  • Report:  #3360

Complaint Review: Pulte Homes - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:

Pulte Homes
Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
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After one year in a Pulte Home what a rip of, I upgraded carpeting and padding when I purchased the home and I don't know what they installed but it's not an upgrade, The carpeting looks 10years old. The fixtures in the bathrooms are such a poor grade they need to be replaced. The air conditoning bills are out ragious, I've had the air repair here at least 5 times in one year and the out side drain for the system is ruining the

concrete thats cracking.I had My one year to repair The roof, the furnace, stucco and and on. I don't feel that Pulte is an Honarable builder or that the ads by Mr. Pulte are factual He should be held accountable for all the promises he makes to a new home owner.

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