  • Report:  #1478818

Complaint Review: Profitcoins.io -

Reported By:
D. Terry - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

United Kingdom
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Overview Reviews About  Profitcoins.ioReviews  426  •  Great  profitcoins.io   Reviews   Write a review Excellent   66% Great   10% Average   1% Poor   1% Bad   22% Filter by: Rating  English  Trustpilot's Compliance Team reported this review 4/21/2019 3:40 AM for violating Trustpilot guidelines.   Dartanyan Terry 1 review Updated Apr 20, 2019   Review removed   Warning about investing with ProfitCoins.io (Read this first before you give them any money!!!)

Warning: Please read this before giving ProfitCoins any of your hard earned money:

Also: please notice carefully that all of the email addresses listed for ProfitCoins below were returned as undeliverable. When and if you send a message to them, they all bounced and come back to you as undeliverable.

Please read my recent customer service correspondence to ProfitCoins using their online contact us window:

April 18, 2019

Good morning. 

I have been having problems with your website profitcoins.io and also my individual investment account with your company.

I have been gradually investing money with your website and Company beginning March 1st 2019. I have invested $300 U.S. to-date --- which you still have in my ProfitCoins account as of this morning April 18, 2019.

I have read numerous reviews about your company before investing. They all seemed to be favorable. 

I have not had any major problems with the exceptions of logging into my account on the weekends. The site seemed to be down for maintenance each time that I attempted to log in on Saturdays and Sundays. I didn't pay much mind to it. I figured that you were doing maintenance on the site on the weekends. I eventually was able to access my account again each Monday.

In order to give your company and new website a try, I have initially made three separate deposits to ProfitCoins in the amount of $100 U.S. each through CoinMama. I was initially impressed at how rapidly I started to profit. 

However, as a test, I decided to make three withdrawals in March 2019 as follows:

Profitcoins Withdrawal Request

3.06.2019 0.00088 (successful)

3.11.2019 0.0009


3.24.2019 0.0008


These are the 'only' withdrawals that I have been able to make from my account. I have attempted to make withdrawals this month (April 2019) unsuccessfully.

Each time I have attempted to make a withdrawal, I have received an error message that stated that I needed to wait until the previous withdrawal was processed (please see attached screenshot). 

This immediately alarmed me...as I have not been able to successfully withdraw anything from my account in the month of April. It is almost as if someone other than myself were making withdrawals from my account.

I immediately began chatting with Marcus in your fresh chat online customer service window. (Please see our conversation attached below.)

I have initially been impressed with your company and website. I have had others to inquire about it as well. I have given it a favorable thumbs up until now. I have also been sharing it with other individuals as well. But, before I invest any more of my money with you or share the opportunity with anyone else, I would like to know what's going on with my account.

Can you tell me when this problem will be resolved? 

I would like to be able to have access to my investment when necessary. 

Thanking you in advance.

Best regards

Dartanyan Terry

Attachments: (see attached screenshots)


Freshchat conversation with your representative Marcus beginning on April 15th 2019 is as follows:


Typically replies within few hours


Hello there! Need help? Reach out to us right here, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!


I attempted to make a small withdrawal today from my account. 

However, I received a quick message across the screen in a red and white banner that stated that 'I needed to wait until the previous withdrawal had processed'. 

I have not made (or requested) a withdrawal from this account since March 24th 2019 in the amount of 0.0008.

Can you tell me why I am receiving this message and that it will not process my current withdrawal request today on April 15th in the same amount? 

Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Best regards

Dartanyan Terry

Mon, 6:52 PM

16 Apr 2019



Did you receive that withdrawal?

No. As I stated earlier, I received an error message when attempting to make a withdrawal. I have been having problems attempting to log in on the weekend. I simply thought that you were doing maintenance on your site. I have had several occasions attempting to log in when the site would not even come up for me when I put the website in my browser. This led me to believe that there may have been an interface problem because of Maintenance that you were doing on the site.

Tue, 2:28 AM

 I just attempted to withdrawal again this morning at 2:43 a.m. on April 16 2019. This is the error message that flashes across my screen. I have only ever received two withdrawals from my account. Both withdrawals were last month for the month of March 2019. I have not attempted to make any withdrawals until this month in April. Can you help me with this problem? It seems to be some sort of technical glitch. It will not allow me to make this third withdrawal. I have not had any problems making a deposit to the account. But, I am not able to make any withdrawals at this time.

Tue, 2:46 AM



Please wait until your previous withdrawal was received successfully processed before requesting a new one.

Sir...there is no withdrawal. I attempted to make a withdrawal a day or so ago. But, I received the error message (that I just sent you by screenshot). I want to re-emphasise that I have not made or received any withdrawals from this account since March. I tried for the first time to make a withdrawal a couple of days ago. This is the error message that I received. I have not received anything since March.

I have only ever received two withdrawals from this account, ever. Both were in the month of March 2019.

Tue, 3:09 AM



I will ask the IT Department to cancel the withdrawal on this account. Please provide with your email address.

Tue, 3:12 AM



Thank you I will let you know when it's cancelled.

I I want to re-emphasize that I have not received any withdrawals since March. Unless, someone else has attempted to make it withdrawal from my account, there should not be any withdrawal request in your queue.

Thank you.

Tue, 3:13 AM




I I would like to make another withdrawal. But, as you can see from the screenshot that I sent you, I am receiving an error message. Your system has not allowed me to withdraw anything since I requested my last withdrawal in March. I have not been able to withdraw anyting this month in April. I have only ever received two withdrawals, both being last month in March.

Thanks thanks again for your assistance.

Tue, 3:15 AM



I understand that please kindly wait until your previous withdrawal has been cancelled till you make another.

Thank you for your patience.

Tue, 3:17 AM


Good morning. I am checking back to see if you found a resolution to my inquiry and problem that I asked you yesterday. I really do like the business model of your new business and start up.

I have decided to give your business a try and to invest money with you. Others are also asking me about the ProfitCoins business. This is a test and trial period for me. I would like to be able to recommend your business to others. But, I need to be able to make sure that the process is fair and equitable. I am trusting you with the money that I have invested with you. I need to know that I can withdraw my money without incident and problems when I need it. I need to know that the bugs are worked out before I invest any more money in your company...or refer your business to anyone else.

So far, I have made two withdrawals back in the month of March with no incident or problems. However, when I decided to try to withdraw something this month (in the month of April), I received an error message that said that  'I needed to wait before the previous withdrawal had cleared'.

To re-emphasise, I have not received anything or try to withdraw anything before that. It's as if someone else were making a withdrawal from my account. It is probably only an electronic glitch possibly with your software. I know that on the weekends I have been having problems logging in to my account to check my balance. I just assumed that it may have been hey. Where you were upgrading or working on the software. I am giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Were you able to come up with a resolution? 

Thanking you in advance. Best regards.

Wed, 6:59 AM


(4.18.2019) Good morning. I was wondering if you were able to find a resolution to my error message problem that I have been having when attempting to make a withdrawal? A couple of days ago you mentioned that you would confer with your IT Department to see what the problem was and then you would let me know. I have not heard back from you in over 48 hours now. Can you please update me on what the problem may have been? Thank you so much for your assistance. Best regards!

6:27 AM  by Freshchat

 by Freshchat

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