  • Report:  #10669

Complaint Review: Qwest - Nationwide

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Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I too have had my fun with Qwest the telephone company.

I had called in to get internet set up with my computer. I called up, got a nice girl who took a user name and password from me, then told me that if I waited a few hours I could call up MSN and they would have my details and I could set up a dial up connection.

Well later that evening I thought I would give it a try, after an hour of running around with MSN I called Qwest back where a young man informed me that I had been told the wrong information. You couldnt have the internet set up till the CD arrived in approx 2 weeks.

3 weeks later after having no CD, I called qwest again. I was notified that a CD was never mailed to me, anmd they would rush it. Rushing the CD took almost as long as I was told to wait in the beginning.

ANyway....so finally I had the CD to get it set up. I folloed instructions as normal, entered the username and password I chose...yet it didnt work.

Using the 1-800 numbers it gave for MSN I tried to get it working, yet Qwest had no record of my username, or my real name. I spent atleat 30 mins been transfered to all sorts of diff dept's. After all that they said to call Qwest. So I did, who told me to call Msn, I called MSn was told to call Qwest...and so on....

WELL finally after 2-3 hours on the phone I got offered the Qwest interent phone number...which after I called it, didnt relate to me at all, but I explained what had been happening to the girl....and she offered to call MSN.

Lo and behold it finally got sorted out. The very first girl that I set up my username with entered the wrong username, and then put it under my husbands name, even tho I was the one who called....so no matter how hard everyone at MSN searched for me...I wasnt recorded. I finally got told what she had put as my username, and I could finally acess the internet.

Now I just have to put up with the billing screw ups. After that they didnt bill me for internet...now Im facing a double internet bill.....*sigh*

I guess thats just how it all goes...

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