  • Report:  #1332403

Complaint Review: Power Places Tours Inc - boulder Colorado

Reported By:
Power Places Tours Whistleblower - Alabama, USA

Power Places Tours Inc
valmont drive boulder, Colorado, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Power Places Tours 2017 Peru Trips Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living Insolvency Warning

This company at high risk of insolvency with significant debts and judgements against it.

Anyone signing up for their tours is in danger of losing significant amounts of money should they suddenly go bust. 

Extreme caution is advised.

If one searches the web one can also see how many of their staff quit in disgust about how customers are treated, and confirmed their bad integrity, dishonesty, their disposition to cheat and lie, fraudulent behaviour and bad intentions toward all that is good and wholesome.

This company has a proven track record of luring people including several transformational speakers to the sacred sites where they are then abused, harmed, threatened and caused very significant financial losses.

Do NOT use Paypal to sign up and read the below reports first containing many Power Places Tours reviews. You may lose your deposit and this company usually causes problems after the time limit for a Paypal claim has expired.

They have a reputation for suing people.





Employees of Power Places Tours confirm cheating, ripping people off and dishonesty. Power Places Tours is operated by Toby and Theresa Weiss, and the internet is filled with reports of people losing money, being cheated, subjected to SLAPP suits and harassed to remove true reviews.

They have confirmed that people do indeed get ripped off and are ripped off often through a fraudulent surcharge - here is some of the testimony which can also be found on the internet (as proof) without too much trouble. 

I worked for Power Places Tours for a very short time and although the owner made me sign a contract that declared I was an "Independent Contractor, " she treated me and everyone else like employees, controlling a great deal of how we did our work, right down to what emails we wrote. Commission for selling a $5000 trip was about $15 dollars. It was ridiculous! She left her key employees frustrated, overworked, angry and in ill health. The turn over was terrible and I finally left in disgust over the way she treated both her contractors and her customers.

Profit was always the bottom line, and the fine print of her tour conditions allowed her to take people's money in very questionable ways. What travel company in there right mind would charge a person for tour package, have you pay in full, and then three months later, after it's too late for a refund, tell a traveler they now owe $500 more dollars due to the "rise in costs." Zilch! I had such high hopes for working there, hoping it would be a rewarding experience in helping others go on a spiritual "journey of a lifetime" but so many were very displeased with the service. To be fair, many were happy too. But the energy was so bad working there, I had to leave in a hurry. 

(Source Google Review by Tammy Smith)

It's amazing how this company is still in business. I worked for Power Places Tours back in the early 90's. Holly James, Richard Rodgers and myself were always bullied by the owners, Toby and Terri Weiss. Very unethical practices going on back then. It was a nightmare working for these people. With the concept for which they market their tours one would think that they would operate their business with faithfulness and loyalty to their customers. I learned the hard way as an employee and I thank my higher power that I was only there for 1 year. If I didn't know better and I do now, I am certain that I was working for the Devil himself. 

(Tim Sanchez - ex staff member)

Thanks for sending me this update. I checked your site again only yesterday to see if there was any news. 

As shocking as this turn of events is, I cannot say that I am surprised. In fact, I will admit to doing some work for them, so I am in a strange position. I must say that the details of this incident, and the handling thereof give me pause and cause me to reconsider my limited association with PPT.

I have travelled with them four times, and have seen some behind the scenes scenarios that make me question the integrity of working for them at all in any context. I am not currently in a position to slip you any gory details, but let's just say that some aspects of "New Age" business are just as questionable as mainstream, if not heavier on the snake oil. 

Sorry to hear about how this all turned out, and I tip my hat to your example of honesty and tenacity. If I can see any good coming from giving you more details, I will let you know. I am not in a position to be taken to court and fined these days, but at least I can choose who I associate with. I'm on your side...

(Richard Rodgers - Ex Staff Member)

I worked for PPT back in 2010. Let me tell you what the few weeks I worked there were the absolute worse weeks of my life. Teresa is extremely verbally abusive towards her employees and her business practices are completely disgraceful. Before this job I was in the mindset I am an employee I follow what my boss says; well let me tell you what I have never been so verbally abused and disrespected in my entire life. She was so cruel and just mean. She fired me because I got to the point where I'd have to hang up on her because she would not stop calling me names; idiot, moron, stupid, etc... When I was emptying my desk I came across a letter written by a maid of hers sent to the office (I know this sounds weird) but the maid explained that she wanted help for Teresa because Toby was abusive with her (Teresa). I don't know what the point of sharing this information is but I just want to reiterate to you (which I am sure you already know) these people are extremely unstable and if there is a devil on Earth it is definitely Teresa & Toby Weiss. 


I worked for Power Places Tours for a very short time and although the owner made me sign a contract that declared I was an "Independent Contractor, " she treated me and everyone else like employees, controlling a great deal of how we did our work, right down to what emails we wrote. Commission for selling a $5000 trip was about $15 dollars. It was ridiculous! She left her key employees frustrated, overworked, angry and in ill health. The turn over was terrible and I finally left in disgust over the way she treated both her contractors and her customers. Profit was always the bottom line, and the fine print of her tour conditions allowed her to take people's money in very questionable ways. What travel company in there right mind would charge a person for tour package, have you pay in full, and then three months later, after it's too late for a refund, tell a traveler they now owe $500 more dollars due to the "rise in costs." Zilch! I had such high hopes for working there, hoping it would be a rewarding experience in helping others go on a spiritual "journey of a lifetime" but so many were very displeased with the service. To be fair, many were happy too. But the energy was so bad working there, I had to leave in a hurry.

(Name withheld for legal reasons)

Ramona who worked for them also confirmed that the surcharge is not what it seems.

The “surcharge” has always been a standard there. It has nothing to do with any fuel surcharge at all, it’s just bad management. The owners Toby & Teri Weiss are desperate for clients so they underquote in the hope of getting enough people on a tour. They need 10 people to sign up to give a free space to Gregg Braden or whomever the speaker is. If that number is not achieved then the cost passes on to you in the form of a surcharge. Another reason is that someone did not factor in all the costs correctly or the wife Terri decided to join the trip for free at your expense or they did not book the space when they should have and later when the costs went up they found that they did not make enough profit, there are myriad of reasons why they make up the surcharge. You would think that a couple who organized tours about mind, body and spirit would be a little evolved but they are very callous and there is nothing spiritual about them. It’s all about the money. They live and keep their money offshore in St Croix and just have someone in Denver act like an adminstrative asst. All their staff always hated them intensely and the speakers just tolerate them for the free trips.

I suggest that you demand to see the letter from the airline they are using, that the fuel surcharge is this ridiculous amount of $795 in addition to the base fare and taxes. Then contact the Better Business Bureau & the office of the Attorney General in Colorado and file a consumer complaint about fraudulent surcharges. Also contact any travel ombudsmen who can act as a mediatior, the one at Costco comes to mind or Conde Nast Traveler. 

Find the name of the airline and call their head office and ask the sales manager what the fuel surcharge has been SINCE THE DATE YOU BOOKED. I guarantee you it cannot be more than $50-$100 per person if at all. There are only a limited number of airlines that fly to Lima out of Miami, so call all of them if you don’t know which airline. All airlines publish their fuel surcharge online in the form of press releases so it would not be difficult to find. No company can simply demand such a high fuel surcharge. In the business, we always receive a notification from the airline if the fuel surcharge goes up and we routinely send it out to our clients if asked and in all my years I have never seen it to be more than $50pp.

Caution is advised.





2 Updates & Rebuttals


Whistleblowing website made about Power Places Tours, documenting the cheating and containing other useful evidence.

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 15, 2016

There is a new whistleblowing website online about Power Places Tours that details the behaviour and Gregg Bradens involvement. They tried to shut Free Spirit up but the scandal got out anyway, as one would expect.

It is here:-


Power Places Tours run by Toby and Theresa Weiss is a company at high risk of insolvency with outstanding judgements against it 

Ripoffreport Report Image

They are run by Theresa and Toby Weiss who are masterminds of a dishonest travel company responsible for causing many people losses. They also sue people, lie in Court, threaten people with harm and loss, and are a menace to all that is good and wholesome.

Power Places Tours learned some spiritual lessons in why those who abuse, bully, cheat, lie and steal are the ones trhat have to take losses.

Power Places Tours are cheats as well as very dishonest in their dealings at the sacred sites and many people have been ripped off or threatened.

They do not tell the truth. This site tells the truth.

Anyone signing up for their tours is in danger of losing significant amounts of money should they suddenly go bust. Extreme caution is advised.

A lawyer confirmed that some of their associates write fake 5 star reviews and are not customers of the business.

If one searches the web one can also see how many of their staff quit in disgust about how customers are treated, and confirmed their bad integrity, dishonesty, their disposition to cheat and lie, fraudulent behaviour and bad intentions toward all that is good and wholesome.

This company (in association with Gregg Braden) has a proven track record of luring people including several transformational speakers to the sacred sites where they are then abused, harmed, threatened and caused very significant financial losses.

More evidence of bad business practices, cheating, dishonesty and SLAPP suits. Beware of Theresa and Toby Weiss of Power Places Tours.

#3Author of original report

Tue, October 11, 2016

I want to upload lots of evidence onto rip off report to help people who are the victims of SLAPPs and other lawsuits filed by Theresa Weiss of Power Places Tours. They are based in Boulder, Colorado. Lots of people are being cheated and ripped off.


Theresa Weiss is a dishonest liar that takes advantage of people and defaults on judgments when she loses a lawsuit. She has no honour or decency and should be exposed for this behaviour. She calls herself spiritual but does not have any moral values at all. She is this person.


She changes her business names so that people think it is not Power Places Tours but it is the same company, same oweners, different name.


People should know that they can talk because they have no reputation left and thus are immune to vexatious and abusive defamation and harassment suits filed to shut people up.

There are screenshots that show people being sued, harassed, caused losses or ripped off their deposits.

There is much evidence that people can pass on to their attorneys.

It will help you defeat a SLAPP or give you a good defense for your lawsuit.

People dealing with a lawsuit filed by Power Places Tours and Theresa Weiss should stand their ground and not give up. They are almost out of business anyway and Theresa Weiss will run out of money to file more lawsuits. People can take to the web as well to tell the truth as it all helps to defeat this abusive company.

Other names to look out for are Toby Weiss, Richard Rodgers, Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living 2017 and any tour run by Power Places Tours in 2017 with or without Gregg Braden.

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