the run around for so long, that I missed about a year of mortgage payments. So of course, missed mortgage payments equal bad credit. In the end, Dickless B sent me a rejection letter. I was not approved due to my bad credit. Well NO SH*T I have bad credit! It was thanks to you giving me the run around! I hope he got fired, because in the end they told me that my case was assigned to someone else. Probably someone who won't lose paperwork. God only knows where my tax statements and bank information went. Either way, it's not like they can steal my identity. I have bad credit anyway!


United States of America
Same Point of contact, mislead and lied to.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 09, 2012

We have had some of the same problems with the same point of contact, Nicholas B.  I have filed a complaint report on here about him and PNC.  This company is...I can't even say what I think.  You can find my report on here under PNC Nicholas B.  Long story -In March 2012 we were behind on payments due to unemployment, was told to fill out hardship package, blah, blah, blah... they were always missing papers, not filled out, never received, etc...Finally in May 2012, he told me it was denied and could not tell me the reason.  I pushed him a little and he said it was due to "numbers, but it was very close."  Whatever that meant I had no idea.  He told us to apply for FHA and have this continue for 3 more months.  The same happened-lost papers, not filed in time, blah blah blah...I tried to call in and make payments and I was told not to, that it would affect our chances of getting a loan mod.  Finally in August 2012 I recieved a FORECLOSURE letter!  I called and spoke with Nicholas B.  I was outraged, very angry and all he could say was whatever PNC had instructed him to say, never really explaining it to me until...I insisted on knowing why the first mod in May 2012 was denied.  This time he gave me an answer of "you applied for a modification last April of 2011 and you can't apply for another one."  Which is not true, we applied for one in 2010, we had a refinance in 2011.  Anyway, after being told this I went onto exploding in anger telling him, if he would have told us this in May, we could have tried to catch up on 2 payments, instead of 6 payments, going into foreclosure, and now having to file bankruptcy (chapter 13) to save our home.  In the meantime we were also scammed by a company -Attorney Alliance Union aka National legal associates aka attorney network group aka LCNPC (they had several different headers on their papers sent to us) saying they could help us.  We had paid them $1950.00 for legal representation only to find out our house had gone into foreclosure and they did nothing to stop this...Bankruptcy cost us $1200.00 and then some.  So now we are in further debt to the tune of  $3150.00.  SOMETHING HAS GOT TO BE DONE TO STOP THESE COMPANIES-MORTGAGERS, BANKS, AND SCAM ARTISTS.  I am reporting both companies to Consumer Affairs, my Attorney General the Bar Association,Financial Fraud Enforcement and any other company I can find who may help me or ruin their reputation.  It's sickening to say the least.

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