  • Report:  #513837

Complaint Review: PrintDirectForLess.com - Columbia Station Ohio

Reported By:
B rush - Plano, Texas, U.S.A.

Columbia Station, Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Bait and Switch
Date of Problem:
2009-09-27 11:10:20.0
Company Name:
Has this problem been resolved yet?
Submitted by:
You decide, I say buyer beware.

I believe that PrintDirectForLESS and the Perron's would do well reading and then implementing some of the suggestions in the links that I posted at the bottom of this. I have never had one desire to do harm to PrintDirectForLESS's business. All I have desired is for my "complaints" and "questions" to be recognized and for them to read through their terms with the mind of a customer and apply some business sense, not just attack the customer and dismiss my questions and hide behind some terms that they only read. That is as simple and complex as it gets. But as you can see it has not happened.

It was a very very very firm position that I had no legitimate issue because they have these (in my opinion) strange terms. Linda did after I posted this for a while did offer me a small discount on a future order as the same time that her son was railing me that I had no position and my questions were not valid. It just does not make sense to me, when I started out just trying to find out what happened with my order. I never made any demands, never asked for anything other than an explanation. All I got was some terms thrown in my face and a postion that my complaint is not valid. What I have stated about how I went about makeing my order and my communications with them has never been challenged. They just state that their terms dictate that the email and verbal communication between the customer and the company are not valid and the company is not responsible for any communication between the customer and company. Becasue I relied on that communication to put forth my order, I am have no valid complaint.

I am a small business owner with some of the same challenges and understand some of them, but I would not take the position that the questions have no legitimacy and blame the customer and threaten High Power lawyers on the customer. This just flames the issues. I guess since one of the owners is a lawyer, this is how they see the customer-a nail and they are the hammer. I guess it is a new one, Crush the customer approach to customer service. This has grown into something bigger because of this approach and me feeling the blows of the hammer.

As you can see Ed Perron states he is a lawyer and Diagnosis me as being insane

Additionlly in Texas, it is legal to record phone conversation. I have spoken with Linda Perron and she does not deny that I communicated my order via email nor that I communicated with her staff about my order, she merely continues to hide behind her terms which you need to read prior to doing business with them.

Ed Perron states in an email below that "I am an attorney and have several very high powered attorney connections who can...". The Ohio State Supreme Court does not list him as being admitted to the practice of law in Ohio   http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/AttySvcs/AttyReg/Public_AttorneyInformation.asp
but he does in the below email purport to be an Attorney. His Linkedin profile has him attending University of Dayton for 6 years see http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ed-perron/5/478/121 they do have a law school...


Hi Ed,

1)       The page has been updated with the name of the person who posted it.

2)       If you disagree with the content of a complaint page, then you should contact the person who posted it directly. Its not part of our service (nor is it possible) for us to verify the accuracy of complaints posted on our site. Everyone who posts to our site agrees to accept responsibility for the content of his/her own posting. Thats why, unlike other complaint sites, we do not allow anonymous complaints and every complaint page is required to contain the name of the person who posted it. In addition, each page has a link that allows you to contact the person who posted it via email.

3)       Were a Canadian company, our servers are located in Canada , and all billing is done through Canadian credit card processors so we operate under Canadian (not US) laws. In Canada , the Supreme Court has ruled that consumers are entitled to post complaints on the internet.

4)       Im only aware of one case in the USA where someone who posted a complaint on our site was sued. In that case, the story was picked up by USA Today newspaper and the complaint went from being viewed 500 times to over 5,000 times in less than a week. The company that was suing dropped the lawsuit when they realized that potential customers dont look too kindly on a company that sues current (unhappy) customers.

My suggestion is that you contact the person who posted the complaint to see if it can be resolved. If the status of the complaint gets changed to Resolved it will automatically be removed from our site.

Jeff Harris

TheSqueakyWheel Inc.


From: Ed [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: September 28, 2009 3:05 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: I have a concern about a complaint posted by someone else


Just because they put their full name on the complaint does not make it a valid complaint. You will be getting legal documents sent to you by our attorney filing a suit against your company for allowing defamation like this to go on freely without very little control of what goes on. You bascially have a place for people to post complaints right or wrong, and you do not take into consideration the validity of the complaint and the said damage that can occur to ones business due to this open complaint forum with very little policing of validity. I would have figured that you would have been told this by some legal professional? This is Law 101, and our attorneys will be filing a suit against your company for allowing public airing of disputes that constitutes the slandering and defamation of anothers business and livelihood, with false and untrue accusations. Yes, there is free speech, but when it interferes with business progress and advances and diminishes the ability to operate a business due to false accusations, not only will you be liable under the law Federally, but the person who posted the message will be liable in a civil suit nature. And the guilty party will be liable for legal costs as well.

Just so you know, it is illegal to post items like this freely on the internet at a site like yours without proof of what is being said by someone, and especially without having the ability of a rebuttal of the party being slandered. Why? Becasue the information can wrongly dame anothers ability to earn a living or a company to lose sales. If the information is accurate and true and proof is provided as such, then a public forum like yours is allowed.

You can choose to do what you want to with this this person who posted this message, but if it goes back up it is not going to bode well for your company, who is already going to have a suit filed against them. I am just telling you from a legal perspective, that the sooner you take action to rectify the problem, the lesser your penalties and fines are going to be once this gets to a court room. And this filing will happen in Lorain County of Ohio, and you are going to have to attend a hearing here in Ohio for this.

A timely response is expected.

Ed Perron jr.
National Sales Manager
800-301-8870 x 201

----- Original Message -----

From: Jeff Harris

To: [email protected]

Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: RE: I have a concern about a complaint posted by someone else

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your email. We dont allow anonymous complaint to be posted on our site, so I have removed the complaint page and have informed the person who posted it that in order to put it on-line again, it would require his/her full name to be attached to the complaint.

Jeff Harris

TheSqueakyWheel Inc.


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: September 28, 2009 9:44 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: I have a concern about a complaint posted by someone else

Name: Ed Perron
Status: Other

You have allowed some to post a complaint on your website that is entirely false and innacurate about my company, and that person who posted the complaint has listed first and last names of people who are attached to these false accusations. Because of this you will be receiving legal paperwork from our attorneys and you will be sued for allowing this type of inaccurate and defaming information to be posted without facts, and allowing people who are insane a place to write anything they want, just because they have a forum to do so. We are asking you to take this information off your website immediately or you will be dragged into a very costly legal suit that you cannot win. I am an attorney and have several very high powered attorney connections who can get your website turned off and black listed within 7 Business Days. Contact me directly at 800-301-8870 X 201 to discuss this matter. Ed Perron.

Orginal Posting

I contacted Print Direct for Less sales manger Ed Perron Jr. via email (he is one of the owners per his Linkedin profile) and requested a quote for a complete mailing.

I submitted an excel spreadsheet with Names, organization, Department, titles and addresses for a mailing. I received a quote and processed the order via email and approved the payment via their wesite. The customer service rep Carmen Nicoll discussed the spreadsheet and requested that the slug (John Doe OR current title) be added so that the postage would be less but that there will not return to sender processing (I also have a letter from the Postmaster stateing that Items were found to have been returned...even though ther are standard mail and should have been discarded, thus incorrectly labeled adress should not be returned but discarded by the Postal service).

I paid online as direct by Carmen while I was on the phone with her and Print Direct For Less supposedly processed the order as directed. I received a letter from the Postmaster with 4 returned items. The postmaster stated that even though the items are not supposed to be returned to me, they were returning these for my benefit. Some of the returns were indeed current addresses and were indeed employed at the organization.

Come to find out, Print Direct for less without my approval and without discussing it with me, removed the department from my excel spread sheet. Because of the bulk mail postage and slug that was requested that I add, most of the mail was discarded by the postal service and if not but for the letter that I received I would never have know that Print For Less changed my order without my approval.

I contacted Carmen and she responded via email that Print Direct for Less has no responsibility for the changes that they made per their policies that I read in the pop-up (My computer does not allow pop-ups). Additionally the Owner Linda Perron stated that that I did not specifically request in writing that the department be included (I did not specifically request that any of the headings be included, I submitted a spreadsheet with all the headings listed, thus it was implied) and specifically discussed this with Carmen and it appears that she did not communicate this with the processing department. Linda stated that I agreed to their terms by making the order. I never was presented, read them nor did I knowingly agree to them.

I was faxed a copy of their terms, and they are quite interesting to say the least. In essence the terms state that Print Direct for Less accepts no responsibility for any mistakes nor changes that they made and that they reject any responsiblity for any communication via email, any communication with any sales person and or any customer service rep. Read them for yourself. They are so far out there, they are laughable. Buyer beware, read them and then determine if you really want to do business with an organization that truly believes that.

From their website

PrintDirectforLess.com is not responsible for relaying any communication that is done between our employees and our customers as it relates to an order and pertinent and vital information with any and all job details, if it is not physically stated within the customers personal account under that specific order number.

It is the customers responsibility to place ALL pertinent and vital details in their specific order, and that is the only information that PrintDirectforLess.com is responsible for following, since the production process we undertake is solely relying on the information that clients give us in an order. ALL client orders are viewable by clients 24/7/365 and all information in those orders are viewable 24/7/365. Messages can be left in all orders by clients 24/7/365 to communicate with PrintDirectforLess.com about ANYTHING that is pertinent and vital to producing the clients order to their satisfactions, and this is the only information that PrintDirectforLess.com is responsible for following, and the only information that each and every client can hold us liable to follow.

Yes, read them again. The all capitals is what they put.

I placed the order through email and on the phone and never knew anything about their terms. Additionally Linda stated that I read them when they pop up in a pop up, well like most people I have pop-up blocker and thus never knew they were there nor read them. I never received any sort of apology, nothing but blame shifting to me. Theses terms appear to me that Linda Perron the owner understands that they have quality control issues and she desires to blame the customer and refuse responsibility. I am researching the web archives to see if these were the terms when I submitted the order of if they changed them after I brought this to their attention. None the less this would scare me off if I would have known they existed prior to my order.

This is my story, you decide if you want to do business with them, I say find another company, one that understands customer service and does not believe what Printdirectforless has posted in their FAQ and terms page.

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