  • Report:  #969473

Complaint Review: Prospect Management - Glendale Wisconsin

Reported By:
Golden Justice - Shorewood, Wisconsin, United States of America

Prospect Management
5645 N Green Bay Ave Glendale, 53209 Wisconsin, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Apparently I have wasted my time studying statutes, landlord tenant law...there seems to be nobody enforcing landlords and property managers anyway. My 21 year old daughter responded to a roommate ad on craigslist 2 months ago and made arrangements to look at it. She loved what she saw, the kids (roomies) seemed nice, and finally(!) a price she could afford. It was a tiny, dirty little room but a private bathroom made it more appealing. When we spoke to the ringleader master lease holding head honcho ad runner, she stated that she would be making a decision as to the chosen one within a day or three. Apparently the tenant that occupied the available room had run for the hills or been launched, it was never clear. When you are 21 you just want to get away from your mom.

So, my kid waited, put up with sophomoric questions like " will you make an effort to be friends"? "What's your fave color"? and lots of lol's before ringleader bestowed upon her the crown of glory, she was chosen!! It was made very clear in emails and texts that she needed to submit an application and fee ( we did 2, 1 for co signor) plus a security deposit. Management needed to complete paperwork ASAP, my daughter was to be on an assignment of lease. Her applicafion was "approved", I wondered which one but whatev, didn't want to be sh*tstarter. This was her first real lease and apartment...how cool. Here's where things get weird. The roommate demands a security deposit BEFORE the management presents a lease. This was going to be returned to former tenant and he NEEDED it.

Ok, you guys know how wrong this is right? No check in sheet, no receipt, no manager in sight and no lease yet. I would write the statutes but it doesn't matter anyway. My daughter moved in, painted, cleaned, contributed furniture, etc. Days went by...then weeks, no lease yet. There was someone named Stephanie from Prospect Management though but she was only in touch with Ringleader, even though the water temp in in my kid's shower was scalding with no way to add cold...useless since day 1. There are like 3 state statutes on this too but whadduino? My girl couldn't complain because...she didn't have a number or a lease in her hand. I beg to differ. I called the company, got Stephanie's numba and jingled her a few dozen times. She never returned my calls. Ever.

I have a BULLSH*T meter and it was going ding ding level 10 bullsh*t alert!!! My daughter forbid me from raising hell because the roomies got b*tchy when she kept asking for her lease. "GeeeOooD, whatsyerproblem, yer on the lease, she's BUZY, like, get a grip, whatEVER". Ok, now I'm boiling over, things are growing more tense between the girls and my kid, she has no lease and I can't have middle child coming home...you understand? She was an established tenant because she paid rent and security, that I knew. Anyway, one day I picked up the phone and called the big wigs at Prospect Mismanagement and guess what? Amelia, director of all bullsh*t, informed me that there were no applications from my girl nor was she on any lease. ???"@\$ Who's on the lease then? Where's Stephanie?

Amelias response was that she could not give me any information because Genevieve (mine) was not privy because like she said....noooo leasey nooo talky. WTF. At this point I'm thinking we're just screwed, that this was a bunch of kids BS. Pretty big fat lie though...there outa be a law but...as always, wouldn't matter anyway. Meanwhile back at the sh*thole, the other roommates are brewing up a pot of b*tch soup cuz I inadvertently let mismanagement know they were over capacity in the dump of all dumps...oh oh...really? MAYBE YA SHOULDN'T lie...I was enforcing my daughter's right to what was promised and paid for in food faith bitches! Problem was, the dumb dumbs were going to throw her out that night in the cold:( all because of my big whistle blowing right enforcing yapper. They said they would give her 30 days and keep the security deposit for last months rent...all oral conversation.

In this conversation, however, it was revealed that yeeeeesss, Amelia, queen of bullsh*t, did indeed locate the applications and fees. Ringleader told me this, not knowing it was huge info. Prospect Management promptly fired Stephanie manager at this very same time, hmmmm. Of course I was happy to send Amelia an email demanding more information on their participation in this fiasco....my kids going to be on the street, she's had no shower, her roomies are terrorizing her ( and I'm NOT kidding), and even though their rogue employee was in cahoots with ringleader to avoid "paperwork", the same paperwork that made it necessary to pay a security deposit prematurely, they refused to speak to me. My daughter was labeled "unauthorized tenant no. 00000".

Mismanagement refuses to even acknowledge her...scalding water and all. They liked her money though and according to state law, rental applications and fees should be returned with 3 days. If that had happened, the major player in this absolute scam would have been revealed. Finally checks for return of app. fees came with a letter stating that Genevieve's applications were never processed and would not be considered for processing at the request of the current lease holders...huh? Like 7 weeks later you d****ebags?? There was a lease the whole time, it's just that ringleader decided to put her friend's boyfriend on it instead of my daughter because Stephanie gave her the time and authority to do it! This is gross negligence at best, possibly downright fraud. Bottom line. Prospect Management dishonestly assisted these kids in defrauding at least 1 but possibly more innocent people looking for a place to live. They are assisting in interference of the equitable rights of my daughter while refusing to acknowledge GENEVIEVE as a human being.

I have come to understand that the mean roomies want to throw her out ASAP because if they don't, they are all evicted. That's nice in theory, however, my little girl can't come out of her room for a snack without these kids lurking at her door and foaming at the mouth, I'm a single mom in the middle of a move, it's nearly Dec, there's no suitable affordable places yet, and the chance that she will have no place to hang her hat is very real. I can't find help because she hasn't been evicted so to speak...just terrorized and used as a time machine for the other kids deposit return. This management company has created a hostile and dangerous situation and SHAME on them for doing less than nothing to make it right. Shame on the state of Wisconsin for failing to enforce the laws and making help for tenants impossible. Screw those kids too for being so selfish and fraudulent...but remember...it was authorized after all.

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