  • Report:  #268968

Complaint Review: Quicken Loans - Livonia Michigan

Reported By:
- Livonia, Michigan,

Quicken Loans
20555 Victor Parkway Livonia, 48152 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I can confirm the following:

They have stopped hiring and I would estimate that they have placed about a 1/3 of the sales force on letter. When I say "Letter", I mean a warning that you are on the way to being fired. They call it an "Opportunity letter" which is used to as a tool to either do 2 things, make you work harder... or quit. They do underhanded things in order to make you quit, especially the unreasonable goal you have to hit in a very very short time span. In doing so they make it so they don't have to pay you with unemployment compensation. They break your will to work hard and expect you to quit (sheep to the slaughter). Instead of making a quick cut and having a lot of shake-up within the company, they do a slow, drawn out process as to make no bad publicity and make a smokescreen to ward off job security issues with current workers.

***Side Note: Upon being fired, they make you sign a contract that states you are not allowed to work for another financial institution for 10 months as well as not making contact with any other current employee of the company. I wonder why...

The Sales Teams in the within the company are all struggling to make even 1/2 the numbers they were making a few months ago due to feeding the rich and starving the poor. (With Quicken being a privately held company, they do not have to disclose their shortcomings in earnings publicly, so that is one of the reasons they do not have a lot of bad publicity) There was a meeting held at the beginning of August (invite only) that basically was explaining how the currently rich were going to be getting more rich by receiving the top leads, while the rest of floor struggles. The people who attended this meeting were able to pick what leads they wanted (quality scale: silver, gold and platinum) and receive about 17-20 per day. Not to mention they are all placed on the "Priority App Call List" (list where calls into the company from marketing are directed to them) essentially removing everyone else from the possibility of getting a "Hot Lead". So if you are a current employee and have not seen how this is effecting your pay, stand up, look at the dry erase board and think... I should have more loans by now. I then suggest to look past the self disappointment they have instilled in you during past few months, because you have not changed in your efforts. And no matter how many hours extra you put in, there are slim to no opportunities for you to make what you joined the company for, money.

Their hiring policy is suspect as well. They choose to pickup younger people (right out of high school/college) who do not have a lot of a private life to distract their work. Generally, with these people are getting their first serious career employment and will do anything to keep it... early mornings, late nights, weekends and not to mention holidays. They make you feel guilty about taking time off for anything. A majority of hires come from referrals within the company; and people who refer actually get a bonus (more than a 2 weeks paycheck to put it in perspective) for doing so. The thinking behind it is: Hire one sheep. Since sheep only associate with other sheep, that one sheep then refers 3 sheep friends... and so on and so on. Constantly replacing the smarter ones who can see past all of the smoke and mirrors with a potential pyramid scheme of hiring glorified telemarketers into a sweatshop. They call it "We Eat our Own Dog Chow". Appropriately named in my opinion.

As for customer complaints:

Deposits will not be refunded unless Better Business Bureau or legal action is threatened. Employees are trained to tell clients that they will be refunded minus costs to do the start up of the loan. Generally if you order an appraisal and it comes in short, you will not get any money back, because the banker (starving and needs to pay his/her own mortgage) will then order a 2nd appraisal and wipe out the left over money from the deposit. The other side of that, since the market has made a down turn, and loan programs have been eliminated due to the secondary market (Mortgage Lenders, Banks, and other Investors) are no longer buying loans from QL. So, unless you can be flipped to a program that still works, you can be 1 day from closing and be eliminated from our system and no refund given. Since the loans eliminated were the Alt-A programs (more risky, higher priced loans) 50-75% of those loans were terminated with no deposit.

***Countrywide just laid off all of their Alt-A originators (the number is roughly 500) within their company... Suntrust Bank just laid off 2,400 employees... Capital One just laid off 1,900 employees... not looking good for QL. I wonder why the TVs in the office were turned off today? (first time they have been of since I was hired)

With regards to online applications:

If you were to go on our website and start placing your information online to get a quote on today's rates, and get to the end of the process to the point of where you click a button to "Accept being called by a banker" and close out the window instead of clicking accept... your information is still stored and processed into a lead in which you will receive a call. Why bother asking at all? Seems like a breech of rights to me...

As for the boastfulness of QL:

"We are the number one online mortgage lender in the United States." Caveat being the "online" part. We are not by any means controlling a major percentage of the market.

"We have been rated number 1 by Forbes, Fortune and Money Magazines." We are actually only ranked #1 for the best place to work in the field of IT, not mortgage sales.

The promise of a service called the "Loan Tracking System" is a false item as well. There is no such program that will actually track your rate against the market for better pricing. Its just a timer; that every 90 days from the time of close, the lead pops up in your banker's Que to call and see if they want to refinance again based on the current market. And say market rates are better than your current loan, we are trained to promise "at no lender cost to you" loans, which means: You still have to pay everything all over again except $275 for underwriting and $575 for processing (Wowzers.... big savings ) Now, unless you are a good banker and can structure the rate to absorb all of the costs (which in turn spawns bankers inserting costs on top of that to get paid more off the extra charged...) So the loan tracker does is nothing, and the client can pay the same costs as a normal refinance at a higher than market rate. Padding the deep pockets of QL since they take at least 70% of the extra costs charged.

It is only a matter of time before this company goes under, they are just a middleman in the industry who don't have the financial backing to stay alive if big organizations like Countrywide are on shaky legs. Honestly, who is going to buy loans from a struggling company who cannot be trusted to "Do the Right Thing" (to quote another ISM) when originating loans when they themselves don't have to deal with for the long term.

Suggestions: Stay far away from this company. Do not give a credit card deposit for a loan. Read all of the fine print. Don't ruin your family life by getting hired into this heartless sweatshop.

"The strength of the wolf is the pack. The strength of the pack is the wolf."

Which is a perfect saying used by upper management to prove my point.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Livonia, Michigan


19 Updates & Rebuttals

Proud Ex-employee

Follow up?

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 02, 2007

Mildy Amused, I am sorry to hear about your recent bad luck at Quicken. The good news is that this will be a blessing in disguise for you. First of all, the sigh of relief when you leave the Quicken offices for the last time is honestly one of the greatest feelings in the world. The feeling of knowing that you never have to go back to that place again is indescribable. You will know what I mean when you experience it. Also, the best part about your experience will be that you will appreciate your next job that much more. You will be making more money, working less hours, and enjoying yourself MUCH MUCH more. You will never ever take a job for granted again. I hope you are able to move forward in your professional life with as little down time as possible. In the meantime, I hope you are making the best use of your remaining time at Quicken. I left Quicken in early July before a lot of this craziness happened. I wasn't put on letter so I don't have the documentation for a lot of the things that Eric Morath is looking for. I hope you are able to help out with some of this because I am sure that Quicken's day is coming soon. Also, please pass on the word about this website at work. I know "The Guy" restricts use of this site, but maybe bankers will feel like adding their 2 cents from their home computer after their 14 hour work days days.


This is sad

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 24, 2007

I have to say this is all really sad. I was fired at the end of August. I was not put on the letter. I was fired for a very stupid petty reason, when everyone else was getting canned. I had very very good production for my tenure, about 2 million or more in folders 4 straight months until August, when all the products got dropped. I struggled in August terribly. I bought into Quicken. I was a newlywed and quit my great job to work at Quicken because i believed it was an awesome oppurtunity. I defended Quicken to the death to my wife when she questioned the hours. I got in countless fights about me working 12-14 hour days for my 24k salary. Looking back on it i feel stupid. So yes i got fired at the end of August for a very very stupid reason. I think i would have been put on letter anyways. But now my unemployment is in jeopardy because they say i was let go because of "Employee Misconduct" which is bullcrap. I was a model employee even when i started to hate it there. I learned after i was fired that both my director and vp were coke heads. Nice. I was fired for this petty reason, but you two are stuffing that crap up your nose. Hypocrites. So, now i have a new home, a new wife, no job prospects, and maybe no unemployment. I am not blaming this all on Quicken, but its just sad that so many people buy into the lies and "kool aid". I have many friends that work there and i wish them well for as long as they choose to work at Quicken. But to everyone else, please do not give them a penny. There are so many other lenders. Choose one that treats their Employees right. Yes they throw X-Mas parties with Kid Rock. But who cares when you are working 14 hours a day and your marriage is falling apart. I hope that all Ex-Employees have moved on to better things, good luck!


Sagamore Hills,
To Mildly Amused

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 23, 2007

I am sorry that they screwed you, but once you are officially gone from the company, you will be so relieved. You will have your life back. I too had drank the Kool-aid but after I saw the total lack of humanity this company had, I found a much better job before they could fire me. You are the best example of what a joke this company is. You were very loyal and believed all their BS through all this. You were able to "ignore the noise" when you knew of all the drug abuse their. They had no regard for you and they have no conscience. They are making your life hell and making coming to work feel like going to jail. Please, as the previous post states, contact Eric and provide him with the documentation so he can tell the truth about what a shady company Quicken is.

Jonathan Smith

Great Email....right on the money

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 22, 2007

You did a great job explaining the situation at Quicken Loans. Eric Moroth at the Detroit News is finally writing about all of this for an extensive article about Quicken Loans. Rip off Report has done a great job in allowing ex employees tell the truth about their experience working at Quicken. Eric is looking for one of those opportunity letters if you have one call him at 3139099596. Keep up these great, honest emails.

Mildly Amused


#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 22, 2007

I am ashamed to say all of this is true, it took awhile for the wolves to turn on me but it has happened. I went on vacation and was put on letter. This after Dan Gilbert sent out a companywide voicemail stating how this was a good time for any and all employees to take their vacations. I have also joined the new overtime lawsuit today. Might as well, they are trying to screw me, and i legitimately worked at least 80 hours a week. The kool aid has a bitter taste at this point, i have been asked for my resignation at least 10 times this past week alone. All indications are that i will be fired by the end of the month. Even though i am in the top 25% of bankers at my location. So i apologize to all those i may have upset with my initial posts defending Quicken. But i am a adult and i can admit when i was wrong. I also sent an email to Tom Walsh asking exactly the type of documentation he would require to write an atricle and i would probably only have a couple of weeks to get it. I am bitter, this was going to be such a great opprotunity when i started and it has progressively gotton worse and worse. The level of negativity and stress that are just looming over the entire company makes it hard to get up every morning to go to work. I so badly want to quit, but i am trying to generate as much documentation as to what is going on at quicken so that when i do go apply for unemployment i will be able to at least put up a good battle to get it. I have heard most have not been able to collect unemployment from quicken because they are fired for Production. It has basically broken down into a HOSTILE work enviroment, i am not only tired of listening to all the threats, yelling and intimidation but i am very fearful that one of the 1000 people they have fired over the last 2 months is going to storm the building and shoot it up. It is a bad scene my friends and it is getting worse. Good luck to all

Proud Ex-employee

Response from the media!!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

I wrote to Tom Walsh and Daniel Howes from the Detroit News who wrote a similar article that same day. I told them about how they weren't laying people off, but firing them left and right, how they haven't adjust goals to take into account changes in the market, and how they are taking away a lot of the perks the company originally offered. Daniel replied to me. Here is his response....can anyone help me out???? Email him if you have any of the stuff he asked for: Very interesting and you're right about the hurdles in reporting a story like this. Most important question: Can you, through contacts you probably still have there, get me any documentation letters, e-mails, etc. to corroborate your observations? The environment is rather poisonous on this score right now and there are a lot of unsubstantiated rumors and potshots flying -- DCH __________________________________________________ Daniel Howes Business columnist & associate business editor The Detroit News 615 W. Lafayette Blvd. Detroit, MI. 48226 W: +1 313 222 2106 Mobile: +1 313 632 1945 mailto:[email protected]


Bloomfield Hills,
Contact the Media - Detroit Free Press

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

Danny can't BUY them all off to keep OUR story quite. I've called them and is active at working with them to get this in the NEWS PAPER so that the City of Detroit and the US knows about DANNY GILBERT AND HIS SLAVE SHOP. I also wonder how the IRS feels about him not paying taxes for overtime pay - that has to be in the hundreds of millions. We should also tip them off, I bet they would love to hear how he cheats the state out not paying the people overtime for working 80 hours a week.

Proud Ex-employee

The Media

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

I also sent a lengthy email to Tom. If nothing else, I hope he just stops writing this rubbish about how great Quicken is.

Proud Ex-employee

The Media

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

I also sent a lengthy email to Tom. If nothing else, I hope he just stops writing this rubbish about how great Quicken is.

Proud Ex-employee

The Media

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

I also sent a lengthy email to Tom. If nothing else, I hope he just stops writing this rubbish about how great Quicken is.

Proud Ex-employee

The Media

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

I also sent a lengthy email to Tom. If nothing else, I hope he just stops writing this rubbish about how great Quicken is.


Sagamore Hills,

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 23, 2007

Guys, keep contacting the media (Tom Walsh). There are some that are interested in doing a story and telling the truth about the way they are treating people. If more of us are willing to share the story and provide facts, the better. Steve


Sagamore Hills,

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 22, 2007

Brian, I just emailed the Tom Walsh and the reporter from the Detroit News who wrote a similar article. Hopefully more will do the same. It is very sad what they are doing to my friends still working there who have families to support and other obligations.


Bloomfield Hills,
Contact the Media - Tom Walsh

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

"We think this is a blessing in disguise for the company because we think that there's so much carnage out there -- less competitors, less people buying marketing and advertising on the Internet where we play. Although it's painful for the whole industry and everybody going through it, we think it's one of those things that's going to be beneficial to us in the long run," - Dan Gilbert **This is a joke Danny, you think we're nut's to believe this is a blessing for your company. Your wallet is the only blessing for you, everybody eles is hoping that they can refi or sale their home due to your PRODUCTS you pushed with David Hall TV AD's. ** The Detroit Free Press ran this story last week. The reporters name was Tom Walsh. Contact TOM WALSH at 313-223-4430 or twalsh @ freepress.com - (no spaces between his e-mail). Maybe if knows the REAL Quicken Loans he will change his view and run. I bet he dosen't even know that 462 ex-LO's is sueing the company for treating them like SLAVES. LET HIM KNOW, THE MORE OF US HE HEARS FROM THE BETTER.

Proud Ex-employee

I concur.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

I agree with both of these posts. It really is a shame what Quicken has turned into. I worked with them for just under a year and I quit in early July, just before the real madness started. At the moment when they escorted me out of the building, I felt like I was able to let out the big deep breath that I had been holding for 11 months. That is how much relief I felt. To know that I never had to walk into that building again, call a client 50+ times without an answer, CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE for the deposit, and most importantly, leave work after a 15 hour day only to have my cell phone ring every 15 minutes for a voicemail and have to log back on once I got home. To those of you who have left Quicken, you will know what I am talking about. And to those of you still stuck there, I hope you are able to experience this soon. I can't even imagine the tension around that place right now. From my understanding, people are being put on letter left and right. They are given goals (i.e. 12 books in the next month). And these goals are monitored throughout the month. So lets say a region hasn't fired the necessary quota of people this week, they can re-evaluate the guy who was put on letter. If a week has passed and he isn't on pace (3 folders a week), he's out. It's sad. And everyone knows it. Most of the people who are on letter don't even care. They aren't even trying to reach these goals. They know that Quicken is just waiting to fire them, so why bother? One more fun thing to do...call the Quicken number and test one of their sheep, I mean bankers. Ask them about the Secure Advantage and listen to them tell you that it was a "limited time promotion." Challenge them as to why, play dumb, and if you so dare, let them know how fantastic life is on the other side...


Sagamore Hills,
I confirm everything that you said

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

Wolf, I also am a former employee. I signed the letter without thinking also. I was just shocked that I got it. I was less than 6 months on the floor. I had 3 good months and 2 bad months. The bad months came in what Quicken Capital Markets VP Bob Walters stated in the local newspaper the worst mortgage market he has seen since the 1980's. Being new to the business and being told in training that this company would stick with you if you worked hard, I assumed I would fight through the tough times and stick it out. The company had other ideas. I saw the writing on the wall with their BS letter and immediately called a company I should have went to work for before and got an offer in a timely matter. So luckily I didn't need unemployment. I started yesterday and feel like I have just gotten out of prison. What a nice change of pace. Totally professional and an 8 hour workday! Quicken does make you feel guilty if you go home after 10 or 11 hours of work. The bottom line is, they feed a few people they want to make successful with the leads from everyone else. They have a priority application call list, which are screened incoming calls, that are by far the highest converting leads. They used to give to the top 500 in the company, but last week out of the blue, they pulled them from anyone who was not on the list to be fed leads. We were always told that you earn these, but now even if earned, they yank them away and give to only the ones they want to feed. It is funny how the people that are being fed say things to other bankers like "Ignore the Noise" with all that is going on. I wonder if they will ignore the noise when the company gets around to screwing them? I am just in shock that the media hasn't gotten ahold of these sad practices. These people that that they are screwing have families and obligations. Companies that lay people off are getting a bad rap in the media, when if fact they are being much fairer than Quicken who is not willing to let the slave waged bankers get what is owed to them in unemployment. They make is so bad, that most quit. There is no time to interview due to the hours, so most will be without an income. But Dan, Jay, Bill, and Pat will look good since they are slowly firing the sales force and not laying off. I never thought of being laid off as a good thing until I see the other side. The ones that do not quit due to the letter will put in even crazier hours before being fired.


Sagamore Hills,
I confirm everything that you said

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

Wolf, I also am a former employee. I signed the letter without thinking also. I was just shocked that I got it. I was less than 6 months on the floor. I had 3 good months and 2 bad months. The bad months came in what Quicken Capital Markets VP Bob Walters stated in the local newspaper the worst mortgage market he has seen since the 1980's. Being new to the business and being told in training that this company would stick with you if you worked hard, I assumed I would fight through the tough times and stick it out. The company had other ideas. I saw the writing on the wall with their BS letter and immediately called a company I should have went to work for before and got an offer in a timely matter. So luckily I didn't need unemployment. I started yesterday and feel like I have just gotten out of prison. What a nice change of pace. Totally professional and an 8 hour workday! Quicken does make you feel guilty if you go home after 10 or 11 hours of work. The bottom line is, they feed a few people they want to make successful with the leads from everyone else. They have a priority application call list, which are screened incoming calls, that are by far the highest converting leads. They used to give to the top 500 in the company, but last week out of the blue, they pulled them from anyone who was not on the list to be fed leads. We were always told that you earn these, but now even if earned, they yank them away and give to only the ones they want to feed. It is funny how the people that are being fed say things to other bankers like "Ignore the Noise" with all that is going on. I wonder if they will ignore the noise when the company gets around to screwing them? I am just in shock that the media hasn't gotten ahold of these sad practices. These people that that they are screwing have families and obligations. Companies that lay people off are getting a bad rap in the media, when if fact they are being much fairer than Quicken who is not willing to let the slave waged bankers get what is owed to them in unemployment. They make is so bad, that most quit. There is no time to interview due to the hours, so most will be without an income. But Dan, Jay, Bill, and Pat will look good since they are slowly firing the sales force and not laying off. I never thought of being laid off as a good thing until I see the other side. The ones that do not quit due to the letter will put in even crazier hours before being fired.


Sagamore Hills,
I confirm everything that you said

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

Wolf, I also am a former employee. I signed the letter without thinking also. I was just shocked that I got it. I was less than 6 months on the floor. I had 3 good months and 2 bad months. The bad months came in what Quicken Capital Markets VP Bob Walters stated in the local newspaper the worst mortgage market he has seen since the 1980's. Being new to the business and being told in training that this company would stick with you if you worked hard, I assumed I would fight through the tough times and stick it out. The company had other ideas. I saw the writing on the wall with their BS letter and immediately called a company I should have went to work for before and got an offer in a timely matter. So luckily I didn't need unemployment. I started yesterday and feel like I have just gotten out of prison. What a nice change of pace. Totally professional and an 8 hour workday! Quicken does make you feel guilty if you go home after 10 or 11 hours of work. The bottom line is, they feed a few people they want to make successful with the leads from everyone else. They have a priority application call list, which are screened incoming calls, that are by far the highest converting leads. They used to give to the top 500 in the company, but last week out of the blue, they pulled them from anyone who was not on the list to be fed leads. We were always told that you earn these, but now even if earned, they yank them away and give to only the ones they want to feed. It is funny how the people that are being fed say things to other bankers like "Ignore the Noise" with all that is going on. I wonder if they will ignore the noise when the company gets around to screwing them? I am just in shock that the media hasn't gotten ahold of these sad practices. These people that that they are screwing have families and obligations. Companies that lay people off are getting a bad rap in the media, when if fact they are being much fairer than Quicken who is not willing to let the slave waged bankers get what is owed to them in unemployment. They make is so bad, that most quit. There is no time to interview due to the hours, so most will be without an income. But Dan, Jay, Bill, and Pat will look good since they are slowly firing the sales force and not laying off. I never thought of being laid off as a good thing until I see the other side. The ones that do not quit due to the letter will put in even crazier hours before being fired.


Sagamore Hills,
I confirm everything that you said

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2007

Wolf, I also am a former employee. I signed the letter without thinking also. I was just shocked that I got it. I was less than 6 months on the floor. I had 3 good months and 2 bad months. The bad months came in what Quicken Capital Markets VP Bob Walters stated in the local newspaper the worst mortgage market he has seen since the 1980's. Being new to the business and being told in training that this company would stick with you if you worked hard, I assumed I would fight through the tough times and stick it out. The company had other ideas. I saw the writing on the wall with their BS letter and immediately called a company I should have went to work for before and got an offer in a timely matter. So luckily I didn't need unemployment. I started yesterday and feel like I have just gotten out of prison. What a nice change of pace. Totally professional and an 8 hour workday! Quicken does make you feel guilty if you go home after 10 or 11 hours of work. The bottom line is, they feed a few people they want to make successful with the leads from everyone else. They have a priority application call list, which are screened incoming calls, that are by far the highest converting leads. They used to give to the top 500 in the company, but last week out of the blue, they pulled them from anyone who was not on the list to be fed leads. We were always told that you earn these, but now even if earned, they yank them away and give to only the ones they want to feed. It is funny how the people that are being fed say things to other bankers like "Ignore the Noise" with all that is going on. I wonder if they will ignore the noise when the company gets around to screwing them? I am just in shock that the media hasn't gotten ahold of these sad practices. These people that that they are screwing have families and obligations. Companies that lay people off are getting a bad rap in the media, when if fact they are being much fairer than Quicken who is not willing to let the slave waged bankers get what is owed to them in unemployment. They make is so bad, that most quit. There is no time to interview due to the hours, so most will be without an income. But Dan, Jay, Bill, and Pat will look good since they are slowly firing the sales force and not laying off. I never thought of being laid off as a good thing until I see the other side. The ones that do not quit due to the letter will put in even crazier hours before being fired.

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