  • Report:  #1072717

Complaint Review: Primewinn - You watch shop share while we steal your money - Burbank California

Reported By:
Unbelievable - California,

Primewinn - You watch shop share while we steal your money
1812 West Burbank Blvd, Suite 701 Burbank, 90201 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Primewinn is another attempt by the founders of Winnol - the colossally unsuccessful startup that went out with a whimper. Why did the go ourt of business? Because the CEO is an idiot, wouldn't understand a business plan if it hit him in the face and can't keep his hands off his female employees. He and Anthony Weiner should be friends.

primewinn is trying the same in unsuccessful formula of rewarding consumers for watching ads.   Great idea if you actually do what you say you are going to do.  It's full of contests, sweepstakes and giveaways, that for the most part dont exist.  They didnt award any of the giveaways promised at Winnol.  I know because they were holed up in the CEOs office.  They did buy many of the prizes to award, it's just funny that we see the same prizes being offered  on primewinn.   It's a scam designed to make the small unsavy business owner, and potential investors think there is this a great company is behind it.  There is no real company and its not.  Winnol, just got kicked out of their offices in Glendale for failing to pay rent and Param Bedi was busy preparing  this exit plan that would effectively shut out his old investors while snaking the money away to form this new company on stolen money.

Param is liar, a crook, and thinks he's a genius,   Many believe he can't even read. Well if we let him get away with this, he might be the smartest idiot  in existence.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Bad Timing

PrimeWinn, Jasleen Singh, Param Bedi, Lies and Lies and Lies

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 28, 2013

Funny, last week, PrimeWinn went public and claimed that they already had over 20,000 advertisers and soon would have 100,000.

Now, in this rebuttle the PrimeWinn "inside" person stated that Param Bedi has a relationship with SEVERAL advertisers.

How does one go from 20,000 advertisers to SEVERAL advertisers.  Did 19,997 advertisers suddenly drop out in the last days?   Or were they never there to begin with?

My hunch is that, PrimeWinn lies and lies and lies, just like Winnol lied and lied and lied.    

Makes sense, PrimeWinn is the same company as Winnol, Jasleen Singh and Param Bedi are the same co-founders.  They didn't suddenly become pure. They did become more evil and evil and will only become more evil.

For the fun of it, I just called one of your so called Website advertisers and spoke with their director of advertising.

  Why would you expect that no one would check you out?

Surprise, she never heard of you. She never spoke with you, She never gave permission for you to use her store. She is the head of advertising. No advertising is approved unless it goes through her? 

Gee, why is this surprising? You highlight her store many times over on your fake front Website.

Why do you only scam, fraud and lie to the public?  

We who worked for the Winnol company know the truth way too well. We watched you, Param Bedi and Jasleen Singh, day after day, lie to your investors, lie to your staff, and lie to every person asked to do business with the company.  We even watched you lie to each other. 

Winnol was an embarrasing lie to the consumers who never existed. Telling new investors that we had thousands of consumers was a total lie and how many times over did you make that announcement? You were a total lie to all the business advertisers who allowed themselves to support you. You screwed them good.  And, you were a lie to all the celebrities who people in trust brought to you. They all got screwed by you. You turned their trust up side down and ruined everyone's releationships. Then there were all the content providers who were willing to be your first clients and you screwed all of them as well.

All Winnol did was waste everyone's time and money with senselee fraud and endless hype over nothing.

 You have no guilt?  You have no shame? 

You are a shame and a disgrace to all honest Indians living in America. Your cheating and lying have given Indians a bad name in the business coummunity. Decent Indians and honest Indian business professionals hate you for what you have done to them. Lots of good people have to pay a high price for your crimes and evil.

You say, "Hate the Haters"?  Param Bedi and Jasleen Singh, how about stop destroying everyone and everything with you years of lies and devastating misrepresentations and bogus promises. You have ruined everyone who gave you their hand to help you. You stabbed everyone in the back. Everyone.  No one was spared from your evil ways and self-centered lives. 

Expect a visit from the men and women who carry handcuffs. Your time is coming to an end.


"Haters Always Hate" That's Brilliant and Stupid is As Stupid Does

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 28, 2013

I am truly amazed at your statement "Haters Always Hate".   It is so brilliantly immature and yet somehow perfect.  

The truth is there is no hating going on.  No hate, just hard cold simple truths.  And thank you for your moment of complete stupidity in admiting that Param Bedi is behind this new farce. You guys have gone through great lengths to hide the fact that he's behind the new Primewinn venture.   It's a fact the Winnol investors and the authorities are going to love.

The truth is that most of your "advertisers" have no idea who you are or why you are using their brands without their knowledge or consent.   I know, because I have called several of them and they were shocked to see their brands and advertisments on your website.  I'm sure you will be hearing from their lawyers, but then again you guys are used to that.

The bottom line is that Primewinn is another attempt to steal investment money, just like you did at Winnol and all your previous ventures.  Your MO is exactly the same, Get the investments, skim the money, bankrupt the company....  The Primewinn business is nothing more than a ruse to gain investor confidence, and pretend you actually have a business.  You don't.   There are no patents. There are no "deals" - because nobody with any brains will do business with you.  And Param has burnt so many bridges - he can't show his face at any agency without them laughing in hysterics.

Why don't you do the right thing and come clean?  Tell your former investors what's going on.  Talk to people that once cared about Winnol.  Help them get their money back or do something meaningful for them, instead of hanging all of them out to dry.  There were so many great wonderful people at Winnol and you guys pissed them all away. All due to the arrogance and idiocy of Param.   He's not a great man, or  great leader, he's a great con. A charming crook with no remorse. And to top it of, he's one of the biggest idiots I've ever met. Not to mention all the sexual assault stuff.  I'm ashamed to have been associated with such a massive Ponzi scheme.

Winnol has become the joke of the local business world. Even firms in the 701 Brand Building know it, including the bank.  Primewinn is doomed for failure as was Winnol, because of failed leadership, immoral and dishonest tactics.  And watch out who sell your wares to - the authorities are on to you and Primewinn.

I truly hope you will respond in kind with somthing of meaning rather than praising a man who certainly does not deserve it.


Bevery Hills,
Haters always hate

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 26, 2013

Primewinn is a great place for people to shop and make money. Also, it's a lucrative opportunity for business owner and advertiser.

Under Mr. Bedi guidance and leadership, we are currently working with several top notch business owners, advertisers and celebrities.

Learn more about primewinn - http://www.primewinn.com/how-primewinn-works


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