  • Report:  #970555

Complaint Review: Preffered guest Resorts - Internet Florida

Reported By:
Chris - Belfast, Co. Antrim, Other, Ireland

Preffered guest Resorts
Internet, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hello Everyone from Ireland

I've just discovered I've been scammed maliciously and premeditatedly defrauded out of $898 U.S. dollars, so need to know the truth really urgently about this company. I've been an international private investigator for 30 years and dealt a lot in high level public health and legal matters. This, however, has me highly incensed, it's is now personal. I trusted these 'people', as have countless others I've recently discovered. Barely a quarter hour after our two-hour phone call and my attempted ones back to them as explained below, did some rapid research into them. I smell litigation coming in for these filthy criminals.

In short I had a pop-up appear on my pc screen saying I'd won a $3,000 dollar 'spending spree' with the below company, which was part of the/a package deal holiday to Orlando, with hotels etc. In the early small hours that night I rang their UK number on the ad (which I was told was diverted to the U.S.) when I spoke with the first man. I spoke to three in this order: Edward Green, Jeremy Whitehall and Dennis Shoemaker, the latter being from their verification department. It was pretty much the last of my/our small pension savings but I decided to go for it as I desperately needed a holiday.

At 62 I've not really had a proper holiday in 30-odd years and they did, sound very sincere. It's the first time anything like this has ever happened to me, so I'm not a happy person. The phone call lasted about two hours, paid by them and this was what happened. Talked with endless talker Edward for about half hour or so, who then put me on to Jeremy who also talked endlessly, took my bank details and I paid by Visa, followed by Dennis weirdly not just confirming my details, but recording our conversation. Why, did they want to record anything, if all was above-board and they a legitimate business? 

They were quick to take my money before sending the itinerary, so it wasn't until shortly afterwards I had serious doubts. They gave me a UK (so they said) number to ring: 0808-1203638, which I tried the night this happened at about 3.40am, because they got the last bit of the address wrong on my verification at the bottom of the address which needed immediate correction. This should have read Southern Ireland, I repeated that to Dennis who answered me confirming it but, as you see, reads GBR. I tried the number but it said it wasn't recognised.

I tried removing the first zero dialling with the international 0044 UK code, even though Belfast is UK, no answer, ringing or engaged. Alarm bells started ringing. They also gave me a Southern Ireland number 00353-1486-4057 which I rang next day at 1.05pm lunch hour, and got a 'number not in usemessage'. Tried the Eire one again, time then being 15.35pm and immediately started to be force-fed some more rubbish advertising spiel, wasting my time, again, and stealing my credit, so I hung up and started writing this complaint. If that alone is not an overt premeditated fraud, then this surely means litigation to stop others having this happen to them.

As they are on You Tube heavily advertising, which I know as a private investigator is, largely, a fraud, then we must look further. I went on Net to try and find reviews and, was this a scam? I was deeply disturbed by reports saying they were full-blown scammers, yet they have some videos on You Tube appearing to show satisfied customers who didn't look or sound ecstatic at all. I asked myself, were they just models posing for their ads, to promote sales? It's easy to arrange fraudulent adverts at the end of the day, adding to their deceptions. By 5.00am and extremely tired I decided to sleep.

I'm contacting you for some advice and help in dealing with them, very firmly. I see the larger picture of emotional and psychological distress, misery to folks worldwide from what I've rapidly gleaned, feeling that a precedent should be set immediately by powerful litigation lawyers to bring a case for the people for their unlawful psychological abuse, fraud and trauma. It's 100% unacceptable.

Some points troubling me are: I bookmarked every page sent to me via the ad including the winning "Congratulations" announcement with claim number. When I went to open the "Congratulations" page earlier, the original page had disappeared and instead now throws up a page called Priceside with a Net address of priceside.net, thus completely removing my claim number, proof of which I wanted to retain. What other deception is this? Their itinerary for me page opened OK, so I selected all, copied and pasted it below, but it's weird, coz instead of being the full colour image with big green ticks down the side, it's got red crosses. Is this because the images can't be imported? I genuinely haven't a clue about how the Net works I'm just a simple legal writer-reporter, to a very large degree.

If I were to say I'm red with rage it would be an accurate statement. However, my rage is more of a controlled, calm, clear-thinking, cold calculated unyielding prosecutorial stance against these wicked parasites. I found out shortly after my monies had been stolen by this company who then sent me their itinerary, another highly disturbing Fact. If, I had won a prize, then what was the rush to pay for it? Surely any time at the winner's convenience is ethical and honest, is it not? I did in Fact tell them I had sunk most of our savings last year into a large motorhome I'm refurbishing, around 15,000, to sell on for profit, and wasn't that well off. ( As you see from reading the itinerary it says:

"Your promotional vacation package includes ALL of the following": In the list it says: "4 days and 3 nights in the Bahamas" ****Transportation not included. Cruise option available for additional port and processing fees per person". What's with the stars bit after the word Bahamas above, has something been deliberately deleted? This is outright Fraud, Coercion, Harassment and Intimidation, all criminal offences, all needing urgently addressing, in the light of on-going complaints. 

If I and my partner were, to spend 4 days and 3 nights there as part of the deal, how the blazes are we supposed to get there? This was not part of our deal. It's outright criminal fraud. Coercing, which is forcing people to pay for a cruise to get there, is not only illegal, it is dirty, tacky, immoral, totally criminal. Easy to see where their lascivious psyches are, eyes and minds fulla dollars with no integrity, merely just little-boy criminal behaviour. I/we feel totally harassed, intimidated, utterly defrauded by these people who, through their deviousness and deception, elicited pretty much, the last of my/our precious and very valuable (to us) pension savings, on top of their psychological abuse. 

I/we wish to bring immediate criminal litigation proceedings against them with your help please. Not only for what we consider to be outright fraud and theft, but for the now continuing emotional and psychological abuse to both of us. I object, powerfully and legally to the likes of these dirty little vermin playing with my disabled partner's mind and mine. Having to write this, as racing around on the Net to do research on a firm I shouldn't have had to, is also stealing, My time. This has and is causing me and my partner a lot of emotional distress and I'm not, putting up with it.

The longer this goes on, the more their unlawful abuse to us continues, the greater exponentially grows my claim. My partner is already deeply disturbed and upset by their disgusting behaviour, it's totally unacceptable. If you know of others in the same situation with this company, and I'm sure you do, it would be helpful for you to inform them and for us all to now unite rapidly, bringing a class action lawsuit against them immediately. By following in my lead against the CEO's unlawful psychological abuse to us all, they all have a story to tell. This action, their live video stories, should be collected as One and be widely broadcast worldwide on You Tube as well as anywhere else that does human stories concerning these criminals to bring them down, stop them, and rapidly bring them into line.

These films should be copied and the videos quickly put into the hands of the litigation lawyers as well, proving their/our genuine grievances in both a court of law and on Internet. No escape for the wicked.

I have articulated our own grievances here, which is as close to a video as it gets, cutting through their advertising spiel and will be seeking a substatntial claim settlement for the two of us. Initially,  I demand our monies be immediately returned, with the interest it could have made in the bank, to be returned to my bank account in Eire where it came from. The CEO's of this company had best be aware of my macrobiotic legal abilities as a 30-years private volunteer-to-the-public, unpaid freelance Human Rights lawyer-prosecutor. I have some prosecutorial questions I will draw up shortly to put to these 'people', which I demand full and complete answers to, without any circumvention of them whatsoever. 

I'm doing this on behalf of those affected worldwide by this obscene company, ensuring they get full financial compensatory Restitution for their grievance. That, is Justice. We're all sick of and from greedy CEO's and others dishonesty, dirty liars! I've also copied some Internet web details for you to check, most recent is October just  gone. I trust this unbreakable stance of mine will help and inspire all affected globally to come out of the woodwork, claim in the litigation lawsuit and help others.

To close, for now, I give you my UK mobile phone number 0044-79-3417-4474. Thanks for reading this report and I do have personal references should you need any.
Best wishes to you all - Chris

fldreamholiday.com Complaints, Reviews, & Information 20 Oct 2012 ... Read the latest user reviews about fldreamholiday.com in United States. Consumer complaints and company contact information.

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BestEverVacations.com Reviews | Scambook 13 Jun 2012 ... Company Details. BestEverVacations.com

logo ... BestEverVacations.com Complaint 125008 for $100.00. Reported Damage: $100.00 Date ...

(((link redacted)))

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Bestevervacation.com BestEverVacation - Web Analysis 3 Sep 2012 ... Bestevervacation.com stats - web age: 3 months, web status: online, server location: Scottsdale United States, last updated: 3 Sep 2012.(((link redacted))) View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight           

Itinerary: Orlando - Daytona - Car/Tickets - Mexico/Costa Rica - Bahamas - Calypso Cay

-----Forwarded Message -----

From: Best Vacations Ever!

<> Emails I've hidden

To: Chris ****

<> Email I've hidden 

Sent: Thursday, 15  November 2012, 2:22am
Subject: Vacation Purchase

Confirmation, Dream # ***537

November 14, 2012

Account Number: ***537

Login Number: ********4486

Accommodation Date: None

Chris **** Silverbrook
Castletown Enniskeane, West Cork, .GBR

Dear Chris ****,

All of us at Best Ever Vacations in Florida, would like to thank you for the trust and confidence that you have placed in our promotional vacation package offer. Through this special offer we have arranged for you to stay at a nearby area hotel just a few miles from the gates to the Walt Disney World Resort, and only minutes from Universal Studios, SeaWorld, and much more.

You may change or reschedule your confirmed arrival dates one time without penalty. Please re-confirm

your arrival dates at least 45/60 days prior to arrival by calling 0808-120-3638 (Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., EST). Your promotional vacation package includes ALL of the following:

6 days and 5 nights in Orlando, Florida

1 week Economy Car Rental or 2 theme park tickets

4 days and 3 nights in Daytona Beach, Florida

$40 Dinner Certificate

4 days and 3 nights in the Bahamas****Transportation not included. Cruise option available for additional port and processing fees per person.

5 days and 4 nights in Costa Rica

To view your vacation information online, please visit www.fldreamholiday.com

We are privileged to have you as our guest to visit our resort properties. You and your spouse/travelling companion's only obligation will be to participate in complimentary 90-minute sales presentations of our beautiful vacation ownership resorts. Its fun and informative. We think you will love it.

Have a magical vacation experience!

To view a full package description and complete details of participation, please go to www.fldreamholiday.com. Please contact us with any questions at 0808-120-3638

The Management & Staff
Florida Dream Holiday

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Belfast, Co. Antrim,
Re. Recent Fraud Report filed with you

#2Author of original report

Fri, January 04, 2013

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Chris Rowley. Around two months ago I filed a fairly detailed report with you re. BestEverVacations - Florida, who also go under the name 'Preferred Guests'.

Interestingly I received a phone call about four weeks ago from a lady in the UK (Jean) who was deeply upset at having had the same scam pulled on her. She was also extremely distraught at how her young daughters' dream had been smashed by them. I have her phone number if you would like it as she saw my report on your website.

This is intolerable, 100% unacceptable. I'm now respectfully asking you to please; notify and rally round all those good folks who have been criminally abused by these low-life 'people', to now come together quickly as One and bring a Class Action lawsuit against 'Preferred Guests' CEO with your help. Surely my own powerful report is sufficient to galavanise them into action? Have the other victims seen it yet? If not they should realise that; united as One against them will resolve this.

I for one, with my disabled partner makes two. We demand all our monies back, with full interest lost in the bank since they stole our monies. This; as well as financial compensatory Restitution for their illegal emotional and psychological abuse of us. This same tenet applies to all those other unfortunates, who are also cruelly suffering because of these mindless sub-human cretins.

I object, Powerfully, fully under the law, to these vile, evil little parasites, preying on good decent folks, especially disabled women. I'm unafraid to speak out vociferously and, the longer they delay to sort this out, the more folk should claim against them; as this is merely further illegal psychological abuse to us via their delays. I/we will, they'd best be aware I know my/our legal rights. Feel free to tell BestEverVacations 'CEO' that from me; he/she's bitten off more than can chew. To say I'm incensed; at what they have done to my partner; is to put it mildly!

I have no compunction whatsoever, in publicly lashing them so-to-speak, with a rod of unbendable unbreakable verbal iron to lick them into shape. I've a sick woman to help daily 24-7 and bills to pay, without these diseased little criminals stealing that money too, which was part of our small very modest savings; not theirs to steal and leave a very ill woman to suffer, who continues to be distressed!! How Dare they steal a disabled woman's money, and mine.

Please can you advise us at your very earliest convenience what is happening about all this and what remedial action has been taken, or will be by you in this regard? This needs to be nipped in the bud mega-fast, these people brought to public trial and forced to pay their debts & compensation; unquestionably. Who do these criminal jerks 'think' they are? Sewage minds only. 

How Dare they upset my lovely partner!!! I'd like to meet them face to face in court to heap my full wrath on them publicly. Are 'Preferred Guests' likely to settle out of court, or go the whole courts way, maybe to prison? We'd be more than happy to oblige the CEO of 'Preferred Guests' and all the other men I named in my initial report to go to prison and us receive compensation. Theft is theft; thus they all fully deserve prison for aiding and abetting and conspiracy to steal, period. 

I will Not, be messed with. My partner's still badly suffering due to these dirty zombies. In the UK we have a Criminal Injuries Compensation Board too but, as these criminal offences occurred in U.S. A. do they have a similar Board? Will your litigation lawyers quickly resolve this for everyone over ther next few weeks, or permit this firm to continue their filthy illegal internet activities?  

I need to be able to lift this sorrow from my ill partner very very quickly OK? They are exacerbating her very illness. I'd consider killing them if I thought they were even remotely alive!!

Do you have a separate email slot to send private information to such as email addresses or phone numbers, as this would greatly help if you don't like that sort of info in any public reports?

Kind regards - Chris



#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 20, 2012

This morning i got conned into this ! im just wondering if you ever saw your money back ? im going to the bank and trying to sort this out as soon as i read this they have takeen over $1000 from my account and its all my saving :( i want to cry but i know that not gonna do anything. will i be able to see my money again if i have called and they said they will send 700 back in the next 3-5 business days ?

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