  • Report:  #361617

Complaint Review: Premier Fitness Mademoiselle Spa Curzons John Or Giselle Cardillo! - Mississauga Ontario

Reported By:
- Whitby, Ontario,

Premier Fitness Mademoiselle Spa Curzons John Or Giselle Cardillo!
Head Office: 5100 Dixie, Mississauga, L4V 1C9 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a former employee of the above mentioned disgrace of a company, I have seen with my own eyes, how far these people will go to take your money and then do anything to never give it back. I worked directly for Head Office and travelled to multiple clubs during my employment which lasted from October 2005 - December 2006. Let me tell you, the attitude of these people is across the board awful!!!

I can not even count the number of times I had to assist members who had cancelled their memeberships months, sometimes even years previous and were still being billed. I found it hard to believe people didn't notice these charges but many were very wealthy individuals who were unaware until their accountants started questioning these debits. These members had proof of cancellation however the paperwork on Premier's end just conveniently disappeared. I know 100% this is due to Managers of clubs not wanting to get in trouble so once the member would leave after cancelling, the request to cancel was just thrown away.

On many other occasions I had to help because members were being double billed and having an impossible time getting their money back. I actually spoke to one manager who told me that John Cardillo himself will tell his staff to "Double bill every client and if only 50% notice, well we just made $3 million dollars." This absolutely disgusted me and I found it very hard to believe until being there only about 3 months and seeing all these "cancelled" people coming in and freaking out. If you're lucky enough to get them to agree to refund the money, it's a whole other story of when and if ever you'll receive it. I know many cases where people just gave up because the hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars they were out was not worth the hassle of getting it back.

And when it came to payroll...don't even go there. As a head office employee, I only got paid once a month and I'm sure you could see how that is a little difficult to budget and work around. Well John Cardillo would just not sign people's cheques and then go out of the country or just out of town for a few days. I didn't understand why until another manager said "Look how much interest he makes by just keeping it in a few extra days, were talking thousands of dollars!" So you went from waiting a month to get paid to maybe 5 or 6 weeks!!!!!

These people have no consience, I don't even think they have souls. I told my husband I had to get out of there before I was condemned to hell! Please take it from an honest, hard working, young mother. DO NOT join PREMIER FITNESS!!!!!!! Do anything else, try another gym although I know the whole industry is riddled with these low lives. Try doing it on your own, honestly there's a lot less pressure and you won't have some pimply faced high school kid trying to sell you boxing and telling your how fat and unhealthy you are. Trust me, I saw that too!

I hope I have helped even one person on their journey to health and well being. It should not be so difficult to be happy and healthy especially when you're spending upwards of $50/month. Good Luck! And if you run across John Cardillo, tell him he's going to h*ll!

Madison Patrick

Whitby, Ontario


4 Updates & Rebuttals

One who got ripped off good

Zerona Canada Inc rips off clients and center owners

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 25, 2013

I am warning all people interested in opening a Zerona Clinic. You will be told many lies. You will be ripped off and scammed. Just follow all the people who the last year signed up. They all paid either $29,700 or $39,700 t get their life time license fee and then they pay the monthly Zerona Laser leases with a rip of leasing company called Equirex who also scams the heck out of you. You will be asked to pay a click fee for the lasers and pay $5 a click every time you turn that machine on.

You will be over charged on clicks that you never ordered. You will pay $103,000 per zerona Laser but guess what. You can get the same Zerona LAser on ebay for $27,700 and shipping $3000. Oh and dont worry you do not need to pay for clicks there. Giselle Briden, Len Sprat and Taytha Mallett are all very well trained to lie up story after story. Before you sign up with them you will get short notice and a MUST SIGN by midnoght to get approved.

Oh and wait check it out these people have ripped off so many center owners its not even funny. They claim to not be a Frenchisor but they make up all rules, charge you $5000 so called MIST every month and Giselle Briden uses that money to sue you after she runs your pockets dry. Search them before you sign a contract with them and lose all your money. They have their head office out of Barbados all of the sudden, dont pay tax and keep ripping off thousands.

Madison Patrick

United States of America

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 23, 2011

this is the real madison, from whitby, on and i am astonished that someone would come on here claiming to be me and issue some phony apology!
i have never been in rehab and have no other reason for saying these things besides they are true.  clearly someone working for or with these theiving liars peruses these websites knowing they're on here!
pitiful really.  it's not hard to locate all the negativity surrounding this company...just google or yahoo it...it's there.

Da Truth

Gimme a break. Who made you apologize?

#4General Comment

Thu, May 27, 2010

I believe Madison Patricks original story 100% (except his apology).

My better half was a personal trainer with Premier for over 2 years and she has seen it all. Ask anyone who currently has labour board claims against them. I know of at least 10 trainers who reported routine mysterious deductions off their pay. Their paychecks often arrive 2-3 weeks late with no explanation (and they only get paid once per month). To top it off, they bribe their employees to take pay cuts by holding back their checks until they sign a new contract. One of "Canada's best managed companies"? Not even close.

Yep, great bunch at Premier head office. And yes, they do rip off their customers. Dont take my word for it, check the huge investigative report in the Hamilton spectator http://www.thespec.com/specialsections/section/Pumped. Oh and they were fined $200 K in 2007 by the competition board for false advertising.

If you absolutely must work out at a Premier Fitness location, DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD #.

Jim C, Burlington ON

Report Attachments

Madison patrick

Formal Apology

#5Author of original report

Thu, March 25, 2010

I wish to issue a formal apology to John Cardillo and the people at Premier Fitness.  I had just come out of rehab and was very angry with them.  They are not to be blamed, I am.  I sincerely hope my actions didn't cause any loss of business for Premier Fitness. 

I also falsely stated my name on this report, I am not Madison Patrick and I am not from Whitby, Ontario Canada either.  I did this because I was afraid someone would contact me from Rip Off Report and didn't want to be held accountable for my actions.

Again, please accept my apologies, John and the staff at Premier Fitness.

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